(2008/08) Aug 2008

Try to catch some rest today & hope ur boy doesn't repeat the same pattern tonight. Generally fr the books i read, if bb have adequate naps, they shd sleep well at night. But there hv their strange moments too

I hope very soon! We're going to work hard on this issue over the CNY weekend.. I need to get this prob resolved before i return to work in Apr

Yah lor, i was telling him OZ is very child-friendly, but he says boring leh.. Cannot shopping chiong like last time

Gosh, hope Misaki gives u an easier time today.. Hmm, another growth spurt?
Hi Ratatouille

I am a passive follower of this thread. I am keen on BJG but will only be going for a trial this weekend. If the trial turns out well, i will probably sign up for BJG. When do you intend to sign up for BJG?
hisstory / M2B,
I prob will wana go to Oz, at least to Melbourne cos can visit my bro, and that will depend if this yr-end she's going anywhere or not. Somemore in Oz, since my bb is on TFM, means cannot bring in FM leh... Aus v strict on bringing foodstuff to their country. super sianz...

wa... u keep track of the diapers promo? hehe, actually i also keep track of the milk powder prices at diff supermarts.
I think pampers Baby Dry is not too bad, especially if Giant has promo. I bought one pack of M size 62 pcs, at $11.80. I hope i didn't see wrongly, that was at Vivo Giant.
It's the red/green packaging, not the orange one. THe orange one not so gd, cutting damn small!!! regret buying that.

I go look see Nissen website, see if anything interesting, might not buy.

ya need to bu SL abit more, then will be chubby and cute!
m00, dats great. Both Yurri & I have already called to confirm we will start class on 1st feb (sun class) so we need to get 5 people b4 we make payment & start class. you do not need to take the same class as us. so long we sign up together will get the 5% liao.
. PM me ur hp no we co-ordinate if u keen to sign up

where's the BJG website? Wana hv a look again. Forgot where it's located.

The feedback that you and Yuuri gave, sounds like quite gd.

I remember reading somewhere on your blog you got some teethers from Seiyu Bugis right?
Which brand was it? Combi or Pigeon?
Cos I think it was some Japanese brand.
val...definitely can bring FM into Australia, somemore mine is pack into individual bags by my maid for ease of usage....as loong as u declare and say its for ur baby, they ok
I also thought of Melbourne coz we had gone to Perth.. Must get him more interested, though he's leaning twd HK for now

When did u get the Pampers Baby Dry ah? I like it coz it's not as bulky as PetPet, but sometimes it leaks..
I got Baby Dry from Giant at Vivocity. It was selling $11.80 a pack for M size, so I grabbed one pack.

Just now was at Parkway Giant, it was selling for $17.22!! Big difference.

U mean Petpet leaks or Pampers Baby Dry leaks?

ehheh.... Hubby always say shui bian, but end up when I suggest, say this and that. real sianz.
Haha, I was thinking of your hubby, mb for short one, just go to HK and go to Disneyland lo...

U tempt me leh... Ya i going to po kai if buy so many clothes. I still got one wardrobe of clothes that Chevelle has not worn before! *faintz*

The pumpkin patch ones look not bad, mb i ask my bro help me buy the bigger sizes, haha.
Ruixuan, celyn, Megan, linx, Keri, Mandy, coolsnow, Twinstar, Shirley,

Dphotofolio photoshoot
TO enjoy this bulk discount, please transfer $100(50% deposit) to my POSB Savings account 149-35371-2 by 15 Jan and indicate your nick. I have a deadline to transfer the 50% deposit to her.

Also, PM me your name, contact number, nick, email address, transfer details , how many kids& age, preferred timeslot(date and time) so I can inform dphotofolio the list of mommies who signed up.

1. ruixuan (received)
2. Shint (received)
3. celynlee (received)
4. megan - tomorrow
5. linx - ?? Ruixuan, pls help to inform
6. keri - waiting for transfer
7. Mandy (happymum1010) - waiting for transfer
8. coolsnow (received)
9. Sarah (Shint’s contact) - waiting for transfer
10. Twinstars - waiting for transfer
11. Shirley (received)
12. Amelia (ruixuan's contact) - waiting for tranfer

a) Can you please help to inform linx cos i dunno who she is ... is she from our forum?
b) can get your friend Amelia to transfer?

Twinstars, keri, linx, Megan, happymum1010(Mandy),
please transfer soon ok? thanks!

Details on her contact, arrangements will be given once we've got the $$ transferred and I transfer the 50% deposit. Else no go if dun meet the deadline. Thanks ;)

We'll be getting 2 free 5R prints.
Thanks! Im better oredi after taking meds. Haaa.. at 1st i was wondering is it 'strike lottery' cos nauseous and giddy mah... luckily test was negative. Cannot imagine how to handle another one. Now u shd start building up ur immunity. I just bought the Redoxon vita immune tt mummies here were recommending.

oh yah! u told me abt it. Hehee.. memory gettin shorter snd shorter. :p Yah i understand hw u r feeling.. was feeling super sianz in dec too.. Make full use of ur time with Adel yah.

Thansk! Im better oredi. Yah lor, was telling doc to give me something safe for bf. Heheee.. will try hard to keep up the ss. Haven't tried fenugeek yet..

haaha yah lor... now i only experience engorgment if i didn't pump for more than 10 hours! A bit sianz to see the ss dropping.

hahaa my boy oso leh.. wanna put everything into his mouth.. don't lethim do it, he will cry. Told hubby tt he's one stubborn baby.. :S

hang in there! The phase will pass soon. Can come forum and rant yah.

bo bian. We use diapers, wipes like water... so have to check.

I'm using L size for some brand, while trying to finish the leftover M size ones.. So have to keep a look out n stock up when needed.


ok. I wait n see if Val decide to buy or nt. then I ask her order all at one time.

the pumpkin patch very cute ya............

u taking the order? The currency is USD or AUD?
Size 1 is how big ? 6-12 mths?

tempting leh. Hahaha!!
Wah, so much diff.. Tt's madness!
Ooops, i wasn't clear.. I meant Pampers baby dry leaked on me. A couple of times the diaper leaked when I am carrying her.. But i still like it leh

Yah lor was thinking of Disneyland, then maybe just enjoy the food & some shopping. Prob no night mkts if we head to HK..

Gdgd, coz the weekend's just 1 day away!!

Am trying to take Vit C pills & Redoxon as & when I rem.. Am just not a pill popper, so dun have the habit to take supplements

Talking abt striking lottery.. I kena my period and am still bf leh.. *faint* At first i thought it's just spotting, but it's a full fledged period *sian*

Wah, sure pok kai.. I already participated in 2 BPs in 2 weeks.. Must control liao, now no pay.. *hahah*
i dun have anymore of enfalac.. maybe u can try some mummies here who feeding baby with enfalac..


My son at last better liao


attire bought by babysitter
It's in Aussie @ 1.06!!
I'm not taking orders lah..joined the overseas spree..heehee.. :p

Nvermind lah..u will haf pay soon yah? Spend future $$..hehee..
When are u starting work?
Heheh, spend future $$$.. Nono, spend hb's money!!
When ah? April.. Not looking fwd to it coz I dunno if my ger can adjust to the bottle by then. If not i wld be so stressed
i was very busy with work when SL start falling sick starting of Jan.. the "thin" photo was taken ealry of Jan... the pic i just post was taken today when i just pop by at babysitter's place to play with him..

Super busy and cannot focus at work..

krex, M2B, aurora and hisstory , thank u for all the comforting words

I feel alot better today. dont know about tomorrow tho.. but at least today she is quite cooperative, not as cranky as yesterday.
I notice that when I am feeling down/ cranky she'll become cranky as well. So it's like a circle, dont know who started first.
I feel bad that I actually have the thought of getting a job because of feeling so burnt out.
and worse thing I sometimes feel jealous with my hubby bcoz he gets to meet people, achieve something (in work), and even go to gym while I am at home with the kids.

when I had 1 child I thought it was not easy, but now having 2 kids is really no joke heeeee
. especially when there is no one else to help u. My maid basically only does house works, which I'm really grateful for ,She has her weakness but I cant imagine if there's no one to help me doing housework, I'll became CRAZY.

Anyway enough complaining.. now I'd better see things from different perspective that I'm so lucky to be with my children and witness their growth and achievement each day . one day at a time, and I'll be okay

Aurora: I hope you get well soon. That time there was a Bp for kanyu drop. that one is actually very good for immune system, if u combine with vit C even better. My hubby used to take this when he was young. (its japanese product).I am taking it too now.

Yumeumi san: are you organizing jshopper spree?. If you are ,could I join pls, I'm thinking of getting some socks for ryoutaro.

Catherine: how's Bernice 's eye? is it getting better? poor Bernice. I saw her video eating her 1st cereal. sooo cute. I just started Mi chan on cereal yesterday , not very succesfull.

M2B; very nice pic at FB
. always love to see your gals outfit. I also cant stop shopping for Misaki (sigh). how to control.?

Hisstory: u are going for holiday? lucky u

I agree with M2b, japan is beautiful during spring. and it's child friendly. recommend u Fukuoka for the good food
I have a few tins of Enfalac A+ I got from Faeriekim which she bought from BP .. i can sell it to you .. cos Kai had not started on FM yet.

don't worry about the bottle feeding, I believe when Apr comes, you should be able to go work not worrying about it.

Ya... go Japan. The sakura is wah!! If u need help, can ask me.

*hugs* I know what u mean.. There were days when Ashley was so diff to handle tt I wished I was back at work & didn't have to face the nonsense of her crankiness..

But I agree, when u're down/cranky, it is a very uphill task to deal with a cranky bb too.. Veryvery bad combi doomed for disaster.. But u've survived & will overcome

I've been to Fukuoka in Jun07.. The food is nice! But my fear of Japan, the language barrier. If not i think the cheery blossoms wld be so lovely...

Thanks!! I think if i'm hardhearted enough, she will eventually succumb to the bottle when she has decided she has also starved herself enough..

If it's Japan, I am thinking of Hokkaido.. Dunno why, but I'm thinking of it.. heheh

hw r u?

must have a good rest.

For the spree, just give me the link of the items you want. It has to be Nissen brand, coz my frd who is coming down have account to order. The rest of the brands, I not sure.

She's coming down 1st wk of Feb.
Baby Jumper Gym Class

Calling mummies who wanna join us and get 5% off course fee! As Rata mentioned earlier, must have 5 babies sign up together, so you'll have to go for a trial class (unless you wanna start without going for a trial first) this Saturday or Sunday! Rata and I both confirm our class to start on 1st Feb already.
More info about BJG can be found here: http://bjg.com.sg/

I think the class is good, got a good mix of academics and activity...and they keep the class small so our babies gets sufficient attention!

are u mommies using M or L size already? i'm still at S size for mamy poko leh. and recently just upgraded to S size for GOON. still got 1 more pack of NB...seems that still can use except the tape must tape wider lor.


if i ever become one, i dun think i will have a maid, so between being a SAHM w/o a maid and a working mom with a maid, i think i'd rather choose the latter :p maybe i'll want to find a job that is less stressful and will allow me to go home on time everyday
krex, eh... ya... using L size, except Pamper active is M size nw. Meredith out grown Goo.N S size when she's 2nd mth. Now M size all very tight. & can see the thick red line on her thighs.... so very xin tong.

Think she has big thighs loh.

Michelin 1st stage. :p

Oh...... u can find those ang moh company where working hours can be flexible. & can off work on the dot or go home early if u finish. Nw cant rem.. which companies.. must go n check.
BJG class is either Sat 12-1pm or Sun 2-3pm. The tcher we had was Grace. If we continue at the same timeslot, the teacher is fixed. Wanna join us?

Oh yah, and BJG allows both parents to participate!

Hisstory: thanks dear

u were in Fukuoka jun 07? wasnt it rainy season? I went there in apr 07 and it was COLD.will be going back there to visit inlaws this summer.
actually I'd rather go to hokaido..hee. But then no free accomodation.
You are going back to work in apr? who's taking care of Ashley? can slowly introduce her with bottle,and by then she'll be taking more solid food so dun worry

Yumeumi san: woow nice pics!!! and the wed pics are beautiful n cute with those comments

btw regarding the jshopper: if only me ,very paiseh ... i thought there's a spree going on hehee

krex: Misaki is using L size pet pet. M size is too tight for her thigh already.
If your NB pack is unopen u can exchange with them again when u order a bigger size. (if u buy from diaper.com.sg).
