(2008/08) Aug 2008

Wah snow,
Congrats! so fast ! hee.
Our first 080808 baby in this forum ;)

Tonite u can watch Beijing Olympics while nursing ... actually only for the baby to practice suckling only .. kekeke.
Babywise says she will let go one of her Large size to u at USD10 ... so u can combine with her.
ok for u?

do share ur bb pic when u have time
You prob need M size unless your nipple diameter is Qtr++, if it's Pencil/Dime/Nkl then it's M size.

Then I was thinking u can then combine with Dongle and I buy the Deluxe Combo Kit M/L.
If you need L size, then better still, u can take my L size and i continue to combine with Dongle. Let me know, thanks.
chipchip & twin stars
my gal at my sis house, hopefully these few nite she gd gal lor.
will post bb photo when my hb come back, i can't reach my camera now.
Those who delivered at TMC
Do they provide a locker for you to keep valuables while u go for your operation?
Is there a small drawer with lock? I forgot liaoz.
Now i think i know why some hospital dun wan to provide free internet access ... cos all the patients wun end up resting.

See now just go for C-section then all so excited, using forum liao .. hahha.
Snow, better rest then milk flow will come in better.

Its ok with me. I would take the large one and babywise would take the medium one from the combo. We both save money :D
Dear All,

MIA for a while since i went to b induce on 5th aug.
Finally get to see my son on the 5th aug, 5.13pm, he weighed 3.11kg, normal delivery wout epi,length 31cm.

he is still in hospital due to high grade jaundice,hopefully to bring him back by tomolo.

am having very bad engorgement since last nite, this morning went hospital to see my boi and to latch him on to help with the pain. later gg again to seek his help to suck.
my breast still feel very hard, been pumping every 2hrs twice today until my nipple abit bleeding liao, wonder is the suction too hard or i pressed too hard.
anyway now i truely understand is NOT EASY to breastfeeed and for my case..is super painful!!

will post pics of my boi and update my birth story later.

sorry, gotto go hospital again.

congrats to all new mommies and all mom to be...just manage to scan through the postings, will get into details later.
is normal to have engorgement only when we dun feed our babies as often as they want or when lazy mommies like me dun pump when my baby din return home with me, then supply come in, no outlet, so kenna engorged.
if u pump/latch often, u wont need to feed this kinda pain which i think should the right way loh, so now i got to suffer for being a lazy and tired mommy.
i dont express much cos i feel when express like very little. i let her latch on and then usu i top up with another 2oz(60ml) of fm. But sometimes she will still hungry then i make another 1oz. i think now she should be taking about 110ml cos last few times when i express it's about 50ml.

Breast not really engorged .. so i suspect supply down

congrats !!!
Thanks. Cos I realised these 2 days no more engorgement, and per pump supply also drop.
But feels so good not to have the hard lump there!
You must jiayou ok? Don't be lazy mummy!
Take care of yourself and hope your son can return tmr!
Wah 110 ml per feed is alot!! I also suspecting same thing as you, so considering fenugreek now. And I'm still very stubborn abt not feeding fm. But supply in fridge is depleting liao.
Hi Mummies

Congrats to all new mommies and all mom- to- be.I have delivered my baby on 5 Aug via C-section as the cord ard baby neck.Baby weighs 2.855g and 50cm long.i hv discharge from hospital but baby still in the hospital due to jaundice.
Last round i oso lazy and i never had engorgement ... only once! and really dun have supply, each time only pump vv little, like 30ml? and enough for his 1 little feed .... soon, have to top up FM.

This time i must pump and pump religiously. Afterall, invested in the Ameda pump liao ... and getting the fenugreek, the tea ....

Engorgement - better pump la ... and before u pump, can use hot towel and massage the breast so can be easier to pump. Massage the breast so the hardened part will be soften, something like tat.

If nipple vv painful, alternative use nipple shield. This round I standby everything liaoz. Last round oso never use nipple cream. No dual pump. No engorgement.

I MUST PRODUCE MORE MILK THIS TIME .... but still will supplement with FM if not enough la ... cos seems like #2 gonna be quite big ... so must prepare for a big eater rite? hehe.
Congrats Elmo.
Rest well and start pumping... hee. We vv pro breastfeeding hor? They should come and feature us ... kkekeke.
for me as long as she does bf 1st and if she still hungry then i give her fm. no choice already. cos my bb is small so my gynae told me must get her to put on more weight, even thou my PD told me 2.69 is not small but my gynae feels try to get her put on weight. So hubby say as long as she wants to drink, just give her.
Good to hear you are so determined...btw, what tea ah? Does nipple shield really help?

I kindda got lost in the thread..So are you still ordering from breastisbest.com?
celyn, your hospital bill must be very ex if he has to stay 14 days! i kept my bb in hospital for 3 days due to jaundice and the bill was already quite high. luckily after medisave only $100.

catherine, my bb also got the same prob. since hospital already don't want to latch on. prob drank too little milk so got jaundice lor. now he's back, i just give him EBM and formula. thinking of trying BF again this weekend with hb's help. the last time i tried, he cried so hard at having to work for BM that he vomitted almost all the formula milk out when we eventually gave him the bottle
sigh, my kid really got temperament sia!
oh yes, my maid came earlier than expected. got a transfer maid from phil. i think she's very bored at home coz' got not much housework to do since i live in 5 rm flat. plus i got CL, so she don't really need to take care of bb. those with maids, can share what kind of duty roster u have for your maid? i really need to give her more things to do. today she got so bored i found her doing pedicure in the kitchen!!!
That's the thing about bottle, cos it's so easier and they dun learn to suck.
So sometimes they say use cup to feed .... me oso have to take a step as it comes.

The nipple shield is for cracked nipple and sore nipple ... last time i pumped till it bled ... so have to use the shield oso. Also, I have inverted nipple so it's tougher to suck .... now i not paiseh to say ... last round first time mama, never say ... kekeke.

Aiya, oredi gone thru delivery and breastfeeding in front of so many pple ... now like nothing to hide, not shy oredi. Nothing left liao! haha.

So for those with inverted nipple, there might be a problem with breastfeeding cos baby might have more problems latching .... so i use the shield oso. For all purpose la. It was when he a bit bigger that he can latch better but cos quite painful, i ended up pumping. took the easier way out.

This time will try again ... but alternative is still pumping and FM if not enough lor.
Sigh I got the same problem with you. Now try to latch on, he struggle so hard like I trying to feed him poison sia! So sad
Your maid so SinLang?
You get her to follow the CL and learn la... cos once CL goes, she is gonna take over the role of "CL" ok. So she better learn.

Get her to learn how to sterilise bottles, wash baby laundry, change diaper, bath baby, know the habits of baby, etc. So many things to do.

Clean your place clean clean la ...
iron baby clothes ...
so get ur bb to suckle b4 giving fm... i always tell my girl she has to work hard at suckling then got milk.. no work no milk... ha ha..
mommies, I gave birth to my baby girl Misaki at mt alvernia , aug 6th, at 0023am. weight 2.9kg. 49cm length. Natural without epidural.

Very fast and intense labour. It took only less than 3 hrs from the time they induce me with the drip till she was born. (only 2x push, and she's out

congratulations to all the mommies who have given birth.
Now Babywise still be in her stiching process ba .. hee.

U know ah, i got frens who sms me and asked if I SHENG oredi ..... then i tell them change date liaoz.

Some colleagues might be wondering how come I am still ard coming Monday .. haha.
hi shint, thanks for your recommendations. i've got the amedua lactaline dual pump from the pharmacy at TMC. just to check, how does the 12-month warranty work? is there a card or anything that we need to mail back? i saw a instruction booklet that indicates the 12-month carry in warranty. is that enough with the receipt from teh pharmacy? please advise. many thanks.

my milk ss seems to lower too and my boy seems to prefer bottle liao coz we have been feeding him EBM using bottle so i think he knows it is easier to feed from bottle than to suckle mommy's breasts. :\

wow catherine, your princess is drinking a lot! Good.

congrats hashinan, snow and mommies who have given birth. jia you for mommies who are going to deliver soon.
Mommies, I took raspberry leaf tea 1 week before giving birth. and lots of it on the night before my child was born and during labour as well.. Maybe thet's why I had fast labour?

*congratulations* zynn looks really angelic in her state of sleep.. And very fair too

Hello Zynn!! *waves*

twin stars & interrace

Press on with BF k? There are many support groups & LC in the hopspitals who wld be able to help & encourage us to persevere in giving BM.. Even if can't do well in BF, am sure thru EBM we're also giving bb's the best
*jia you*


*hugs* Dun be too worried abt Yu Ze's condition k? just more dietary restrictions
Hope he gets discharged soon to be in ur arms
Shint: Thanks for your help!! My mobile is 90401870, or can I contact you to talk about the right size to buy? my email is [email protected]. Paiseh kinda of lost with that chart...pencil, nickel, Q++!!

Snow74: Congrats on arrival of Zynn :)
u staying in how many bedder when u deliver at TMC? I stayed in 2-bedder room, there's a small cupboard and drawer, plus a side table with drawer for u to put ur belongings. No lock. So sny valuables can ask hubby to keep for u.
Shint/Dongle: think I decide not to buy the handsfree set. Just buy the shields, L size, cos the bra size is 85C (made mistake earlier). then about the nipple diameter, think should be nickel/dime/qtr (the usual norm). If so, then I get the L size from you is it?? can still call me or i call you to clarify. Thanks!!
Shint, Earnestmum,
their description of nipple size so funny, i cant rem what is dime/nickel/quarter size... hehee... why cant they give proper dimensions???

oh, i just found something from mumsfairy:

What size should I choose for Super Shields +Plus?
Use your approximate nipple diameter for determining size - If different on each side, use largest diameter:
Medium (Approx nipple size = 29mm or smaller)
Large (Approx nipple size = 29-35mm)
Extra Large (Approx nipple size = 35mm or larger)

let me know if you r revising yr order as earnestmum is taking L supershields... im ready to order breastisbest & pumpinpal asap...

twin star,
glad u have worked out a comfortable BF schedule... me still slogging every 2 to 3hours... it's important to keep yrself sane by bathing & washing hair... hehe... i find that i get irritated easily on the 3rd day since i last wash hair cos im only washing hair every 3 days...

babywise, elmo, hashisan,

you very on lei... GA just wear off can start to surf net... rest more ok... wah, yr princess aledi wearing hairband... so cute...

breastisbest.com just replied me that the white valve are for ameda pump... so i order for you 4 valves & the lansinoh bags...

breastisbest.com spree is still on cos they finally replied me le... i will order for you 2 valves...

pls let me have yr email address so that i can mass email everyone in the spree...

Dongle: Taking Mumsfairy's nipple diameter guide to be same as Pumpinpal, then my size should be M. So quoting Shint's previous post,

"Then I was thinking u can then combine with Dongle and I buy the Deluxe Combo Kit M/L.
If you need L size, then better still, u can take my L size and i continue to combine with Dongle. Let me know, thanks."

I would combine with you(Dongle) to share. Is it ok? my email add: [email protected]

Shint: Did I get you correct?

Hashisan: Raspberry leave tea can aid faster delivery? Can buy from Cold Storage/Giant/NTUC? I surely dun want the 16 hours labour process again that I had gone through with my son.

Goon Newborn diapers: Anyone interested to get 1 or 2 packs of Goon NB diapers can get from me as I would be ordering up to $60 to enjoy the free delivery at http://www.diapers.com.sg/home.php?cat=1. Collect from Kovan mrt. Each pack of 58 diapers cost $15.50.

Nini: I have not used the shields before but previously when I pumped exclusively for my son, I had thought it would be nice if there are shields so that it's more comfy on the breasts. I am not sure if the shopping centre sells them cos never shopped for them. Think should be available on Medela's website.

Snow74: Really peifu you can log on so fast!! I very jialet, even post pics also dun know.
