(2008/08) Aug 2008

ur gal also rejecting bottle ah? my hb gg to try bottle feeding again this sat. if he rejects again, then hb will need to cup feed. sigh... i asked a few ppl...it seems they may outgrow the rejection. hopefully, soon.

u live at blk 400+ right? i'm at blk 267 st 21. i frequent sunplaza park quite often - mostly on sat evening ard 5pm. was there last sat (at the sand area where the swings are) and saw a couple with a bb and a stroller. was it u??
may be we can meet there on one of the sat
yah man.. cos of bf and im not storing any fbm, a lot of things cannot do.. cannot rebond, cannot highlight.. so nvm lah.. cut short lor.. hair will grow long in no time. Anyway quite sianz of long hair liao. ;p

good! Im also try to bf as long as possible.. but ss decreased after returning to work.. now only 2nd week, 1st week down with flu, and today down with viral infection, was nauseous and giddy. Goodness.. only stopped work for 5 months, now 'engine' so problematic. :S

wow! Great to her tt u've enjoyed ur holidays! Now getting into CNY mood oredi? heheee.. ;)

Tt's another 1 month plus before Adel turns 6 months leh. Hang in there alright? U took NPL?

Oh dear.. SL really look thinner. Poor thing... Has his appetite returned?

is it something like the old people call 'ba ziam' (eye needle - translated)? Poor Bernice.. then u will be trying to squeeze out the pus again?

haha my boy oso likes to scratch... when bf, he'll scratch the pillow behind me and enjoys listening to the sound.. but im more worried abt him scratching his head. And he loves to play with plastic bags! Sometimes when he gets bored when we're out, i'll give him a plastic bag to rustle. haaa..
my boy likes to scratch too. cos he sleeps on his tummy, he will always scratch the cot before he sleeps. when he drinks milk, he will either hold our finger, bottle or scratch his head. when he drinks when he is sleeping, he will sure scratch his head as if his head is very dirty and itchy.
Yah lor.. Sian!
My colleague was telling me her ger was also the same.. So for almost the whole day the bb didn't take milk, finally during one of the night feeds the bb just took to the bottle coz cldn't take the hunger oredi.. Wah, i hope i dun have to reach such a stage of battle with my ger

Oh dear.. U feeling better oredi? I hope my engine wun be rusty & then come down with illnesses too.. I suspect i might, usually i wld fall quite ill right after a busy period, just when my body is supposed to rest, the body can't adjust to the change in lifetstyle..
Please proceed to transfer the $100, thanks!
Once everyone confirmed and transferred then can start make booking liaoz.

Received your transfer.

Dphotofolio photoshoot
Please transfer $100(50% deposit) to my POSB Savings account 149-35371-2 by 15 Jan and indicate your nick.

Also, PM me your name, contact number, nick, transfer details so I can inform dphotofolio the list of mommies who signed up.

1. ruixuan (received)
2. Shint
3. celynlee
4. megan
5. linx
6. keri
7. Mandy (happymum1010)
8. coolsnow
9. Sarah (Shint’s contact)
10. Twinstars
11. Shirley
12. Amelia (ruixuan's contact)

Next friday is probably ok. Will PM you my HP number, can give me yours too ?

Not NPL, but broke the maternity leave, so going back on 30th. So not looking forward to it ! You, back to school already ?
westside mummies interested in gathering at hillview:

1. Gayle
2. Interrace
3. Snowhamster
4. Yuuri
5. M2B
6. Sylvia
7. Denise

i'll try to arrange a gathering sometime after the festive period ok? guess most will be busy w family stuff

when u use Goo.N will have nappy rashes? after finishing 5 packets, I gave up due to the nappy rashes n the price. Guess Jap yen high now,they have to increase price.
U might wanna consider pamper comfort, cheap but the tape only can use once. So u have to find something else to tape when the tape cant be use.

If I din rem wrongly.......... M size 58 pcs only less than $12 leh. Mamy Poko and EQ are the other brands that you can consider.
*whacks forehead* I typed the wrong number that's why no reply! haha..see you at class!

Sounds like we are self-inviting ourselves to your place! :p

re: scratching
I thought my boy was the only one! He keeps scratching my t-shirt, the bedsheet, my jeans, the car door, his head...whatever his hand comes into contact with!!

re: drop in milk ss
Mine has also been dropping steadily for the past 2 weeks. Now start taking domperidone to keep up the supply, since I don't intend to start on solids till CNY.
sam/ celyn,

i think i very long never experience engorgement or breast leak liao, haha. the only reason why i still use breast pads is to collect milk (if any) when i have let down sometimes, or to wipe my breasts after BF. dunno what to do with my one box of pigeon disposable breast pads...keep for #2?

no leh, goon so far ok. i only like it coz' of the indicator and it's compact, so can bring more diapers when going out, as compared to mamy poko, which is quite bulky. now even mamy poko is cheaper than goon. i tot pampers is quite a premium brand? didn't know the tape can only use once. i'll go check out offers when i next shop for groceries. btw, what is EQ? never heard of that brand.


what is domperidone? fenugreek doesn't seem to work anymore. i'm taking 2x a day but i feel as if i haven't taken it at all, haha.

what other methods to intro bottles? Coz the moment teat in Meredith's mouth, she will push it out. I tried different types of teats, bottles, she either just scream like siren or just push out.

There is one time when she politely put in her mouth, then the milk flow out from the 2 ends of her mouth. Hahaha!! Then she smile widely.........
domperidone is a drug also called motilium..it help to gastric reflux problem.. low dose of it help in stimulate breast milk supply.
krex........ disposable breast pad got expiry date leh.

Somehow... alot of mummies have SS reducing ar... headache....

pampers got 2 types. One is Active ( purple), now NTUC having promo til 22/1/09 - 3 for $45.95 ( I think is 38pcs per pkt). The comfort version is an older version. So the tape is those double side tape type. But very slim n thin.

Ya... I love Goo.N for the slim, not like Mamy Poko & huggies.. so thick. The indicator is good too. & after wearing, it won't become very huge n pull downwards. But the nappy rashes is a prob loh.

EQ is another brand. Think Giant selling. One of the mummies in another thread commented gd.
Fenugreek doesn't work for me. Domperidone can only be prescribed by doc or bought at pharmacy. Quite pricey but works v well. I also long long time no engorgement liao....funny ah, last time we all complain about engorgement, now complain no engorgement :p
wa... super many posts to catch up!

SL better alrdy? ya he looks like he lost weight leh... Fatten him up after he's better ya?

Hope your migraine is over alrdy. Hmm... u talking abt trip, I also gian. haha just now hubby ask me what I want for bday pressie. At first I said to sponsor my hair treatmt, but then later I said bring bb and me at least to HK Disneyland at end of yr... Haha, shd hv asked for more hor? :p
but then again, he say only, duno if will materialise or not

trudy looks happy in her jumperoo ya... gd idea to rent it.

re: scratching
So far my gal didn't do it but she's v curious abt things and wana touch and put in her mouth. If she doesn't get to put in her mouth, she will buay song and cry.

In fact, she keeps rubbing her face and nose, duno why or if it's itchy.

She got the rash so I had to apply calendula cream for her.

thks for sparing me a tub of the calendula cream. U're my bb's lifesaver

So you mean ur friend can help to get stuff from Japan isit? Hehe, contemplating nia, cos as u said JPY is getting stronger. When will your friend be coming back?

she is coming 1st wk of Feb. & she happened to have an account with Nissen, so can buy.

What u thinking of buying?
Gayle, I didn't know there will be people interested to meet in the west! I actually booked a function room in hillview this Sunday. Anyone free?

westside mummies interested in gathering at hillview:

1. Gayle
2. Interrace
3. Snowhamster
4. Yuuri
5. M2B
6. Sylvia
7. Denise
8. Jen

Shint, thanks for the PM... Hb not too keen on this package cos it seems quite ex for 1 hour session... May stick with our previous studio when they have promo...
hi mummies, just a quick hello to u all. have been super busy nowadays.

Both misaki and my #1 Ryo seem to want my full attention all the time.
lately Misaki seems to be unhappy and cranky.
. give her toys, bring her out, carry her, put her down, feed her , breatfeed her till my nipple super sore ... still cry.sighh.
feel like looking for a job, part time job just to have some "me" time..

sorry bout ranting here ladies. just feeling very exhausted today

yup...me too..didn't know actually got quite a few mummies stay this area
..heh..good..easier for meet-ups

u mentioned u booked a function room? what occasion?


no prob...meet up at someone place more convenient than outside. baby start to scream is ok. esp now dunno y my bb keep screaming, happy=scream, sad=scream, bored=scream..i deaf already.

westside mummies interested in gathering at hillview:

1. Gayle
2. Interrace
3. Snowhamster
4. Yuuri
5. M2B
6. Sylvia
7. Denise
8. Jen

hah? breast pad also got expiry date? tot like sanitary pad, dun have one. can last for another 2 yrs or not? if not, i better start using them now. i'm currently using avent reusable breast pads coz' more comfi, just that must wash everytime. the pampers active still very ex leh. i'm looking for diapers that are gd but cost ard 30-32 cents a pc. i based it on mamy poko 72 pcs S size when i bought on offer from NTUC at $22.75 last time.


must go PD or gynae or any GP will do? i think i shall just resign to my fate lah. will finish up the fenugreek that i have, then pump whatever milk is left of me. i think i will eventually come to a point where i will revert back to half FM and half BM, just like when i first started. i hope that time only comes when my boy can take solids well, like for a meal at least.


hang in there! not easy to be SAHM. i'm already feeling bored from my 4th month ML. i think 3 mths is just right. i felt sad when i had to go back to work, but even though it was hectic, it felt better when i came home, BF my bb, play with him and start work again the next day. now i just feel so lethargic and xian of him crying all the time. but on the other hand, i'm also glad i could take leave to feed him solids. at least i have the chance to experience some of his "firsts". i think after this, i won't be so "gian" to take long leave to be with the boy anymore, heehee.

i'm also deaf from my boy's scream. thankfully he only scream when bad mood or hungry or bored, but that's enough to irritate the hell out of me. when he's playing, and after feeds, he's still able to laugh and talk. thank goodness, else i think i'll go crazy.
Ruixuan, celyn, Megan, linx, Keri, Mandy, coolsnow, Twinstarn, Shirley,

Dphotofolio photoshoot
TO enjoy this bulk discount, please transfer $100(50% deposit) to my POSB Savings account 149-35371-2 by 15 Jan and indicate your nick. I have a deadline to transfer the 50% deposit to her.

Also, PM me your name, contact number, nick, email address, transfer details , how many kids& age, preferred timeslot(date and time) so I can inform dphotofolio the list of mommies who signed up.

1. ruixuan (received)
2. Shint
3. celynlee
4. megan
5. linx
6. keri
7. Mandy (happymum1010)
8. coolsnow
9. Sarah (Shint’s contact)
10. Twinstars
11. Shirley
12. Amelia (ruixuan's contact)
Who's linx?

Please send me PM that you have read this and has/going to transfer the $$ so I can track. If I do not receive the transfer then I have to drop you from the list as I need to transfer the 50%, thanks.
yuuri, no... my parents' place but I go during weekends... haha... so is convenient for me... esp if meeting is weekend...

gayle, no occasion... acherly asked my gal's classmates to meet up for PL and lou hei but last min only 2 can come... so I dun mind a few other frens who wanna join in the fun, else hard to PL... also a bit paiseh for me to ask frens who I know stay in east mah... interested, PM me...
Hi Shay
Yes.. you are right, my block is just next to the park. Love the view from our home - parkview. Only prob - no lift.

Last Sat I was out.. so I don't think you saw us.. Hee.. Yes, it'd be great to meet up one of this Sats. This Sat I doubt I'll be going down because my ex-classmates are gathering at my place tog with their kids! It's going to be fun and I'm sure chaotic!

What a pity!!

Re: sleep
Last night baby woke up almost every 2 hours. Not sure why as well. It was really quite tiring and almost frustrating. Thank goodness husband took over at about 5am and stayed with him till I woke up nearly 7am.

Yesterday I gave in and allowed the boy to sleep in my arms during the day. We are wondering if that was the reason for his disrupted sleep. The past week where I allowed him to cry it out on the mattress.. he actually slept better at night. So strange. Thought if babies took adequate day naps, they should be sleeping better at night.

pads gotta expiry arh??? i aso didnt know. anyway, i juz gonna ignore it & use when i have 2nd one, tat is if i can get 2nd one...

kinda uncertain about giving birth again cos i see quite afew of my friends who arent successful when trying for 2nd one...
yah man. i spoke to a few friends who bbs reject bottle. they say as bbs get older, they may just suddenly take to the bottle again. hopefully, ours will take to it soon. sighhh....

I'm using Huggies Ultra for night. Think it's the cheapest compared to Pampers Active and Mammy Poko. Seems ok. no leakage and my boy still sleeps thru.

Yup, Japan will be nice during the cherry blossom! Your hb doesn’t want Oz if not I think it is a very child-friendly destination.

Trudy is so chubby and alert! Cutie pie!

Ya, I think good to meet up after the festive since all busy with visiting during CNY.

So far the migraine hasn’t hit me these few days *touch wood*
Good to go for a trip with bb, I’ll try to arrange 1 this year too. =P

You must be tired out by your 2 baobeis…hope Misaki gives mommy some easy time soon.
gayle, I added u in FB... pls check... do you want me to try booking the venue in Feb for the gathering? Cham... I think they gonna mark me leow...
coolsnow, celyn,
Thanks for transfer. I'll check.

Np. will wait for u.

The other mommies,
Pls indicate if u had received the email, read this and when transferring .. thanks. cos i need to transfer the deposit to confirm the bp.

are u interested? i tot i rem u asking abt it?

for ur reference. price will vary n plus promotion too.

mamy poko: $24.75 for 56 pc L size
64pc for M size

huggies ultra $16.70 for 34 L size
40 pcs for M size

pamper active $ 35 for 60 L size
68 pcs for M size

pamper comfort $ 14.85 for 66 L size
$11.95 for 58 pcs for M size
I was told the breast pad got expiry. Even individual packs will indicate the date.

I think around 2 -3 years usage pah

those who is keen must go trial this weekend & confirm b4 cny as both Yurri & I will start class the very week after cny
