(2008/08) Aug 2008

don't be sad. yu ze also like that. i'm his last choice. see daddy only, want daddy liao. daddy walk away he cry till very cham. i walk away, he cry for 1 second only. pretend cry kind. i'm ok with it, at least i got more me time. hehehhe.....
Celyn, yr situation is the same as mine lor....even if i back hm, he just look at me, no smile no nothing...wow...see already oso haizz...
he will still smile at me lah. yu ze likes to play catching with me but hubby must be around to carry him, sort of recuse him. i carry him, i can't play catching with him mah.
Haha...must be 100% girl then I want #2...or else have 2 boys, sure v rowdy!

Don't be sad lah...my son used to be like that with hb. See him bo chup him, won't smile at him...he walk away also heck care. Then I told hb to spend more time with him, every morning bring him for a walk. And now my bb loves his daddy v much!
Hi Mummies,
I'm doing a small survey. Can you let me know what are some of the baby toys, baby items, mummy items such as MIM sling, that you like and find are a real worthy investment? Thanks a million!
Thanks for sharing. Think my gal kinda get used to wake up at 5am liao. I am really very tired lo. Every night need to wake up at least 3-4 times to put on blanket for her and my #1. Then my hubby's snor make me hard to go back to sleep. Sigh. . .

Sayang E. You be strong and take care!

What about Gold Coast? I m thinking of going in Dec, hope it is not too hot. Wanna bring my kids to the sea and movie world, can imaging their expression when meeting the those cartoon characters. Must bring your little one to berry picking and farm staying. So excited when thinking of holidays, ha...

Nice pictures!!!!
1. Bumper Mat
That's the first thing that comes to mind...the rest must slowly think.

Baby Holiday
Any recommendations for travelling during CNY next year? It will be in Feb...thought of going Tw, Jpn but scared will be too cold....then thought of going Aussie but scared too hot!?
Dun be sad.. My gal used to be like that also.
She only wants her daddy ALL the time..When I carry her and my hb walk past, immediately she will bend her body fwd and want to be carried by him.. And to think at night is I wake up and attend to her all the time! Heh..Then few months ago, she was sick for a week so I sleep next to her everynight and attend to her and then after that sickness, I became her no.1
Cheer up, like what celyn says, it allows you more time to rest also, haha! They will eventually want their mummies one... : ))

Breastpump, baby monitor and sterialiser ( really depreciate these items! )
Think its a phase some babies will go thru.. My #1 didnt sleep thru until he was 2 years!Now he ok already its my gal's turn.. So I have been having interupted sleep for the past 3 years, damn jialat...bo pian la when yr bb grows a bit bigger things may change.
any mothers staying in Castlegreen condomimium or any condos near YCK MRT? I want to book one of the function rooms there for my sister's baby celebration. Cos YCK Mrt is near to where most of my relatives stay. Thanks.
We went Gold Coast last March. Done all the worlds and more. but now if go holidays i need to bring all three of them, quite jia lat. so thinking of easy places to go. baby friendly places... sizn... and now bbJ is allergic to fish, so even more restricted liao.
Just hope she can sleep thru asap. :p

So you brought 2 kids there ya? I thought Australia should be quite a baby friendly place ya? You went to farm stay and fruits orchard? How many days you were there? I intent to go on 25 Dec and back 1 Jan.
mommies who ordered from PG before... How do u rate their cakes?

i can get 2 flavours (1 0.5kg for kids, 1 2kg for adult) So i ordered Tripe Choco for the kids but the reviews like it's not nice? And the blackforest for adults, should i switch to the famous lychee martini? Will get drunk bo? haha :p
I never order from PG before but some frens commented the lychee martini one not bad.

This was the fondant cake I bought for Shervalle and my #1's BD. Everything in there can be eaten including the little white mice, stone, mushroom etc.

Hey Vanilla_Pod..

Chin up...I believe god will be with the lil one..

pls if need anything, just buzz or email me..did u manage to get prof yap? Titus also has to go back to do his scans in sep i think...i am also crossing fingers tt results will be good..
<font color="0000ff">Shint</font>
sorry just now i have trouble with my Facebook. very very slow ler. and when it's ok and i tried to reply ur msg, u went offline liao.
If u need ask me anything, PM me ya ;)
<font color="0000ff">celynlee</font>
hehe think Nini meant got 1 cake which is 0.5kg and another 1 cake which is 2kg.
btw, how is ur arm? recovering well i hope.
hahah.... nini scare me leh. can't imagine how big a 10.5kg and 12 kg cake will be. :p

my arm is recovering well according to gp. wound very clean but its very itchy especially at night.
yap, brought the 2 kids along to gold coast in march. we went to all the world and fruit orchard. we didn't do the farm stay but went to the dophin resort. i think we were there for a week. For Perth, do you intend to drive down south along the coast? there are a few farm stays that you can consider, but most of them is nearby margarat river. there are nicer ones further down along Pembertan and Denmark. There's a trip that we actually spent a week driving along the coast all the way to Albany and then back to Mandura. its very fun. we stay in different farms along the way and the best is the one in denmark and the one in margarat river. the margarat river is more than a farm, there's horse riding, big fishing pond, etc. its beautiful. its also the first time i see so many so many stars in the sky.
pinky/ vanilla/ celyn,

jonah also prefer daddy coz' daddy put him to sleep every night last time when i was still pumping, and daddy is the one who wakes up to pacify him when he cries in the middle of the night. daddy also bathes him most of the time. but now i try to take turns and put him to sleep. noticed when i say good night he does not cry but when daddy says good night he cries and points at him...think he's trying to say "pls come back!"

jonah doesn't really seem excited when i come home also. but when his grandpa comes home, he's all smiles and even laughing *sigh* and then he will insist that grandpa carry him by putting out his arms. spoilt kid leh!
who's trying for #2 girl? i dunno when to try. i figured if i try around now, i'll get #2 with the same birthday as #1. how boring! maybe start from dec onwards bah. hopefully still can get 2010 baby, haha.
the 1st foto is very nice! bbK has grown! is the piano real one, can play or not? looks like we have a musician in the making!
Thanks! Yah the piano is real, quite nice...very tempted to get one at home now! But hb said "You think now not noisy enough yet ah?" :p
Mummies who recommended Dr Gong,
Thank you for your recommendation. When I brought Kaitlyn to see him yesterday, I was full of questions for him. But he was very patient with me. He answered each and every question of mine patiently, even elaborating on some of them. Finally, I have found the reassurance that I've been looking for all this while in him. Both hubby and I felt very comfortable with him. He's totally not like the other 2 PDs that Kaitlyn used to frequent. I was so fed up with them.

Mummies, thanks for all the well wishes. Dr Gong prescribed some Mortilium for her. She has to take it for a month and we have to monitor her. We need to go back after that for a review. If she is still vomitting, then she will have to undergo tests. Also took sample of her urine for lab test. Until today, her crankiness and moodiness still on and off. I really hope she'll be fine soon. I'm also very stressed up planning for her birthday party.
Very nice pictures taken! K looks very cheeky and handsome especially in the first picture. Love his lopsided smile.

I've tried some of PG's cakes as I'm getting them for K's birthday party. The lychee martini cake is flavourful but not concentrated. Don't worry, hehe. :p
ya lor.. hope the separation anxiety pass soon.. heard can just go on...
Hope Reagan is ok now...

hahahaha... funny.... wanna see... got video or not ? )

hugz hugz for both of them uh...

Aiyooohhhh... UTI can b so scary !!
Understand ur feeling while waiting during that days..I would have cried everyday..
a very wonderful thing he's discharged oredi... Pls hang on... little bit more there.. after that everything will b just fine.
let us here know if u need anything...

WOW Raine really strong uh ?N so caring also...

Excellent wonderful pics...me oso cant wait 2 see the rest.. btw ur 'little monkey' looks enjoy the shoot a lot..

hahahha... need 2 maximize the usage then :p

3 weeks leave 4 ur maid ?? Hmmm, now u know why in jakarta, big hotel fully booked during hari raya...It's 4 those ppl who cant live w out the maid:p

share share hor....

N slightly better, but the rest of the house dowm with cough now ! incl me !! :p

I also want the chart !! :p
Very pretty cake. I like the castle. Very cute and sweet. Kaitlyn is the same as Shervalle, doesn't sleep throughout the night de. I have to wake up many times during the night to latch her on. I can understand how you feel. Mentally and physically tiring. By the way, does Shervalle likes the DVD?

I think you are a very strong mummy, emotionally, mentally and physically. E is as strong as his mummy, he will be fine. We will all pray for his wellbeing and a speedy recovery. God bless.
He is really quite cheeky...that's why I cannot afford to have a #2 boy!

Glad you found a pd you like. That time you were talking about Dr Koey, I forgot to tell you I feel v sleepy just looking at him...so we didn't go back to him!

Take care! Your hb away right? So even more you must take care of your health for bbN!

Your cake is v cute!
glad you have a good experience with dr gong. he is my fav pd.

Hope your Kaitlyn will get well soon too/

keep us updated. we will all pray for the speedy recovery of bbE. with the power from the combine prayers from all aug mums of different religions!
that's a real piano, is it the s something brand? the real toy piano? i was also thinking to buy or not, then decided not to. there's a spree/bp going on i think.
Wah you still haven't sleep yet! Cannot remember the brand, but it's not the one that's in the BP I think. You have 3 kids to enjoy the piano, can go for it lah!

cannot imagine the level of noise it will create... i've got the toy piano/xyphone already too much noise liao leh
