(2008/08) Aug 2008

<font color="0000ff">cocomo</font>
i received ur PM. Thanks
. But screen quite small le. Can you PM me the link for the US series ones? TIA!

I also like to watch US series but I download them. It's in .avi format that means can watch using Windows Media Player, Realplayer, etc..
Ya lor, the US Writers strike so bad lah, I can't wait to watch new episodes of my favourite series like Desperate Housewives, Heroes and Ugly Betty.

<font color="0000ff">twin star</font>
Rata is right, bm is not dependant on bust size. My best fren's bust size is small, i think smaller than A (oopss....i hope she doesn't see my posting :p) but she has alot of bm supply leh. Her newborn bb appetite very good, nearly every hr bb wants to drink. She said so far so good, her supply is enough, no need to supplement with formula.

i agree with rat and cocomo. i dun have big bust but ss is a lot too. ss=dd so the more u pump the more u'll get. i was short of ss during 2nd mth and i started to express every 2 hourly....very siong but worth it cos ss increase till have to buy a chest freezer to store the milk.

wow u hv 2-3 mths ss. where did u store urs? my fridge is too small to store my excess bm. i have ard 2 mths ss.

anyone of u getting the lasinoh milk bag from BP? if anyone organising pls count me in ya....thanks!
Avent is good cos i like wide neck bottle easy to wash but Avent bottle contains Bisphonel-A (pardon my spelling)which is not good for bb's health &amp; development. My son used to use Avent (cos he prefered wide neck bottle &amp; teat) but I switched him to Pigeon glass bottle when he's ard 13mths. Initially i tried NUK but he didn't know how to suckle using the NUK teat. So I changed to Pigeon which is a lot more cheaper than NUK. Bottomline, i would prefer glass bottle ie NUK or Pigeon.
Hi mummies,
I've delivered my bb in Jan08 &amp; have a Medela Mini-Electric breastpump to let go. Used for less than a month and is in excellent "good as new" condition. Interested, pls PM me for price.

cocomo, rata, shay
hehe, god is fair.....kekeke. preg, bust gets bigger only to shrink it during BF. faint. ok in that case ..breast pump here i come

mul, ya hope yr friend is not reading this! hahahaha
You can watch the korean, china, taiwan, US etc series from the site I give you. Just click at the side bar. There is a button which you can enlarge the screen to full. My husband sometimes will download the movie but illegal one le, though the quality is much better.

My whole freezer was packed with locker box which all the milk stored in pigeon milk bag and stacked nicely inside the boxes. My baby caretaker is staying alone and hardly use her freezer so her freezer also full of my BM
Is lasinoh milk bag good? I never use this brand b4 as I only use pigeon one, 20 bags for $16, ex but good! So far never leak b4.
<font color="0000ff">cocomo</font>
u have dry skin on ur face or tummy? 1st trimester my face very dry, skin peeling also... but since 2nd trimester is ok liao.
Stretch mark cream, i started to apply since my 8th weeks liao.

Izzit the site also can see US series? ooopsss....I can't read chinese, that's y i dunno. keke...I have to wait until my hubby comes back then will ask him. :p

Yeah downloading movies and music/mp3 is illegal bcoz it involved royalties. but series is ok bcoz it's already shown on public tv channels.

The pigeon milk bag can it be reused? or izzit used once then need throw away?

<font color="0000ff">jo</font>
ss = supply (i.e. breastmilk supply)
good morning all..
i blur from reading all the post about breastfeeding le..but i must say..very informative...but first must sign up for Mrs. Wong antenatal class..does the nurses teach you how to bf when u just deliver? or u all learn when u attend the antenatal class? after reading, i realised everyone like have different bfing pattern, some store, some just bb latch on...so confusing...but i guess when the time comes, it depends on what bb wants..issit?

btw...do u all feel that ur tummies are stretching? i do feel my tummy being tight and stretched once in a while, though i religiously apply stretch mark cream..wonder if its normal.or is my tummy growing too fast??
i know my bb gender, it's girl ( 80%).. i prefer boy more but girl also ok
esp when my husband is happy with girl.. he said it's a god gift.. boy or girl is the same.. don't be so old fanhion hahah..
morning mummies!

Twin Star
Not social butterfly lah just need to rest and spend some time to catch up with frens and kids

Next time..we all also can meet

started using the firming oil since 2nd mth onwards..

ya probably will wait for later fairs..now must clear house first before I can store new things hehee

I used to apply Palmer ' sretch marks cream ... but i have changed it to ROC ' prevention and reduction stretch marks oil...
Dun worry, you will learn abt bfg in anenatal classes and also when you deliver, the nurses will teach too...TMC's nurses are very pro-bfg one...heehee

Congrats on your Minnie!
Twin star,
I PM you the link liao. You email me your link as well ok ma? Thanks.

Yes, you are right, it depends if your baby wants to latch or not. But better dun let him use bottle at first coz if it's easy to drink from bottle but he need to suck using the tongue if latch on. So if first few days your milk not in yet then try to use cup feed for some glukose. My gynae suggest one coz if give formula then when your milk in baby might not like the taste coz diff. Cup feed is bcoz not to use bottle, nurse can help you to feed.

Ya, you can attend Mrs Wong's antenatal course, quite good but better be in her class than her student's lo. coz her class very funny one and her student one sometime can be quite boring. Nurse at TMC will help on BF and latching after you give birth. Mrs Wong will visit once a day as well.

My tummy still not as hard yet but itch front and back. I dunno if I can apply stretch mark cream coz last round I have horrible rash so ended up need to see specialist. Now i just started to apply some lotion only.

We cant reuse the milk bag la, scare will contaminated.

Congrats u having a minnie!! I wish mine is a minnie as well. Hopefully can know next visit.
Morning ladies!

My goodness, early in the morning only, and so many posts liao.

so gd, u got a minnie... =)
me waiting for tomorrow, see if my gynae can find anything during scan or not lor...hee hee...
snow74, good.. u r going to see ur gynae tmr.. i try to avoid to see her on sat.. as need to pay $ 10 extra hahah but she is very nice gynae..
morning to all.

i started using clarins oil only 2 weeks ago. i also have dry skin now. my face is very dry. stomach feel itchy but after i start applying clarins oil, don't feel itchy liao.
chip chip, congrats on ur princess! =)

hi cocomo, i started applying shiseido's massage cream on my dry tummy every other night. dry skin and itch problem have since vapourised! :D
bo bian lah, me working during wk days leh.
waited 4 wks, finally can see my little mousie liao....hee hee.....

my friend and gynae advised me to sign up .. haha b4 28 weeks, cost $148 , after 28 weeks cost $ 188.... will get 10% off for DS also hahah

My DS will be on 28 March.. i will take 1/2 day off( apply my own leave) as i want to go with my husband and don't want to be so rush leh...
<font color="0000ff">chipchip</font>
congrats on ur minnie!

Me too had signed up for FBI card few weeks ago.
Re: Breast pump
I also use the Medela PIS when BF my girl for 13months! I bought alot of breastpump but Medela is the best. Am also a heavy user usually after my girl latch on i will still pump out the milk untill it is empty. As for the speed i alway adjust till the max, haha!But there is once the motor membrane broke dunno y also.

Me also going to the congress with my friend and cousin.

Re: Bottle treat
For my girl, she have been using the pigeon teat in Avent bottle. She dun like Avent teat but for water she ok with Avent treat
congrats to all mummies for knowing your BB gender
I cant wait for 6th mth to come..cos tt when I will noe...

hmm time off for medical checkup ah..well..u noe..er think its "unspoken" one leh...where i work
For those not first time mum, do you all still carry the your son or daughter? My daughter like to kick when i carry her, hubby asked me not to carry let and let her kick but i love carry her leh
hi shay,

yup. the hole should face us, which is up. my nieces/nephews all use Nuk, so i just follow suit, also use Nuk teat loh. i though the teat is catered for better suckling? my hb also prefer Nuk now, cos he keep on telling me the hole is for air circulation. but dun quite understand, Nuk got glass bottles?
pigeon bottles is about $1 plus more ex than Nuk, if i rembr correctly.
My gal is already 4yo and doesnt ask to be carried anymore but sometimes I will still carry her up from her bed to the kitchen to wash up in the mornings

but she is not big for a 4yo...think ard 15/16kg...
chipchip. oic the one i saw is quite small. Till 2 year old still ok lah

M2B, my girl is only 18 months, sometime she will want me to carry her also. My girl also small size, she now only abt 9kg only
hey M2B...my daughter who will be 4 tis year also weighs around that same weight...how tall is ur gal..recently I have frens who told me that their gals are very very tall...when i thot my gal is quite tall..hehe..now maybe not
