(2008/08) Aug 2008


not to worry. Some other mummies are also ordering. I also have some items to buy too. So
just feel free to inform me.


Wah... u jump so fast to my wedding photos? Hahaha!

Twinstars, keri,
not sure if u got this msg, I had oredi email you. please transfer soon ok? thanks!

Who has twinstars and keri's contact, pls PM me/ them ... cos they have not transferred yet.

Megan and happymum1010 said will transfer soon. Pls remember ok?

I have to transfer the 50% deposit soon else no go if dun meet the deadline. Appreciate your transfer soon.

TO enjoy this bulk discount, please transfer $100(50% deposit) to my POSB Savings account 149-35371-2 asap and indicate your nick.

Also, PM me your name, contact number, nick, email address, transfer details , how many kids& age, preferred timeslot(date and time) so I can inform dphotofolio the list of mommies who signed up.

1. ruixuan (received)
2. Shint (received)
3. celynlee (received)
4. megan - tomorrow
5. linx - Ruixuan
6. keri - waiting for transfer
7. Mandy (happymum1010) - waiting for transfer
8. coolsnow (received)
9. Sarah (Shint’s contact) - waiting for transfer
10. Twinstars - waiting for transfer
11. Shirley (received)
12. Amelia (ruixuan's contact) - Ruixuan
sounds so terrible that i keep asking for transfers ... but tomorrow i am damn busy .. so appreciate your cooperation. PM me .. at least i can try to check my email thanks!
hi shint,

sorry, now then got time to post. brot my girl in n out of PD. will explain later. i tried to email u back about dropping out but realized i did not click send n it was in the draft. too distracted lately cos of bb;s condition. hope u understand.

will post when i have the time.
sorry, hope i did not cause any inconvenience. may not have time to post this few days cos bb is still badly constipated n bleeding n hubby is in reservist so i am a little stressed now. greatly appreciate yr understanding
hi shint,

i jus spoke to hubby, he told me to go ahead with the shoot since take after cny when bb is better.
but i may have diff transferring to u as the token is with him. i see how i can do it. give me till sat k. i will pm u my contact
np, i'll pay for you first. let me know when u've transferred.

I chasing cos i dunno if the mommies who has not responded is still confirmed keen. Needed some confirmation from the mommies in the list.

How's baby? Understand that it can be quite stressful and esp tiring for mommies when baby is not feeling well. Pls take good care and do update us.
I myself am down with a bad cough .... from sore throat to cough with phelgm. Coughing every nite .... quite bad. Now I try to stay away from Kai and sleep in the other room.

Kai has also started coughing. Since PD says that if he's not uncomfortable, then dun let him eat any medication, afterall the cough mixture dun really help to cure the cough, just relief the symptoms. So i am still holding on to give the meds. Let's pray he stops coughing.

rest well and hope u recover soon. my boy also gave me a shock yest when i brought him swimming. he was so quiet after crying a lot during the day. tot he had fever coz' his head felt a bit warm. but when we went home, he started his usual self again. now his voice very hoarse from crying. was quite mean yest...let him cry coz' was so sick and tired of rocking him to sleep and wanted him to go sleep on his own :p *sigh* dunno how else to train him. he's getting too heavy to carry already.

can i check how many tbsp all of u mommies are feeding now and how often? i'm giving between feeds now, esp in afternoon when my milk ss is lower. so far, he has no probs eating 3 tbsp at 2pm and 3tbsp at 6pm. thinking of increasing to 4 tbsp and then 5 tbsp. that sounds like one full feed already. is it too much to give 5 tbsp 2x a day? i tot once u do that, it's like replacing 1 milk feed already?
morning mummies.

little twin stars,
how is georgine? how come got bleeding? constipated due to new fm is it? you must take care and rest well too.

you still not well? drink more water and take care.

i know what you mean. sometimes i also just leave yu ze to cry too especially when he cry for no real reason. will only pick him up unless its those cry till no voice. but i refuse to rock him to sleep.

i'm so happy that he is able to sleep through since he started on solid. i really hope that this will stay. at least we can full 5-6 hours sleep.

yu ze started with porridge first and not cereal. tomorrow will be his first feed at home, i don't know if i should cook porridge for him or just give cereal? if give cereal, how many spoon should i start first?
hi mummies

it's been a crazy period of at least 3 wks for now. Been super busy and all. Sighs. Anyways, can i have the latest list of who's going to HappyMummy's place tmr? Suddenly like quiet down siah. And anyone going from the East? If hv we can share a cab together. Lemme know yea.

Tok to u girls again. Back to work now.
Hi mommies,

Tomorrow is THE DAY !! Hubby and I are busy making preparations for it like buying stuff, moving furniture. I haven't got a baby mat, but yesterday when to JL expo sale and bought a new thin mattress so the babies can lie down and take photo. Not, my part time domestic helper brushing here and there.

here's the finally list. Have ordered food already. Total cost is about $185. The rest of the here and there, hubby say he will contribute, no problem !! Heheehehee...

Date : 17 Jan 2009 (Saturday)
Time : From 1 pm onwards
Place : Happy_mummy's place at Bishan St 24
Attendance pre-requisite : For fun-loving and pretty mothers, super daddies and very very very cute kids ! All are welcome =D

1) Happy mummy (Kat), Hubby (Faroek) and baby (Adel) - 2 adults
2) snow74 (may), hb (bw), toddler (nynn), bb (zynn) - 2 adults
3) celynlee (celyn) and baby (yu ze) - 1 adult
4) cocomo (Joey), hb (Steven), toddler (Jayden) and baby (Shervalle) - 2 adults
5) M2B, toddler and baby - 1 adult
6) Essie, maid, toddler and baby - 2 adults
8) Sylvia, HB ( Edward) & Baby ( Meredith) - 2 adults & 1 baby
9) Jen, Baby (Phil) - 1 adult, 1 baby
10) krmeow, baby Mabel - 1 adult
11) Hui Chin & Baby Falisha - 1 adult + 1 baby
12) YLN & BB (Kaer)- 1 adult, 1 bb

total - 17 adults, 3 toddlers, 11 bbs

YZ's rashes on hands how? Settled down already? So envious that he can sleep through the night liao, you mean before solids he couldn't ? Adel wakes up every 2-3 hours at night leh... Sian...

I saw the CNY suit your nanny bought in ang mo kio. Nearly bought it for Adel but decided to try spree instead... where did you buy the suit for SL ? and is he better now ??

Still sick ah ??!! Very long liao leh.. better gear up for tomorrow's big event .. hehehehe...good luck !

I think mamy poko's cutting is bigger. Adel can still fit the S size leh, while other brands he must wear M liao.

Scary incident,
yesterday decided to go to expo for the JL sale. But when reached expo, realised that I left a pot of soup cooking at the hood with the fire on ! I told my husband and we quickly rushed home. In the car, I din dare to say anything, scared he scold lah, but luckily never. He just keep saying hopefully the house not burnt down. When driving halfway, his leg suddenly kena cramp until had to change driver ! I think he too kan cheong liao.... Ai yo, so scatter brain these days, can't even remember such impt things. In the end, have to drive back to expo again. Luckily he managed to buy many things and he was happy ! Phew ....
heheh, u're such a bubbly person!! Saw ur photo captions, so cute..

Now u make me gian, i gotta go make hb gian too

I hope to make Ashley used to the bottle, but coz she doesn't give much time to express milk, i can't make it a habit to get her used to it.. Going to drop Ashley off at my parents before we head off to work everyday. Hope we dun kill ourselves with such an arrangement.. heehee

Fukuoka in Jun07 ah.. I can't rem if it was rainy, i tink no leh.. But we did alot of travelling coz the itinerary was to cover so many parts of the island. Sit in the coach until my butt was so achy..

U reckon Hokkaido can do F&E?

twin stars
how's Georgine's condition now? I rem Val recommending giving apple juice to soften stools..

Oh goodness.. Luckily ur hb so cool & collected! Heheh, he enjoys shopping too?
Is the JL expo sale worth going ah?
i also just kena my period leh. damn sianz... i'm on full BF too...still got it. hving period affects milk supply leh. i was so worried not enuff for my boy n he doesn't take bottle somemore. but thank God just nice i tink. sigh...
My period like came back on the 3rd month, I think. I was super surprised and honestly very sian too cos I was on full BF and my boy is one super big drinker. I was hoping to not have my period for like one year.

And.. I still have cramps. Heard child birth was supposed to eradicate that totally! How wrong!

take good care hor..flu and cough bug everywhere now.

SL was down with what previously?
sorry din follow the thread, so dinnoe he was sick.

ferrying to and fro ur parents place everyday wont kill..cos am still surviving such arrangement. :p
timminbuzz & wendy
Managed to avoid the troublesome period for almost 1 year, save the lochia after delivering, and now it's back to haunt me..


*cross fingers & toes* it won't!! My parents are in HG, mine in Bishan & work's in the west.. Thankfully hb's fuel consumption is claimable.. heehee

which captions? The wedding one ar?


Hokkaido can do F&E coz I always go there( Japan) F&E leh. All the photos u see are me plan n go one.

happy mummy
i wont be going cuz kaer's got the flu..dun want to spread to the rest. . did u order my portion of food as well? i will still pay u for it then..

Date : 17 Jan 2009 (Saturday)
Time : From 1 pm onwards
Place : Happy_mummy's place at Bishan St 24
Attendance pre-requisite : For fun-loving and pretty mothers, super daddies and very very very cute kids ! All are welcome =D

1) Happy mummy (Kat), Hubby (Faroek) and baby (Adel) - 2 adults
2) snow74 (may), hb (bw), toddler (nynn), bb (zynn) - 2 adults
3) celynlee (celyn) and baby (yu ze) - 1 adult
4) cocomo (Joey), hb (Steven), toddler (Jayden) and baby (Shervalle) - 2 adults
5) M2B, toddler and baby - 1 adult
6) Essie, maid, toddler and baby - 2 adults
8) Sylvia, HB ( Edward) & Baby ( Meredith) - 2 adults & 1 baby
9) Jen, Baby (Phil) - 1 adult, 1 baby
10) krmeow, baby Mabel - 1 adult
11) Hui Chin & Baby Falisha - 1 adult + 1 baby

total - 16 adults, 3 toddlers, 10 bbs

Kaer has some rashes on her back too..so i will be bringing her to see the PD later..

have been so busy since returning from batam on tues..went to office for meetings and so tired..

the BJG class..how much per term? how many lessons in a term? im thinking of going for the trial this sunday...
i will update u and rata if i want to sign up..when ur going to sign up??
BJG is 10 classes per term at $370.
Both Rata and I have confirmed our signup for 1st Feb...so if you like the trial and wish to sign up, as long as it's before 1st Feb..we can get a group discount (if more than 5 babies).

Just out of curiosity, how come your school meeting go Batam? So cute..
thanks for the info on BJG..

ya..my school has this yearly staff conference ..where we go out of spore to meet lor....come back to sch on wed n thur ..meet some more..sigh...so sian..
Since you have a valid reason, I think we will just spilt with those that came to be fair...

the sale worth going or not depends on what you are looking for... there are lots of bedding stuff where we got our mattress and mens' stuff. Ladies and babies, nothing much..

I will also be ferry adel to and fro my parent's house when school starts next week for me. Have to ferry at 6.30 am some more, so we have to jia you ! =D
yu ze's rash is ok liao just got the bump loh.

before he starts solid, he can't sleep through. will wake up at drink around 3/4am. on wed, he wake up at around 430am to talk and play. i went to his room to give him pacifier and walk out. i went back to sleep and ignore him. he just talk to himself then after a while, went back to sleep. i told hubby not to feed him since he is not crying that means he is not hungry.

though i'm not a teacher, we also send yu ze to babysitter at 6.45am. leave house at 630am and i have to wake up at 530am to pump. tired leh.

oh. georgine got a tooth liao. hehehe... must be cute. little twin stars must be busy with her. hopefully, she is not too cranky.
Yes, I teach... you teach in a poly is it? Franjly, I am not very fond of overseas trips. My hubby's school no.1 in doing that. March hols he's off to bintan, then june, off to malaysia... siong man ! Want to plan holiday with him also very difficult cause school hol not really hols for him...

SL is ok now... good for him..the cold winds these days not so good for the baby, my mother say must wrap the baby like mummy like that... i am not so sure, but just let her do it lah..

I tried doing that last year when it was school meeting week, but gave up liao... I am simply too tired... so you are so wei3 da4 !! =) and YZ doesn't sleep in your room ! So good boy !

jonah can sleep thru since 4 mths if i recall correctly. we just give him more milk at night and we started the day with more eventually. but these days, he can only sleep till 6 plus or 7. dunno if it's becoz he's hungry already or becoz we usually wake him up at 7 to go my MIL's place. his next feed is supposed to be at 8.

today i quite sayang him coz' his voice so hoarse. my maid says he might have cold becoz his nose sounds blocked. he doesn't look sick to me and has no fever but i think i will just be extra careful with him today.

btw, think it's better for u to give yu ze cereal. porridge is just plain carbo but cereal has the extra iron he needs coz' your BM is lacking in it once he turns 6 mths. plus cereal has all the nutrients he'll need. now i'm just wondering if there's such thing as giving too much cereal. i'm trying 2 feeds of 4 tbsp today. maybe tmrw i'll give him 2 feeds of 5 tbsp to keep him full between meals, esp in the afternoon and early evening.
happy mummy
no leh..i not teach in poly..but u r rite..every holis ...PLENTY of overseas trip...its our pick to see where we want to go ..heehee...my colleague going eygpt this march..but she single..so ok..for us..very shiong...my hubby also complaining..wah every holis..always not around..:p
Any body interested to buy this highchair? if yes, i'll try to work out a price...i was quoted $150 with delivery.

maybe if we bulk purchase will lower the cost.

can try out the high chair somewhere?
i dun think the high chair is good cos baby with diaper is ok to sit in but without diaper, i scared it is not really that good
Oh.. Then i think i wld give the JL expo sale a miss. Have been happily buying things for Ashley but not clothes for CNY..

Sure hope ur engine is up & running for ur return to work!! Hb & myself also figure we shd be off to my parents abt the same time as urself when I finally get back to work.. Or even earlier! Now it's just a plan. We're thinking of doing 1 week of dry-run *heheh*

Wow! Okieokie.. Let me see if HB wld be swayed..
BJG: u and rata sign up for the weekend or weekday class? any difference between day and nigh classes? and weekday and weekend classes?
i had transfer another $200 to u.. (on behalf of linx and amelia).
for linx, if she back up from the package, i get someone else to take over...

happy mummy,
yah, yu ze sleeps in his room in his cot. he only sleep with us for 1 month after confinement lady left. after that i put him back to his cot. i can't sleep well with him on our bed.

so you and your hubby are teachers. good loh, can spend time together with baby.

yu ze has been taking porridge + dishes at babysitter's place. i'm thinking of feeding him cereal tomorrow but don't know how much should i start with. also don't know if he will still want cereal after eating a week of porridge.
