(2008/08) Aug 2008

oh is the kovan one good...we go to hougang every sat so can attend class there if the ICR there is good...

hey the piano right..is it 1:1?

i just took up the masters last yr sep..din expect to hv 2nd bb...so now have to go thru it..no choice..

u very 'xin' can study & work while preggie....mmmm i dun think i can take it
Somemore u said u dun like to have a maid at home rite? Wonder how do u cope with the hse chores?

Ya my niece is super talkative. She can tok from morning till night non-stop!
can borrow the card no. from ur fren? May be can try to use the card no. and no need to pay for membership fees....can save $20
It' ok if it's not convenient.
oh, so i gotta start planning for my gal liao lor...hmm....

i'm also waiting to send my gal to learn Taekwondo leh, hope she can protect herself in future lor.
So far, my gal told me she enjoyed the classes...think she has been to 4 lessons so far...I chose Kovan coz convenient for my dad to send her in the afternoon...

Currently, her piano class is 1 teacher to 3 kids...coming June/Jul, she will go into 1:1...

Same here, last year was contemplating coz never thought of having another kid...

Hahaha, kids nowadays can really talk but 1 thing good is we are never alone/bored with them ard...they can ask anything under the sun... :p

Thanks for the contact...I have called to reserve 1 liao but what colour I also dun know... :p
Shay...think someone going to ask them if we buy bulk purchase can have better price?

hmm...cross the bridge when it comes..I guess..but the masters is very siong...mani assignments..anyway..lets not talk abt it hehe

my onli moment of relaxation..which is happening less frequently now cos khaki slowli disappearing with babies....is mahjong playing hehe...anyone here play.... :p
Avocado, Snow74,
wow ... so many mommies with 1-2 year olds ....

My son is turning 2 yo next week and he is already 14.5kg ... prob 15 kg ...... so i almost dun carry him. Too heavy! He is also >90cm ... din measure liao.

Book says preggie can carry up to 13.5 kg .... haha, so I have good excuse of not carrying him ... only for few mins and tell him "Mama not feeling well so cannot carry you, you walk ok?" .. he understands .. or he'll ask my hubby or maid to carry him. With me, he kinda know I cannot carry him cos it's vv "XIN KU".
This is call training ;)
me play too ... but it's my hubby who is more interested .... so i ended up accompanying him .. but i must say it's quite enjoyable. Hee.

normally will play after 10pm cos son sleeps by then.
I asked if there's any discount for BP but the lasy told me that's the promotional price liao. Let me know if anyone can get it cheaper k?

the abbott talk isit the one advertising on tv? wuts that about? how much, when & where? sorry so many qns....tot of joining but yet to find out the info.
tamp mart has lots of children educational centre rite? ur daughter tried any of them? i tot of sending my son to MMI Montessori but now decided to send him to full day childcare so may be will give it a miss.
me moving to Punggol when my new hse is ready. A bit inconvenient since it's not fully develop yet. hope to find a good childcare there.....
nope...dun like the envn of MMI...she attends NTUC at st45 now...wants to send her to kinderland at upp changi but its full house

do u live ard tt area also?
hi shay,

there's quite a number of childcare in Punggol and in Sengkang too .....i did check out some... but yet to decide on which one...
Shint (shint),
Book say can carry max 13.5kg, my girl weight 11kg and she lost weight due to sick and jab and too active. She still have 2.5kg before I stop carry her . During confinement I cannot carry her too, can only carry newborn, so worried how she will feel.

I stay in the west. Y?
My office and my mum's place also in the west.
r u living in sengkang/punggol? i'll only be moving sometime mid next yr i guess. mine is the one next to punggol mrt - project called coralinus. hey, do recommend if u find a good childcare k? how old is ur kid?
hi ladies,
have been experiencing stabbing ache on the bottom right of my tummy area, right above the hip. The pain/ache lingered for the past 3 days. went to see GP, and then after that called up my gynae. Both of them mentioned something along the line of me juz having a stretched muscle/ligament... starting fm last nite, my whole tummy like aching.. starting to get worried becos gynae said tat as long as pain is not in central area, then it's ok. but now it is... *worried*
Are you ok? why not you go to see your gynae immediately if very painful. Juz play save. At least she can scan to ensure everything is fine!
<font color="0000ff">cocomo</font>, it's not very painful, still bearable, but in the first place, necessary to bear with it or not i wonder.. mebbe like u said, i should go visit the gynae, just to double check. i'll observe some more today, and then decide what to do.
<font color="0000ff">faeriekim</font>
r u ok now? or still got pain? If still got pain, I also think you should go see gynae. Prolonged pain is not good.
Go go go, visit ur gynae now.
Happy Mum,
yea i'm giving my son Karihome milk. It is indeed good deal. The cheapest i've got so far is $43.40/tin buy 12 free 1. So, can save $26.80 for 13 tins. Hey, but M'sia is even cheaper. I got it from Cold Storage only RM79+/tin so if u convert it will be ard $35.But sometimes the timing is just not right to go home to grab. Can I have the contact for the deal that u've got? Just in case i need to get it here then i can order from ur source. Somemore free delivery....not bad. btw, wut r the free gifts? books?
how r u feeling today? does it still hurt? better go see ur gynae for a scan to make sure bb is ok play save else tomo sunday some gynae will not be in. take care and rest more....
Hi Amabel's mummy

Nice to see you here! Amabel is getting prettier each day, just like you! Anyway congrat.
I was using Medela PIS for my 1st boy. The letdown is good, is fast and quiet, and is for heavy usuage.

A good breastpump will helps alot in breastfeeding. You may need that to help to stimulate the milk flow for the initial period.

At night, when you need to express, u need something that can do the job fast, so that you can sleep. Even when you are back to work, you also need to express fast and get back to work. Also the machine have to be quiet, so that will not disturb your baby or hubby. PIS is definately up to the mark!
any MTB signed up for the First Mums' Congress yet? can i know do they send the invitation to you or have to print after payment?
there r a few of them but i can't rmb who they r. they'll probably reply on mon. w/end is normally very quiet here hor?
thanks for your sharing. for some reasons, i can't post my msg in the thread so i've sent nikisan a PM.
Hello ladies,
went for my scan and blood test just now.
bb not really cooperative leh, leg cross tight tight...
difficult to see gender, but gynae said most likely is a minnie...
hee hee....so i take it as minnie lah. =P
the moment my mum heard that might be a minnie, she started to give me pressure again.
I just experienced a yellow discharge (its like thick, yellow mucus) but no foul smell or anything...

I usually have its white discharge, so was very shocked that its yellow!

Is this normal?? Very worried...
to me, its normal....
i'm not sure the cause of it, but i had both white and yellow discharge during both my preggy.
if there is no itchness, should be ok.
Thanks for ur reply mommy Snow74

Congrats on ur minnie bb! So cuteee hor! Can play dress up! *envious*

I guess mine should be a boy...My gender scan is next next monday. :p
Ya, I wish for a gal lor.
Not only to dress up and easier to take care, but also hope that 2 gals can get along better.
I can see from my nyphews and nieces that 1 boy and 1 gal normally wun get too close leh.
But if u gave birth to boy hor, u wun get the pressure that I'm facing now.
So, each has its pro and con lor. =)
Lets wait for ur update bah.

nini, my gynae say thick yellow discharge is infection as I have it b4 too. But now I still have as long as does not cause any bleeding, or itch should b ok.

snow, congrats. so i update as gal
