(2008/08) Aug 2008

hi all,
oh i found the cord.. hahaha ... when i took off her bodysuit to bathe her, it was there.. hahaha. so i didnt lose it. Yeah !!

oh.. anyway my mom say must put the cord in a red packet and keep it.

ya our babies same bday
My PD nvr give me any powder lei.. only the alcohol prep swipe. When you doing your full month ? My mom checked the "tong xin" and say 28th aug is the best date. else 24th Sunday also can but not as good as 28th.

Thanks Faeriekim/Catherine!

Kel, thanks! Whoa u oso are 'wei da' de! Hehee...somemore 2x come out via natural leh! hehe...salute!

valnsw, haha...really ah? I dun have that 'ang mo' feeling for her, just keep looking at her and wondering she looks more like me or Daddy, her eyes, nose, lips, head etc. Hahaha...cannot help it! And yea, my hubby is malay, but he has some arab, pakistan, indian n malay blood along the way too! LOL

Thanks Shint! U oso think she looks ang mo-ish ah? LOL. Oh...i was surprised that i opt for natural delivery without any assistance too! LOL...But no worries, help or no help, as long BB come out healthy u happy liao! LOL.

Thanks Luvlel / Aurora

Medusa: hahaa...thanks thanks! Let's wait till she's full month - sure change of looks again! LOL. Oh yea la, the screaming of OTHER women in labour is seriously not helping! Hahaha...but Mummies who going to ESH, ur hubbies sure lurve the super comfy seat at the labour ward. My hubby was getting pretty comfortable while waiting. Hhaha...can watch TV somemore :p

Valnsw, hahaa..not the 'spiritual' worry, just the hearing of women in labour abit the not encouraging la. hahaa...just switch on the tv if u can and get urself comfortable can liao

The rest of the Mummies going to pop soon, jia you and have a smooth delivery k! hehe...
Any idea where to keep the cord? After putting in red packet? I'm having my full month on the 24th cos' it's a Sunday. I'm afraid 28th, no one will come...but catering cheaper ley! Hehe..anyway, I already booked my function room so don't think I will be changing.
i doing mine on 24th too for friends.. wanted to book my function room but the mgt office was closed. later i go try again. Then on 28th prob will do dinner with family..
I dun think I’m ordering the toothpaste liao coz I rbr I didn’t use any for my #1 too…heehee…thanks for coordinating

Then your night sleep sure disturbed right? Dun worry bb shd get into a routine soon…endure…how you try to keep her awake? I know it is difficult coz when they wana sleep mean wana sleep 1…

Yup, it is really coincidental and some said we are fated to be together but I dun like leh coz I think birthdays are special day for 1 and now I share it with someone else…although it is my hb lah…heehee

Congrats and you really brave to go w/o epi. Your princess is so pretty!

I haven’t weigh myself yet but the tummy has gone down a lot…yup, binding after the 1hour massage…

The massage lady did teach me how to massage my breasts for milk but I think I belong to the low milk supply type so no use…hahaha

Yuuri & Catherine,
We are organizing bb’s shower on 23 Aug coz prefer Sat…ya, if weekdays think many people wun come…
Yeah haha! Its lidat one. My hubby reminded me to trim my nails last nite...think he scared I dig my nails into his flesh when in pain : p
Go get some rest, take care!

Yeah they will look different from time to time. Are you going to do the clean shave of hair for her? Cos you know rite, the muslims believe the birth hair is no good so must do one time shave at least... But I think for gals like very poor thing... if shave liao then the growing part will be so patchy...: (
Btw Mummies, i got this very nice surprise gift from my Hubby's good fren - a 3-tier Diaper cake. i lurve it! If anyone interested/wanna order can go to this link:

Can customise and if u ordering remember to mention that u're recommended by Firdaus & Hui Chin so u can get some special discount! Heheh..

See this pic! Hehehe...

hi all (sorry to intrude),

i'm selling my Quinny Buzz (3 wheelers) - Sulphur color (apple green)

its Brand New with Local warranty.

Warranty is still not filled as the guy at BBHyperstore said to bring back BB's birth cert after i deliver and warranty will start thereafter.

And it can be reclined totally and allows forward facing too.

Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested.

Letting go at a good price!
valnsw: I have also been not able to sleep through the nights! Always log in in wee hours.

I have been to Dr Ang, my gynae this morning. Baby Amber is about 3.5 kg now at 39 weeks 2 days. 5 more days to edd. If 1 week after edd is not pop, then must induce birth!! Hope she comes out on edd :)
Hi mummies,

I've Fenugreek for sale at $15 a bottle (incl postage)

- 100 cap
- 500 mg
- "NOW" brand
- expiry: 04/2011

If you buy more, I can reduce the price. Let me know if you're interested.

I have rec' orders fr YLN, faerie, babywise, val, yuuri, cat & shint...

it's ok...

you mean you want to borrow my vpost account to save on shipping? Me should be ordering either tonight or sat night cos fri i not free... but i want to settle asap cos i need my stuffs... as for lansinoh bag, we are getting from

does that mean you want the spare parts kit @ 16.95 & supershields medium @ 13.99?

thanks for the link on ameda parts...

any mummies interested in www.mommysown.com instead? no lansinoh bags & no supershields lei...

wah, yr baby is of a good size, hope you will deliver on yr EDD...
Your bb is really good weight...hope bb will cooperate and come out these few days.

Mommies who have popped,
Are all bbs sleeping alot in the day?
Oh, ya, any mommies sneaked out during confinement?

So far, I have been out to submit details for bb's name selection, gynae and pd visits, library with my #1 and just now went supermarket to get my #1 milk powder...heehee
hey..neber see snow today..hope she is okie...

hey mummies...snow and I will be delivering tomorrow..wish us good wishes ya?
i want to freeze my EBM so that my bb can have BM when i go back to work..so thats y i want to buy the storage bags..im using bottles to keep in the fridge section , but those milk i will only use within 24hrs...

BBs sleeping in the day
my BB also sleep alot during the day..and at nite..got bad habit to wake up and want comfort suckling...my confinement lady trying to train her to sleep more at nite so when she go back, i wont suffer...:p...crossing my fingers that my bb will be understanding lor and sleep more at nite when CL goes back...

i just woke up from nap...tired sia...at nite wake up 2 times to pump..

sneaking out
heehee...me going to NTUC later with hubby..buay tahan liao..going mad if continue stay home like dat..but CL dun seem to pleased when i say i going supermarket...she say raining today..better not go..but i insist...must go outside and see other people other than CL, bb , maid and hubby!

pumpin pal super shield
i tried it and its quite good leh...can relax and pump milk ..no need to strain my back ...mummies who considering to buy it ...go buy!

I would like to order the handsfree strap also but it does not sell on www.breastisbest.com, so better to get the bundled deal from Mumsfairy. Unless u just want to order only the supersheild la. Now trying to top up to $100 to get free delivery .. haha.

I just want to get the supershield so that I can lean back and pump instead of sit straight.

For the handsfree...not sure if I want it yet for now...but was thinking, if I really want also, maybe I can try to create one of my own with some wires....:p

I am thinking of getting this Easy Expression Hands Free Bustier Nursing Bra for the handsfree effect. There is mix review about it but I will just give it a go and see if it works for me...

i should be ordering either tonight or sat night cos fri i not free... but i want to settle asap cos i need my stuffs...

drugstore.com got medela parts... i closing the orders by tonight hor...

me only went out for gynae & pd visits so far... tomo going out to register her birth cert + maybe go taka baby fair... hehe...
Wondering who is using the hands free strap from Pumpin Pal? Is it really useful?

Or will the supershield do? With the supershield, still must hold on to the bottles is it?
Wa, so fast u all planning baby 1st month liaoz .... we haven't even delivered .. hehe.
Can get feedback on what is good and where to order from ;)
My baby sleeps alot! Day and night...I have to struggle to wake him up to drink! And even when he does drink, his eyes are still tightly shut! Sigh...so worried he's not eating enough.

As for going out during confinement...countless times liao lah! Hahaha...went out to see shifu for bb's name....bring bb to see PD....for 2 nights and days visit bb in hospital....see gynae to remove stitches...bring bb to MacDonalds' to eat...go downstairs to poolside...

So far using the Pumpin' Pal set, I've fallen asleep leaning against bedhead quite a few times already!!!

I'm using the handsfree strap from Pumpin Pal. It is useful cos' you don't have to worry about the bottle dropping. Using supershield only, the suction is quite good but still will be scared scared, don't dare to let go and spill precious milk!
hi m2b,
ya my girl sleeps alot in the day .. usu she take this very long nap in the afternoon .. can be 4 hrs stretch
thats when i can do my own stuff ..

i went parkway yesterday for a short while after going ICA do birth cert. Next week I be sneaking to the taka baby fair cos my mom onleave so can take care of my girl for me

babywise, Megan & snow
All the best !!!

thanks for the order.
Hi hi...me wondering if I should bring my breastpump and nursing pillow to hospital or not ? Those mummy who have delivered can pls advise...
dont need bring breastpump cos milk wont come in first few days .. prob when u go home then come. Meanwhile the colostrum is enuf for baby. Can bring nursing pillow thou .. quite useful. But I think depends on whether you on natural or csec. If natural seems quite alot of mummies discharge on 2nd day .. but if csec then quite useful cos u stay 3 days..
hi dongle, just sent you a PM on the spree. please check. i am abit blur so hope u can answer my question.. thank you.

hi medusa and snow, all the best and take care. can count down to carry your little bundle of joy very soon.

hi huichin, your gal has the ang-moh look. v dainty.

btw, any caterers to recommend for full mth celebration? so far, i quite like neo garden but heard their food standard is dropping and qty also getting pathetic. lol. any recommendations, mommies?

for mommies who are breastfeeding, how do u store ur EBM? do u put straight into freezer after u pump or in the fridge? i tried to put in the freezer initially but the milk takes abt 1 day to thaw if i need to use again. but if i put in fridge, it can last max 48 hrs only then i wil throw off those 'expired' very xin tong. my son is not drinking much.. any advice please? is frozen EBM still fresh and good? really v lost here..TIA!
babywise, dont need to bring breastpump. anyway, if u bring also cant steriise unless u bring along a steriliesr. ;p anyway, my milk only come in 5th or 6th day, considered quite late as compared to other mommies. baby had to take glucose water during my 2-day stay.
I put my EBM into the fridge cos 48hrs enough for me to use finish. But must put in a certain order so I remember which is the 'oldest' milk. I consistently have around 5-6 feeds available in the fridge. Maybe when my supply really increases then I'll consider the freezer.
how much do u pump a day and how much is ur bb drinking? my boy milk dd is not v high, maybe 60ml at most but sometime drink abit then fall asleep.

Ur ger's oh so cute! I want to cuddle her!!

snow, megan & babywise

Have a smooth delivery tmr!! Hear fr u mummies soon


*heheh* u're so notty.. But i'm sure ur hb will dote on u lots & celebrate the day more for u!
Oooh, going out during confinement.. I think ok right? I hope my mummy's not going to be too strict..
yuuri, maybe u can indicate the date and time on the bottle so that u know the time which u pump those milk in the fridge.
based on yuuri remarks on the handsfree, me also feel like ordering the combo set from the link you gave me lei...


i have replied u le... think i will hold onto the breastisbest.com spree 1st since im waiting for them to reply my email...

i will go ahead to consolidate & order drugstore.com 1st cos i got limited time as my baby need me to nurse her every 2 hours...
I was talking to Babywise, we plan to ask if u wanna do a spree on this then we can all order together for the Combo set.

However, the combo set comes with 2 pairs of sheilds but it is of M/L or L/XL sizes. Wondering if they can have M/M sizes instead? Prob can check out with them.

I emailed them and they dun deliver direct to Singapore - gotta buy from mumsfairy. But to an US address, think can ...

Let me know if u wanna start the spree cos i wanna buy the combo set.
Oh, but if u buying the combo then dun order from the supershield from breastisbest.com first lor.

Babywise might be keen on the combo set ba, gotta check with her cos tomorrow evening she go SHENG oredi. ;)

I am all for the handsfree cos it makes alot of difference if u can read a book or surf while pumping. Sleep oso can - without worrying that the milk will spill.

So far we have got 3 Combo sets orders for Pumpin' Pal including yourself, myself and Shint. Can organize a spree with Pumpin' Pal and ship them together with all other sprees ?

Yes yes...happen to be online too... Yeah, me also confirm getting the combo set liao...real value for money compare to getting just one pair of super shield le.
Can enjoy life better with it rite? BFing a baby oredi so Xin Ku .... anyway, we can save $710 (or is it $701?) if we can breastfeed for 6 months.

Can use the $$ to pay for this. Yea!

Dear mummies,

I have the following items for sales.

1) Bumbo seat @ $45. Very good condition in box and used less than 10X. Color: Aqua.

2) MomsInMind baby sling @ $10. Good condition

3) Hanging mobile for baby cot @ $8.

Self collect at Punggol MRT. Interested buyers, pls text 96510417. Thanks.

