(2008/08) Aug 2008

morning ladies!

ya, she is abit rosy in complexion also. =)

u can use the 'Upload Attachment' to upload pics.

cloudz & aurora

ha ha....ya, gal gal mah. =P

hee hee.....can lah, as long as dun get out of bed lor.
still abit giddy only.

Woah, i din know induced labour can be dat fast! Hmph! Shld haf considered doing it y'day!
Btw, are u or ur hb a japanese?

bb Zynn is quite fair!
The pic montage done by u?

haf not 'seen' Valnsw online y'day..wonder if she's delivered too..
morning mummies.

my breast engorge liao, start to leak when i massage. try to pump but still hard leh. do i pump till soft or just pump for 15 mins then stop? so far, i only pump 15 mins then stop and pump again 3 hours later.

i guess so but that's the last thing in our mind loh. if we can get the macdonald room in kk, hubby want to stay there longer but too bad, its booked. we just hope that he can come back soon.

congrats. that's fast labour.

zynn is so fair and sweet.

thanks. have been visiting him everyday. good thing is that his jaundice level is not on the high side so no need to go under light yet. hope this will stay for 7 days then we can bring him back next week.
Hi Dongle, Ernestmum,
Yes, you two can combine your orders and I'll order the Deluxe Combo Kit #1.

Thanks Dongle!
Orr ... that means no locker la ... i stayed in 2 bedder last time. So ... must have a small bag to standby.
Congrats! another baby to add to the list.

Gal so pretty and many style liao. Follow mommy?
hehe. I also wish to have a gal and was looking forward but end up another boy. It's ok for me but I always think girls has mommy's heart. Boys leh ... on the other hand, must "train" ... else grow up, follow LAO PO oredi.

Delivering .....
I have to wait still quite long .. not hurrying to SHENG cos now dunno if hubby has antibody against chicken pox
I really have to pray hard that everything is ok. What a time to have chicken pox for my #1. He ah, asked him to go for blood test yesterday which takes 1 week at least to process and he din, say today take. But today is PH .. dunno have or not. Results is sent and will come out normally on Wed which might be on the date I SHENG ...

Now my tummy super the big eh ... dunno how much more can stretch for another 1 week+.
Yep, the receipt can liaoz. Keep it properly.
Can contact Infantree.

23 Tagore Lane #03-04 Tagore 23 Warehouse S(787601)
Tel: 6454 1867 | Fax: 6454 7784
Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (lunch time 12-2pm). Closed on public holidays
We welcome your feedback and enquiries. Please drop us an email at [email protected]

Dunno must register online not ... i still haven't open up the pump yet! haha, busy spreeing.

Rosy cheeks ah.. Pinchable & kissable! *heheheh*
Rest well k?? When are u going to be discharged?


That's gd to hear tt his jaundice level is under control.. In the meantime, u dun fret k? Concentrate on recuperating & building up all the reserves so tt bb Yu Ze get's all the very best fr u
*jia you*


Thanks!! HB & I have decided on the name a long time ago, but not for her han yu pin yin.. *stress* Must work hard now..
Those mommies who has been taking Fenugreek, does it really help?
Heard from a mommy yesterday that it works for her. How many to take per day ah? 200 tablets should last quite long rite?
Baby Zynn has so many different expressions and she looks vv alert too.

How come u still feel giddy? eh, u did Epi or GA?
little twin stars
me also have been feeding EBM to my bb gal since day 4-5...difficult to get her to latch on and drink effectively...so EBM and pumping is my daily routine now...
...no pressure ...but im worried now my gal may be drinking more ...me not enuff ss to keep up..so now instead of pumping every 3 hrs...i pump every 2 hrs to bring in ss...veri shiong...but i hope in another day or so, there will be more milk ss...
im taking fenugreek but milk ss didnt improve alot..maybe by a little...only...so i reckon i will still pump religiously 2 hrs n still take fenugreek to hopefully see more milk...i have been taking fenugreek for a week liao..

dun get 2 stressed little twin star..i was upset yesterday also...dunno for what random reason ..then i was trying to pump..and the milk was pathetic!..so if u r moody...it will affect ur milk ss...

i finish using my herbs to bath..dunnwan to buy more...so heehee...today, i will use my normal warm water to shower!..yippee...lucky CL not the fussy kind..she say i can do whatever i want...
..i wash my hair almost everyday..and bath alternate days in the past 2 weeks...now im going to bath with my Body Shop shower gel and smell nice nice liao...

also bz preparing the list for full month celebration liao...looking at Neo garden's menu...yummy...the laksa looks good..*drool*

Is the spree for the Lansinoh milk storage bags still on?
Just to double-check as well, the pack is 4x 25bags at USD20.99 yah?

Thanks in advance!!
wow shint, your tummy really big leh.. this is me taken 2 days ago... everyone tot i am only 7-8 months preggy..

Everyone tot i having twins .... and alot asking "How come u still here? How come not resting yet?"

Even hubby finally commented that "Wah, you tummy vv big leh ... like a lump" - i fanitz.
the LC at glenE told me to latch on till 1 breast is soft then change bb to the next breast so that she gets both the fore milk & hind milk... think works the same for pumping ba...

earnestmum, shint,
ok, noted orders for pumpinpal.com

im taking 9 capsules per day, 3 times each 3 capsules... i saw some increase from last week's EBM so maybe it works for me...

yr tummy very protruding... looks like boy tummy... my tummy also very big... the last 2 weeks b4 i sheng, everyone was staring at me in amazement why i still walking around... 40 inches tummy... ya lor, my SIL who put on much more than me also commented her tummy not as big as mine... hehe...

yup, u r right... u want to add on yr order? pls let me know asap cos im ordering anytime liao... also let me have yr email address pls...

yr tummy very compact... gd gd... easy to slim down...

drugstore aledi shipped out... im ready to order pumpinpal.com, breastisbest still waiting for hisstory...
Happy National Day Mummies!! Any1 popping today?

Congrats snow!! Baby Zynn so pretty. Got natural blush. Are you still in hospital??

are you still ordering the milkbags? you ordering anything from drugtore? If you're shipping something then I'll lobang your shipping. At least maybe can save on base charge. I'll check later if my item is under the same category so can split base charge. If not I'll just order myself lor.
Hi Hi,

Can anyone advise?
If I'm beginning to lose my mucous plug (I think - brownish-red streaks of discharge), do I need to go hospital yet? No contractions, juz feeling a dull ache at lower abdomen sometimes (like menstrual cramps). Can still afford to wait and see?
for lansinoh milkbags, we r ordering from:

drugstore.com aledi shipped out...

forgot to tell u that i ordered the lansinoh breast cream from drugstore for u instead of breastisbest as indicated by u cos it's slightly cheaper at drugstore.com

pumpinpal.com & breastisbest.com spree closing tonight 9pm...

my HB jus told me USD suddenly went up, he say hit 1.4 liao... so sianz...
Congratulations to Interrace, Elmo and hashisan!!

I hope my delivery this time will be fast too. My previous was about 3hr++ too.
Congrats to Interrace, Elmo & Hashsina!

Your Zynn is so cute somemore put on headband liao. :p

Twin Stars,
My #1 is coping well…very loving and protective over meimei…

Val has given birth to her minnie on 080808 at 10pm+…she said she will update her birth story later…Congrats Val!
yuuri, i'm resigned to fate. tried feeding from breast last nite when he woke up while daddy was trying to warm the EBM, and he cried again. now he totally dunno how to latch on already coz' he needs to suck for the milk to flow. he only nibble a bit here and there coz' his mouth is so "nua" from drinking from the bottle teat. <sigh>
shint, she's learning from CL also but still, nothing much to do until she leaves, else CL also very "senang". today got her to clean toilet. maybe later get her to mop floor again and wash car. this morning, she was so bored she took the initiative to clean our dusty fans, haha. i think i need to get a bigger house for her to do more housework!
Mine hit 43 inches liao ... prob still growing
I hope can slim down after delivery. This time bigger, last round only hit 40 inches when i delivered at week 39. Now only week 38 - 43 inches liao.
ya, its done by me.
too free in rm...hee hee....
btw, valnsw gave birth on 0808 nite liao.


she looks exactly like her sis lor.

with 2 gals, mummy got no more time to doll up liao lah. =P
i took GA, but both GA or epi will feel giddy lah.

me discharge on monday morning.

cos too free in hopital, so keep taking photos in diff style lor. =P

Ur #1 is so sweet.. No wonder u love her so much!
Take a pix of #1 &amp; #2? Miss ur pretty ger's face &amp; want to see if there's a strong resemblance between the 2 of them


Gdgd! Is ur HB &amp; ger staying in with u?
thanks for the info. but it seems impossible to pump till soft leh. it means pumping for 30 mins or more?

my power lazy pump still in hospital, can only latch a while. not possible for him to latch till soft too.
For me the engorgement never went down so fast ley! At least not within 1 day....I dunno if it helps, but I got hb to help massage/press the lumps while pumping. Eventually after a couple of days, without realising, the lumps all disappeared.

Wah! Your bump is really prominent!!

Think that was the size of my bump the night before I popped!

Re: Taka Fair
Anyone went? Anything good to buy? I'm itching to go...
Hi Mummies,

I've finally popped on Aug 5 after 5 days overdue. Labour was fast. Had show at ard 5am on aug 5 but contraction was irregular. Went for bfast and self admit to ESH at 8am. Midwife checked but only 3-4cm dilated. Gynae came in to induce and brAKE water bag at 9.15am. Contraction was 2mins apart at 10.15am and dilation still at 4cm - pain still bearable. Midwife advised to take pathedine to relax so that can dilate faster. Pathedine administered at 10.15am. Felt sleepy even with 2 mins contraction. Felt a big urge to push at 11.10am. Midwife called gynae and bb was out at 11.15am after only 1 push. Bb weighed a whopping 4.205kg and measuring 56.5cm - the biggest bb for the day haha.....

Congrats to all mummies that have popped!

Thanks. Initially i was worried when gynae told me last wk that my bb will be ard 4kg at birth. I always wanted to hv it as natural as possible but was worried that i will not be able to do it since bb is so huge. Glad that i made it again w/o epi. My #1 wasn't small too - he was 3.71kg. In fact, it's easier this time. Was only in labour pain for a short 1 hr - thank god for the smooth and short delivery.
Congrats valnsw!!!

Shint: wow ur tummy is very big! Mine is also very big but pointed, so ppl all KNOWS its a boy..haha! Very heavy hor now the tummy... i am feeling sooooo tired everyday, esp hubby drag me out for shopping (actually he shopping) everyday!
So freaking tiring n i hate it..
Actually walk more also no point cos going for c-sec wat...hahaha.. :p

Shay: Your bb is big! And to do it without epi... *pei fu~pei fu~~~*
CONGRATS to your bundle of joy!
val &amp; shay


Shay: Ur labour's really short &amp; ur ability to deliver ur bb w/o the epi is really amazing!!
Am sure ur bb loves u loads, only needed 1 push fr u!


Thought of going today.. But hadn't been resting well this whole week, so maybe I'd go on Monday evening instead

What are sthgs u're eyeing? Some MTBs in the Dec thread posted items they bought.. U can go seesee looklook if there are gd buys for u
i'm so happy, i have manage to increase my supply by 100% through pumping. yeah!!!! though its just from 20ml to 40ml but its still an increase right. heheh....

i got hubby to help massage too. cos he can't feel the pain i can feel myself so its more helpful.

thanks for the info, i pump an extra 5 mins just now and manage to ease a bit of the engorgement. not so hard now.

wow, really pei fu. congrats.


congrats to other mummies whom i might have missed.
only hb stay with me, my gal staying over at my sis house.
my sis dun want me to bing my gal to hospital during lunar 7th mth lor. =P

hee hee...ya lor, gal gal mah.

congrats! =)
Hey mommies,
Babywise gave birth yesterday at 8:38pm, a baby girl, 3.36kg @ 50cm.
Congrats Babywise!

They say GA can feel the pain more leh when recovering.
Actually GA has more side effects ... so that's why some gynaes prefers not to do GA.
Me oso must go charge my camera batteries liaoz.

Yuuri, Catherine, Nini,

Ya lor .. that why tat day after scanning he did not say how big baby is, etc. Then i asked him.
He immediately say 3.5kg .... i was like, huh, so big already?
The week before he scanned me, he said only 2.5kg wo .... of course my tummy is already tat big then.
So ah, dunno he see my bump and then guess it's so big or he really measured which i think he din.
Got me worried but I still want to delay the c-section to later since my #1 is having chicken pox and now better wait till he recovers first.

I am still going to work, going out with hubby since #1 is now confined at MIL place.
It's quite a rare chance for me and hubby to be alone since a long time liaoz so he treasures this limited period of freedom and wants me to go out.
Tomorrow we'll prob go to east coast to CHUI HAI FENG.
All hubbies want to shop ... not the preggie wives ... vv tiring of course. But what to do, must give them their fair share of our time rite?

Good job and keep it up!

Congrats! Your is the biggest and the longest baby

56cm .. wow. .... how tall are u?
Not really looking for anything..just want to kaypoh! Hehe..will go dec thread to look-see

Heh you're right! Hb dunno the pain so he just press as hard as he want..I told him if I say ouch or make noise, just continue. Only when I say stop, then stop!

thanks will jia you in breastfeeding.

haha, yup type wrongly shouldbe 51cm. :p
thanks for the breastfeeding tips.
today when i woke up, i found two lumps swollen underneath both my armpits, panicked and called my doc w/o realizing is national day and he is off duty haha..then he ask me to just massage and continue breastfeed. i tot is the end of my breastfeeding journey wor, cos feel abit feverish also. now the lumps still ard, will try massage and hope it will go away soon. breastfeeding really not easy lei ..how u gals managing huh ? how come can pump 40mls ? i cannot even pump and get 10mls.. so sad, not sure if baby getting enuff or not this way ?

thanks hisstory, kel and m2b.

congrats shay, babywise!!

my birth story as promised :

-admit mt a 12am on 5th aug, pill inserted at 1am.
-drip set at ard 9ish.
-mild contractions start and bearable ones till 1pm+,check cervix dilate only 3cm.

-increase drip flow and contractions get more intense, ask for laughing gas, does not seem effective, ask to check ve see how many cm dilated, still at 3cm, asked for tigh injection.
-give injection and use gas all the way till abt 4ish , was very high couldnt check the clock, only noe after awhile nurse say dilated to 8cm liaoz.
-then begin to have pushing urge, think got to wait for doc to come, so doc came, burst water bag, push dunno how many times, with nurse and hubby at the side cheering me on, then baby emre popped out at 5.13pm.

how to post pics huh ?
I jus went to the taka baby fair. Damn crowded.
Quite similar to the one in March, got the usual pigeon, avent and medela booths.

If u are looking for fisher price rocker/swing, i tink the whole range is there!

And oh, the graco playpen looks good! special price $249, comes wif utility compartment, canopy and bumper i tink..v tempting but price abit steep for me.

there are oso strollers, like combi, aprica and graco.

and there's quite a good range of baby toys, like tiny love and sassy.
Get a small pail with warm water( i use almost quite hot one ... ) then use a towel to place it over your breast and massage and massage. This will help to soften the lump - i think that's hardened milk rite? once soften then can pump it out liaoz.
Forgot leh ..must go check
Going to eat dinner and watch national parade liaoz .. patriotic rite?
I even hang out Singapore flag ok .. hee
I also got the lumps under my armpits...I also dunno what to do with it..massage and press and all also doesn't go away. All the lumps in my breasts disappeared liao, but the armpits ones still there. Dunno what to do also.

Thanks for the update
Any diapers offer?

So patriotic! Must stand up and sing Majullah later hor!
dongle, can u cancel my order for the storage bags and valve please? just email u. sorry for any inconvenience caused.

shint, u are so funny. so patriotic. rofl.

congrats valsnw on the arrival of your newborn princess.
tks,will keep massaging.
if the lump doesnt go away, means breastmilk nvr flow and all struck at the swell izit?

u also have lumps under armpit? for how long liao?

can we do full latch w/o pumping out milk? how to monitor baby's intake if full latch on huh?
sorry for the many qns.
Congrats to Interrace! hehe..Finally ur little one is here! Rgding the lumps under armpits - me too la! Realised i have it on my 2nd day at home. Was shocked! Cos when i touch it was painful and swollen, left side small little lumps not painful and right side one is like 2 fifty-cent coin big! I panick oso siah...so went on internet to check, asked a colleague who's a mum as well. Apparently when we are nursing/BF-ing, these are what they call swollen lymph nodes - when ur BM 'flows' back to the lymph nodes/armpit area. We need to pump out our BM as often as possible and it helps! Think once we can express/latch on regularly and properly, they should be gone. What my colleague suggested was after 2-3mths, can go for this thingy called Lymphatic therapy massage. I oso kena sore/cracked nipples after trying to latch BB Falisha on, but i couldn't get her to latch on properly - resulted in her 'biting' into ,my nipples. Think she's got a super tiny mouth and my breasts are HUGE so she cant really cover my whole areola properly...Sob. So now in 'recovering' period, pumping for the time being. As long she gets to drink BM i'm fine. I oso kena engorgement once in a while, so i try to pump every 3-4 hrs.

When i go for a hot bath, my BM will start dripping la! LOL..so yes, try to pump as frequent as possible and remember to massage, massage, massage. It helps! Always wipe ur breasts with a clean warm cloth. Heh...that's what i do la. Now my average one time pumping is abt 80-100ml. Hopefully trying to pump every 3-4 hrs helps to make it come more. heh. Eat more fish! At 7 days old Falisha now drinks abt 50-70ml each time. But becos i'm feeding her with FM when i cant pump in time for her, i will give her abit of water to help soften her stools.

BTW, anyone feels thirsty cos of BF-ing or not? I was told to drink longan-red date water, but how can i cook everyday siah? No time...So i mix leh...drink minimal amt of water + longan red date water + teh-o + honey water. HAHAH...and anyone was told cannot drink COLD water? I'm dying not being able to drink that siah! Cos weather sooooooo HOT!

Lastly, anyone here lost weight liao? I'm surprised I've lost a decent amt of weight of 8kg on my 7th day(according to the weighing scale la). Surprised siah! Might be becos my hubby's granny is doing for me the super traditional malay massage + binding on a daily basis. Heh. If anyone interested let me know and i can post up the details. But during this period other than me, she can only take up one more person (sharing her with me la haha) and must stay in the east then she can take. Hehhe...
