(2008/08) Aug 2008

little twin stars,
oh dear, hope u are feeling better. Last night, I also vomitted 3 times after taking my obimin. duno if that's causing the nausea.
Do you have msn? seems like we got similar symptoms eh..

And YES!! I duno if my tummy's not that obvious or what, but people also like to squeeze past me in crowded places. Even when I put my hand to cover my tummy, still got people want to squeeze past me. Maybe we should wear those "I AM PREGNANT" maternity clothes. haha


ya, very irritating hor....i went supermarket with my hubby to buy a big bottle of ribina and fruits etc and the cashier ask me to carry those items to clear the ailse while my hubby is paying...then i point to my tummy...then she say sorry....faint!

i om you my msn
sure not stomach rumbling. maybe its gas. haha....

feeling better but careful with what i eat these few days.

little twin stars,
you ok?

i don't like to cover my tummy when i walk. i feel very uncomfortable to have my hands resting on my tummy. even when i'm seated, i don't like to put my bag on my lap too. feel that its pressing against my tummy although its not.

although, i'm still not very big (around 32" waist now) but i'm consider lucky to have people giving up seats for me.
Thks gals,
I am feeling okay liao when hubby said sorry this morning.

little twin stars,
I also experience braxton hicks contraction yesterday night when have a quarrel with hubby.

valnsw (valnsw) ,
I am not staying with ILs but when i think back, I made a mole to become a mountain. Nowsaday I can cry for over small things and remarks. Sign...

faeriekim (faeriekim)
We always give and take so I will try to avoid quarrel lor. Before our girl is born, we often quarrel, but when she is born, we have tone down our temper a lot and hardly quarrel and we promise each other if a need to quarrel, never do it in fornt of the kids so I think most time we only discuss or talk it out w/o quarrel as my girl always on our side. Only yesterday quarrel but my 18mths girl sleep liao.
My hubby said my temper become very bad when i am preggy this time round although I do not feel it.
<font color="0000ff">valnsw</font>
wow me too didn't know so early can feel the Braxtin Hicks contractions. i tot only can feel when reach 3rd trimester.
did u ask ur gynae why ur nausea came back?

<font color="0000ff">twin star</font>
oh dear... ee...that lady's fingernail must be damn long. You should have shouted "OUI".
when i'm out walking, i always put hand on my tummy. It's become a habit now...hehe...coz sometimes i do it without me realising it.

i too had indigestation last night. I think i eat too much.
so actually we have to be careful not to overeat even though we feel hungry. Coz my gynae told me preggie's digestive system will slow down. Also as bb gets bigger, our stomach n intestines is like push up and have less space. thus digesting will be harder now. so my gynae said to eat smaller meals but more times.
I still feel gulity for being so angry yesterday and not sure it will cause any side effect to baby. This time my pregnancy really diff from my first. feel so moody all day this time round while my first pregancy I am always happy and in a good mood.
i told doc abt my nausea but she said its norm, some people feel it throughout the pregnancy. I suspect to do w stomach flu or indigestion.
As you said, maybe have to eat smaller meals now, cos I realised my appetite also kinda dropped. I feel full fast but will be hungry v fast again.

Not sure what the issue is, but at least you have ironed it out and at least your hubby said sorry right? if he can give in to you, think is good. cos sometimes hubbies can be such filial sons, it is "ren zhi chang qing" for them to side with their parents. I used to mule over it, but I've decided to "kan kai" lo.. wana be happy cheerful mummy for my bb.
Trust me, u're not bad-tempered. Just that you're more emotional now during pregnancy. I also even made a small thing a big thing w my hubby too.
thanks. yeah...think maybe depends on individual baby.

i just had yong tau foo for lunch and puked out everything after walking less than 5 steps. such a horrible feeling! n so pai seh...tried to hold it in but couldn't. this is the 2nd time with yong tau foo. dunno y
hmm... realised many mummies here vomitting or having indigestiong. do i see a trend?!

forgot to ask. Did the nurse already ask you whether you want to book the 2-bedded ward? Cos the nurse was already asking me, and said need to confirm at next appointment wor..
Saw this in another thread, in case you are interested:

Here are the free items on offer:

For New Mothers

Bag of Love
We'd like to give you and your new arrival something to get you started on your brand new life together...

If you have delivered at Singapore General Hospital, National University Hospital, Thomson Medical Centre, Raffles Hospital &amp; KK Women's And Children's Hospital, you will receive our "Motherhood Bag of Love" from the respective hospitals.

Please check with your hospital upon discharge to ensure your receipt of the Bag of Love.

Important Note:
Only mothers with babies who are less than 3 months old are eligible for the Motherhood Bag of Love. If you have not received it from your hospital, you may collect it from our office, Mondays to Fridays, from 9am to 12 noon or 2pm to 5pm. We need you to bring along a photocopy of your child's birth certificate during collection.

Baby Plus guidebook (worth S$7)

For mothers with babies less than 3 months old and who have delivered at Mount Alvernia Hospital, Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Gleneagles Hospital &amp; East Shore Hospital, simply fax/email/mail a copy of your I/C and your child's birth certificate and we'll mail the Baby Plus to you.
hi gals, dont know if you have the same symptoms as me. i now have shoulder and back ache and some nights insomnia. Though my tummy not very obvious, i get breathless when i walk too fast or climb stairs.

Think maybe i lack of exercise?
i also have gas sound coming out of my tummy occasionally. think it's very common in preg to be gassy

i only cover my tummy when someone is trying to cut me or when kids sudd run towards me ba. other than that i walk normally. i;m ok now

it happ so fast till i was too shocked to respond. my hubby laugh when he think back of my facial reaction
m glad it's all over. when i told me mom and mil, they were very upset. mil was more angry. now mom wants me to stay away from crowds and worst. she wants to ban me from shopping!!!!

it seems like as our tummy gets bigger, indigestion is inevitable
ya, i better take smaller meals now

anger, shock etc will cause our tummy to harden one. i read up on braxton hicks contractions....it also say that when someone suddenly touch yr tummy u'll get it as well...tt;s y i kena lor.
cool down for yr baby;s sake..... all of us here have or fair share of quarrels with our hubby...es regarding mil...guess we have to tell hubby how we feel n tell them to "hong" us so that we can be happy and close an eye regarding mil...or let hubby settle her, u "block" out anything u don;t like to listen for now
i learnt it liao
me not feeling well... down with flu, cough &amp; fever... went around looking for doc on sat night... then on sun found that the side of my jawline swollen...saw GP today &amp; given MC for 3 days, kena something like "mumps"... GP say it's called parotid gland infection...

will keep you &amp; bb in my prayers...
i read from a pregnancy book that Braxton Hicks starts from wk20

i also reckon that they will charge for the copy of the 3D scan. Anyway, bb only showed half of his face so no point le......

nurse haven't asked me regarding the hospital bed but it's about time liao. Think they will ask me on my next visit, Apr 2.
Ok I will check on the DS with them again. Mine is this thu. Hmmm yeah i think that time they got mentioned to me that I need to book for the bed soon.. It is around 5 mth-6mth then they will usually ask what type you want.. so fast hor?

Hope you feel better. Rest well.

Cheer up. Sometimes we get emotional also when we are pregnant so we tend to overreact. Yeah no matter what try not to argue in front of the kids cos they know and it's bad for them. Once hubby and I just raised our voices at each other in the car and my boy just looked at us. Suddenly he curled his lips up and started to sob. He was only 13 mths then. I tell you, my heart was aching and we told oursleves never to ever fight/raise voices in front of them.
Pls update on the table:

Val Lee, EDD: 13 Aug, Gender: Girl, SGH

At last, i think my morning sickness has ended on the verge of stepping into the 5th month. Now easily get hungry. Can experience the tummy growing bigger cos facing some difficulties climbing up from sitting position &amp; out of the bed!

Also have bad lip cracks...

Haiz too tired recently cos my mother just passed away last week. Gynae mentioned to take care not to squat or carry heavy stuff cos afraid of the bag will burst then umbilical cord might get out of bag > Big pbm! Now bb is in sitting posture.
high 5, me too....
backache and short of breath very easily, insomnia started since 1st tri.

take care, do take more rest.

my nurse worse, she confirmed with me my ward since last visit...which was a mth ago....
she said, its better to book early.

think this is the link, i'm referring to the pink color 1.
bb in sitting position?
so cute...hee hee....
as time goes by, u wun be able to squat any more.
because ur tummy will be blocking. =P
so, dun worry about that.
think if those in same hospital already started booking their ward, maybe u would like to consider booking early also?
else if the type of rm u wanted fully booked, u might need to "upgrade" ya?
no harm asking ur gynae about it lor. =)
thanks. actually, we might be getting ward A cos i want hubby to stay with me. just wondering how many ward A rooms does kk have. i think i will check with gynae on next visit.
dongle, do take care.

valval, pls provide full details b4 i update the chart. There are some missing infor. Thanks.
snow, even if you book now also not confirm one... it is subject to room availability at the time of admission since most of us don't pop on our due date...so buay zhun one..
halo mummies,

hope u all have a nice wkend!

glance thro the postings only...

Ward booking
my gynae nurse was telling me no need book so early one. she say roughly 1 mth before delivery still in time. but even got booking, sometimes still need to wait to see got vacancy or not..

after my #1 delivery, i have to wait in delivery ward for about 45 mins while they are clearing up the ward bed for me.
Braxton-Hicks contractions is false contraction. It usually happened from week 30 onward. The purpose is to prepare the body and uterus for the 'real' thing.

Symtom of Braxton hip contraction is almost similar to real contraction except that the timing and frequency is not consistant and most of the time, it will be better or gone if you shift your position.

It in not due to lack of exercise that is making you breathless. It merely your heart working doubly hard to pump blood and oygen to your bb so you will feel tired double of what is in the past. Do take slow slow walk to regulate your breath and rest as often as necessary.

Hope the above help
my gyane also never mention about booking ward and signing package with hospital. the last time i asked, he said no need. i will ask anyway during my antenatal classes next mth.
qiqi, i was quite breathless during 1st trimester but my condition has improved in 2nd trimester. i feel more "fit" now and can climb stairs (not too high and not for too long)..

maybe swimming helps coz' i try to do it more regularly now, like every weekend.
It is perfectly ok to use lip balm. No connection with pregnancy.

Re:Booking of Room
There is really not necessary to book so early. During admission you still need to go to the admin office to register. In the even the choice of your room not available, they will provide a higher / lower class next to your choice. For example, if you choose a 4 bedded but during time of admission, it not available, they may upgrade to a 2 bedded for you at the price of 4 bedder (subject to availability).

Regarding booking of room:
If i were to request for 1 bedded, then how they going to upgrade me if the room is not available? Upgrade me to suite?? heehee
Hi mummies,

Being MIA for a while. Welcome all new mummies.

Tummy pull
Anyone experience tummy pull when standing? Like muscle pull feeling? Dunno is it becos baby getting heavy.

Waiting for DS this coming Sat. Hopefully everything ok.

Baby movement
Anyone hubby has felt baby movement? My hubby can feel although kick is not too hard. Think this one is less active than my previous one. My prev one is like a clock, movement at almost same time.
you can find out more about Braxton Hicks here: http://www.babycenter.com/0_braxton-hicks-contractions_156.bc

pls take care! hope you have a speedy recovery.

we have the same Christian name ;) Sorry to hear about your mother's death. Pls be strong and do take lots of rest. Your EDD and mine quite close! hehe

Re: ward arrangement
Hope I have not caused a flurry of worry over this. I also don't know if it's too early to book. Just asked shay and medusa cos we have the same gynae. Totally blur about the ward booking. The 3 of us delivering at East Shore Hospital, not sure if it's the norm to start booking early or not.

Which ward you intend to book? Seems like East Shore Hospital does not have 4-bedded ward.
I checked with my friend, she said that table and chair set is already on clearance 50% sale, so no further discount. If you want to order, can only order from paragon, parkway or great world city. HTHs!

Re: Aussino shopping,
guess the staff discount is for regular priced items.
my hubby has felt bb's kicks only twice. But my bb has mood one, she responds more to me than to my hubby. even when my hubby tells her to kick, no movement one.
haha, last nite, i told bb to kick for daddy and then my hubby felt it =P
Hi All
I was on bedrest for the first trimester and just went back to work.I get really tired but somehow when I am at work, don't really feel it.I feel the rush to buy things and keep as probably will be on bed rest in third trimeseter as well. It's like time goes very fast now.

actually i donno the wat is the advantage.. just the nurse asked and i have already decided before hand on what ward to get..so i just book lor
