(2008/08) Aug 2008

Ouch.. So uncomfortable for her.. Ru yi oil to the rescue?

I really hand it to you to sleep with YZ... Not easy man!

hahahah... tt's why i rather not share the bed. So disrupted

can you imagine when i'm still having a tummy early this year? i have to back face him loh, if not he will be kicking mei mei while sleeping.

i also adjust him loh so can't sleep well.
sooooooo all babies like to do that during sleeping?

BBM too. sometimes T and I have to move to sleep in another direction.

or sleep til hands and legs are on me like I'm the bolster. hahaha!!
Good Morning Mommies!

I only sleep w the gals when we stay over at my mom's pl...it's rather nice to do that once in a while coz Mae smells nice hahaha =P

But daily?! I will become panda!

Yalor, whole night adjust them, we how to sleep well rite? Before you know it, day break liao =(

Hahaha, all kids the same 1!

you are so early. still moo-moo-ing?

my friend's kid cc ganna HFMD, ordered to close for 10+2 days. Now srambling to get someone to look after the kids...
yah loh. so get him out is the best and he gets to sleep well too. if not, he will wake up with me to sit there and accompany me pump milk at times.

yes yes, its just the starting of the journey leh. if i take yu ze as benchmark, its only 30% loh.
hihi mummies,
morning morning

just manage to send ger back to cc todae..saga lor hb called me say he and ger loiter outside the cc for 1 hr, ger will cry when she go in lor.then hb cant bear to go off...
hiaz scolded hb just drop and go, the more you linger the more ger dun wan go in...damn angry leh
don't be angry, at least good to know that your hb is attached to your ger mah... (and not to other gal... heheheheee)

yah, very siong! i still remember the times when i moo-moo-ing. jia you!

jerold knocked his forehead on the marble floor on national day - i was in the living room while he was in the guest room and i could hear the loud 'kok'. then the cry. the balugu was HUGE. it's still there this morning...
Read yr story abt pri 1 gal got bullied by pri 4 gal.. scary
thinking about our little ones...

Need u to teach me how Zynn can wack ppl ? think I need to teach N leh since she's really not aggresive type... the most aggresive thing she will do is only snatch toy while saying sharing !! :p but if ppl push her or bully her, she just sit still... dont do anything... serioously with those bullies ard these days, wld love 2 teach her some self defense :p

congrats !! yr Pr is moving on ....

missed u n J on sat.... where did u go ?

3rd ur suggestion abt the outings...
It's like tt when the daddies bring the gals to skool. Cannot just force the child to go in and walk off. Will be super concerned tt the child is crying and give themselves excuses when the child cries. Dunno is it the father that cannot bear to leave the child or the other way. Haiz... My hb also like tt. So nowadays I am the one to do drop-off. He will do the pick-up.

Nice to see you again last Sat. Nandini is such a big gal now.

Re: Child sleeping on their own
Stupid hb asked me last night when we should let Anvelle sleep on her own in her room. I glared at him and said, when her daddy is ready. He said I was talking nonsense. He wanted to know when other parents are placing their children in separate rooms. I told him that I have been trying to tell him that we should get Anvelle to sleep in her own room or at least, sleep in her own cot/ bed for the past year. I also suggested covverting her cot to toddler bed but he said no. He was worried that we will not know if she whimpers at night, etc. Now he is asking me when I want to move her out of our bed. Ridiculous rite? Haiz...
Wah... I had to scroll all the way up to read the archives... hiaz...

Mummies, anyone keen to go zoo on 29 Aug?

Shirley, alamak! Why loiter outside for 1 hour? I usually just drop off with the teacher who is most familiar with the kid... or with classmates playing, best time to run off! Oh yah, please call me can?

Nana, P has been sleeping with J for sometime... he's on mattress... he still wakes at night and will walk to our room if he can't sleep back by himself... but most of the time, he falls back to sleep by himself after making some "noise"... J will continue sleeping though... haha... think ur hb shouldn't be concern abt "whimpering"... if whimper only, we usually ignore... else the kid will get used to whimper only, pple will come...
Either u panda or YX have lots of 'bruises'! hahah.. Oh man, i hope u have a king-sized bed

hahah.. I think I rather sleep by myself still..
Hello mommies,
I had been out of touch on forum for a while liao ... no time! Busy busy with Kai's party last weekend and oso his actual on this Fri.

Due to space constraint, was not able to invite more kiddos to join us .. paiseh paiseh. Some more it was done rather last min and my contribution was quite minimal ... kekeke.

Regarding Gathering.
The other day at the baby bash, I was mentioning to some of the DSLR mommies that we should organise an outdoor gathering .... like a picnic or so at Botanic Gardens.

I'd think it's a nice place for kiddy shots.
U know, the mommies and kids running around, playing, eating, having fun and we've a few mommies whipping out their DSLR to take pics... sounds fun isn't?

Current DSLR mommies interested to be photographers ..... and kids as models.
1. Aileen
2. HuiChin
3. Farry Kat
4. Shint

Dates : Sometime during the Sept school holidays.

This shall be the official one. On a smaller scale, we may organise some impromptu smaller ones on the fly
- test water first.

Fix a date. Those who can make it then come, those who cannot can join other sessions in future.

No special efforts needed. Everybody BYO food, etc. We just state the date and time.

So the only thing is the date and time.
TIming wise, we think early morning is good cos no kiddo will be needing any nap - only if the parents can wake up.

Sat or Sun morning be good cos no need to take leave.

How does this sound?
oh dear. Is J better oredi.
Knock, quick quick use Zambak ... it still works vv well ba.

Kai was also crying today cos last week he missed school the whole week as they had 1 case of HFMD and he just recovered from his fever. Today go in kept behaving like a baby ... i just left him to the teacher, though he was crying still .... and wave goodbye and walk off.

When maid came in later, she said he was so well behaved. Your hubby not seasoned to send the kid in ... if he does it everyday, i am sure he will not last 1 hour ... hahha.
Dun need to scold him la ... just tell him what to do ... tat is to be hard hearted... for the good of the kid.
like tat how to get good sleep?
we have mommies instinct and always scared that they might get buried under us if we sleep over them... so end up no good sleep.

Now Kai oredi moved to his personal super single bed .... he vv priviledge. The only problem is that we put them to sleep and leave only when they are fast asleep. The 2 boys will "fight" if i leave them alone. Kai loves to roll over to Quan's side and steal his pillow space. Then roll back to his side. play for quite long then suddenly KO.

Kai can sleep by himself but Quan always want me to lie beside him to sleep ... i think this is a habit since young and now still hard to kick.
yah, not possible to sleep well that's why i decide to kick him off my bed loh. hhahaha......

i think the size of the bed doesn't matter. its the person loh. :p
Good Morning Mommies!

I want to go learn a skill or two from all the photographers can? I have a DSLR which is in cold storage =(

But I can only make it on Sun morning as Sat mornings are all my #1's classes.

Of coz prefer to sleep alone for the undisturbed sleep
But hor, once in a blue moon, I will want to sleep w the gals coz next time they grow up, dun want me liao hahaha
Moo-mooing at almost 3am??
hahah.. true! Ashley kicks & lies all over my hb when he lazes around on the king-sized mattress..

Tt sounds fun! Hmm... You girls set a date k? I see if i can make it coz I must confirm if hb is free anot

True too!! I can't bear for that to happen.. Oh gosh, i hope they wld need mummy dearest, in a good way, for a long time.. hahah!
Hb & I were looking at old pix of Ashley, like she's that old!, and we were saying that she had lots of hilarious moments.. So cute!
Shint, I 2nd M2B... only Sun mornings... do let me know if it's on! :p

Celyn, salute! I wun bring myself to wake at 3am to moomoo...
hi mommies. =)
gotta be super fast cos damn busy at work....later then go thru all posts okie?

sat or sun morning both cannot, pai seh.
u gals enjoy. =)
trying to login more properly :p

nice to see u and Anvelle too... long time...

All the mommies at Canvass trial also.. nice to meet u all... we sure really rock the place uh ? :p Even the teachers asked ( the adults )to keep the voice down LOL

aiyohhh so many toddlers fell sick...
speedy recovery uh.. nowadays seems all the virus n bacteria mutant oredi n bcome stronger... scary ...
morning mummies.
same today, fast come fast go. =(

2 possibilities?
- flu liao
- #2 lai liao >D

no matter any of the above, pls take care.

i'll send my gals to learn some self denfend course, think cc have it. =)
dun teach them to wack ppl if they dun lor, but must teach them how to avoid or escape from being bullied.
most importantly, must speak up when they faced school bully case.
Good Morning Mommies!

Mae can be like that too! And even when she poo, she will say "No" when we asked her coz she doesnt like to change diapers tsk tsk...all our kiddos like smelly mouses haha
celyn, coz for jac if poo too long & never change bottom will turn red like ger.

m2b, mine too. i smell it liao ask her is it poo poo she say 'mei you mei you' in actual fact is got poo lor..
m2b/ rata,

J will say "poo poo, change diaper" when he's done it but still dun want to go potty beforehand. he will just do a cursory sit AFTER he has pooed *faintz*
Hi mummies.. I chanced upon this thread, and thought I'll just join in!
I have 2 kids, one who is 3.5 yo, and my boy just turned 2.

This is a really active thread. I joined one for East side mummies but it's not as active as this one!

J went over to my mum's place for sleepover... then i went marketing in the morning, my usual lor. i just finished a test on wednesday and getting a day off today... want to bring the kids to the zoo and then it rained. sian...

think your indoor playground list comes in useful today. i don't know where else to bring the three kids to leh...
m2b & rata
zynn is opposite, got poo no poo also tell me poo poo...
when i saw nothing in it, she will laugh. -_-"

welcome. =)
this thread used to be even more active...hee hee..
which mth ur #2 born in? aug also?
Haha, Jac oso like that?!

Mae managed to pass urine in the toilet bowl the past few days when my mom lets her go diaper-free...hope it persists...
rona, m2b, unless her poo is abit hard & she feel uncomfy haiving it inside then she will come tell us she poo poo liao so dat we will change for her.

Hi Snow.. yeap, my #2 was also born in August.. he's quite the monkey. In fact, I'm calling him Mogwai. Because he's super cute, but a monster sometimes. How about you?
