(2008/08) Aug 2008

Maybe it's the Jin Yin Hua that Rona mentions.

Mrs Teng,
It's more than 2 days liao. Since Thu ... hopefully tomorrow ok .. but he having slight fever now again.

Will go get the Jin Ying Hua tomorrow.
Gotta check with maid what fish she is giving Kai now .. she mentioned before it was Garupa .... she takes some for him and the rest we'll eat for dinner.

Errr .. it's a tablespoon of cooked rice ... he will eat 2-3 mouthfulls and stopped. He's a milk drinker though .... 240ml every 3 hourly. At nite is 8+, 1+am and 6+am.

He still got fever just now .. 37.3-38 ... up and down during his milk feed. I fed him paracetomol.

What's a real measel btw? gotta go check it out.
Always hear of measels but never really know what it is.

Apart from the rashes, Kai is generally ok ... no discomfort.


Cheril only takes rice or Porridge that is whole grain, those that is not overly cooked. And she love soup.


Yes, tamago is the egg used for sushi but they added mirin to sweeten the egg and also dashi stock to soften and for taste also.. Guess the amount is very little.

Have you tried Cod fish?
Anyone knows where I can get this candle?
Mrs Teng,
yes, he has taken cod fish before, but that time he has no problem with any fish type so i that wasn't a problem before. I will go buy cod fish tomrrow, opps, in another few hours more to let him try this afternoon.
if kai is having low grade fever, you can add chrysamtuem (yu hua) with the jin yin hua. i helps to cool him down. a chinese physician taught me that the recently when BBJ was having the fever. remember to give kai a lot of water!
morning mummies

babyemma/mrs teng
thanks for the list. but my hb not keen to do it. so not sure if we will be doing it ior not.

mrs teng
bernice still prefers fish. but i'm still trying to intro bits of meat here and there for her. Else i will make meat soup base for her porridge before adding the fish in or soup + rice. that day we went sushi teh and she can eat 3/4 grilled codfish herself. doc say it's ok and we should be happy she loves fish. haha

bernice also having small red dots on her body. not alot but here and there will have some. PD said not to worry and will subside by itself.
;) hello mummies!

Dont get so stressed lah... Braiden's birthday is supposed to a happy event. Dont forget to take more pics!

i ordered sandals (open-toes kind w squeaky sound) from this website. Quality's pretty good, i must say. Cos i din like those from shoo2/mothercare/carter's/gymboree, etc. Do check this out.
mrs teng
hmm...the fish, chicken, pork...all about 1.5 tablespoon bah...dunnoo how to measure in tablespoon..but usually we buy the whole chicken breast...n chop into 4 parts to be eaten 4 times...i also buy alot of fresh silver n white fish..the small small kind...cod fish, threadfin..and some other kind my MIL buy..dunno the names leh...
my porridge dun have a lot of water also..kup kup that kind...kaer will finish all...i think she prefers meat + vege to rice...
baby emma,

err, not an option for us. we would consider lowering our masterbed to a platform queen sized bed with steps (but that would require some reno) and put another single mattress beside the bed for jonah to sleep in but that is really too much trouble.

Wah! your gal can really eat... I send my gals over can or not? you train them to eat. hehehe.. These days very naughty, dun want to eat.. want to play with food. Cheril somemore want to choose what she wants.. Meat, veggie, soup or porridge.. give wrong thing will shut her mouth and turn her head. Give right one, den open mouth big big... So it's like play jackpot lor!
mrs teng
kaer sometimes will have behavioural problems..will fuss when eating...she will want to stand up and will rub her knee against the high chair until very painful..n will cry lor..she ususally will eat whatever is given to her..but i really dunno how to keep her still when eating..sigh...i think @ this age..the little ones start to show likes and dislikes..pleasure and displeasure..so, we have bear with it bah...
afternoon mummies

baby emma,
wow!!! get rid of the bed and buy another a king size mattress with play yard and all sleep inside, i would never consider that. its too much work and my stuff are only coming 3 years old. i will consider them still quite new loh.

i'm thinking of changing yu ze's baby cot into toddler bed for him soon but i scare he will either climb down the bed and play in his room instead of sleeping or toss and turn on bed and fall off. don't know how and when then can change him to toddler bed.

wow!!! kaer eats a lot hoh. or maybe yu ze also eats the same amount. i cook 1 soup spoon of uncooked rice + 1oz babycube vege X 2 types + 1 2oz babycube fish and this is for 1 meal. sometimes he finished all, sometimes only 3/4.

he don't like soggy food so the rice can't be super soft. can still see grain kind.

maybe loh. but he did recover quite fast cos babysitter see liao also heart pain. hahah....

Yeah! they can be more den a handful. Dun know what's on their mind.


Haha! long time no post food liao... hehehe.. make you drool.

Chicken shimmered with wolfberries


Steamed cod fish with chopped spinach n pumpkin for Cheril. Clara's is on the other side without veggie, cos hers in mixed in the porridge


Clara's mixed porridge and Cheril's plain porridge (see I so poor thing got to cook different food for them)
bernice also having the spots on her boday. looks more today. doc say leave it and dont need to apply anything. but seems like getting more and i'm abit worried lei.
mrs teng,
the chicken looks yummy! sure gonna try this recipe for baby k!
should i remove the chicken skin b4 cooking? do u find it oily?
mrs teng,
the chicken looks ultra delicious. ur family's so lucky to hv you heading the kitchen. do share wif us any great recipes u hv!
Mrs Teng,
the drumstick looks very good! i also want to eat. yah man, you are making me drroolll...

try the jin yin hua to bathe bernice. no harm mah... it works for bbJ leh... i didn't apply anything on him too.

I think we've all missed drooling over your food...how are you now? better already?

Thanks for the lovely gift!
Hi mummies,

Haven't logged in for a week.

Hope you are better alrdy. The blue-black lightened?

I just buy shoes as and when I see nice ones. I think my girl has 4 pairs of shoes at my home, 2 pairs at my parents' place and 1 pair of crocs that I duno go where. This is not including the 2 pairs that she has outgrown alrdy :p I like siao mummy buying shoes all over.

Congrats! ;) Looks like your hb and you did quick work. At least you knw u can close shop liao.

RE: #2
For the gender of my next kid, I don't mind either gender. Though I think my hb and my mum and most likely my ILs would want me to have a boy next. Even my mum will say to my girl, ask you mummy to give you a didi *faints* Cos she kept telling me to quickly hv the 2nd one so that she still able to help take care.
I think my mum is still ok whether I hv a boy or not but my ILs are those very zhong nan qing nu one.
Even my friends who came to Chevelle's bday party, also asked me when I'm having the 2nd one.

Mrs teng,
take care ya? Flu not fun one and v sian cos you also cannot go near the girls. I got flu that lasted over a week, it was a real nasty feeling.
find singapore motherhood forum, aug 2008 mommies.. something like that :p

Yum yum...... Mayb I should visit u more often hehehehe

can I also send bb N to see Kaer eats ?? Wish she can eat as many as Kaer... Recently for a couple of months she also ate like bird, couple of small spoon then dun want anymore

Yest she tried the chicken nugget, liked it but I didnt want to give her alot, so give little for the taste then feed her with spinach porridge :p Happy she's start eating again not only couple of small spoon.. but think mayb I can beef her up if she can eats like K :p
yah yah. the super big one on my thigh is gone. there is one on the wrist of my left hand still there. hard to get rid of this one.

I'm feeling much better liao.. just need more rest that's all..


I did not remove the skin cos it protects the meat when shimmering.. anyway, I remove the skin and only give the meat after it's cooled down and it's not oily lor. Just dun use the gravy lor..


How was BBJ's reaction to Cod fish this time?

RE: Drumstick

ACtually it does taste very nice.. I had this 3 times a week when I was pregnant.. my mum says it's very 'bu' but not heaty lor.. Of cos, my mum will put more Dang shen for me. C & C only have dang shen in this recipe once awhile..

Anyway, did 2 cakes today... wah! quite tiring esp when I'm still not too well.. but I survived

This one for my niece.


This one for Mousse's mum

Hmm.. David hasn't really lost weight but it has more or less remained stagnant for the past few months. And he's grown taller.. so I guess looks leaner bah. Hee.. also good lah.

How was the birthday party? Had fun?

The color comes from the wolfberries. Soy sauce only half a tsp, and I get the low sodium type. The taste actually comes from the wolfberries, cos it's sweet.
mrs teng
i see...when did u start soya sauce in their diets?? im wondering when is a good time to introduce too..cuz all kaer's food all no salt or sugar..but i reckon there must be a time to start introducing...
i also don't know when to start yu ze's food with seasonings. all his home cooked food are without them. he will only get seasonings food when we eat outside food.
<font color="0000ff">Catherine</font>
think Bernice is having side effect from the chicken pox jab. coz my PD said the side effect, if any, (1 of side effects is have 'fake' chix pox) will only appear ard 6-8 days AFTER the jab.
Bernice recently took the jab right?
My PD also said if got, just leave it alone, no need to do anything wor.
i asked my PD for permission for soya sauce.. he has given green light. hahaha. he said actually now they can take most of what we are taking as long as it soft enuf.

Actually, soy sauce can be introduced liao but very small amount. Infact, most of the dried food like scallop, ikan bilis and dried oysters have high sodium level.. so technically, soem babies have already had a taste of sodium much either liao.

But be careful, some babies may be allergic to soy sauce. My god son is one good example. He's now 3 years old and still allergic to soy sauce.

Yeah! like what Cat mentioned, can liao.. just that we need to control those that are high in sodium, den dun give. Or those with MSG, can forget about it lor. I even gave them Chinese Sausage Egg fried rice with spring onion. But of cos, I skipped the sausage lah! And for Clara, I'll not give her the eggs cos she's allergic to it.

Giving these 2 treats like fried rice can be very jialat for me.. they both take turns to come to me for the rice. Imagine one by one walking towards me for one mouthful, den turn and walk away to watch TV. Den the other one come back to me. Both like that take turns, I got no chance to eat leh.. Mommy very poor thing lor!

wound itchy? can use some lotion n apply around it. think skin wanna breath or the healing part going to drop out soon pah.
Mrs Teng

u ok liao?

Hope ur both gals will be ok.

aiyo............. ur food make me drool leh.

1st the chicken, then the cake.

when u gng to cook ar? I stay at ur hse n learn.

hee hee!!

I got shooshoos shoes fm overseas spree.

They having promo nw.

plus.... u can go tanglin mall, there are interesting range there.


i saw the candle at the parkway parade party shop..next to mothercare..but i think i saw it in blue....u can go check but no guarantees have
mrs teng

MSG only outdoor food rite.........

I must learn fm u, if nt, she like nt taking alot n losing weight n getting skinny.......

me oso worry, we need 2 learn properly

wanna b our teacher ?

Glad u r feeling bit better... no joke man to fall sick yet hv 2 take care 2-now very active-bbs
Dunno can call this better liao .. but really full of rashes lor. My #1 never kenna before .. but dunno why Kai gets it.

Seems quite common amgst babies is it?
His is still quite alot ... but no fever liao.
Can go out rite?

His rashes started on Fri I think ... by Tues should be gone liao rite?
ya lor .. he looks like big boy ..
must take pic to see the difference on different days ma ... see if got improvement. Thanks to technology.

And ... the more i look at him, the more he looks like #1
means look more like daddy ... where did my good genes go?

I think dun need worry ba ... cos i oso dunno what to do ... see doc oso cannot do anything. No itch, no fever, what else can the doc do? give an advice? I feel so long he has no discomfort ... let it be lor ... just not looking nice only.

I think shld be ok ba. hehhe.
