(2008/08) Aug 2008

last yr cost cutting so dun have lantern lah, financial crisis leh.
ha ha.... =P

ya lor, especially now like lotsa kiddos kena flu.
gotta avoid let them under sun liao kena rain leh.

pai seh leh, just now suddenly a developer plug out and use my network...so out of nothing i'm offline. =(
hate them doing that, but in office gotta put work in higher priority lor.
so sorry about it har. =P
snow, no problem
Good Morning Mommies!
So happy its Friday again!

When and where is the next gathering? Must try very hard to make it no matter what coz Mae misses her friends...so long she never interact w young kids (except for her classmates lah).

Just heard over the radio that the HFMD is getting very rampant. Please take care!

One Hougang church kindy was asked to closed for ? days starting from today.
more details:


1 The number of HFMD cases has continued to increase with 906 cases notified in the week ending 7 August 2010. This brings the total number of notified HFMD cases to 18,007 in the first 31 weeks of this year as compared with 10,770 cases in the same period last year.

2 Of the cases notified this year, about 65% occurred in children aged less than 5 years old. HFMD is generally a mild and self-limiting childhood disease. The majority of the cases seen so far were mild infections, with only 233 (1.3%) cases requiring hospitalisation mainly because of poor feeding. There were no cases with serious complications or deaths reported so far this year.

3 However, MOH’s sentinel surveillance has detected an increase in the circulation of Enterovirus 71 (EV71) among patients with HFMD in Singapore, with 12% of the patient samples testing positive for EV71 in July 2010. HFMD due to EV71 has been associated with a risk of increased disease severity and even death.

4 The current rise in the number of notified HFMD cases is in keeping with the regional situation. Other countries such as China, Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan, have recently experienced HFMD outbreaks involving EV71.

5 While HFMD is endemic in Singapore and periodic outbreaks can be expected, it is important to take early control measures to prevent escalation of cases. MOH has noted childcare centres and kindergartens with prolonged ongoing transmission of HFMD and is working with MCYS and MOE to control and prevent further cases from occurring in these centres. The names of childcare centres and kindergartens with more than 10 HFMD cases or an attack rate greater than 13%, and a transmission period of more than 16 days will be published on the MOH website from today. This is so that parents can be more aware of whether the centre that their child is attending has prolonged HFMD transmission, and can be more alert to watch out for HFMD symptoms in their child.

6 To break the chain of transmission, childcare centres and kindergartens with more than 16 HFMD cases or an attack rate greater than 23%, and a transmission period of more than 24 days will be mandatorily closed for 10 days. Parents of children attending these centres will be notified by the centres, and the names of the centres that will be mandatorily closed will also be published on the MOH website from today. Please see the MOH website (www.moh.gov.sg) for the list of these childcare centres and kindergartens.
more details:

Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease (HFMD)
Updates on HFMD Situation in Singapore (13 August)
The following is a list of names of childcare centres and kindergartens with more than 10 HFMD cases or an attack rate* greater than 13%, and a transmission period of more than 16 days (prolonged transmission). This is to help parents be more aware of whether the centre their child is attending has prolonged HFMD transmission, and keep vigilance in watching out for HFMD symptoms in their child.

Childcare Centres and Kindergartens with active clusters of prolonged transmission
Last updated 13 Aug 2010**

Childcare Centres


Heehee... U r being too humble. 1 Anvelle only n I m totally out of shape. U hv got 2 n still slim n beautiful! Xian my leh...

Celyn / Rata,
So early rise n shine liao ah?
Morning mummies. =)
stupid me forgotten to bring Hp charger home, so sianz w/o Hp.
this lunar 7th mth fierce leh, #1 cough n zynn ls..
think virus is all around in most school.
thx, hopefully they recovers soon also.
zynn refuses to drink that med, think it must tasted terrible cos normally she will request for more. =P
got a kinda purple color med to drink also, now zynn keep saying "dun wan purple..".
very poor thing leh, add inside her milk ended up she rather dun drink..now she become skinny mouse liao.

Apologies for posting in your thread.. but am..

1. Urgently in search of many tins of Enfapro A+..

If you've any to sell, pls pm me.. Budget's ard $10+- for the 400g tins..

2. Haenim Play Yard 6 panels (usu'd have 2 activity panels, 1 door, 3 plains with connectors) and ok with 4 panels too..

Budget's ard $100+- for the 6 panels

3. Steriliser
Looking for Pigeon Rapid Steam Steriliser

Budget's ard $20 to $30.. hopefully no rust..

4. Safety Gate needed to fit doorway of at least 118 cm..

Budget's $30++

5. Twin Stroller, just need one tt works, so on v tight budget constraint..

Pls pm me if you've any of the above tt ya letting go..

Thanks v much in advance! =)
cos i need to moo moo leh. so must be up early, moo moo then prepare myself for work and yu ze for school. hahah....
morning mummies. =)

rata and hisstory
thx, she is much better as of last nite.
think its a virus, those who attended weekday school or going to cc gotta watch out lor.
oh yah hor.. U really can deal with very little sleep. *kowtow*

I hope my nephew din kena, coz he's down with a flu + cough, i hope it doesn't escalate to anything worse than tt
She slept well?
oh, i forget to share this and hope its stay on this way. i have manage to kick yu ze out of my bed. yeah!!!! spend 1-3am on fri to keep bringing him back to his bed to sleep, everytime he came over. then 1 time on sat. yesterday, he didn't wake up at all. this PR of my bed for 8 months is out liao. hahahah....

hahahah... before they start sleeping through, i have to deal with little sleep loh and be a panda mummy. hahahha.....
ya, hopefully he din kena the same bugs.
nope, she din sleep well.
think the stomach wind is disturbing her, she cried at least 3 times the past 3 nites. =(

ya, her ls stopped last nite. =P

u brought her out to crowded places over wkend?
let her drink more water.
hope all babies who r sick get well soon.


zynn will want more of medicine ar? wah........
think purple one smell yucky too?


Ger sick? hope she get well soon
Morning mummies.

Think the flu bug is very strong these days. Anvelle gan-na last month - fever, flu and cough. Lasted for about 2 weeks. I m keeping my fingers crossed now. Anything we can give them to prevent them from falling sick?
Morning Mommies!

Is Zynn ok?
Mae has a LS saga a few weeks back...it goes on for quite many days...then complain abt gum pain too...glad both gals are ok now...#1 got sent back from school coz of a big ulcer in her mouth (bit herself lah) =( The school said MOE guidelines very strict coz of HFMD. Then #1 called me and said she doesn't want to miss school and homework??!!

I'm some1 who put on weight easily so thats why you hear me diligently gg gym at least 3x a week =P...I need to be really determined to maintain, not those naturally slim type.

Congrats on your PR leaving your room
Nana, Snow,
Sorry we didn't go to the gathering!

Sorry too that we can't make it last Sat. Did you all have a good and fun day?
Hope your gals are better now!

the usual I guess... lots of water and rest. and maybe you can give Anvelle cod liver oil?
ya, my little mouse eat everything.
so when its thing that she dun wanna eat, must be tasting terrible. =P

ur little pr always an independent boy de mah. =)

my sis din call me till now, she should be ok bah.
missed 2 school days last wk, went back to school 2 days nia kena liao....haiz... =(
oh, let raine drink more water cos normally its heaty that they will bite themselve.
that time nynn gotta mc at home, she also requested to go back to school...think now a days schooling must be real fun ya? ha ha...

thx, i hope so too.
yah yah but had been a bit sticky due to mei mei's arrival. still manageable. recently teh bao leh, a bit only will cry for attention.
Tats good! Wish Zynn and Nynn speedy recovery!
Ya, #1 has not been drinking enuf water lor...yaya, I think they really love school even Mae will signal she wants to go school! =)

Ydy I slept w Mae as we stayed at my mom's pl and it was really nice to cuddle her to sleep but hor, I had disturbed sleep coz she can turn 360 degrees and thus I kena kicked so many times =(

Think once in a blue moon sleep with them ok lah but not every night...hahaha
yes yes. cannot sleep well with him loh. though my queen size bed only me and him, still he can leave a big space on one side and squeeze with me. or he will sleep in such a way that we form a letter 'T' on the bed. sometimes even climb on top of me and sleep like i'm the mattress. how to sleep right?

Wah, YZ power man! Mae will just put her leg on my chest...hahaha but I will quickly adjust her again...so imagine how many times I need to adjust her...hahaha
