(2008/08) Aug 2008

morning mummies

nice pics.. like the one he like forcing the cow to eat grass. so cute

ya i read seperation anxiety is at its peak from 12-18mths

good luck with trying for a girl

re: LNT
they are offering 44% disc for new signups before 31/08. so any mummies interested may go check them out.
morning mummies

me me me. want a girl for #2. jonah same thing as yu ze. cry like mad when hubby walk off. cos same as your hubby, do everything for him except meal time.

nice pic. so dp got that piano. yu ze going for ps end of the month, don't know if they have new props for him or not. at least, now i saw the piano which is something he didn't use before.

i think bp got sell before. i wanted to buy the piano book then but forget about it after a while. ahahah.... now must look out for the piano book bp again.
good morning mommies....just had a quick look at the thread...hmm...wow...some of u are planning to have #2 next yr...

hmm...come to think of having #2, haizz...gotta to suffer from the beginning...from preggy to giving birth to having confinement!

I oso luv to hv a ger leh...what if...come out to be boi boi??? wow..faintz liao... :p
morning mummies

2nd bb
Ahhhh ha, some mummy start planing for #2 liao? me still hesitate, quite fickle minded, 2010 bb or 2011 bb... tiger bb or rabbit bb...
morning mommies. =)
company network line affected by typhoon in taiwan, so sometime wanna post also cannot. =P

kes handsome boy liao leh, nice pics.

re: #2
if want gal, better not yr of tiger.
being "lao hu po" not so good ya?
ha ha....
Sorry too busy at work. What happened to your arm? Hope you are recovering well. Speedy recovery ya!

Kes is so handsome lah!

Nice pictures! Love the colors!

Wow so many mommies trying for #2 liao…good luck!
thanks v much ladies! So touched by aug mummies...ironically my bb is an oct bb

hi megan - i have fixed an appt to see Prof Yap next week, but then his DMSA test is on 19 Sep so i am asking the nurse to ask her if i shld see her after or before the DMSA test.

Hi rona - u v well versed on where to vacation in Australia!! Next time when E is stronger maybe when he is 2, hb wants bring him to Australia - i must ask u where to go for bb friendly sites. Me only know Mel cos studied there for 3 yrs.
Thanks. It taste quite nice also! hee. . .

These cakes not from PG. Have PM you the link.

I aiming at Gold Coast this Dec. I been to Perth F&E (also drove to Albany) before but dun think suit my kids lo coz lotso driving so dun think they can sit so many hours in the car. Gold Coast can bring them to those worlds then farm stay and fruits picking. Should be quite fun. Have check the weather, ard 25-30C shd be ok. hee. . .

Nice pictures. Your little pianist pressed the cow to the floor so hard very cute!!!

Thanks for the present. My #1 enjoying a lot as he likes barney, bob and thomas!!! But I dun introduce these type of DVD to my gal yet, she can only watch baby can read and flashcards. lol.
If tiger not good then wait for another 2 years for snake, the little one will be very click with our Aug BB who born in mouse year coz "she shu yi wo" 蛇鼠一窝 haaa ...
Morning, mommies.

Where's ur cake from? I m done wif the venue but have yet to confirm wif anybody. Hopefully can get a nice cake for Anvelle.

PM me your email add.

Krex/ Pinky/ Vanilla/ Celyn,
Hw I wish Anvelle sticks to Daddy abit more! She's like a sticky gluey gal. Mummy cannot walk away at all.

The pictures look good. Where did u hv the photoshoot at? Any mummies hv gd lobangs for PS? I dun wan to spend so much on PS coz the bday will b burning a huge hole in our pockets liao.
hahah.... me not concern on having a tiger baby. also try now doesn't mean sure get. so let it be. i already got a tiger hubby so let him settle his tiger baby if have loh.

wait till 蛇鼠一窝, i old liao leh. if still can't get rabbit i think i will close shop liao.

thanks. i have a fall and fracture my left arm and had an op. recovering liao.
ooi! you where got old?

母老虎!:p LOL
actually quite good what, the tigress got a lot of authority leh. and its independent and beautiful.
PM you.

To have a girl in rabbit year is good!! 3 years age gap for sibling is good also. Jiayou!!!
I hope my son will stick both mommy n daddy equally lor..kekeke...think quite difficult :p

I agree w celyn, go for #2 if still young lor...if not, too old, oso vry difficult to give birth ba...again, we can't decide whether if #2 can get a ger or not leh...how to plan? what if pops out a boi boi...sure faintz leh.. haizz

if wait for Year of Snake, think I oso cannot lor...too old liao....vry vry old...machine oso can't take it :p

think rabbit wld be better lor...
I agree with Rona, think 母老虎 not bad too, at least she will not easily got bully by others ma, esp her future husband. lol.
put aside snake or rabbit, u want #3 meh? -_-"
ha ha....

u have till next apr to try for a rabbit bb mah, dun worry lah. >D
rabbit more gentle lah, tigeress next time will bully hb....just like me lor...ha ha....

bo lah, tigeress got alot of restriction if meet supersticious ppl. =(
all my sis wedding, when my bil come to our house i cannot come out 1....mum said tigeress too fierce, will "chong" their wedding.

machine old anot is 1 thing, need to do all types of painful test during preg is the main thing ya?
i mean preg above 35yr old, gotta do some tests rite?
MOmmies..quite urgent.. Where can i buy Winnie the pooh theme cake toppers?

I have tried Kiddy palace, action city, Robinsons, Toys'r'us.. All dun have!!

pls help as i need it by today~~~ Thanks!!!!
ya lor, too many kids also very difficult to ensure their "quality" ya? =P

i think i saw it in a shop in great world city, u live near there rite?
hopefully they still has it, cos i saw it 2wks ago liao.
there are 2 party supply shop there, no harm trying. =)

Last time no piano ah? Luckily got new props or else your ps will look the same as last time!

You have girl already mah...

Thanks...now you know who drool looking at Zynn liao.
Didn't know Tiger cannot come out to greet the groom during wedding...haha, abit sad!

missysz, cocomo,

The PS was taken at Dphotofolio...the mummies here did a bulk signup. I think next one must source for outdoor shoot liao.
Thanks girls!

I went Great World city yesterday.. The big party shop next to Grace Kids have closed down liao... The 2nd level one dun have also.

Oh yes.. goin to try my luck at taka later.. wish me luck! Thanks mommies!!
ha ha...this "colourful" handsome boy. =P
ya lor, alot of things tigeress will "chong" de.
so if want gal, better avoid tiger yr.
troublesome u see...

gd luck! =)

pmed you

ya lor.. hb is away again for 2 weeks.. will b back next week only.. Haiizz...
Wahhh I also love Kes pic when he's pushing the cow down hohohoho

It's a real piano but not S brand... Alvin once gave me a name card of the seller.. He said cost ard $ 100 + - $ 200, not as expensive as S

SInce I have a gal now, wanna have a boy !! :p hehheehe but also fickle minded cant decide... wanna try now but afraid cant handle .. even with N herself, I'm running out of breath liao... but age catching up.... Haizzz

Thanks! been taking lots of fluid, lots of cooling tea. Vit C..etc... anything I can think off.. so that I can recover in time before C & C and my maids fall sick... it's just a matter of time man!
sorry reading backward :p

it's exersaucer, ear thermometer, sterilizer, MIM sling..
Now renting FP learning home, has extended the rent cos N can really play there... wondering shall I buy Playskool playing Dome ? :p
Forwarded to you liao.

Thanks for the contact. i emailed her liao.

Gd luck! Let me noe if there's anything nice. i wan to get for Anvelle's bday too!

Mrs Teng,
Gotta put ur mask on and drink lots of water. Wish you a fast recovery!
Cocomo, u believe in choosing a baby sex? so u success or not?

Snow, ya quite true...if ger born in the year of tiger, a lot of restrictions leh...haizz..how true is it? depends on individual
I dun believe in those chinese mi xing says but I do believe in Shettles Method, gender selection by timing of ovulation coz it sound logical. hee. . .
Nice pics of Kes!


U thinking of #3? Hahaha, joking lah...know we both close shop liao...recently a few of my colls preggie, I told my other colls I must go get my vaccine against pregnancy liao...dun spread to me =P
Thks for the bday wishes for Char!

Wow congrats! Was it planned or accident? :p

Huggies Pullup Pants Sale
2 pks of 36pcs selling at $30.85 at Compasspt Cold Storage
Plus a Hi-5 or dunno wat VCD
normally pressure comes from all surrounding u, not urself lor.
i mean i also dun wanna bring anything not gd to others, so just listen.
thats why if want a gal, avoid tigress. =P

congrats! =)

bo lah, 2 already made my world upside down liao...ha ha...really dun understand how come my mum can give birth to so many.
ya lor ya lor, so many preggy women around hor?
i just told hb yesterday to forget abt finding a seat in mrt, cos so many "big tummy" around. =X
if got such vaccine, remember to jio...hee hee...we go take together.
Congrats to you , Gayle!!!

Snow, understandable
actually, i oso dun quite like to hv a ger born in tiger...haizz..y next yr must be a tiger year....
Hi mummies,
No sure if you all already have this, please find the attached contacts for some FREE things you can request for:-
<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Babycare Book</TD><TD>Book</TD><TD>http://www.motherhood.com.sg/babyplus/ </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Drypantz / Drypers</TD><TD>Diaper</TD><TD>1800 466 3002 </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Fitti / Pet Pet</TD><TD>Diaper</TD><TD>6861 9155 </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Huggies / Pull Up Pants / Little Swimmers</TD><TD>Diaper</TD><TD>1800 484 4437 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Mamypoko / Pull Up Pants</TD><TD>Diaper</TD><TD>6265 1648 </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Dumex (Mamil series)</TD><TD>Milk</TD><TD>www.dumex.com.sg </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>NutriLine at 1800 265 3188 </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Friso</TD><TD>Milk</TD><TD>http://www.friso.com.sg </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Friso hotline at 64198484 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>[email protected] </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Abbott (Similac / Gain / Grow / Pediasure / Isomil)</TD><TD>Milk</TD><TD>http://www.abbott.com.sg/family/free_sample.asp </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Wyeth (Promil Gold / Progress Gold / Promise Gold)</TD><TD>Milk</TD><TD>http://www.wyethnutrition.com.sg </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1800-6886886 </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Nestle</TD><TD>Milk</TD><TD>800-6011633 </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Mead Johnson (Enfa series)</TD><TD>Milk</TD><TD>http://www.meadjohnsonasia.com/ </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

congrats! how many weeks already?


boy very easy to get one, haha. (just kiddin')


i can only try from next month coz' i've just missed my fertile period in aug
but if sept try, it'll be a june baby and i don't want "her" to have same birthday as my SIL! if try in oct will get july baby (same as jonah). if try nov may also get july baby (since jonah popped out early). so think i'll try dec, haha. stupid logic rite? then again, may not 1st time strike jackpot. think i'll end up with a year end baby lor.


when u starting on your bb making project? i can't imagine if my #2 is a boy. mad house!

yumin aso popped early by 3wks. haha. unlike you, i still want aug bb leh, wanna hit the jackpot this time cos hubby bday aso in aug, i hope bb has same bdae as hubby :p

my yumin aso like boy, v boyish &amp; rough de lor... so cant say boys are noisy :p
