(2008/08) Aug 2008

congrats... !! now can start early planning liao hehehehe...

I still dont get it y u guys prefer 2 gals rather than 2 boys ? I mean our prev gen would like 'kill' to hv boys n boys only :p

this is what happen if speed reading n try to memorize, many info got skipped too :p
What happen to u? rest well hor..

boy VS gal
not true that gal will b easier to manage.. I only hv 1 gal n so far her grandparents ( my mum n FIL ) has give up chasing her ard :p N she's not even walk yet !!! So me also told hb, cant imagine need 2 handle 2 N at home heheheh

HI Mummies,

I havent been logging lately.. Wow so much exciting news.


U better??

Mrs Teng,
How are u?? Better?? Take Care..

Happy Mummy and E Ling,
Enjoy your party tomolo.

Well done for mummies who are still giving BM..
congrats !! The smart gal wslking oredi... the time has come 4 her 2 proclaim her independency.. :p Welcome to the world of chasing her ard LOL

Can try Pediped..but got to order online. Very comfy for and soft. Suitable indoor n outdoor.

But maybe got to wait for the shipping for days..

Will confirm w you for gymboree tmr, sorry.
Got to pick up relatives at airport maybe.

congrats! im also trying...but unsuccessful two months liao..sighz

anyways..really bizarre but my period dissappeared again..and then came back like half a month later...

im still breastfeeding...any mummies suffering the same eratic periods?
Congrats! hehe...aiya there's nothin wrong with having a tiger bb la. Hahah...we're all modern mummies! hehe...

Oh izzit My Gym opening in Tampines! THen it'll be convenient for me too!

Koolz! Bernice walking liao, congrats~! hehe...

OMG I'm still in the office. Help!!! I wannna go home to my hubby n Falisha but there're things to be diedie sent out tonite! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
3) hisstory - Still BF.. Hoping to stop soon. Personal target is 1yo
4) MummyNana - Stiff BF in morning, evening n night. Pump in closet liao. No more breast pads too! Hope to end it all when she's 1YO!!
5) rona - still BF, personal target 1yo. i don't wanna take pills to stop, so will try to stop naturally. if can't stop by 1yo, will extend.
6) Ruixuan- still giving EBM, got lots of EBM in deep freezer. Still got early March batch.. intend to give as long as there is still stock.
7) vone - still bf. intend 2 bf till my gal is 2yo.
8) catherine - partial BF, mainly at night. I wish to stop dono when will do it
9) Wendy - would like to stop already but finding it terribly challenging!
10) Rata - still giving EBM. Also got quite abit of stock in my freeer. wanted to stop when she turn 1 but now turn 1 liao still pumping (bu shi de)
11) celynlee - stop pumping but still got fbm in freezer, stop when stock finished
12) briebaby - still pumping too, feel bad to stop, guess will stop when I "dry up" ba.
13) mulberry - still BF, want to stop soon, trying to stop naturally by cutting down nbr of pump & latch per day. but so far only cut down 1 pump.
14) babyemma- still BF...want to stop but cannot stop..mark wont let me...i guess stop when i get pregnant again ..i draw the line to stop at 2 years
Babyterror oso can be quite blur sometimes. Good that you're going to her house to get stuff. That time i kena and i was superrr duperr pissed...

u talking about hellobee huh. she is like tt one, hard to get but she has the things i want then. so no choice. the charge me money to do balloon layout but it is not much of a layout i must say. doesnlt turn out nice. wat topper r u looking for...i found some nice candles at the party shop at great world

jus do yr best la. dun stress, most impt is bb enjoy himself
Congrats! At least you can close shop earlier than most of us. Hehe :p

My periods also very erratic. Suka suka it comes, suka suka it doesn't come. Can 1 month come, then disappeared for 2 months. Same like you, I'm still breastfeeding.

Wah, midnight liao. You not afraid ah? Like so scary to be working so late in the office. =x
Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
3) hisstory - Still BF.. Hoping to stop soon. Personal target is 1yo
4) MummyNana - Stiff BF in morning, evening n night. Pump in closet liao. No more breast pads too! Hope to end it all when she's 1YO!!
5) rona - still BF, personal target 1yo. i don't wanna take pills to stop, so will try to stop naturally. if can't stop by 1yo, will extend.
6) Ruixuan- still giving EBM, got lots of EBM in deep freezer. Still got early March batch.. intend to give as long as there is still stock.
7) vone - still bf. intend 2 bf till my gal is 2yo.
8) catherine - partial BF, mainly at night. I wish to stop dono when will do it
9) Wendy - would like to stop already but finding it terribly challenging!
10) Rata - still giving EBM. Also got quite abit of stock in my freeer. wanted to stop when she turn 1 but now turn 1 liao still pumping (bu shi de)
11) celynlee - stop pumping but still got fbm in freezer, stop when stock finished
12) briebaby - still pumping too, feel bad to stop, guess will stop when I "dry up" ba.
13) mulberry - still BF, want to stop soon, trying to stop naturally by cutting down nbr of pump & latch per day. but so far only cut down 1 pump.
14) babyemma- still BF...want to stop but cannot stop..mark wont let me...i guess stop when i get pregnant again ..i draw the line to stop at 2 years
15) Smurfette - Stopped pumping before Kaitlyn turned 6 months old. Latch on from the start till now, she shows no signs of stopping/weaning. Will stop when she wants to stop.
While on the topic of BP organizers, I would like to alert you to this overseas spree organizer by the nick of Jgal. I joined her Ped Egg spree using my alternate nick, KaitlynBaby. Supposed to ask my hubby to meet up with her to self-collect but he couldn't make it. In the end, I opted for normal postage. What happened was I didn't even receive the Ped Egg at all. Not even after waiting for 2 weeks. She claimed that she had posted my Ped Egg already. In the end, I found out that 3 other mummies had their eggs lost as well.

Emailed her and stuff, but she simply bo chup. Kept saying not her fault and all that. I merely requested for her to speak to SingPost to find out what happened. Said there is nothing she can do. Didn't even update on the status of the investigation that she claimed SingPost is doing. Sounds very fishy to me lor. Bought so many things online using normal postage, not once have I lost an item. Somemore there are 3 other mummies whose Ped Eggs are also lost. It's too much of a coincidence. Mummies, please beware when you join her sprees. Please opt for registered mail or self-collection. Dishonest organizer or SingPost's fault, you decide. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/2507050.html?1246119001
Sighs...no energy to be afraid siah, been working so late last few nites...really leh. Sighs...and client is still making freakin changes. Sob
just go home and come back tomorrow to work lah. better to have a good nite sleep, fresh to work then to be at work slogging away with a very tired body and soul... thik brain also auto shut down. mine will... i'm shuting down...
tree nymph
i oso wish i can do that, but my account servicing ppl says the stuff DIEDIE must leave ofis TONITE. I am going crazeeee!
Rona, Ling ling, April

My hubby recovering, but I'm still not so good.. fever still remains.. will be seeing doc again after I feed and wash up C&C.

Been trying to stay away from the gals but it seemed that they are more sticker now, esp when I'm sick... So 24 hours wearing mask lor.. so stuffy but no choice.
Rona, Ling ling, April

My hubby recovering, but I'm still not so good.. fever still remains.. will be seeing doc again after I feed and wash up C&C.

Been trying to stay away from the gals but it seemed that they are more sticker now, esp when I'm sick... So 24 hours wearing mask lor.. so stuffy but no choice.
Mrs Teng,
Weather has been bad.. Take care..
<font color="#CD3278">yuuri</font>
Keston's so handsome!!

<font color="#CD3278">Wendy,Ms Apple &amp; Happy Mummy</font>
<font color="0000ff">Happy burfdae to David, Aisleyne &amp; Adel!!</font>
huichin: no im not talking about babyterror.. I'm referring to this irresponsible seller http://babykidworld.multiply.com/ aka hellobee

LittletwinStar: Ya she told me she send out to me on Wed liao but today is SAT liao still haven't received. She didnt even make any effort to ask if i have received them... "Thanks" to her I have to spend extra money to buy the deco. I bought alot of things from hellobee... All the deco. But till now i never rec a single thing. How can SingPost lost such a big item???
afternoon mummies

you work till so late?

thanks. better. now can't wait to remove stitches so that i can don't cover up my wound. its so itchy.

don't chase after her lah. i don't chase after yu ze one. will just call out or look for him when there is silence.
Yeps! It's true!! I received the e-circular. If you want.. PM me your e-mail addy and I'll forward it to you for details

Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Phew.. I can only say this.


Mine was in mandarain, hope you can understand..
This is from my taiwanese friend.

書 ~ 會讀書,適合做學者、專家
筆墨 ~ 會成為作家、畫家
印章~ 有權勢,會做大官
算盤/計算機 ~ 會當商人、會計師,適合從商
錢幣 ~ 將來會很富有
雞腿 ~ 有福氣,表示一生將不愁吃穿
尺 ~ 表示將來可成為設計師、建築師
蔥 ~ 代表聰明
蒜 ~ 代表善於計算
芹菜 ~ 代表勤勞
稻草 ~ 適合農事工作
刀劍 ~ 能當軍官、警察
聽筒 ~ 適合醫護工作

Re: Solid food

How's bernice appetite for meat? Or is she sitll stuck with fish? These days C &amp; C just want Chicken chop.. but I can't give them cos it's too salty even after I washed away all the gravy.. Esp, Cheril.. she simply refused to eat any other food. So no choice, I made my own version of chicken for her.. I shimmer one whole piece of chicken thigh n drumstick with Wolfberry and a tsp of soy sauce.. sometimes with 2 slices of dang shen.. shimmer for about 20 mins until the water almost all gone. Taste almost like chicken chop, just that it's not soo salty but it's sweeter bcos of the wolfberries. C&amp;C can finish both the thigh and drumstick in one serving. on top of it, they also took porridge with finely chopped veggie..
converted to simple chinese

书 ~ 会读书,适合做学者、专家
笔墨 ~ 会成为作家、画家
印章~ 有权势,会做大官
算盘/计算机 ~ 会当商人、会计师,适合从商
钱币 ~ 将来会很富有
鸡腿 ~ 有福气,表示一生将不愁吃穿
尺 ~ 表示将来可成为设计师、建筑师
葱 ~ 代表聪明
蒜 ~ 代表善於计算
芹菜 ~ 代表勤劳
稻草 ~ 适合农事工作
刀剑 ~ 能当军官、警察
听筒 ~ 适合医护工作
Hi Mommies, Celyn, Dongle,
Kai kenna fever few days ago but stopped liao. Then rashes started appearing all over his body, hands, legs and his face! Thank GOd it was after his photoshoot!

He is normal except the rashes are there forever and all over his face ... like measels ... vv ugly and unglam liao

Any case for concern cos Thu I oredi brought him to see the doc. Until now, the rashes did not subside but still the whole face, body.

Those babies who had it recently, how much rashes and how many days before it subside?
Celyn, u said how many days ah? i forgot.
Hope he can recover latest by Wed ... can or not ah?
Mrs Teng,
your gals soo good, can eat so much. Kai only take 1 tablespoon of rice literally. Wonder how to increase his interest in food.
be prepare for it to last 4-5 days. some babies take 1 week. its not itchy. or maybe you try to bring him to chinese medical hall, some uncles there will know how to get some 'herbs/grass' for him to bathe. that's why my babysitter did for yu ze last time. it seems to help.

When Cheril had fever several months ago, she'd rashes after the fever subsided. Remeber was for about 2 days. Tiny red dots all over her body, arms and legs. Esp at the joint areas.

Same goes for Clara who had fever 3 weeks ago. Lasted for 2 days also.

All I did was to keep them cool and by the 3rd day, it was gone liao.

RE: Feeding

Aiyo C&amp;C depends on mood one! sometimes can eat up to 8 tbsp, sometimes just 3 tbsp. these days, they just want rice, soup and meat. Esp the chicken thigh n drumstick.. both can finish the whole thing. They'll have it during lunch n dinner.. Technically, C&amp;C finishes half a chicken in a day.
same, bbJ also had that recently. we bot jin yin hua boil and bathe him. rashes subsided quite fast, around 2-3 days for him.

think by wed, kai should be fine and glam glam looking liao.
Mrs Teng,
how are you? better liao bo? family leh?

bbJ is allergic to fish - but not sure if eat ok touch not ok or eat not ok touch ok or eat and touch both also not ok. and also i don't know if its for a certain fish or all kind of fish. now got to slowly try and test. don't know if its useful if i bring him to kk for the allergy test or not. fish is like a staple food in our family and its such a shy if he is not able to take fish.
i'm very sad leh. i hope that this is just a childhood allergy and that it will go away. i'm still quite bothered by it.

but otherwise, we are giving him anything he wants - either his food or our food or his elder siblings' food. today he had tamago sushi and ramen and udon - he doesn't like udon. kept spitting out. i think he eats very little meat. and now worst, can't eat fish too!
ur one tablespoon is when its uncooked or cooked liao? if its one tablespoon of cooked rice..quite little leh..

kaer is taking one tablespoon of uncooked rice..when cooked..it comes up to 2 bowls of porridge with meat and vege..and she will finish all...

Maybe u want to give kai more meat/vege?? kaer always has chken + fish or(pork+ fish) or (frog leg + chkn or fish)+ 2 / 3 types of vege and scallop in her porridge...so even with one tablesppon of uncooked rice..cook liao become 2 big bowl of porridge...
your 2 bowls of porridge wih all the hao liao is for one meal or two? if its for two meal, its very good, but if its for one meal, its very very good lor! bbJ cann't take so much yet leh, only one bowl porridge a meal. milk also drink like 150ml only, so i think he is really a small eater. maybe that's why ne never put on any weight for the past 4 months liao.
its for one meal..
but kaer like jia liao bee...eat so much , but still skinny skinny..sigh..her foodstuff every week damn shiong on the wallet..:p
<font color="#CD3278">Wendy</font>
hahah.. We survived the birthday party or the 1st year as a mommy? hahah

I saw D's bday pix oredi.. So cute!!

On a side note, he looks like he lost some weight.. Too active?

We just had Ashley's party this evening! I'm so glad that it's over.. hahah

If BBJ can take Tamago, he definitely can take fish liao. Cos Tamago got dashi stock in it, which also means dashi is made of kelp and Bonito flakes (Skipjack mackeral). Not sure what is the soup base for the ramen and udon you gave him, once there's dashi in it, means that he's taking fish stock.
Same goes for Chawanmushi. Btw, both chawanmushi and Tamago got Mirin in it hor.

I tried giving them pasta, and they didn't like the sour taste. can forget about giving them tomato based pasta. Will try creamy ones soon.

Verdict of C&amp;C's taste

酸甜苦辣 ~ C&amp;C can take 甜苦辣,cannot take 酸.


It must have taken you a lot of meat and veggie to yield 2 large bowl of porridge with meat n veggie with one tablespoon of uncooked rice.

I used 1 1/2 tbsp of uncooked rice also cannot yield 2 big bowl leh! Eg:

1 1/2 tbsp uncooked rice
1 chicken thigh n drumstick (cooked already den chopped meat)
1 tbsp cod fish
1 tbsp chopped spinach
1 tbsp chopped pumpkin
Steamed chopped pumpkin and spinach over sliced cod fish with little ikan bilis powder scattered over the veggie. den mashed all together before serving.

All of the above, I just managed to get about 2 medium bowls. But I must say my porridge not the watery type, it's slightly more softer den steamed rice. it's still the whole grain but not broken. C&amp;C loves it that way lor.

It's been so long since I wrote here, think since the group PS organised by Ruixuan. I read every now and then. But no time to reply, coz everytime want to reply, you all change topic liao.

Tonight got a bit of time finally.

On the topic of food, I've been very curious lately coz I don't know if my girl under eating. When you girls say one bowl, how big is the bowl huh? I cook about 4 tbs of rice, plus vege (about 2-3 types) plus fish &amp; pork/ or fish &amp; chicken. But the chicken and pork more like flavouring. She takes about half a bowl each time (our normal rice bowl). Is that normal? Or too little? After that she has dessert.

Btw, wanted to say, all your cake looks very, very good Mrs Teng. ^^
hi mommies,

need your opinion. we're thinking of getting some sort of bed for jonah that can fit our cramped master bed room. right now, he's sleeping on a bassinet cum playpen which i dun think is very safe. our room can't accommodate a full size cot, which is why jonah is sleeping in his own room on weekdays and only sleeps with us on weekends. i think some of you have cots that are smaller than the usual sized ones? are they any good? i hope to use it for #2 as well in future but it shld at least last for a year or so. i think my bassinet is not meant for 1-yr olds to sleep in, but now not much choice. of course, the other alternative is have jonah sleep on the same bed with us but i dun think he has a lot of space to kick around and we don't want to spoil his sleep cycle since he doesn't bed with us everyday. any suggestion?

my suggestion get rid of your bed and everyone sleeps on a king size mattress in a haenim 2x play yard on the floor. that way baby is barricaded safely within and wont go walkabout at night...and everyone is sleeping in the master bedroom

ah hem...that's what im doing
U are a lucky gal. my mensus came back after only 3 mths of BF. But damn zun. More on time den before I was preggy.

Re: Porridge
All of you put alot of effort into bb's porridge. Reading about your recipes make me a very guilty mommy. I only put dried scallops and pork into Velle's porridge. And best of all, hubby and I will eat the same thing as her, except that we add sesame oil and sauce. Today, I added Frog legs so guess that's better... Heheee
Mrs Teng,
that means what? but the minute i let him take threadfin (Gor fish), he will get rashes and its itchy and he will scratch himself and the more he scratch himself the more rashes he got. if i cut off the fish, he is ok lor, no ugly rashes etc. how huh? maybe he is allergic to threadfin? ramen, soup base is pork. we went sushi tei tonite lah.
Mrs Teng,
Tamago is egg right? just wanna be sure that i wrote the right thing... yah, he can take the normal hard-boiled egg and this egg sushi lor.
Shint: looks like Kai is having false mealses? Braiden got that few months ago too... It's not itchy and it will fully disappear in few days time..

littletwinstars: I got the package from hellobee today. Like finally! *phew* :D But no use la.. wanted to save then buy from her, end up I go buy from the party store, which is more ex... Haiz.. Wasted so much money. "(

Re: baby meals
Eh.. Braiden doesnt like porridge leh. He prefers rice... or rice with soup.. but not porridge. haha.. Any babies like that also?
