(2008/08) Aug 2008

Halo Mommies

Feel happy coz mid week liao heehee

your Nynn so sweet always care for Zynn. . . how I wish my Jay can sayang her mei mei like your Nynn.

Dun think she is hungry le coz her last feed is ard 12am. I did try to give her milk at 5am but she only drank 50-100ml.
ya...but she care till both fell on floor so hard.... -_-"
zynn was crying like nothing leh.

oh, then its her habit liao.
but its not too late to change ya?
cos actually they very clever 1, if saw everybody sleep and no 1 charp her then she will give up?
<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
heheh.. So long as it's legal &amp; fun, i sure dun mind her earning money at a young age.. kekeke! Got lobang? We send both Zynn &amp; Ashley

U mean Zynn fell ah? How did it happen?
But Nynn really likes babies.. From the party, i observed how she wld sayang babies, esp Zynn
Happy bday for all the cute bbs...

Me scanning thru.. was very busy for N bday party then afterward both of us got cough... Weather was very hot..

read ur fall... Must b very painful uh
Glad to read u r getting much better

what happened to E ? sorry uh I mite missed...

M has walk independently ? Was wondering since N hasnt done it yet, shall I bring her for the Kidzworld pool at the zoo ? After she recovered only.....

Hmmm.... missed anything ? need 2 read up slowly liao... so many posts to catch up with....
Hi Mummies

Thank you all mummies for all the birthday wishes for Darwisyah : ))
Had a small party at home for her on sat.. totally shagged out plus i lost my voice after that.. maybe talked too much to the guests...

I love the pics! very nicely taken and yr gals so sweet!
I esp like the one that zynn and nynn took together

Hope you are on the road to recovery.
Yes, I also visit the zoo once every 3-4 months cos my #1 loves seeing the animals there. Plus the bonus is that at the end of the day he can play at the kidzworld pool!

Yesh my gal at this stage still will wake up in the middle of the nite. She sleeps at 9pm and wakes up at about 3am... dunno if she wants to suckle for comfort but usually i just latch her on.. terrible mummy cos i also sleepy so i think she is using me as a pacifier liao

I dropped one more pump yesterday so now only pump 2x now and I intro my gal to FM liao.. first time she spit out the milk and then after that she drank finished 180ml. Yesterday she hit 200ml! See la, she never drink so much when it comes to BM.. I feel so unwanted now : (
Aiyoh...... was it long time needed to pacify Zynn after that ? Hope they r ok though.. Nynn mite feel bit horrified also see her mei mei cried like that..

my gal depends on her mood... sometimes it's the milk.. if she's hungry she'll keep stirring, after milk peaceful again.. Sometimes like these 2 nites liao, just keep moving n cry in the sleep... when I moved her to our bed, she'll b moving to the daddy side only... was afraid she went too far n fall from bed edge so I also cant sleep liao... Think she misses her daddy badly liao

re bb cant b left
my gal also like that, whenever she sees people going she'll cry like very sad poor thing like that.. even if I wanna go toilet.. or she'll follow me n whenever I closed the toilet door, she'll sits in front of toilet door, either crying or knocking the door... :p told hb, wahhh I cant even move leh like this...

my bb also dun like to drink milk. depends on his mood one. the only one he will finish is morning feed. if he rejects milk, will give him cheese, which he likes. i'm also giving more calcium pdts for breakfast, like farley's rusks.

as for holiday, u can either buy jar food or get restaurant to cook your bb a meal. that was what i did in phuket. i stayed in resort, so got the chef to make bb puree or just normal food but dun put sugar/ salt. it's much easier now that he's 1 and can eat more food.


wow, that's a very nice agency! which one? i haven't enquired with my agency yet. maybe i'll pop the question to them when they ask me to collect maid's work permit. ideally i want to get from another agency coz' this agency does not have good biodata for maids and their maids are rather ex. imagine the agent wanted me to give my useless myanmar maid $350 salary w/o off. that was what i was paying my capable filipino maid leh!


so your current maid also from myanmar? how u tahan? hb says give her more time but my patience running thin liao. today i had to wake her up to prepare breakfast! thinking whether to fork out another $1000+ to get filipino maid from another agency or try and see if i can change to another maid from this agency, though i know i sure lugi one.

When is it scheduled? SMS me the date lah!.. Hopefully, he's not in ICU on the day itself.. But remember to make sure that the food servers and nurses are fully geared when they come into your room..

Anyway, how's his food and milk intake now?

Let me know if you need a cake..
It's FOC for Eliza.
i wont recommend my agency cos i noticed that their biodatas with experienced maid did not complete their 2 years contract. my current maid only worked in spore for a year &amp; she went home to take care of her sick parents (i think it's an excuse, she might have been sent back for being a dumbo!!) after working with me for 1.5months, she can make the wrong amount of milk... still dare to argue &amp; say i write the number not clear... really drive me to tears cos she could be the reason why cayla LS for 7 days last week!!!

I think Nite safari start at 7pm?
Coz the last time we went, we reach at 730, sit the tram then go home.

So just nice that she slept on the way home.

the only thing is have to see animals moving then will see, if nt, they see trees loh. hahaha!


Zynn ok?

think Nynn is just trying to show her care, but using her own way.

sleep means will get well. think she forgot zynn nt doll can just put down.

Polliwogs is behind to Waraku, Long Beach restaurant. There is a korean restaurant there too. After Mac. It used to be old tennis court. Or partial now.

I think got bus, but maybe cab is faster?


accessible ar........ hmm.......... Turf city got free shuttle bus fm AMK. That's Fidgets.

Or u wanna go gymboree? One at Tanglin Mall, another at Harbourfront.

BB M wake up in the nite to check if mummy is beside her or nt.

It's their phrase of light sleeping mode, so they will either make noise, play o want milk. but nt every bb will do that.

Hi mummies...
today didn't go to work cos on childcare leave.... Reagan oso LS since sunday nite. Dunno why leh... we brought him to sentosa, came back he started to LS. Mon and tues LS for 5-6 times a day. Today then went to PD to check up. PD said could be viral infection (hmm... i realise docs nowadays like to use 'viral infection' for everything....)I suspect might be becos he swallowed some sea water when he was playing... aiyah... my mum say i itchy backside.. Reagan still so young why bring him to the beach.. sigh..

Cayla ok oredi? That time she LS wat did u give her to make her better?

oh dear... hope Zynn is alright? No balugu? Think Nynn oso got a bad scare to see mei mei crying. *Sayang both of them*...

yah lor.. i think our babies experiencing more separation anxiety now.. the phase will pass.

ok... got to do some work before baby wakes up from his nap... :

BB M crawl in the pool lah. she wont even want me to hold her to walk ar.

she just explore the pool by crawling here and there. with the water ard her shoulder.......
oh. 7pm. thought 730pm, then can try him out. hehehe....

sayang reagan. is he ok. no lah, not itchy backside lah. good to let him explore mah. a total different feel and experience at beach leh. the texture of the sand is so different from floor.
yumin aso started waking up few times each nite since teething... haiz... think its a phase... yours shd be habit wor cos since birth...

dun be sad lah. think my ger likes fm too... at least we done our best by bf...
my current maid is from myanmar..she is really a dumbo too..(like dongle's, heehee) but she gets the basic right...i cannot also ask for more cuz its really troublesome for me to train a new one..so we just get her to do the minimum..housework and stuff..as for looking after kaer, its hands off...i dun even allow her to carry kaer...:p
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">happy birthday to all the aug bb

time really flies.. my bb is 1 year old la...
hee hee...gd idea, since this ma ma here broke liao. =P
but too bad no lobang now lah.

zynn was sitting on floor, nynn pull her down from behind to a sleeping position.
think she knock on the back of her head, must be bad cos its quite a bang that i heard from where i was sitting.
ya, nynn is those more girly type that likes doll and bb.

but think zynn too tired after a whole wkend full of event le, now abit running nose. =P

yes, she look so guilty when saw mei mei cry.
thats why we din scold her also, just let her noe next time let ma ma handle if she think mei mei need to rest. =)
she almost cried also...

ya lah, can't expect a 3yr+ little kid to noe how to handle bb lah.
as long as her intention is gd ya?

thx, she forgotten about it before she sleep.
i haven chk if got balugu behind her head bo lah...ha ha...
but 1 thing for sure, i want her to be strong gal so din overdo in sayang her after that lor.

hope reagan a speedy recovery, and u dun be too hard on urself also.
hi Ling - he had uti on 21 July - high fever 40 degrees..took pandol whole nite still high temp, vomited 2X. went to pd and was admitted. Doc suspect infection (psuedomonas from his heart surgery). He was on 2 antibotics via IV drip cos only those can kill that silly bug. the 2nd antibotics was potentially harmful to his kidney. He has only 1 good one so we were v fearful. Fever supposed to break on 2nd or 3 rd day but it didnt..he had fever for 1 week. Mummy's instinct was he had flu cos he coughing..did swap and turn out infected w H1N1 from the hospital as there are 2 kids confirmed case in the ward. Took tamiflu cos he had other health complications which we worry will be detrimental to him. He was discharged after 10 days cos his IV drip was for 10 days. Doc was not happy w the UTI and told us to push forward his kidney operation.

Thanks Mrs Teng - we are targetting end sep early oct.. i think after 19 sep his DMSA test then we have a clearer date (need to book operating theatre, the surgeon and my anethetisic doc). PD hope E no need ICU...i hope so too....

Thanks for ur offer on cake.. dun want to trouble u... u so busy w C&amp;C...

His food intake is ok, milk depends on him. 1 nite at 5am, he so hungry i fed him 100ml his usual not enuff...he still open mouth bigbig for his milk..so i warm up another 100ml... his solids and milk now back to routine.. still cant find a good cow's milk FM for himyet (still havent try NAN)... using soy now...worry abt DHA levels cos soy fm really low...think after hi surgery then i try again cow's FM..thinking if shld buy DHA supplements on him. Cant hang up my breast pump yet cos think he needs the bm for recuperation after his op...maybe i tong until end of yr and see how...
sayang E. its not easy for you too. you are a strong mummy. take care. is his uti very bad? or this is the 2nd time? DMSA is the colour dye thingy right? yu ze cry a lot when that was administer.
thanks...he woke up liao and i just gave him isomil soy milk.. he didn't like it lor. So far seems ok except his legs seems weaker, will wobble when he's walking.

Thanks! Yah lo... if we too gan cheong over them, they will become more 'yang or'. :p

I'm sorry to hear that E is going through so many things. He's a strong boy cos you are a strong mummy. Hang in there! *Hugs*
That jam thingy looks cute...if you are ordering, can order for me? heehee, for me, I meant it to be used in office for breakfast...hahaha

Is Zynn ok? Ya, sometimes Raine tries to stop Mae from gg to the shoes (coz dirty), she will carry her and Mae will cry until like kena kidnapped...Raine will then explain why she forcefully carried meimei away...quite cute!

Hope Reagan is ok soon....the elderly always blame us bring the kids here and there when they fall ill...

is your current maid from myanmar? mine worked for 1 yr...was a transfer also, and from philippines, but she turned out to be quite good. she had to break contract coz' her son misses her very much and won't eat/ go to sch. dunno how true but we had no choice but to let her go. i got her to train my new maid from myanmar and i think she also vomit blood coz' my myanmar maid everything also dunno. she apparently worked for a household with baby prior to this, so we expected her to know the basics at least. now i feel like i'm taking care of another big baby at home.

i realised my maid can't really read english and can't calculate, so i also worried she give wrong amt of milk. when i tell her make 180ml of milk, she ask me how many scoops!?! and when i ask her 180ml divide by 30ml each scoop = how many scoops, she can give me wrong answer! so scary!

so far, the maids from my agency's website that are from philippines are either transfer or want day off. dunno if i can find a suitable one.


actually if your first one from myanmar is so bad, why didn't u consider filipino for 2nd one? easier to train and can understand our instructions. i will never get myanmar again after this experience. a demanding filipino maid is better than a dumb myanmar one!
hi celynlee - thanks. That dye thing is to test reflux,E did it too when he was 1.5-2mths. He cried so loud. DMSA is the radioactive injection to test kidney function...he did it when he was 2mths... that one he cried v loud too then start to smile at nurses...this is the first time he got UTI. His bug psuedomona is v persistent and v hard to kill...

Thanks aurora. Me not strong..in fact need alot of sisters to pray for me when i was in hospital w him. Becos of their prayers and Lord's grace then i can survive it...
jia you!
sayang E.

exactly lor...cos i remember last time #1 fall down wun cry de, now zynn we try not to over react also. =P

eh....how many u need? =D
i need to see the pics 1st, then can decide lor.
cos collection very convenient for me leh.
Cocomo/ Medusa,
I think the bbs just wan to suckle for comfort. medusa, dun b guilty. I am doing the same thing. I fall asleep after latching her on. She will juz suck and roll away to sleep on her own.

I tink Nynn mean well. My 3YO cousin, who is also cared for by my granny, tries to share everything with my Anvelle too. So we muz always keep a lookout.

You are stronger than you think. Dun worry. E will be fine. We will be praying and rooting for both of you.

RE: Polliwogs
Thanks for the info, ladies. It's free for below 1YO but I think it is very paisey to just go in FOC rite?
hi mummies

so many post .. must scroll up and read later

re: gogobambini
today i went samy for lunch so hb thot we drive over and see gogobambini.. hmmm i feel it's more suitable for bigger kids, i asked the staff they say their play area is more for kids above 2. below 2 they encourage the ball pit at the cafe.
some pics from my shoot w albert from cheers n tears. i look like some sua ku dancing in the last pic :p must say the colors look pretty nice. i was abit clueless on the shoot n didnt know how they will turn out. can't wait to see the rest



No worries! anything just call me. Just dun stress yourself too much about searching for a suitable FM.. too much stress will also affect your BM supply.. you also got to eat well to have good quality BM.. Are you still on neurogain PB and calcium supplements or not? Dun stop leh!
hello mommies...these few days din log in..very busy celebrating my son's 1st bd
Very happy n great day for me ...hmm..wat's the topic for today..
<font color="aa00aa">ceyln</font>
wah go so many times oredi? you must be a friend of the zoo!

<font color="aa00aa">hisstory</font>
hows ur facebook today? aiyah must take more photos! digital one can take many many keke..

<font color="aa00aa">sylvia</font>
next time go must prep with proper clothes and go whole day! love the kidsworld! Some more got KFC even betta!
sounds like baby M had loads of fun!

<font color="aa00aa">dongle</font>

<font color="aa00aa">aurora</font>
Hope he gets better soon!

<font color="aa00aa">vanilla_pod</font>
you must stay strong for baby E..

<font color="aa00aa">gayle</font>
the pics are nice!!
<font color="aa00aa">mummynana</font>
think the free one is for gogobambini.. polliwogs is $8 for under $2 (for weekday, weekend is for first 90 mins think)
<font color="#CD3278">gayle</font>
Lovely shots!! Can't wait to see the rest of them too.. Rem to shareshare k?

<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
U broke fr what? Her little party ah? Ask daddy to foot the bill.. heehee

Oh dear.. Nynn's wanting to show TLC sort of backfired.. Poor Zynn, she's back to her playful self?
Nynn's really sweet!!!

<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
Raine really sayang meimei.. And when I saw her carrying Mae that day, I was so surprised she cld carry Mae! When I carried Mae, I already felt her quite heavy.. Applause to Raine!!

<font color="#CD3278">aurora</font>
Oh dear.. Do hope that little Reagan's on the road of recovery oredi!
May or may not be the beach leh.. afterall viruses are just everywhere. Sometimes a little exposure is gd, helps the body build up his immune system too

<font color="#CD3278">Vern</font>
So far so gd today.. Dunno how it resolved itself on hb's laptop.. heehee!
I must get my frens to help me take as many shots as possible at Ashley's party.. Mommy wun be free to do so

next time let's go zoo together pah.


ya..... I din expect BB M so happily going into water. I tot she will play by the side. I was wet trying to save her head from the water coming down coz quite painful n also from her getting into too deep.


as vern wrote. Polliwogs is $8 for kids below age 2. if u buy the value membership that last 6 mths, it's cheaper n transferable too. so can use for a few bb together too.

FOC are for the rest... I think if u hv more kids, the youngest go in FOC is ok. just 1 .. like u said. I dun think I will do that lah. hahaha!! I usually bring nieces n nephews there who are older.

haha.... not only friends of zoo. we are friends of wildlife that let us go zoo, birdpark and night safari unlimited times in a year.
hi Celyn/mel_ocean

The quota was given as a guideline by PD. Hence i am trying to feed baby as much. He needs the calcium and the nutrient to grow mah

Can i ask what kind of cheese/brand you buy for baby ? Over the last weekend, i spread Happy cow cream cheese over Baby Hipp biscotte.He like it... but i am not sure if the cream cheese is suitable for baby.

Krez78, thanks for the tips. I will go over to perth and check out the jar food. Esp if we go to steak restauratn which might not have anything for baby.
i see. thought he will get his nutrients from solid and milk. is he eating well? why did your pd give such guidelines? i just give kraft singles kind.

jia you! we are supporting you mentally!

we are also thinking of a place to bring the kiddos - all three of them end sept/early oct. cos my maid will be on leave for 3 weeks and i will be sahm without any help - my mum will also be travelling for 2 weeks at the same time. jialat. thinking about it i also shiver... so was thinking of travelling for like 10 days, hahahaa... but think will use a lot of money. else how huh??

think there is a program coming up, 7 steps to cook a dish. i think i need to tape it in case i need it for the 3 weeks when i'm the maid/cook/etc. jia lat jia lat. i dunno if i will still be pumping or not then. still 3 pumps aday, can't drop to 2 pumps yet as i've gotten the block ducts... i'm so worried now. hb said he will only take part leave to help out only. i still need to send the kids to school leh.
