(2008/08) Aug 2008

<font color="#CD3278">Gayle</font>
*congratulations* Tell us when you've confirmed!

<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
Awww.. Nynn is such a darling!

<font color="#CD3278">cocomo</font>
That's a really lovely cake!! Who baked your cake?

congrats, does it mean u will not b joining us at gymboree on mon...hee

the party store closed down!!! lucky i stocked up while there 2wks ago. there is another smaller one near the other escalator, tt;s where i bot the candy floss machine. wat u need.....u can go the verge..tekka mall, got party supplies there. i do my xmas deco shopping there too

tiger girls
not true tat they will not b bullied lei

do u hope to get girl or boy this time? jonah was conceived in nov, so if i try this time in nov, i might get an aug bb, but if pop early, will be july again lor, which is pretty xian. i really wanted an aug baby! so yumin was born in jul is it? i dun mind year end baby - then my entire family will have b'days in 2nd 1/2 of the year. jonah in jul, hb in nov and me in dec, heehee.


i got this impression coz' everyone around me who gave birth had a boy in 2008! but then again, i think i would rather have 2 girls than 2 boys, heehee.
yumin conceived late nov leh, by rite she was end aug bb but pop early to be start of the mth bb... hee...

i anything aso ok... if boy, got chance to be chubby bb... if ger, can share clothes wif yumin... i already hve ger's name in mind le... hee

oh, so you want both your bbs to be born in aug to coincide with your hb's? jonah was supposed to be born in mid aug but came out in end jul. my only consolation is i got to stop BF earlier coz' my milk ss was already very low by july :p

so any particular method for girl? i'm still observing my cycle and charting. must strategise one, haha.
i tested...but positive line is very faint, but guess that still means positive bah?

if i count correctly, its abt 3-4 weeks only. haiz...not really planned but also ok i guess
guess if everything is ok i will have tiger baby. hoping for boy cos got evie liao. but girl also ok la. can share all evie's stuff.hehe.

wah lau..its like so fast lor...like just stopped breastfeeding and have some freedom for about 1 month then now back to square one. must be careful w food again. i didn't even get a chance to drink any alcohol (not that im a big drinker. but had a bottle of ice wine from b4 i was preggie w evie till now havent drink), so now must wait almost another 2 years. think the wine lao hong liao.

...having a baby really is a sacrifice on the mother lor. so many restrictions...again...for 9 mths! and for however long u breastfeed. not looking forward.

However now at least after this one can confirm close shop liao. dun need to think anymore. get all done quickly n get over this phase.

anyone else joining me? or i think i remember reading someone already preggie also right? join me join me! hurry hurry! the we can have 9 mths of 'FUN' all over again....:p
yes, tat was the original idea... hee... erm, i got no strategy leh... you can see your family trend, for us, both my mom &amp; mil had ger then boy, so mine most likely boy i think...
Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
i thought as long as the new couple come in the house everyone except the elder generation ones must hide? that's what happen to us leh, regardless of the zodiac sign, same generation and below, all must hide.
dunno leh, but i'm always the only 1 that being lock inside the bedroom by those elderly. =(
not only the wedding thingy, even new born 1st day go home also i cannot be around.
ai ya, tigeress just "chong" everything 1 lah...ha ha....so troublesome. =P
exactly lor. =)
so if prefer gal, althought no guarantee lah, try to avoid tiger yr.
tiger boy no such problem 1, also dunno why...
wow...see u guys talk abt tiger gal like so cham. hope mine is boy...or if girl also good la.. then those nosey old folks can leave her alone, dun need to join the endless family traditions.
No la, we're just saying those old time ppl are not really welcome tiger bb esp gal. We're just a live sample....... But now, ppl won't believe those superstitious thingy anymore. boy or gal still love....
Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
3) hisstory - Still BF.. Hoping to stop soon. Personal target is 1yo
my maid is from indonesia, bcos my mother can speak malay so can converse better with maid... yup, must trade between a smart but calculative or a stupid and slow maid... cant have the best of both worlds... hopefully my new maid will be ok... cross my fingers... if you really cant stand your present maid, immediately feedback to the agency &amp; make some noise &amp; also demand for refund of the remaining monies so that you can scout from another agency... my colleagues all asked me to chose a 1st time maid cos they are more obedient but i dont think i can handle the language barrier!!!

cayla LS for a week plus, average 3 to 5 times a day... went to PD twice but PD not very alarmed... was ok for a few days so i changed her milk back to enfagrow but duno y her LS came back yesterday... damn sianzzz... called PD &amp; asked if the enfagrow can cause lactose intolerance even she has taken it without problem prior to her LS... PD say maybe her stomach is weak now so she might a temporary lactose intolerance... she was given Mamil Soy milk sample but still LS but PD say to temporary change her milk to soy milk for the next 2 weeks... very heartpain cos think she lost 1kg aledi!!! if you need the names of the medicine, i will sms you when i get home...

the family pictures you took look so artistic and romantic... very nice!!!

oh, congrats, have a good 9 months ahead...

snow, pinky, mel,
not all female born in tiger year no good la, my cousin who is born in the year of the tiger has fared very well in her studies, made it to NUS accountancy and now holding a very well paid job... has 3 kids... 3 houses &amp; 2 cars and a lot of stocks and shares... even rich enough to lend $$$ money to her parents to buy a car without loan... good life lei...

now cannot say singapore is land scarce... should change to baby scarce... kkeke... all babies very precious to us, boy or gal sama sama...
If your gal still LS then maybe you stop her vege intake as well till she fully recover? Let her have probiotic as well. That's what my PD advice as my gal was LS 3 weeks back for 2 weeks plus, did culture test lucky no bacterial.
There is really a vaccine to prevent pregnancy. A kinda contraceptive. Btw, any one of you did any contraceptives at gynae? I wan to close my factory. Stopping at 1.

That list was most helpful.

Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
3) hisstory - Still BF.. Hoping to stop soon. Personal target is 1yo
4) MummyNana - Stiff BF in morning, evening n night. Pump in closet liao. No more breast pads too! Hope to end it all when she's 1YO!!
Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
3) hisstory - Still BF.. Hoping to stop soon. Personal target is 1yo
4) MummyNana - Stiff BF in morning, evening n night. Pump in closet liao. No more breast pads too! Hope to end it all when she's 1YO!!
5) rona - still BF, personal target 1yo. i don't wanna take pills to stop, so will try to stop naturally. if can't stop by 1yo, will extend.
Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
3) hisstory - Still BF.. Hoping to stop soon. Personal target is 1yo
4) MummyNana - Stiff BF in morning, evening n night. Pump in closet liao. No more breast pads too! Hope to end it all when she's 1YO!!
5) rona - still BF, personal target 1yo. i don't wanna take pills to stop, so will try to stop naturally. if can't stop by 1yo, will extend.
6)5) Ruixuan- still giving EBM, got lots of EBM in deep freezer. Still got early March batch.. intend to give as long as there is still stock.
thanks for the freebie info


present received?

keston very handsome leh.

today bought SL for pneumococcal jab.
SL is only 8.2kg. hiakz.. PD ask me to give him one more meal cos he is only 25th percentile.
Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
3) hisstory - Still BF.. Hoping to stop soon. Personal target is 1yo
4) MummyNana - Stiff BF in morning, evening n night. Pump in closet liao. No more breast pads too! Hope to end it all when she's 1YO!!
5) rona - still BF, personal target 1yo. i don't wanna take pills to stop, so will try to stop naturally. if can't stop by 1yo, will extend.
6) Ruixuan- still giving EBM, got lots of EBM in deep freezer. Still got early March batch.. intend to give as long as there is still stock.
7) vone - still bf. intend 2 bf till my gal is 2yo.
congrats gayle!

Littletwinstar: sigh!! i didnt managed to get anything AGAIN today! seriously it was a lot of challenge to buy this cake topper! I went to suntec, marina square, raffles city, GWC, Taka, Paragon and Centerpoint. I didnt manage to get any cake topper... Wasted 2 days searching for it when i can jus get it from the online supplier.. Goin to her house later.. hopefully can be fruitful trip!!

Mommies, i bought my party supplies from this lady from babykidworld. She told me she sent out my items on Wed.. but till now i haven't received. My items are worth $65 leh..she didnt even bother to ask me want to registered mail or not! So it comes as a normal mail... Like this really cok up again. So later im goin to babyterror's house to get the supplies straight. Sigh.. Big cok up.. Im still havin abit of flu, didnt rest at all these 2 days.. I realised, parents can really go to great length to do things for their children, jus to make them happy..
Yuuri, MummyNana

Thanks for your concern.. Wear mask at home for the whole day also no use.. Virus too strong.. Think Cheril already gotten the virus liao.. Now got to prepare for battle lor.
i dont like that lady too. she sold the item i reserved to another mummy cos she said the mummy paid up first. no integrity seller.

Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
3) hisstory - Still BF.. Hoping to stop soon. Personal target is 1yo
4) MummyNana - Stiff BF in morning, evening n night. Pump in closet liao. No more breast pads too! Hope to end it all when she's 1YO!!
5) rona - still BF, personal target 1yo. i don't wanna take pills to stop, so will try to stop naturally. if can't stop by 1yo, will extend.
6) Ruixuan- still giving EBM, got lots of EBM in deep freezer. Still got early March batch.. intend to give as long as there is still stock.
7) vone - still bf. intend 2 bf till my gal is 2yo.
8) catherine - partial BF, mainly at night. I wish to stop dono when will do it
Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
3) hisstory - Still BF.. Hoping to stop soon. Personal target is 1yo
4) MummyNana - Stiff BF in morning, evening n night. Pump in closet liao. No more breast pads too! Hope to end it all when she's 1YO!!
5) rona - still BF, personal target 1yo. i don't wanna take pills to stop, so will try to stop naturally. if can't stop by 1yo, will extend.
6) Ruixuan- still giving EBM, got lots of EBM in deep freezer. Still got early March batch.. intend to give as long as there is still stock.
7) vone - still bf. intend 2 bf till my gal is 2yo.
8) catherine - partial BF, mainly at night. I wish to stop dono when will do it
9) Wendy - would like to stop already but finding it terribly challenging!
Hey Moms


My Gym
Have any moms brought bbs to MY GYM before? If so.. any good? Was just informed that a new outlet will be opened at TAMPINES! Terribly excited because I live in the vicinity.
Mrs Teng,
just read that you are sick! how are you doing now? kids? have been busy so have been speed reading through all the posts and i think i might have missed out some posts. hope you get well soon and the kids are fine.
Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
3) hisstory - Still BF.. Hoping to stop soon. Personal target is 1yo
4) MummyNana - Stiff BF in morning, evening n night. Pump in closet liao. No more breast pads too! Hope to end it all when she's 1YO!!
5) rona - still BF, personal target 1yo. i don't wanna take pills to stop, so will try to stop naturally. if can't stop by 1yo, will extend.
6) Ruixuan- still giving EBM, got lots of EBM in deep freezer. Still got early March batch.. intend to give as long as there is still stock.
7) vone - still bf. intend 2 bf till my gal is 2yo.
8) catherine - partial BF, mainly at night. I wish to stop dono when will do it
9) Wendy - would like to stop already but finding it terribly challenging!
10) Rata - still giving EBM. Also got quite abit of stock in my freeer. wanted to stop when she turn 1 but now turn 1 liao still pumping (bu shi de)

heeheh.... can see trend for gender one meh?

i got no plan one leh. you can also put it as i already started after yu ze is born cos we never take precaution. like that consider?

i also can't imagine having 2 yu ze in the house. faint leh.

Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
3) hisstory - Still BF.. Hoping to stop soon. Personal target is 1yo
4) MummyNana - Stiff BF in morning, evening n night. Pump in closet liao. No more breast pads too! Hope to end it all when she's 1YO!!
5) rona - still BF, personal target 1yo. i don't wanna take pills to stop, so will try to stop naturally. if can't stop by 1yo, will extend.
6) Ruixuan- still giving EBM, got lots of EBM in deep freezer. Still got early March batch.. intend to give as long as there is still stock.
7) vone - still bf. intend 2 bf till my gal is 2yo.
8) catherine - partial BF, mainly at night. I wish to stop dono when will do it
9) Wendy - would like to stop already but finding it terribly challenging!
10) celynlee - stop pumping but still got fbm in freezer, stop when stock finished.
Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
3) hisstory - Still BF.. Hoping to stop soon. Personal target is 1yo
4) MummyNana - Stiff BF in morning, evening n night. Pump in closet liao. No more breast pads too! Hope to end it all when she's 1YO!!
5) rona - still BF, personal target 1yo. i don't wanna take pills to stop, so will try to stop naturally. if can't stop by 1yo, will extend.
6) Ruixuan- still giving EBM, got lots of EBM in deep freezer. Still got early March batch.. intend to give as long as there is still stock.
7) vone - still bf. intend 2 bf till my gal is 2yo.
8) catherine - partial BF, mainly at night. I wish to stop dono when will do it
9) Wendy - would like to stop already but finding it terribly challenging!
10) Rata - still giving EBM. Also got quite abit of stock in my freeer. wanted to stop when she turn 1 but now turn 1 liao still pumping (bu shi de)
11) celynlee - stop pumping but still got fbm in freezer, stop when stock finished

Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
3) hisstory - Still BF.. Hoping to stop soon. Personal target is 1yo
4) MummyNana - Stiff BF in morning, evening n night. Pump in closet liao. No more breast pads too! Hope to end it all when she's 1YO!!
5) rona - still BF, personal target 1yo. i don't wanna take pills to stop, so will try to stop naturally. if can't stop by 1yo, will extend.
6) Ruixuan- still giving EBM, got lots of EBM in deep freezer. Still got early March batch.. intend to give as long as there is still stock.
7) vone - still bf. intend 2 bf till my gal is 2yo.
8) catherine - partial BF, mainly at night. I wish to stop dono when will do it
9) Wendy - would like to stop already but finding it terribly challenging!
10) Rata - still giving EBM. Also got quite abit of stock in my freeer. wanted to stop when she turn 1 but now turn 1 liao still pumping (bu shi de)
11) celynlee - stop pumping but still got fbm in freezer, stop when stock finished
12) briebaby - still pumping too, feel bad to stop, guess will stop when I "dry up" ba.
<font color="0000ff">Gayle</font>
ya leh coming Monday think u better not go for Gymboree class. if u really want to go, then remember to skip the play mat time. quite siong leh when need to carry evie up n down, swing her, carry her to 'walk' and 'jump, etc. Or maybe when that part comes, ask ur maid to take over.
Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
3) hisstory - Still BF.. Hoping to stop soon. Personal target is 1yo
4) MummyNana - Stiff BF in morning, evening n night. Pump in closet liao. No more breast pads too! Hope to end it all when she's 1YO!!
5) rona - still BF, personal target 1yo. i don't wanna take pills to stop, so will try to stop naturally. if can't stop by 1yo, will extend.
6) Ruixuan- still giving EBM, got lots of EBM in deep freezer. Still got early March batch.. intend to give as long as there is still stock.
7) vone - still bf. intend 2 bf till my gal is 2yo.
8) catherine - partial BF, mainly at night. I wish to stop dono when will do it
9) Wendy - would like to stop already but finding it terribly challenging!
10) Rata - still giving EBM. Also got quite abit of stock in my freeer. wanted to stop when she turn 1 but now turn 1 liao still pumping (bu shi de)
11) celynlee - stop pumping but still got fbm in freezer, stop when stock finished
12) briebaby - still pumping too, feel bad to stop, guess will stop when I "dry up" ba.
13) mulberry - still BF, want to stop soon, trying to stop naturally by cutting down nbr of pump &amp; latch per day. but so far only cut down 1 pump.
cat: oh no wonder u dun like her! I feel that she's not very responsible seller! I called her and told her i havent gotten the items but her reply like no help at all. If the items really never come, then it's just my pure bad luck to deal with her....

mrs teng: u kena flu also?
anyone knows where to buy good walking shoes for baby ? bernice is walking now so no choice have to start buying shoes. (die time to burn another hole in pocket)..just bought her a pair of combi. $45.90. can wear shooshoos to walk in ? think only suitable for indoors rite ?

hb says want to give one month to assess since agency say must use maid for one month. tmrw is the first weekend and she has heaps to do at home. keeping my fingers crossed everything will go well. oh, do u want pedialyte? i got a box left from mrs teng when jonah had stomach flu last time. expire in oct i think. let me know?
