(2008/08) Aug 2008

how's bbM's allergy? bbJ started to develope allergy... to fish! very queer, cos he was fine before. will stop and try again later.
Had PS with dphoto today...Alvin is v patient, unfortunately my little emperor was not v cooperative, never cry but never react to us trying to make him laugh either...

Handsome SL's hanging photos are with me...cos Alvin asked me who I will meet soon. Pass you on Sunday. Hope you don't mind hor cos I forgot to bring hp out.

Love reading about Nynn and Zynn....make me want to have a girl also!

My heart goes out to you. Will keep little E in prayers, jia out ok?

Hope Reagan's ok already.

Hope N got well already!

Very arty shots! Would love to see the rest, so upload onto FB k?
morning mummies

i'm yet to receive my income tax too.... dun noe why tis yr so late.

very artistic shots!

If ur boy take solids well, i'm sure he'll get all the calcium & nutrient. My gal milk intake v little, if i dun force her drink (use syringe), she can totally dun drink milk.
thanks to all ur kind concerns n jia you!

hi Mrs teng - i am still taking my fish oils, folic acid..but v bad, owadays need my decaf coffee... must be decaf, cannot have E eyes big big on me! A good thing is 2 of my london bosses had told me to not use up all my leave for the pending E's operation, save some for a holiday. I was most touched when they emailed me that...sometimes blessings does come in small packages and unexpectedly
morning mommies. =)
pai seh, cos i work till 5.30pm nia so after 5.25pm normally will log out from internet le.

instead of fell down, think upside-down should be nearer to what happen bah...hee hee...
she was in sitting position, ended up lay flat on floor with a loud "bom" sound lor.
think back of her head kena, must be painful lor....her head and mummy's heart, both pain.

ya, i'm +ve on that too.
then u must really be careful le, cos at this stage our bb will eat whatever that was pass to them ya?

ur photographer is really an artist, very nice pics.

ya lor, cos i only got 2 mths of "left salary" to use lor. =P
i made him paid for the place + buffet only, the rest i paid so that i can have the call u see.
ha ha....even go photoshoot, he was like "u say go then go lor" kinda thinking.

ya, zynn already forget about it something like 2hrs later.
they dun have permanent memory at this stage de lah, so she play with nynn again after that.
nynn just told me last nite that ashley's eye is very bright and nice, aint that sweet?
hee hee....

maybe next time i take leave, we can try go polliwog together in the afternoon?
but 1 problem with me is i cannot go late afternoon, gotta reach home before 6pm lor. =(

jia you, wait for ur gd news next yr then...hee hee....
think want boy or gal can calculate 1 rite? >D
i see.... yesterday quite hectic for me, only know zynn know herself, didn't read the post one by one, just scan thru.... paiseh. How's she now? balugu gone?
Mel/ Rona,
I have received my Income Tax statement liao. Dun need to pay with all the reliefs we are getting as new mums. $0 wif $2500 rebate still unused. You can go to IRAS website to check.

Can I join you when you next go to Polliwogs? I think it will be more fun if there are more bbs ard. If not, Anvelle will get bored very fast. But muz let me noe when in advance so tat I can take leave ya?
morning mummies

hubby received his liao. i never receive cos income tax told me don't file. hahaha....

jia you and work on it.

how to confirm girl? can confirm, must teach me too leh. :p
Good Morning Mommies!

The pics are NICE! How much you paid?

Yalah, Raine likes to carry Mae and we very scared she drop her…Mae oso scared coz at times, she will scream!!!

I have yet to receive my income tax statement too!!! Hb received long time ago…

I have sms you my order =P

Must share the nice pics of Keston k…
Hi mommies,
Any recommendations for buffet that's halal and more on finger food? Nice finger food type. Looking for my office event.

Let me know ok? can pte msg me too.
Kai a bit cranky today .. hope he'll be better later.
<font color="aa00aa">GOOD MORNING MUMMIES!!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">sylvia</font>
Great Idea! Next gathering yeah? haha think it will be fun for all the babies to play in the water together! Sometime in Sep?

<font color="aa00aa">ceyln</font>
No wonder keke.. so if we go gathering at Zoo, worth it for you and yuze lei! how much did you pay ah?
How's the hand? Betta?

<font color="aa00aa">jojobar</font>
Like Ceyln, I also give Kraft singles...

<font color="aa00aa">snow</font>
how's your back?
sayang zynn... sounds like a hard knock!
orginally, we only got friends of zoo. then we went bird park and hubby say want to be friends of feathers too. then i think think, very funny to have bird park and zoo card right. so i went to check and got our zoo card change to friends of wildlife and top up the balance. i think total amount is $450.

hand better liao. thanks.
pai seh, just came back from a debate with that old cow....cannot tahan the confusing proj mgmt process here....ha ha.....

its ok lah, everybody are busy. =)
think her head harder than the floor leh, till last nite also no balugu. =P

ya, more fun with more bb.
we wait for sylvia's reply 1st?

think it got something to do with date of ovulation, its early or late stage of ovulation.
cos male sperm swim fast but die fast also, female sperm swim slowly but steadily.
so if u try to conceive when the "eggs" are already ripe, most likely male sperm will got in 1st.
but if u try to conceive when "eggs" not ready yet, most likely male sperm cannot wait and female sperm that comes in later will get it.
but i can't rem is conceive earlier or later will get which 1 liao lor...hee hee...pai seh.

got it, i'll go bp order after lunch ya?
cos now co internet like snail. =X

thx, i still can feel slight pain in lower back.
ya....must be hard, cos she cried very hard also.

steak restaurant shldn't be a problem. i'm sure they can make mash potato or soup for your kid. just ask them not to put salt/ pepper.
bird park having 1 for 1 offer or half price for entrance till end this month. anyone going? thinking of going this sunday. how long does it take to tour the area and any highlights we shld not miss?
sam &amp; rona
bo lah, not me lah.
i'm just trying to explain a theory i saw on book, me factory closed liao...ha ha....
Hi Krex,

My son actually eat quite a bit of solid. So if just mash potato or soup will not be sufficient for him. He need porridge with meat and veg kind...

Mel_ocean, i remember you sharing abt your baby not drinking milk as well... Both our baby dont really like milk

hi tree_nymph, go to a baby/kids friendly place! Book a service apartment or go club med... Just relax to break away from routine mah....
celyn/ snow,
My galfren forwarded a bb gender chart to me. But I can't post it here. Will PM you instead. Dunno how accurate it is though. Maybe we can all check against our bbs to see how "zun" it is. lolx
actually perth is ideal for me, my fil has a house there, my cousins live there and all have houses there too. I also have very close and 'old' friends in melb and sydney - esp in sydney, my friend has 2 rooms waiting for us to stay. but hor, i think about the flying time, also sian leh... thinking of going to bali but scared of bomb. then bring bbJ also worry about hygiene level and food. bit sian
hahaha.... snow74 say can get girl mah. if can confirm, i want leh. heheh....

the last time we went, spend about 1 hour to tour half or less of bird park cos weather too hot liao. give up and came back.

i pm you liao.
Hi Tree nymph,

Go perth ! I also choose perth due to the close promixity, hygience level and baby friendliness factor ... I toy the idea of syndey and tokyo but thinking of the flying time and being city..crowded ... So we decide to go perth

Moreover, the airticket for infants is really cheap !
i saw that theory on some books 1, so dunno real anot leh.
hee hee...

think u gotta add a ".sg" behind the email i pm u, pai seh.
i want ger again cos yumin has too many clothes liao, can pass on... *stingy me*

on the other hand, i want boy cos got chance to be fat bb. conclusion, whichever is fine with me :p
I forwarded the bb gender charts to you liao.

Bird Park
Thinking of gng to BP next Sun. 1 for 1 offer sounds good. Any thing interesting to take note?
You can try Bakerzin. We always use them for our events.

Re: Polliwogs (Snow/ Sylvia)
Let me know when we are going in advance. So excited!
do we based on chinese age for the chart? not accurate for me leh. i use english and chinese age, all wrong. hahaha.... our aug baby should be conceived in sep or oct (chinese month).
haha if really confirm stamp chop girl, then I will try again...ironically, last time when I checked the gender chart and thought I was gonna have a girl, I felt v disappointed!

Yah buey zhun one...I found 2 different charts, both also predict wrongly!
Use chinese age and chinese mth tat we conceive. i.e. chinese mth tt bb was made in. mine is accurate. Chinese Age: 28, made on 31 Dec 07 (Chinese-Nov). Gal!
not accurate leh. chinese age=30, month should be chinese sep or oct bah. cos i think my lmp should be oct then. so both month is girl leh. hehehe....

Glad to hear that your bosses are soo understanding.. They are human after all.
Meantime, just get yourself ready for the ops... most importantly, dun fall sick lor..
Hope that everything will go smoothly for E and you... Hang in there, you are really a very strong mummy to have to go thru all these

Rata, Sam
Ya lor.. maybe afterall I think FM taste sweeter?
As long as she is not rejecting it ok la cos I also thinking of stopping bfeeding soon

I too lazy to find out what she wants so just let her suckle.. : p Ok la i tell myself soon she will not have such priviledge anymore!

Re gender chart
I checked for both my kids... zhun leh!
But like what mummynana said must use chinese age and mth..
But then again I know some ppl one not accurate.

You can try Kriston..
i paid $199 for the shoot. it was from a BP under CHEERS N TEARS photography.

one thing to check w other mummies, does ur bb cry when u have something to do and u pass her to the maid? my mum says its not right for the bb not to want the maid since its been almost 5 mths. but sometimes bb also cries when i pass to daddy. is it normal?

i dont mind changing maid, but scar-ly new one even worse...aiya.
My gal sometimes cry also when I pass her to my maid.. sometime ago i also expressed my concern but i think generally it's also becos my gal can recognise me and hubby and nowadays she also got separation anxiety so she will fuss especially when we hand her over to maid/mil..
Is yr maid the main caregiver?

ya sometimes when i hand her over will cry v badly. makes me a little aprehensive lor.

my maid is not really main caregiver cos i bring both her n bb along to work w me. only in mornings maid wakes up early to play n feed bb cos i will wake later. (i feel bad, but i need my sleep one) so bb does have one on one time w maid but once she sees me will want me. guess that is normal right?
i think its common lah. there is a week that yu ze will cry when we fetch him from babysitter. he cry the moment, he is in the car and babysitter is outside the car. i guess he know liao. but after that he is ok liao.
I think its normal la.. maybe we hear too many horror maid stories already so we naturally scared.. I think also must use our judgement to see if yr maid will really do anything funny..
My case is my gal and maid goes to mil house everyday. At first I also think is it she ill treat my gal thats why my gal dun want her but then on second thots I think not la since got my mil jagar her.
My gal always cry when I pass her over to anybody, including daddy. Any time I walk away is like mummy's leaving her for good. Dunno y like tat when I am not the main caregiver anyway.

She used to cry until damn cham when I pass her to my gran in the mornings but nw ok liao. We teach her slowly. Now she will go towards my gran n wave to me when I leave in the morning. But will scream for my attention if I cum back in the evening n dun go to her immediately. When we leave at nite, she will kiss my gran n wave gdbye.
Had any mommies here experiencing bbs not so close to mummy? I am one leh..very sad hor...my bb J is very very close to his daddy. Not sure how can I make my son to be closer to me leh?

thanks Mrs teng and medusa - ya now i start taking dong cong ciao...hopefully can bu and E has some via my bm....

Pinky dun be sad - my son initially also like that cos dad is the fun guy mummy=force him sleep, eat and say he notti....now he likes me more cos i spend more time w him (initially my hb spend more time as he was at home more)...
