(2008/08) Aug 2008

little twin stars: cos bb not kicking much as usual...so worried whats wrong? I know hes moving, but not much n quite gentle so unlike the usual him...

i had that before. then i'm also worried but use my doppler to check, as long as heartbeat still there, i'm ok.
what u can do is to try to drink some sugar drinks, sure wake up and play one
If you dont feel any movement at all for half a day or a day then must go see. They will put a tracer device to trace baby heartbeat for 15mins. But as long as got movement it's ok. But call your gynae tomo to tell them and see what the gynae advise you. I went after 2 days of non movement .. kena "scolded" by gynae :p say half day to 1 day max must go down to check already :p

i really never regret letting my hubby buy the doppler for me. really puts me mind at ease. yah, just call to play safe. dr will advise u on what to do
<font color="0000ff">ReiRei</font> / <font color="0000ff">Joanne</font>
okie, meet at 10am at taka fountain.
err...paisey to say but actually i dunno where's the fountain (or maybe i've seen it but never noticed :p) but nevermind lah, i'll call 1 of you when I reach Taka.

<font size="+1"><u>Re: Gathering in the East on 1st June</u></font>
Dear Mommies,
I called up Golden Pillow liao, they said each dish is for about 3-4 pax. So I think need to order more dishes.
Also, they said they don't provide disposable cutlery and plates if delivery is to residential home, only office. So strange one...*scratch head*.... Anyways, no prob coz i can buy from NTUC.

This is their menu. http://www.goldenpillow933.com.sg/download/Orderform.pdf
I think we need another extra 1 or 2 dishes. Pls suggest some. I dunno what else to order liao.
This is what i suggest so far. Pls let me know if the dishes not suitable.
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD><u>Qty</u></TD><TD><u>Price</u></TD><TD><u>Amt</u> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Golden Pillow Curry Chicken Bun</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>12.80</TD><TD>12.80 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mixed Vegetable</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>20.00</TD><TD>20.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Salad Fritters (10pcs)</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>7.00</TD><TD>7.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Seaweed Seafood Roll (10pcs)</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>7.00</TD><TD>7.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Prawn &amp; Chicken Roll (10pcs)</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>7.00</TD><TD>7.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fried Mee Hoon</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>10.00</TD><TD>10.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fried Rice</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>10.00</TD><TD>10.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>TOTAL</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$73.80 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<u>Re: Gathering in the East</u>
Date: 1st June
Time: 11am
Venue: mulberry's condo at Simei
Caterer: Golden Pillow

1) Megan
2) valnsw
3) mulberry
4) Cindy
5) vone
6) earnestmum (cynthia)
7) earnestmum (cynthia)'s hubby
8) faeriekim
9) ReiRei
10) Joanne
11) Catherine
12) huichin
<font color="0000ff">NiNi</font>
i read from June08 thread, one of the mtb's gynae say if got at least 10 movements in a day, then bb is fine. To count each movements, it should be at least minutes apart. If bb kick and then kick u immediately, that doesn't count as 2 movements. That will be count as 1 movement. Hope u get what i'm trying to explain :p.
mul, my gynae didn't ask me to monitor anything leh. he very slack one :p

anyway, i've not been counting bb's movements. today he kicked quite a bit during unexpected times but yesterday, i hardly felt him. for me, as long as i remember him kicking a few times each day, good enough liao.
<font color="0000ff">krex</font>
Taka sale for members start on 23rd May. i think for 3days. After that, it's for public.

my gynae also never ask me to monitor. He just asked me whether bb moves more nowadays or not. I told him yes very much. He said that's good wor. I guess our gynaes won't ask us to monitor if our bb is moving alot.
My bb loves to kick &amp; punch alot of times everyday. Now that she's bigger, sometimes her kick/punch abit painful lei.
i got red dots and switched to clarins oil &amp; cream &amp; then the red dots disappear... but have to apply twice a day la...

avocado/twin star,
me too, im on my 30th week &amp; my tummy suddenly become very big after i enter 3rd trimester...
My Gynae also never ask me to monitor bb movement... Maybe cos I am in my 24 weeks? Today just went to eat Mala steamboat, was super full!!! I weigh myself just now &amp; have gain another kg again! Two days 3 kg liao, think I must cut down on junk food!

Snow or the rest of mummies going for high-tea tmr, can I order ala carte or must eat the buffet? Thinking of cutting down my food intake, have been eating too much these 3 days!

I want to go Taka sale but lazy leh...
Hi Mulberry,

Please count my hubby out as he decided not to join in since it's a mummies gathering. So, he likely to take care of my son when I am out. Thanks!!

Re: Gathering in the East
Date: 1st June
Time: 11am
Venue: mulberry's condo at Simei
Caterer: Golden Pillow

1) Megan
2) valnsw
3) mulberry
4) Cindy
5) vone
6) earnestmum (cynthia)
7) faeriekim
8) ReiRei
9) Joanne
10) Catherine
11) huichin
Hi mommies,
Had disappeared for some time ... busy changing maid, moving back to my own place and managing my son. No time to followup for my 2nd one ... so unfair but well, no choice.

How are you all? Just read the previous 2 thread and noticed that you all mentioned that your tummy oso become vv big. Mine is oso vv big ... i measured - it's 40 inch! When I last delivered it was only 42 inches and now I have 2+ months to go ... wonder how to survive.

Also, do u all feel painful sometimes? I do. Especially my son sits on my lap when i bring him to his CC in the morning and back. What can we do? can we still let them sit on our laps?

Gathering ..... i am thinking of joining leh ... but still not able to confirm ... can i confirm a little later? Love to meet up with you all mommies too.
anyway, i am rather small size so the big tummy is causing me strain in my back. USing tigerbalm to rub ... vv good. For those who has backache, i think it's a saver ... haha.

so far i gained like 5-6 kg only (minus the 2 kg i lost during the first trimester ) - effective only 3-4 kg from my original weight.

Do you all have any idea how big your baby is now? My gynae said mine is around 890g for now .. not sure if it's too small at this stage.
morningn ladies!

dongle &amp; nini
just join in lah, come abit later also nvm 1 lah.
we should be there @ 3pm, as long as u gals dun come really late lor.

twin stars
i can't stay very late also. =(
hb last mins told me he got meeting today, so i gotta go fetch my gal.

we can chk with them when u reach there okie!?!?
dun worry lah, hi-tea doesn't mean u gotta eat a cow lor. =)

which gathering u refer to?
hee hee.... if its today's hi-tea, then pls just join in.

okie, time to log off and go to my exercise class liao.
c u all later!
Good Morning Mommies!

Yup, my gal started GUG for about 3 terms at 1yo…I find that the right age to start rather than earlier coz they can better pay attention plus won’t drink milk and nap at class time…there was this younger boy who always drank milk and after that fall asleep in class thus I felt it is a waste of $ lor.

Before that, I do read for my gal at home…my main intention of sending her to GUG is to get her used to classroom education as I have intention to place her in cc at 18mths but I’m glad that the phonics that she learned stayed with her.

Maybe diff gynaes practice differently…yup, my tummy also ballooned suddenly…

Mommies gg to hi-tea,
Shd organize once again then I can join you gals.
Hey Mulberry

may I suggest u order 2 curry? its very good..the fried rice is not nice..the bee hoon is very nice..if like can order another bee hoon, the last time for 20pax, we had 1 bee hoon + 1 fried rice + 2 curry + assorted timsum..more than enough

Thanks for ordering, i guess plus the drinks and utensils, each pax about $10bucks
which is very good....I can buy the drinks/utensils from my place here and take a cab to ur place so u dun hv to lug from NTUC
Hey Little Twin Stars, hahahaa....yea! I oso have the wanna-burst feelin loh...very very uncomfortable..like literally can feel the stomach stretchin every inch of the skin...goodness...dunch like that feeling! It's horrible!
I also got two very very mild and light, short stretchmark left over from first pregnancy. When pregnant it doesnt appear. I only saw it after i delivered.

Pregnant woman will not feel the baby until sometime after 16 weeks, even though the baby actually already started moving at 7 or 8 weeks. Just like what we see on the ultrasound during the gynae visit. At first the kicks you notice will be few and far between. You may feel several movements one day and then none the next day. Actually the baby is moving and kicking regularly causes many of his jolts &amp; jerks are not yet strong enough for us to feel. But in 2nd trimester onward, those movements will become stronger and more regular.
You can count the number of movement (kicks, twitches and whole body movements all counted) each day once you are feeling the baby movement regularly. Pay attention to them and let your gynea know once if you notice a large decrease in your baby's movement. Less movement may signal a problem. Shall monitor baby movement in 3rd trimester from 9am to 6pm, it shall not less than 10 movements
hey, how does stretch mark look like? i found 1 or 2 red dots that looked like pimples a few days ago but i dunno if it's due to some rash or it's actually stretch mark. what is the after effect like?
you wanna see mine? but i only got 2 very mild one, it already faded abit liao. I do took a pic of it when i updating my blog. If you wanna see, i can email you that pic. Actually you can search online also, some very very scary.

The red dots are not stretch mark, i got that on my tummmy during my first pregnancy on and off. Think is just normal heat rash
i got little red dots too but i think they are more of heat rash and not stretch marks. cos they usually appear only when the weather is very hot.
thanks for ordering. is the bee hoon also for 3-4 pax? if so, then maybe need to order more since this is like the main dish....

Re: stretchmarks
I also dunno if I have cant really see the lines but my hubby say have a few lines. I think we will only be able to see clearer lines after delivery.
I was hit earlier abt a month plus ago by some rashes around my tummy. So gynae had prescribe some cream for me and my rashes are recovering liao altho still can see some of the imflammed patches. As for lines, I dun really see them lah just felt that my tummy is very stretched sometimes. Im just into my 28 weeks. Im very scared actually cos was very small size b4 preg so nvr had tummy before. First time the tummy stretch so big... haha...
M2B / Catherine,
thanks for the feedback. Guess I probably will get some flashcards to teach bb and then maybe after that consider to put her in those enrichment classes.

krex / cindy,
I also got red dots too but some disappear after a while. I kept asking my hubby if he sees any stretchmarks and he said he didn't. What I'm more worried is the stretchmarks will appear after birth as what RTCP mentioned before in her earlier posting

The weather is so hot!! And last night I got hives on my face!!!

There were little red welts somewhat like mozzie bites. I had them before pregnancy but I didn't expect them to pop up now. Applied hydrocortisone cream to reduce the swelling.

Think mummies better take care now that the weather is so hot. I woke up with nosebleed too. Had to clear my nose.
i think whatever i see are only cellulite, which i already had anyway before i was preggie, esp around butt or thigh area.
hey, which of you mommies are donating to public cord blood bank? i'm now considering that option coz' from what i read so far, the technology isn't so advanced and it's not recommended to spend so much money on it unless your family is known to have some hereditary disease, or if someone in the family had leukemia.
think you too heaty, beta drink more water to "clear" your body... if hive get worse, beta consult a doc. Am also afraid marks will appear after the birth. NOw wat we can is just to apply the oil/cream whatever it is and hope for the best. think red dots are rather common but dun sratch it like wat I did previously. my dots developed into rashes and require medication to curb it. Beta monintor.
i will donate to public cord blood bank after i check with my gynae and if there is no strong reason why i should keep such as family history of diseases.
Re: red dots
I've been having red dots too..i thot it's some allergy but gynae said it's becos skin is too dry..

Gynae check-up
I went for my supposedly 28th week chk-up y'day..
Goodness! I've gained almost 3kg in 1mth!

BB is doing well at 966g as at 27wks 6 days.
She's oso in head-down position liao.. tho gyane said will oni engage at week 36 but rarely will she do 180deg turn from now..

Re: BB Movements
I asked gynae if i shld call up if i dun feel any movements for half/one day..she said dun call..juz come down straight away!
sometimes some women waited for too long and it's usu too late lor..
Whether half/one day is a rough gauge..mommies shld know their bb's movements better (since their movements shld now be getting stronger n stronger)..
so if we feel dat sumfin is not quite right jus go see her immediately..
She oso said dat sometimes if mommy is not feeling well and tired, bb's kicks/movements will oso be weaker one leh..so better rest where possible..dun shop too much =P

Twin Stars,
wah so fast..U oredie week 30? did u say u -might- be going for c-sec at week 32?
Really thanks for organising this gathering!
Btw my next check-up is 4 weeks away leh..so sad.. still hafto wait so long b4 can see bb again..
But the next visit will be the detailed growth scan oredie..

Taka fountain is in basement 1..u know where the big atrium where they had baby fair? or the supermarket/food court?
If u cant find, jus gimme a call!
re. red dots

reirei is rite. it's coz our skin is too dry, tt's y we kena d red dots. pls moisturizer more often or use a stronger moisturizer &amp; dun scratch them. if nt, thr wld b scarring.
Oh my Cindy, whoa..if u're small-sized by nature, could be worse leh the stretch marks...me is a big size MTB, aredy getting stretch marks..cannot imagine rite. Oh so u're 28 wks oso? When's ur EDD? hehe..Boy or girl?
Oh me also got a few red dots, but not itchy. I just leave it as it is.

The stretch marks are due to the elasticity of your skin. I think size of your body isn't that major contributing factor. I am in 28 weeks also, no stretch marks on tummy, only on the breasts.
yah weather soo hot now..hafto drink more h2o!
btw nned to ask u..did u say u oredie bought some diapers? which brands did u get?
Snow: Thanks! But having somach upset now, might be due to the Mala Steamboat yday, will see if I can make it, will sms you later...

Reirei: If don't have Taka card, can still go for the sale? I am quite interested in going cos not sure whether want to wait till Aug for baby fair or not, might be too late then..

Today is sooooo hot! As I was in the toilet doing BIG business, my prespiration is dripping! And stomach so painful &amp; I feel so Bl**dy hot! Argh!
Hey Valval, yea i think u're right. So mummies like yourself who din get much stretch marks thru'out ur pregnancy is very very lucky! Hahaa..i always see the show Runway Mums on Discovery Travel &amp; Living - OMG their tummies are absolutely beeeeautiful!
<font color="0000ff">ReiRei</font>
oh i think i know where's the fountain liao. ;)
ur next checkup is 4weeks still? nvm lah, at least next checkup you'll get to see ur bb in detailed again
. I wonder how much is this detailed growth scan... Do u know?

<font size="+1"><u>Re: Gathering in the East on 1st June</u></font>

<font color="0000ff">Megan</font> / <font color="0000ff">huihui</font> / <font color="0000ff">Cindy</font>
yes yes pls do give more suggestion. This gathering is not 'own' by me lah.

Cindy, yeah the lady said each dish is for about 3-4pax. So, i think order 2 plates of the fried meehoon is ok..?

Megan, if order 2 curry and 2 meehoon and assorted timsum like below, is it too much for 11pax?
Btw, I wanna make sure have also non-spicy food coz some of us cannot take spicy.

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD><u>Qty</u></TD><TD><u>Price</u></TD><TD><u>Amt</u> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Golden Pillow Curry Chicken Bun</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>12.80</TD><TD>25.60 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mixed Vegetable</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>20.00</TD><TD>20.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Salad Fritters (10pcs)</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>7.00</TD><TD>7.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Seaweed Seafood Roll (10pcs)</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>7.00</TD><TD>7.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Prawn &amp; Chicken Roll (10pcs)</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>7.00</TD><TD>7.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fried Mee Hoon</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>10.00</TD><TD>20.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>TOTAL</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$86.60 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Any other mommies wanna join this gathering? ;) Pls add on your name if interested ya.

<u>Re: Gathering in the East</u>
Date: 1st June
Time: 11am
Venue: mulberry's condo at Simei
Caterer: Golden Pillow

1) Megan
2) valnsw
3) mulberry
4) Cindy
5) vone
6) earnestmum (cynthia)
7) faeriekim
8) ReiRei
9) Joanne
10) Catherine
11) huichin
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Megan</font></font>
re: buying the utensils and mineral water.
it's ok, i was planning to ask my hubby to buy and carry home for me on the day before. we have a NTUC just 5mins from our place. ;)
Also, there is a drink vending machine in my condo (just outside the function hall), so mommies can buy from there if they want something else to drink other than water...keke..

BUT can ask for another help instead? Can you place the order to Golden Pillow for me? coz i don't have printer or fax machine at home. I was thinking fax to them the order is 'safer', at least black n white the order, so no mistake.
Let me know if you can do it and I'll give you my address and contact no.
You can PM me ya
My 32nd week detailed scan is included in package and will be done at my gynae's clinic..not tmc..
u may like to chk wif ur gynae's clinic directly..
Is this Fri good for you to pick up the W/M? If not we can make it next week

Anyone suffering UTI? This is my 2nd time getting it!! I am so paranoid and frustrated as the last round, the UTI lead to a bout of high fever and bronchitis!! My GP ordered a dose of antibiotics this round. I am so sick of taking medicine -.-" But she mentioned UTI if lead untreated can lead to many complications such as HIGH FEVER T_T

I know the medication is suppose to be pregnancy safe but can't help worrying about the little one inside being expose to so much drugs *SOB*

don't know if you've left for the gathering already but anyways, I bought one pack of NB Drypers from JL sale (small pack of 28 + 4 free) and one pack of Petpet S size. I did not buy alot as I think the hospital will give samples which if left over, can bring back home. Moreover, I have 1 Pampers NB and 1 Goo.N sample.

What I understand is that babies will grow v fast and depending on how big/heavy the bb is, may graduate from NB size to S size v fast. So that's why I didn't buy many packs and also let bb "test" diapers.

Perhaps you can take cranberry juice? I heard it's good for UTI. Cos my mum got it before and I went with her to see her gynae. She was also given a course of medicine and was told she can take cranberry juice.
Heard that barley may help too but some old wives say it's too liang for pregnant women. Err... but I didn't care lo.. I feel so heaty nowadays that I just take in moderation.

thanks for the concern. Wanted to down more water but I think the plain water caused me to puke out my ba zhang bfast this morning. Prob will take other forms of liquids.
i applied cream/moisturiser on the tummy area but I guess I'm not that diligent every night.

oh dear, do take care. hope you get better soon. isit food poisoning?
