(2008/08) Aug 2008

The weather is soooo hot - cant take it.
cant imagine those who r having their confinement now - they must be feeling worst...

Guess all the mummies is on their way to yummy high tea gathering....

yup, it's too hot! my bb keeps kicking me. U living in the east at the Eden right? From where I am (east side too), I see the clouds turning grey!! Rain should be coming. Finally some respite from the hot weather!

Guess a lot of the other mummies are on their way for the hi-tea.
my edd 14 Aug and am expecting a girl, just reach 28 weeks tmr. Tat's y me actually very very scared of stretchmarks. But i have colleagues who are small size in nature also dun have stretchmarks aft birth. So hoping to be like her... pray pray... hee hee... but come to think of it, as long as baby is healthy, all these can still be cured after birth... just more work i guess...

think 2 sets bee hoon should be enuf. hmmm... think i will go buy bubble tea before gg to the gathering... any takers?? maybe can add ur orders to mulberry's post.
haaahaa...Serriz, guess u're right, they should be on their way to high tea liao. Heh. And yes, it's sooooo damn hot la today! I just finished my lunch then straightaway chiong bk to ofis for aircon man! And the worse thing is, the aircon like not strong...still have to on the fan! LOL
Wow...Cindy, my EDD used to be 12 Aug 08, but last week i went for my gynae checkup, doc says now shld be ard 080808. Haha...so we same same! Girl...and 1st child rite? Heh. Your colleagues are very lucky then! hehe...i've got a fren who is very petite, hers was really really bad..like whole stomach wrinkled..so poor thing. I think it's better to prevent it then kena liao cannot do anything abt it. Cos i heard most of the time cannot get rid of it one. The most lighten only. Scary..

Whoa......speaking of Bubble tea, i drooling liao! LOL. So hot the weather, i dun mind having one right now! keke..where do u wanna order bubble tea?

yeah i think might be raining soon - pray rain come please...... my baby also kicking me. which part of east r y staying? i'm in my 25weeks now - how abt you?

wah we preggie temperature is higher then others.. the swimming pool water also warm... my gal complaining of the hot weather and request to play water in the bath tub to cool herself down. LOL
just went to the gym over lunch...did 45 mins of treadmill and cycling...felt so good...a man came and asked me how come pregnant still can exercise...heehee, told him my gynae gave green light so I do it.

Hope you are ok. Food poisoning?

Yap, UTi can take cranberry juice and yogurt.
i cant bring the bubble tea to ur office now leh... haha...
I stay at Pasir Ris, guess hubby will be sending me there so i will most prob get from pasir ris central or white sand (think both also sweet secret)... U wan one for the gathering?
Where is ur ofis? Yah yah, first child.... ur fren kena cant recover guess I have to be very very hardworking now. but gynae say apply 2 times a day leh so cant be more.
Cindy and Huichin,

stretchmark cant be cure - after birth it will appeear like raw and redish and after many months it will look like silver / skin color lines on the tummy....

i heard from a frd that if ur mother have stretch mark- likely u will get it too...

now i'm expecting my 2nd baby - thou no new stretchmark yet - but even have also immune...cos #1 the stretchmark is horrible....
I live near tanah merah, with my parents for the time being. If you know where old bedok road is. Eh.. actually i think i lost track alrdy. I think I should be in wk 27+ now. Hur.. the rain was only a drizzle and no more!! the sun came out again. Seems more like a passing cloud.

wow u can exercise, shiok. I don't dare to exercise except more of walking. Even when walking, something feel the tummy v heavy that I scared will "drop" the "ball" feeling.

RE: bubble tea
So many of you having the bubble tea craving. Me just only like to eat the pearls hehe
u all tempt me - now asked my helper to go downstair to buy me a cup of bubble tea... strawberry ice blended with pearl..yummy
Serriz: Yea u're rite..my mum oso say...i'm a very 'sweaty' person, and now 2-in-1, lagi worse! Sweat like i work out in the gym loh..goodness..by doing housework only leh...hoho. Whoa...ur girl so cute! Hehee...i oso wanna dip myself in the pool! LOL. miss swimming so much...anyone of u mummies here got go swimming still?

M2B: whoa u very hardworking leh! How many weeks are u at? Heheh...guess i should work out abit too! My hubby just got an exercise machine at home last mth..barely touched it siah! Goodness..he says i can use it after i give birth to my little girl - want me to lose weight! LOL. Shouldn't waste it hor - even now! haha..

Bubble tea...

Mulberry: I think hor ur suggestion so far enuf liao la..btw, are u gonna PM us (those who dun have yet) ur contact no. + addy? hehe...

me go for a dip in the pool quite regularly but gynae sae i cant swim but its gd for my to walk in the pool.... maybe no gravity so it helps in my case for those with low plaenta
u really frightened me leh.... haiz...

Re: Bubble Tea
Opps... i think i started the bubble tea craze... sorry ya serriz.... haha...
Cindy: Keke...thanks for the tot though! heh. Oh u Pasirian..my ofis is at Shaw Tower (beach rd, near bugis). Heh. Yea i dunch mind have one for the gathering! hehe..if u mind helping me get one that is. Hahaa..what flavour's nice? I seldom drink bubble tea one actually. haha..always drink ice blended fruit juice (with real fruits one) from my ofis fruit stall downstairs here. Hehe.

Serriz: ya lohs tts what i heard too..OMG my mum has some leh..ahhh....ho say liao! no wonder i'm getting them too!

Enjoy ur strawberry ice blended with pearl! Woohoo...so gd one..lol

Valnsw: Hahaa..i lurve the pearls too! LOL..actually like bubble tea - those ice blended one! Cold cold cooling...hehe...
i'm not at the simpang bedok side. Yup, simpang bedok has those malay stalls around.

I'm at the side where the bedok army camp is, just that the estate is near this condo called stratford court which is facing the MRT tracks.

wah.. gota search food, this mummy's hungry again.

its a gd suggestion - nice drink to cool our body on such hot weather - once a while we must indulge ourselves.

i'm sori if i did scared u - but is true... this was my experience from my previous pregnancy.
m2b, u still can do threadmill? i don't dare to try with such a big tummy. the only exercise i did since 2nd trimester onwards is swimming. 1st trimester i still managed to do cross trainer and sit ups. i just sold my workout bench, so sad. gotta make way for bb's room...
near to my girl's school - Bedok Methodist Church?
Anyway Happy seaching!!!

dun think too much - this kind of things we cannot prevent - so long as we apply what should rite... this is y mummies is the greatest.
Serriz, so nice to go for a dip! LOL..i wish i can...but i dunch like public pool...used to go to my fren's condo to swim..but hor she had a small op recently to remove smthing off her shoulder area..doc advised her not to go swimming till the wound heals completely..so no kakis no place liao..lol. And plus, my swimming suit can't fit me anymore. Sob. Damn lazy to go get a new one...my size damn hard to size. Sob. There's this place called Spize @ Simpang Bedok - my all-time fav! hehe...

Valnsw, what u craving for? hehe..

haha - yeah my hubby bought me a maternity swimming wear from korea - damn sexy - but look funny on me! Spize - must try next time
hi seriz/huichin,
me back from the kitchen. just ate one steamed bao. Was contemplating to finish up the haagen daaz ice-cream but thought I get something with "oomph" to fill up my stomach.

i knw where bedok methodist church is but is not near there. I have a friend who lives on the same side of the road as the church facing Bedok Road. My parents' place is opposite the Chinese temple towards the MRT track side. hehe

is there an eating place called Spize? Didn't notice. Isit near the bus-stop or the one near 7-Eleven? Many yrs ago, used to go to the place that sells milo dinosaur and mutabak for late-night supper.
RE: swimming
I only went once during my 1st trimester and that was it. That time, bump not obvious and still can wear my bikini but felt it abit tough to swim properly. Ever since then, never go already. Think can just dip or kick your legs abit but swimming may be a bit strenous.
shiok ah, i'm eating gummy fruit jelly beans called "Poifull" by Meiji brand. Quite addictive, I finished one box yesterday already. Think I will attack the ice-cream later. It's just too hot!!
Valnsw & Huichin,
I exercised till my 34 weeks during my 1st pregnancy…was asked to stop then coz bb not growing well…other than that, my gynae is quite pro-exercise…I checked with him every checkup and he said ok for some brisk walking and cycling lor…

Me will reached my 30 weeks this Sat…counting down man…hahaha

I oso have a exercise bike at home which I used so diligently when I preggie with 1st…now hb packed and kept in store-room liao…

My gynae said ok…I just do brisk walking nia…

Hehe, your hb got you a sexy maternity swim wear from Korea?? :p
Thanks! I rem u did say but jus cant recall..
I din go for hi-tea..am resting at home so dat i can go cheong sale on fri.. =P
wow, exercise. i only started prenatal yoga last week, and i already feel so tired. hehehhehe...... exeercise is something that i won't do unless i'm force into it. lazy... :p

you all talking about sweet stuffs, i can't take all that today. don't want to have too much sugar in me that body can't take it then fail tomorrow's blood test. but after tomorrow test, i think i want to eat 'big O' at NYDC. hahahah.....
gd luck for your test tomorrow!
Wa.. later can pig out on mudpie! I also want.. but nowadays don't dare to eat too much choco, cos after sometime will feel sick of it.

u better now? drink more water ya? Actually, i heard some people say drypers no gd but I just buy one small pack. If bb can use, then good. Else, then use other brand and since small pack not that ex so ok la.

was reading the box that the jelly beans contain collagen. haha justifying the jelly beans.
thanks. yah, going to eat all i want tomorrow before the blood test result is out. in case, i fail the test then tomorrow will be the last time i take all these sweet things till i deliver.
btw, have u gals tried disposable maternity underwear before? is it very big? i can't seem to find the low cut ones. i'm wondering now if it's poss to wear normal disposable underwear? i still got a few packs from last time.
U really "xing" leh! i tink HB will scream at me if i were to exercise. anyway, been feeling so clumsy nowadays..HB says i walk like penguin now..

U v bad leh..i oso suddenly feel like drinking jasmine milk tea! Luv the one they sell in taka *droools* but i will go buy bandung soy milk tmr to satisfy craving first..heheh :p
gd luck to ur test tml-
my mum told me to take coconut juice after i m 34weeks...can help to clean the baby??? old folk tales

collagen is gd ----
Aiyoo! u cheating ur gynae ah? =P
but i know some tings we jus cant resist...chocolate!!!

yah i heard may leak lor..but no harm using at home..HB says we'll use exp ones for going out and cheaper ones at home.
saw from another thread dat some bought nepia, but not easily available leh..must go taka, isetan and BHG then have..
May jus go take a look when i'm in town tis fri..

Why u start wearing disposable underwear now?
not uncomfortable meh?
Ur DD is sooo cute! How old is she?
So did u really prepare a tub for her to soak? can put flowers in..macham spa...haha..
hehheheh..... not really lah. have been very good never touch chocolate very long liao leh. chocolate is my favourite. yummy!!!! give up all tibits now cos baby don't like them, will be super uncomfortable after eating tibits.

oh. maybe my mum will also tell me about it later.
Sorry leh... like what serriz say must indulge once in a while. :)

Re: Excercise
Nvr do except walking only. Tot of swimmin but dun wan to spend money buy swimming costume.
rei, i wanted to bring for my trip to sydney next month, but can't decide whether to bring disposable undies (normal or pregnancy) one.

btw, maternity disposable underwear can be used in hospital after we deliver right? i don't want to wash my underwear everyday if i'm gonna bleed a lot!

keke - she is 3 years old - yup i prepared a tub for her to soaked.... guess what she soaked with her 5 little ducks and stripped off her little doll's clothes for washing - like how aunty wash our clothes... but guess she enjoy cos now she is sleeping so soundly
I'll haf heartburn sometimes if i take chocolates but if i dun take, i'll feel v miserable!

Orh..i din know got maternity ones leh..
I'll be using adhesive maternity pads so will be using cotton disposable undies (more comfortable than the normal type) after delivery.
But if wear the loop type of maternity pads, still mus wear undies mah?
If you want to order from Nepia, can call this number: 6226 2650. Got the number from some othe thread before. But I think need to order min 2 packs or something for free delivery. You may want to call and check. I'm also considering this brand.

cool, you girl girl can enjoy herself in the bathtub. Shiok ah. Later I still have to go out, have to bathe before going out. Feeling damn sticky now.

I think can use disposable underwear bah. I also feel more hygienic this way. I'm looking around to buy maternity sanitary pads even though I have half a pack passed down by somebody. Any brands to recommend and where to buy?
during confinement, i thought we are not allow to touch water then how are we going to wash our underwear? will confinement lady do it for us?

Errr....seriously i dun tink CL will wash the undies for us lah...i tink oni my mom will do it for me..heheh.. :p
I'm gonna wear those disposable undies dat are made of cotton. Got some from my Sil..heard it's more exp but more comfortable than the normal type.
Btw, we still hafto wash up using the herbal water dat the CL prepare for us mah..so will still hafto touch water de.
