(2008/08) Aug 2008

Morning mummies!

I was thinking of the same thing when I went back to the link. Coz in the T&C, they wrote first-timers only. But I will go ahead to order and when if they tell me tt I can't order, I m gng to give them a pc of my mind. The link comes fr the Dumex Mum & Bb Club E-newsletter which is sent to existing users of Mamil Gold. So most of the ppl who order will not be first timers. Correct? Anyway, it's not like extremely cheap. Works out to abt $37 per 1.6kg. I can get 2 x 1.6kg at $74 ($37/tin, $1 for 2 tins) at Rivervale Plaza.

Wat's ur criteria in choosing a gynae? N where r u staying at? I hv seen a few before settling on mine. If wan cost effective, it's Thomson Women's Clinic. But I find that the svc at the Sembawang Plaza clinic (Dr Lawrence Ang) is like those chop chop fast-food type. I see Dr Jen at Women's Clinic of Singapore. He has 2 clinics, AMK n Tampines. Delivers at Mt A n TMC.
morning mummies. =)

its just their phase lah, playful lor.
slow slow teach, they will outgrow de.

thx for offering to help, u drive ah?

is anvelle ok? =(

ya, school bullies cases is getting more and more serious nowadays.
i also quite worried for nynn, till now she still dun dare to tell us what happen to her fractured arm... -_-"

ok ladies, following is just a gentle reminder:

Date : 8th Aug 2010
Time : 4pm - 6pm
Venue : Atlantis City @ Delta
(Inside Delta Sports Hall, http://www.playtime-recreations.com/location.htm)

Dumex .... I can help to order if need 1st timer.

Thanks dear. She's quite alrite now. Juz coughing more in the night. Hope she recovers before Sunday.

Muz be patient with Braiden. They are at a stage where they throw tantrums when they dun get their way. So must explain y he cannot do it. I remember a speaker at a seminar once said that human brains double read the word "don't". So the more you tell them "don't" the more they "do" it. Lesson to learn - Try not to use the word "don't". Use positive language to encourage positive actions.

Try la. No harm ma. If you are ok with Medical Hall purchase of the FM, I can get for you.

yes........... school bullies r getting bad.

BBM saw kids playing happily and wanted join in, some will complain. But I saw cases where she took one of the toys when no one is playing, but kanna push by a big gal ( BBM was only at her chest wor). BBM then cant speak but trying hard not to fall down. So I brought her to another corner and told her this jie jie selfish and wanted to play alone. No one playing there and she playing happily when the same girl came and pushed her and snatched her things. BBM was 0.o and trying hard to protect herself. In the end, I just brought her out of the area and went to other area to play.

The other time was a few kids were sitting at the monitor, all of them are trying to add colours, BBM also join in the fun. I think 6mths than her, she grab BBM's wrists and hold so tight till BBM fuss for help. Can see BBM trying very hard to get out of the hold. When no one playing, BBM playing herself, this same girl after a while, walked back and just grab her till BBM make noise for help coz painful. I walk over and said " let's share! You made her hands painful!". Immediately let go and left BBM alone........

Can imagine in sch............. so many kids with 1 teacher. Where got eyes to see all.

ya....... but my sleeping beauty still sleeping.

Ya...... the don't word. The mind cant register it. They skip the dont and proceed to the next word. Even adults too. Clever mind and filter. Hahaha!!
can de lah, let her drink more water and rest more now. =)

ya....actually heard before mothers who teach their kids to bully others also, really dunno what is inside those women's brain. -_-"
that is why lotsa ppl trying to send their kids to school with a better env, where most kids will only left with time for their studies. =P
they are not ks, but trying to minimise their kid's concentration diversion only.

ar?????? wah........... is it they kanne bully when they were young?

no wonder............ better env is also minimise walk ard n get bully?

gtg............ sleeping beauty gng to wake up soon. moving liao
m2b, not that I want to go to popular sch but coz WG & JW is the 2 schools which is of walking dist fr both my parents & my place lor. If i put her into other Jurong sch ve to take sch bus then i might as well put her to my old sch which is better but long sch bus journey.
i also dunno...but they can teach their kid how to protect themselve, rather then bully others to show off they are smarter lor. =)

go do pv lah, but sometime popular school might reject pv if they already have a waiting list lor.
you still stand there and see how BBM protect herself from the big gal huh? If its me, I would have asked the gal where is her parent or where is her teacher and tell her that you will report her to her teacher...

but nowadays the kids are getting out of hands with dotting parents and indulging grandparents. I have also seen kids scolding and hitting their maids and telling their maids off that they are maids...

poor gal. did her mother report to the principal?
i forgotten to bring my hp batt charger home from office, dun dare to turn on network too much incase no hp to use by monday lor.
hee her..but will on n off log in only.
can't wait to see u gals tmr. ;)
Nana, Snow,
I may go to the party with my gal... Jerold is coughing so didn't want to bring him lah. But if there are anyone who wants to go instead, please let me know, can take over me.

Morning mummies!

Look forward to seeing all of u later! For the mummies n bbs not joining us, we will be missing you...

No worries. U can bring the cupcake n balloon back for Jerold.
Hi mummies,

evie is running a fever so we will not be going to the bday bash. any mummy pls feel free to take over our slot for 1 adult + 1 child.

happy bday to all the kiddos!!

have fun everyone
Halo Mommies!
Here wishing all August bbs a Happy 2nd Birthday! =)

Yalah, if not keen on PV, then best to take the safest bet...JW area statistics are really scary...the better schools all need balloting even for within 1km!

The gal is poor thing...I'm really afraid my #1 will fall victim to bullies so I actually bgt her books on bullies for her to read =P Kids nowadays aren't as innocent as our times liao...so sad =(

Hope Evie gets well real soon!
Thanks to May, Nana & Rata for doing all the organising! Thanks to Kat & Shint for being the unofficial photographers... haha... Thanks to all mummies who turned up! It was fun!
morning mummies. =)
thx everybody for making the little bash a successful one, hope everybody enjoyed.
thx nana and rata for all the help in making this last mins bash possible, thx to all the last mins pro pro aunty photographer team...hee hee...

rona & gayle
hope jarold and evie a speedy recovery.
pls let me noe how u gals wanna collect ur goodies bag okie?
eh...and ur cupcake still with me also, inside my fridge, dunno if u gals still wants it. -_-"
dun think i'll let zynn eat overnite cakes lah, but cos its not mine so i din throw it away yet.

dun worry, maybe we start planning for the x'mas bash? ha ha.... >D
wanna try out that grassroot clubn leh, feedback so far are good.
we missed the grassroot club that time is cos too last mins, fully booked.
so if everyone here interested in x'mas bash, think we can still get it if we book earlier. =)
unless someone has a better place to intro...hee hee...
still have ikan billies $ leftover, maybe can bring forward to the next gathering? =P
must start sourcing now cos xmas also a bit hard to book. my boss ask me when will we get tired of all these gathering. hahhaha....
all the heavy things are with u, if u din do much then i consider what? ha ha.... >D

bo lah, cos some of them miss this bb bash mah.
so was thinking about what can the next gathering be lor. =P
no need to be x'mas lah, but gotta find an "excuse" before my hb kill me for being a gathering siao lor. -_-"
Snow, nono. co-ordination is the real hetic part mah. heavy thing juz need to drive down anyway we r going down no impact at all.

hahahaha ya ur hubby was telling mine last yr bb bash also organise by you on the same date 0808 then my hubby ask me got meh? i say we didnt join in last yr hahahaha

wat 'excuse' lei? Hari Raya Puasa??? hahahaha
so fun last sun!
BBM slept on the way home, woke up to bath and play and then knock out n slept 13 hours! Hahahaha!!

Eh.... oct got holiday? then can arrange before dec?


coordinating can be fun if u noe how to enjoy it, and as long as u stay +ve. =)

eh...bo lah, its not bb bash lah...ha ha...that man just flew back from china, dun listen to his sleeptalking. =P
0808 is zynn's bday celebration, her actual day.

celyn n rata
ofcos can, but hb will kill me...ha ha... >D
its not a near place, so gotta have very valid reason. =(

maybe get someone to book their function rm, then we can have a casual gathering since its such a short time?
same thing, too far i might not be able to make it...ha ha...
