(2008/08) Aug 2008

Hi Val,

tks for sharing on the claiming of maternity leave for self-employed.

I didn't know that I can claimed too.

How cme have to show them your monthly statement? Why didn't they approve it?

Can share? Coz I blur now.
Luckily I saw the messages by the mummies here, if nt.. I still mong cha cha.


I must bookmark this part, if nt.. later I will be lost.



Any of the mummies know about the below?

I copied from another thread. The details I am not sure, but I got to know this from my gynae.

"Anyone is keen in breast feeding talk. Here is one which is free. The breastfeeding talk teaches u all the benefit and stuff of breastfeeding . Venue is : Suntec city 23 august 08 time is 2 to 4 pm .for reservation simply call 6472 6828 for more information. hurry first come first basis"
i can order for you the M/L combo set from pumpinpal.com

you are right... on second thoughts, i dun need the large size supershields... to save cost, maybe i just order the handsfree @ 9.95 + supershields medium (1 pair@ 12.95)... how abt you, if you want to share with me, then we can order the duo pack #1 M/M @ 19.95... u let me know again...
Sure! I'll share with u the supershields and also the handsfree. Afterall we dun quite need the guidebook and the extra supershields.
morning ladies! =)
me in my rm now liao, waiting for the nurse to come in only. =P
sorta hungry now, but still gotta tahan another 3hr. =P
if still got energy this evening, will try to log in again okie!?!?!?

i wish a smooth delivery for megan and babywise also.
Jia You ... have a smooth delivery. *Envious can deliver today .... if i hadn't change then i'd be there at 8pm. Well, fated la and guess it's better for me ... else i'd be too stress now.

See, i din even sleep well. Woke up this morning at 5ish until now.
hi missysz

for EBM, what I do is control the number of feeds in the fridge, e.g. leave about 4 feeds, then the excess, I'll freeze it in 2oz portions (for baby up till 1mth,afterwhich freeze in 3oz portions for up to 2mth, then in 4oz portions, try not to freeze in bigger than 4oz, v difficult to thaw etc). From the time you express, you have 48 hrs to use it up if in the chiller. What I normally do is after 24 hrs, if that batch is still not used up, I'll freeze it as spare. I keep the spare at most for 3 mths, if really not consumed, I'll just throw it. Feels very xin tong at first, but slowly get used to it liao.

It's best to let baby drink straight from the breast, followed by fresh EBM, then finally frozen EBM because the freezing will damage some good things in the milk.

I've used the Playtex & Avent liner bags to freeze and use a rubber band to tie. But after 6 mths breastfeeding, when I ran out of the liner bags, I used a tray for making ice sorbet with cover (buy from NTUC) to freeze it. It's roughly 1oz per cube. Then I put them into freezer bags. Using Avent or any wide-necked bottle, it's quite easy to defreeze them.
morning mummies.

thanks mummies for all wishes.

congrats to all mummies who had popped.

have a smooth delivery for those going to pop soon.

there are too much post to catch up. blur liao.

baby yu ze

i'm discharge from hospital yesterday. baby still in hospital for observation. he is suspect to have G6PD difficient.
Pumpin Pal Set:
Can this be used along with Medela PIS?

Do update on Taka fair :D

Your baby so sweet and can pout too :-*
thanks. yah, resting at home now. will need to be well for baby when he come back in a week or 2.

reirei, chipchip, luvlel,
thanks. he is so cute right. buay 'paiseh' mummy hahah...
sorry, don't know who is updating the table now. please help me to update. thanks.

baby loo yu ze born on 6 aug, 1.09am.
height - 50cm
weight - 3210g

If you are ordering from Pumpin Pal then count me in too. I am also game for The Original Pumpin' Pal Hands-Free Strap and Super Shields+Plus- Large size.

Hope I am not late.
Shint: i also woke up at 5.30am, can't zzz till nearly 8plus..haha!

celynlee: Ur bb is very cute n chubby!

Re: frozen BM
For me, i think i will try to let bb latch on often n drink EBM (1 day limit) so no frozen BM for me as i believe frozen will not be fresh anymore...
ur bb yu ze so cute and chubby! feel like pinching his cheeks! hehee..
Dun worry too much abt the G6PD deficiency. Think has to avoid certain food.

Snow, Babywise and Megan,
have a smooth delivery!
hi shint,
ok... i share with the duo pack #1 M/M @ 19.95... & order 1 handsfree each...

the pumpinpal website says medela pump can use too... ok, so you having 1 hhandsfree @ 9.95 + supershields large (1 pair@ 12.95)...

i have ordered the drugstore items, will try to order the ameda parts asap... but breastisbest still no reply on my email lei... going to pump milk & then go out soon...

have a smooth delivery, take care & rest well...

yr boy sooo cute... i love dimples...
Hi mummies,

Im 39 week now. This morning had a bit of bleeding. Could it be the mucus plug? Does losing mucus plug mean cervix is dilating?
Getting excited.....
celyn, your bb looks so cute with so much hair...definitely very chinese! btw, what's g6pd deficient? remember to sun your baby often also to prevent jaundice.
Dongle, Luvlel,
I checking with Babywise, if she wants to just get the supershields, hands free ... then she can combine with Luvlel.

Anyway, my Ameda pump which I got from TMC, comes with a free Lilypadz breastpad (reusable one) ... think costs USD$20 .. hee, quite a good deal for $318 and still get that for free.
But Luvlel,
Cf course, first come first serve la .. whoever wants to combine with u then just go ahead ... ;)
Now babywise preparing to check in for tonite's C-sect.

Well, I'll think of her when Olympics starts .... that was what I had been telling my friends ... some prob dun know that I am not delivering tonite at 8pm.
In fact, my new gynae was so nice to offer to time it to deliver at 8:08pm ok .. then i had to disappoint him and said I wanted to change date. But he is vv nice la ... the new one .. haha.

The old one ah ... last week went to see him on MOn, he said my baby was 2.5kg (which was what my new gynae measured 2 weeks before that) then this week tell me my baby is now 3.5kg .... i oso dunno can believe or not. Sianz. Makes me think ... @week 37+, baby oredi 3.5kg .. then i deliver time, baby will be >4.5kg? if he gains like 1 kg per week.
I haven't slept. I think i better go take a nap soon ... cos on MC today.

Been busy checking on the blood test, vacinnation (whether useful), etc for my hubby cos we now dunno if he is infected with the chicken pox virus which will only tell in about 2 weeks' time and by then baby out liaoz .... scared of the risk of him contracting from my hubby .... may have to send my hubby away when he is born.

Stress. Means I am all alone .. my son, my hubby, my maid (all got risk) ... just me and baby. How to cope? may need to get a last minute confinment lady ..... dunno ah .. still cracking my head over this.

Sleep first and hopefully can think better later.
hi mummies!
long time no chat!
been busy trying to be a good mother, but my bm simply cannot meet baby's dd. so gotta supplement w fm.. how are you all coping w breastfeeding?

ur yu ze's so cute w his little dimple! gonna charm a lot of girls next time! :p my baby also got jaundice, so need to bring him to e polyclinic again this pm.
Shint: u steady la! can 'dong' from 5-ish am till now??? hehehe.. Anyways, i think its better for you to get a confinement nanny if ur hubby is really infected cos chicken pox is very contagious... Like that u can concentrate on getting enough rest and have good supply of BM for ur newborn. Anyway, if ur hubby's immunity is very strong, he wont get infected.
hi all,

MIA for awhile cos i was really suffering the blues n crying away. hubby had to take leave to be with me to help me out. i also stressed my CL, mil n maid indirectly....not to mention bb as well.

think it;s a combination of things, at first not being able to bathe, then the hot sweaty weather, n i can;t go out, can;t eat this or that. pain frm c sect wound. BF..latching n expressing. very tired n disrupted sleep plus engorged breast n i wake up in the middle of the nt in pain...........

finally i tried a diff method:
i latch only once a day, the rest express out, watch series n sleep n eat n bathe........i feel so much better., so's my mood

now i dun give myself pressure to BF anymore. do my best n just rest....latching is very tiring es when bb latch for 1hr.....n most of the time it's jus comfort sulking. now no pressure, i feel so much better n SS slowly start to get back.

do yr best, dun need to be too pressured by Bf. it can make matters worst, the more relax u r, the better it is for SS n yr mental health n bb as well. jia you!

yes., yr bb looks very "ang moh"lei so gd :p

yr little prince is soooo chubby n cute! got dimples summo! i hope mine inherit my dimples too....shall cross fingers to check

sorry didn;t reply yr sms the other day, my mood really bad la. today i went to gynae to remove plaster n to put this silicon stick on thinggi so that i will not have a lumpy growth frm the csect . will put it on for 2mths min.
yes, have numb pain feeling.....nurse said that one takes time to recover....cos so many layers of skin....could take up to 6mths. i forgot to ask dr...like that how to wear hipster lei...cos my pre preg panties n hipster skirts all end at the bikini line
so have to hang up my clothes for another 6mths?!!!!!!!
hi twin star,
no worries.. i dono why but when i express it's still at 50ml max. maybe cos i nvr express regularly. i usu will let bb latch on but sometimes she will resist, but i will insist. until she cry and cry then i give her the bottle. very bad hor .. hahaha. she very cute one .. when she dont want the breast, she open her mouth and refuse to suck the nipple and will keep shaking her head like saying "no".. hahaha.

the silicon stick thing is it to prevent keloid ? my gynae gave me something like plaster like thing also to put on the cut to prevent it. she say keep using it, remove when bathing and put back after finish until the plaster not adhersive anymore. I'm still wearing my binder at home. I feel that somehow it helps with the tummy and not so big after wearing. maybe it's just consoling myself. hahaa.
ya to prevent keloid, today then i was given that silicon stick on...when the nurse was explaining to me how to use, i told her........it;s like "nu bra" la....she gave me the blank look. think they have not been expose to that yet, hehe
i dun wear the binder liao cos i find that now it restricts my movement instead. mmmmmmmm mayb for beauty sake, i shld wear it
baby is confirm with G6PD. now monitoring for jaundice level twice a day.

i'm so happy, i think i got a bit of milk flow liao. breast is a bit hard today. i try to pump, have a bit liao. got hubby to quickly sterilise all the things before i start pumping again for baby.

thanks all for the praises for my yu ze. heheh....

G6PD is a difficiency where baby can't have chinese medicine, no moth balls, no certain kind of beans, certain medicine can't take. something like that. still trying to find out more. but its nothing very serious.

they are keeping baby in hospital cos first 14 days are very critical. as baby lungs are not as developed as adults or children, so need to take special care loh.

little twin stars,
my baby got his dimple from my mum, i think. cos i also don't have dimple. i was so excited when i saw his dimple too. i like boys with dimples very much. heheheh........
Dun worry abt G6PD, hb says he know of someone in army wif G6PD too..and dat person can siam those strenuous activities.
Guys wif dimples..hmm..reminds me of Zhang Zhiling!
Your baby is born on 6 Aug rite? That's like 4 days before EDD ... week 39+ and lungs still not well developed. I tot by week 39+ vv safe liao.

Actually, my FIL says during pregnancy oso we have to avoid moth balls cos it'll cause serious jaundice, something like that.

Wonderful for boys with dimples rite? My #1 oso has 2 vv lovely dimples, I hope #2 has them too .. else he will be so jealous.

Keep pumping and store the milk so when he returns they'll be mommy's EBM for him. Must pump and don't be lazy cos for my #1, when he was hospitalise I was lazy, end up i din have much milk lor.
I woke up already. Planned my C-sect on 20 Aug ....

Ya lor ... but now no more ;) .... on 20 aug, hubby wanted 8pm again and i said no. Dun waste the time cos if deliver at 8pm means 1 day at hospital wasted liao.Now I am delivering in the morning.

Btw, this is a new gynae, not my currently stated gynae .. who told me baby is 3.5kg but i think unbelievable leh cos last week he said baby only 2.5kg. I was like har, still so small ... now 1 kg more? *scratch head
Shint: I'm also going for C-sec on the 20 Aug also! But i really hope bb can choose a day for himself to come out...but apparently, my bb's not engaged at all..and still very comfortable being inside mommy.
Kept telling him to head down and engaged, but if he does not want, then I'll go for 20th Aug c-sec. But if c-sec, bb big also does not matter.
i agree to that if #1 has dimples and #2 doesn't. Then #2 becomes jealous at times. I am #1 and have dimples in both the cheeks my bro the #2 doesn't and he still keeps complaining to my mom. He says my mom gave all the best things to me :p But he is simply adorable.

Dont worry. Baby would be perfect when he comes home.
Your bb v cute, nice dimples and the hair so black!

How much is your girl drinking now? Do you still have breast engorgement?
BB Yu Ze is cute! Hope he can be back with you soon.

Snow, Megan & Babywise,
All the best! And waiting for your news.

Twin Stars,
Yap, dun be so stressed ok? Let nature takes it own course...
yah yu ze born at 39 weeks+. though lungs are develop liao but still not as well as us mah. so very high chance of high jaundice if G6PD difficient.

yurri, m2b, luvlel
thanks. i hope he can be back next week. everyone comment about his hair the first thing they saw him. hehe....

so happy, manage to pump 20ml just now. call LC from kk, she ask me to continue to pump every 3 hours. hehe....
just wake up from nap, very giddy.
daddy go out buy 4D liao....ha ha....

sorry, but may i noe who is updating the table now?
dun mind help me update, my minnie is born 47cm & 2.67kg. =)

shint & dongle
beside still very giddy, its really a fast procss lor.

ur bb so cute.
Dongle: Hi, I have the Medela PIS Advanced bought 3 years back when I delivered my boy. If the handsfree set (9.95) and supershields (bra size is 80C so should be 36B) at 12.95 per pair can be used for the PIS Advanced, I would like to buy too like Luvlel. It was tiring to have to hold onto the bottles when pumping all the time.

Thanks a million! Let me know :)

To those delivering today, congrats for a nice date!

it's the engorgement pain after pumping es at night that disrupt my sleep n the tiredness of latching..........really not ez to BF

think i will "tong" one mth n give up lei
