(2008/08) Aug 2008

Sterilising Bottles/Teats
I also got lazy after the 6th mth. Only sterilised her bottles n teats once every 1-2 weeks.

Birthday Cakes
I have yet to confirm my gal's cake yet. Damn confused. We will be having abt 110 guests. Can advise if a 2 tier (10" + 6") is able to serve each guest a small piece each? I also dun want to have too big a cake coz we will be doing a eat-all-u-can buffet lunch. Aiyoh... Who to get the cake from? The buffet is gng to set us back by 3-4K liao so i dun want to spend too much on the cake.


back.... been busy collecting stamps hehehhe

Sterilising bottle
eh... didnt know many of u has stopped..I'm still doing it.. bcome like ritual liao... how to stop eh ? But only bottle n teats n the lids,never the pacifier ( well, once in a while :p )nor the food utensils hihihi

WOW...yes like Snow said I login see so many Choychoychoy hohohoho.... but really hor u r ABSOLUTELY SURE that this 1 wont joining Gayle ? *wink n grin *

MsApple n hisstory
The party looks full of fun.. great n exciting... Too bad I missed .... cant go, N n whole family were coughing...

Walking bb
N also now wanna walk walk but if we r outside the house.. in the mall, she'll point the floor n if we dont put her stand 2 walk on the floor she'll cries n screams... haiyoohhh.. young bb with big temper... I hold her hands also, n she can happily just grab my finger.. still my back waist feel the pinch :p
my mum will use sarong or anything like that, wrap her by the armpit n let her walks so like hanging her :p she'll b happy n will really pull her legs up to enjoy the hang feeling.. :p

hehehehe..funny D...busy practising the walking cos big liao leh :p almost same story with me, just diff is N is not practising her walking n missing here n there but cos ppl taking turn carried her.. since she can goes to anybody sometimes even we the family looking for her :p bad mummy hor...

all the yummy n nice cakes pics make me wanna share also :p Dunno how will it look like cos I just copy from the cake maker pages :p I havent rcvd my cd copy of pics

rona: i goin to make some ling yang for him tmr lor.. tink he too heaty liao..

mummynana: I tink a 3kg cake is enough for ur 110 guests..cos not everyone will eat and wont be eating alot also. most eat for 'yi si yi si' nia.. I got a 3kg cake for my 40+ guest and still got about 1kg left despite i give them each liao a big slice each. haha :p

ling ling: oooh looks very nice n very delicious!!!!!!! *drooling* :D
well... I cant really comment on the taste.. u see they r finished...I got no share, even the bday gal also dun have
so went ard asking guests, for honest opinion cos I need 2 know mah.. they said it's really nice so.... well.... the below 1 is not fondant cake... didnt want any at the 1st place, top tier, the cake maker has to make it in fondant cos the cream melt due to the hot weather... black forest plus strawberry vanilla checkered...

Happy bday to all August bbs... I must have missed a lot by loggin in like this :p
oh btw, here's another pic of the cake, taken by an amateur photographer ( hehehehe,hb's colik :p)


ok, should stop spamming the thread :p
u having buffet so am sure got dessert spread so u won't need a very big cake.

Bernice bday we had 70+ adults 25kids. We had a big dessert spread and I ordered 3kg cake still got left over.
my cake was 5 kg (12"+9") but I still wonder why look not as big as I tot.. guests got small small slices oredi still we ( me,hb & N ) didnt get to eat the cake... hmmmmm... did I missed something ?
yah, your cake doesn't look big leh. could it be because its very tall? that means even if you cut small slice, its quite a lot already?
morning mummies

later, going back to ttsh to remove stitches and x-ray.

yu ze loves the playground now, he will get very excited when he sees one and will walk towards it. he is enjoying his slide time. haven't got chance to take video of him coming down the slide himself. must remember to do it over the weekend.

hopr braiden will be well soon.

hubby just slant body a bit towards yu ze loh. don't really need to bend.

we will let yu ze walk whenever we are out now. unless he is tired of walking then we carry him or put him in stroller.
happy bday to pretty little ashley. =)

oh, that place looks just great leh.
lucky u decided to use it...hee hee...

i'm fine with u posting those photos, should say thx to u for sharing instead.
dun worry, hb can't see ur acc's photos. =P
his only concern is "dun show off", cos both of us has lotsa mutual friends in fb.

glad to noe that braiden ok now, maybe just give him more water bah.

the top portion of the cake looks really very nice.
morning mummies

So fast u going to remove stitches... sign of recovery....

Few days din login, braiden sick? Hope he recover speedy ya!

First Walk
bb A finally dare to walk few steps but still not steady. This gal v ambitious, try to walk fast fast w/o us help/hold her, yet she keep falling down.. actually quite fun when u see her walk... fall down... walk... fall down.... evil mummy
re: maid
want to rant about my new maid again... just fetch her on sunday... monday complained whole body itchy so brought her to see doc on monday evening... doc say it's "feng mo" & gave her some medicine to take... whole of monday & tuesday scratching all over & din dare to let her handle food and baby... tuesday evening say she want to change employer cos she felt bad not able to take care of baby & scared that she pass her rashes to baby... my HB told her that the doc say must finish the medicine & see if recover or not, the medicine is not magic & will take time to take effect... this morning again told me she want to change employer cos she cried at night due to "leg pain"... she say 3 stories house ok but 5 stories (with basement & roof terrace) she cannot tahan walking up & down!!!! damn angry & pissed!!!! interview that time everything ok but now everything not ok.... i got no luck with maids!!!!
since this maid's "thinking" like got some problem, it should also be a blessing that u detected early bah...?
morning mommies....

ya lor... wonder will the cake maker dare to reduce my order size ? hmmmm.....

Happy Bday pretty Ashley !!!! Mummy's on leave today ?
hee hee...can imagine him sliding down. =)
zynn still cannot, she will need to hold my finger to slide down. =P

dun worry lah, believe should be ok 1 lor.
maybe just take time to get used to it only...with screw inside... -_-"
wow... YZ very brave hor.. can slide by himself oredi..
He can walk by himself oredi ? N still need to hang onto my fingers.. so if I let her walks outside, means will b veryyy slowwwww plus backache hehehehe.. I do let her walk outside but not all the time.... depends on the timing hihihi

Oh, Good luck with the hands.....

I guess the bottom one will b more yummy, cos it's a moist choco black forest with the choco spread... :p
Wonder y ur hb wont allow us to see the princess' bday pics leh ?? tell him, we wanna see.. :p

The MOE place do looks very comfy.... nice n warm !

Mel Ocean
ur desc reminds me of the simpson movie.. baby maggie :p walk, fall, walk, fall hahahahaha
morning mummies

send back la. since like that .. once they complain they got no heart to work le.

good luck today at the doc. hope everything ok
snow74 & lingling,
no lah, he don't slide the correct way, he will hold the slide's side, move his butt down a bit then let go and shift his hand down and repeat this action. but he enjoys it loh. hahah... very comical one.

he still need us to hold his hand to walk. yah, a bit slow loh but just let him walk lah.

catherine & lingling,
chox har?
then the kids will be most happy...hee hee...

no lah, not u all lah.
just that we have some mutual friends on fb, so he dun feel comfy to upload lor.
its ok for me, no point think too much over such thing ya? =)
its still a long road ahead.

video it down? =P
happy 1st birthday to your lovely ashley.

sorry, i didnt ask your permission and posted zynn's pics in my FB too. oops. let me know if you want the ablum to be removed okay? btw, i think your #1 love taking pics, i asked her to pose for me and she gladly posed w a pretty smile!

omg! i think this new maid really bo sim to work for you. dont feel despaired ok? cheer up and wow, your house is really huge! ;p
maid update:

yest went to agency to collect maid's passport & WP. complained that this one no gd and wanted to change another one. agent says the good ones from phil want off day (sometimes every weekend or 2x a mth) and salary can range from $400-450. i told her to find me one for lower and pref w/o off day and she said very difficult. i might consider getting from another agency. would like to check:

1) how much are you mommies paying your phil maids?
2) does the salary include off day?
3) if your maid has off day, how many times a mth?
4) any gd agency to recommend that has good biodata of maids? i really cannot afford a $400-450 maid. my friends are all paying about $370 only.
I tink u shld send the maid back to agency. No heart to wk den no use liao. Keep fidning excuse some more. Agree wif missysz, ur hse is huge!

I am worried now. Would I be able to serve my guests at least a tiny piece wif the 10" + 6"? I wanted to get the train one like Cocomogo's, but wif Pooh and gang. But baker said tat it would look smaller and not as grand as a 2 tier.

Re: Facebook
I cannot find the group leh. Can anyone direct me? It sounds so happening! I want to join!! But I can only find Oct n June 08 groups...
most maid all problematic one, it's actually luck whether you get one with lesser problems!!!

this one is my 3rd one this year... 1st maid got family prob, 2nd maid not interested in kids + complain too many things to do, 3rd maid complain too many stories in the house... i want to move house aledi la!!!

missysz, mummynana,
my house is not really big, it's just vertical/tall... each space got one storey so we like the privacy... actually my mum also complained abt all the climbing too... aiya!!!

happy birthday to baby ashley...
send the fb group name to u le. =)

actually thx for posting their photos, as long as its an acc that my hb can't see...hee hee...
ya, she like to take photo as long as she is not sleepy.
same like all other kids, she will turn abit "missy" temper when she is sleepy lor. =P
Sorry, mummies. I am coming to the cake topic again... Think I hv to confirm soon or my Anvelle will only get a boring 2D Barney cake den. I am deciding between pinkgingerbynee, cupcake divinity and havenbakery's strawberry fresh cream cake tat looks yummy but does not hv the effect like the other bakers around since he's new to the kids' mkt. Any suggestions will be most appreciated. Thanks in advance!
ya, agree.
actually my this 2nd maid wun spoil kids, but do housework not clean 1 lor.
very difficult to bal lah, think as long as no itchy hand and funny thinking should be on the safe side liao bah?

hee hee...come to think of it, i myself is not a perfect worker also mah. =P
i tried fm, fresh milk and uht milk. and uht is the only one he's willing to drink. i did some research, the nutritional difference b/w uht and fresh milk is not significant. so i guess as long as he takes, i'll give.
<font color="aa00aa">hisstory</font>
Hmm gd idea.. need to tell my hubby that too hahaha
got slide too! wow!

<font color="aa00aa">Nini</font>
no prob! Hope braiden feel better soon! Is he teething? usually is teething thats why fever? Sayang poor baby!

<font color="aa00aa">ling</font>
cake looks beautiful
hope to see more photos of the party soon!

<font color="aa00aa">Dongle</font>
Your new maid kheng one.. my 2nd maid also.. first day come oredi say stomach pain... always lie on the floor and take panadol.. she survived 2 days only!!! Sent her back! so angry with her.

Can understand how you feel but can only give encouragement... hang in there! a good maid will come soon!
no problem.
u can just add, its up to individual if they wanna accept ya? =)

think its ok to post a simple summary here since hb should not some into forum hor? =P

thanks for the encouragement... really pissed off to the core liao...

this new maid claimed that a lot of things to do, she is ok but not ok to climb so many stories everyday... she has previously worked in spore b4 for one family for a 3 years period... the house is a flat with 5 adults and 4 children, she said that she also got a lot of things to do &amp; only slept from 12am to 5am previously... i thought she can work &amp; she claimed to want to work hard cos she has a newborn who is only 3 months old...

my HB is gg to the agency again... sianzz... talking abt maid on the floor... my mum commented that this maid say her body very itchy and then go on to roll around the floor like my dog trying to scratch himself like that!!! so ridiculous!!! very kua zhang one!!!

nice pictures... really looked like a fun and princessy event
Hello all,
We just came back from msia early this week...celebrated amelia's bday last saturday. Overall it was great fun..cake didnt taste that good - i was dissappointed as it wasnt cheap. My party had more adults than kids...so the clown we engaged ended up entertaining abt 8 kids only..hehehehe. I posted some pics here:

wow...this little ger so sweet...kekek...whose daughter huh :p

dongle, hope u can find a good maid ya...maybe can try a fresh maid nvr come to sg one...best fm phil village...cos they are a bit gong gong type..kkekeke...my maid is fresh n fm village..nvr come sg before one..although u really need to train her like a kid lor..
Had any mommies try to give bb drink Bellamy Organic milk? I'm still thinking whether to give my son bellamy instead of enfrapro
can understand ur frustration.. maids i think is all about luck. but if she already voice her views no point to keep her.
sorry dongle, just scroll up n saw yr post in the thread..wow...din kn u stay 5 storeys high leh...no wonder the maid can't take it....sorry, if i were the maid, i think i oso can't take it leh...maid is still like us, human. Unless got lift :p kekekee....sorry hope u dun take it too hard.

I got a gf who lives 3 storeys n hire one maid to take care the whole hse n abt 5 adults, 2 kids n 2 babies... wow...think dunno change how many times of maid liao..cos one maid how to take care such a big hse n family lor...
Good maids hard to come by. But i think you really need to change since she is like that already, bo bian. think when you engage the next one, you need to tell her what your expectations were, like how often you expect her to clear the house - as in per storey. I think the living area and the bedrooms need to be clean everyday. that is how many storeys already? Then you need to think if its ok to clean the basement and any other floor once a week or not. say first, so at least when the maid comes over, they know what to expect and not have a shock and all the nonsense...

u also got maid prob huh? me too
were u the one who just changed maid over the weekend or was it cocomo? getting confused liao. me on the lookout for a new one liao. this one really cannot make it. i'll be glad she doesn't harm my son or burn my house down, sigh.
yup, will feedback to the agency then see how lor... what to do...

during interview, i told them i got a big house &amp; got dog &amp; car &amp; baby... a lot of things to do &amp; ask if she mind or not... she everything ok... this maid's english is not bad kind so i dont think she misunderstood my scope of work &amp; agency explained in her language too...

it's me, just fetch this new maid on sunday... really full of problems &amp; nonsense...

im ok but i dont print money to employ 2 maids lei... i dont think my house is that big too &amp; my mum is hogging my baby whole day &amp; my mum does all the cooking from mon to fri so i dont think my maid really got a lot of things to do lor... my development got 16 houses &amp; 16 maids &amp; mostly 3 generations with so many people in the house &amp; all the other maids all worked till contract finish... my house has the least people cos only me &amp; HB &amp; a baby...

oophs, paiseh if my ranting bothers you... i shall stop for now unless some mummy ask me... thought i can release a bit of pressure &amp; unhappiness over here
Silent reader of this thread (my son is also a August 09 baby) and de-lurking to share my experience with maids (I have 2 maids and the second one changed twice alone this year so I have a bit of experience in this area).

krex78, responding to your questions

1) how much are you mommies paying your phil maids? <font color="0000ff">First maid who just renewed her contract after her home leave and takes care of my 2 year old girl - $380 with $200 bonus if she completes her contract. Second maid who takes care of my 1 year old boy - $360 with no promise of bonus yet since her performance is still weak at this point. I dangle rewards so that they know if their performance met my expectations, they will be rewarded. That way, you will notice the maids will be eager to please you. It's human nature to work harder if incentivised (like us working hard for promotions, same theory.)</font>

2) does the salary include off day? <font color="0000ff">One off day per month after 6 months probation. I always believe a happy person (with work life balance) is a happy worker so I think the day off for them to unwind is good for their mental health. They come back to work feeling recharged. We also look forward to weekends to relax, don't we? Can you imagine your boss asking you to work for 2 years without a break?</font>

3) if your maid has off day, how many times a mth? <font color="0000ff">Once a month and not more, as I can't cope at home with only one maid and two very young children (it's just my incapability :p).</font>

4) any gd agency to recommend that has good biodata of maids? i really cannot afford a $400-450 maid. my friends are all paying about $370 only. <font color="0000ff">You can call my freelance agent Bernard 98247086. He offered me one free replacement with no questions asked. He is always ready with a smile and prompt in solving my problems. His fee of about $500 is all-inclusive and is one of the cheapest around.</font>
Dongle, don't feel bad about sharing your maid problems here

Think you should let your maid go since she already mentioned twice she wants a transfer and at such an early stage of her employment. This shows she is a quitter and it is not worth your while retaining her.

For my first maid, she has seen our move from an apartment to a 4 storey house, and she has never uttered a word of complain. That's why I rewarded her with a watch, Gymboree dresses for her girl (I buy the same things for her daughter and mine to show her that I treat her as an equal), handphone and so on since she has showed commitment and loyalty. So I don't quite agree when you say most maids are problematic. Some good ones can really be great help. Maybe you just haven't found the right one

Actually, if you think about it, who would want to leave their families if not for poverty? And most are at mercy of their employers once they are here since they have no advocate in a foreign land. Also quite poor thing too yar?
