(2008/08) Aug 2008

#1 sleeps like a log so nothing stirs him, even when Kai cries vv loud.
Kai, however on the other hand is a light sleeper. Good thing is #1 seldom wakes up at nite, so wun affect Kai.
I guess they'll learn ..... initially i had the same worries that it''ll wake the other but end up it worked out fine.

Most impt is if you have a helper, make sure she is not a deep sleeper ... cos i had one whom i kept for a month and couldn''t take it cos she wakes up after i prepared the milk and was feeding Kai.
She din move even when Kai cried damn loud and damn long .. i had to go wake her up and it took a while. In the end, i din bother to wake her. Hubby asked, why dun get her to do it, u have to work.
I said, Wld u be happy to do work if someone wakes you up to feed a baby? and personally I wouldn't feel safe to have her feed the baby when she is still half asleep.
haha, now i remember that this is one of the reasons I decided not to keep her, on top of many more serious misfit to take care of new borns.

Double decker
Heard that kids too young might fall off the steps at nite if they still half asleep and blur blur.
Also, tat means no ceiling fan - which i prefer over the aircon.
My #1 still wet the bed sometimes and it''s difficult to change the bedsheet at nite if u have to climb up and down ... and for them to come down to pass urine at nite oso scared he falls off the steps.
so a pull out bed is still better.

So far i have not seen any super single pull out except the divan type i think ... those kiddy ones dun have.

if u find anything let me know ... haven't really have time to go shop around.

the bed rail I got is quite long ... can shorted and extend it if u want. about 3/4 of a bed length. But depends on what kind of bed u have u get the bed rail that's suitable.

My kind is only for those divan bed type. Sometimes at Robinsons they have promo 2 pcs for about $60 i think. Normally must more exp.
Halo Mommies!

You will be able to do it! Have to keep adjusting until you get into a comfortable routine w 2 kids
It will just get easier

Your trip must eb due to work right? Dun think you bear to stay away from Kaer due to leisure heehee

Hi ladies,
I've always been reading even though I never post
Hope all of you had a great Mother's Day celebration over the weekend

Rgding sleeping arrangements,

Shint, divan beds got pull outs ar? But does that mean there won't be any bed head or foot - like open on all 4 sides? I haven't begun shopping yet. I'll also be looking for super single bed cos I think being able to sit/lie in bed with the child would be more comfortable when there's a need.

But I'm having a headache because I don't know if my Isaac can share room with anybody because he's such a light sleeper.

Initially I let the maid sleep in his room, but it didn't work out because he didn't sleep very well during that 2wks she shared his room. I had to ask her to sleep in the living room just so I could see if he would sleep back his usual hours. And he did. And while she slept outside, we discovered she snores quite loudly. Isaac must be disturbed by her snoring lor. When he doesn't get a proper night's sleep, the entire day schedule is screwed up and he'll be cranky. Even though my maid doesn't mind sleeping in the living room, I'm still facing the problem of how Isaac will sleep with a sibling later on. So... bleah.... dunno how now. Heard from friends how their kids sleep like logs, so envious.
shint/ brie,

when i'm ready to buy the divan pull out bed, will look for both of you
where to find anyway? robinsons?


my kid sleeps with maid now but when he cries, she's unable to pacify him. only daddy or mummy can, so even if she attempts to put him back to sleep, we are the ones sitting by his bedside and holding his hand to sleep (bad habit, sigh).


how come yu ze don't want to walk? maybe see if u can hold his hand or ask him to help push the stroller while u keep an eye from behind?
he had been walking to wait for school bus since he started taking school bus. 2 weeks ago, he decide not to and want me be carried. he yang oh loh. when i carry him, he will put his head down on my shoulder, very yang oh kind. i ask him to come down and walk, he will shake his head and say no. i believe, he is partly insecure. after cl left yesterday, he refuse to let me carry mei mei too. he see me carry mei mei, he will want me to carry him too. i'm glad that he is willing to let mei mei take the stroller this morning. i guess no point forcing him now, after all he is still a 'baby' himself. need to give him time to get used to mei mei.

oh, yah, i think he's feeling a bit jealous that u get to spend time with mei mei while he's in sch. so mei mei is sitting on his stroller now or she gets a new one?
she is using his stroller. he had stop using stroller for some time liao cos he likes to kpo and walk around mah. so i seldom bring stroller unless its near his nap time.
hi mommies. =)

same situation.
even maid sleep in zynn's room, only mummy can pacify her back to sleep if she wake up middle of the nite by bad dream or loud noise. =(

dun worry lah, when one day both ur kids can play together that time u see if they still wanna be carried...ha ha...
just fyi, i'm running whole afternoon in vivo yesterday just to make sure both my gals who are playing catching are safe. -_-"

J is waking up quite often these days. dun think it's bad dream. how often does zynn wake up each nite on average?


J is still ok with using stroller although he'll resist. sometimes when we're out shopping, daddy will let him sleep on shoulder first then put him in. when he wakes up he's ok with being in the stroller (thankfully).
did u suddenly changed J's routine or something smilar?

zynn is those eat and sleep type, she seldom wake up unless dreaming or loud thunder.
difficult to estimate leh. =P

u lucky lah. =)
yesterday was out cos both gals wanna go their fav ocbc bank....haiz....

no leh. we used to be able to put him to sleep without holding hand. all the while ok until that episode when he was a bit out of sorts when my hb's grandma passed away. ever since then, kept on wanting to hold our hands during bed time. on a normal day, he does wake up 1-2 x on average. if it's really bad, more often. quite frustrating that he's not able to go to sleep on his own.

just slowly adjust, it'll be luan for time being.

as for when hb nt ard, u order tingkat for meals?
nt easy to handle alone wor. u take care ya!!
not taking tingkat. try that before during yu ze's time. the food is horrible loh. i rather cook or ta bao economical rice lah. at worst is clean up after yu ze and baby sleep which is near 9pm.
morning mommies. =)

is it thru granny's depart that made him realise that people will leave, that is why he afraid u all might leave him also?

ya ya ya, zynn the spider gal...ha ha...
Good Morning Mommies!
faster post coz gg meeting soon

Hahaha, brgt the gals for a swim and I told hb I'm not gg into the pool so he was struggling with the 2 gals while I enjoy my show on my iPhone hahaha

US leh! Can enjoy shopping at Coach and KS outlets liao!
For work, bo bian...cheer up k?

i dunno leh. i think he might have encountered something unclean then. coz' he wasn't very close to his great grandma. yest was by far the best. he slept for abt 8 hrs straight before waking up at ard 6.30am. managed to put him back to sleep and wake him up again at 7.30am. hope this continues tonight!


not all tingkat are bad. my ILs using mum's kitchen and four season. food is decent lah but after awhile will be very xian coz' the cooking style the same and menu gets repeated. but then again, chye peng also has this problem. not much variety also. and hawker food is pretty unhealthy generally. so even tho i prefer home cooked food, catered fd is a close substitute since my MIL doesn't cook.
i don't like tingkat cos by the time the food arrived, its cold liao. i don't have microwave to heat it up, i end up eating cold cold food.

lunch time, since i'm the only eating i cook noodle to eat. dinner time, i sure cook cos that's the only meal yu ze get at home. unless hubby is coming back late then will ta bao cos only me and yu ze.
u shiok lah, both my gals stick strongly to me...
if i dun jump, u dun need to think they will even touch the water. =(
i also wish i have time to play iphone when they are sound lor...haiz....

maybe lor...or maybe this is the 1st time he withness a funeral, his little mind hard to "digest" this new and chaotic event? =(
times heal lah, give him some time to forget.
if persisted, then go ahead to get advise and get it "clean".
<font color="#CD3278">celyn</font>
Do take nutritious meals k? Soup based noodles are fast &amp; healthy too.. I sometimes dun mind ta baoing the night before and portion which I can't finish, I will take tt for lunch. Too hot to go out to eat during lunch..

<font color="#CD3278">brie</font>
Nice to see you here again!
So now your maid still sleeps in the living room?

wow, i wonder how u manage to cook with 2 kids at home. i used to do it b4 J came along. now i only cook if hb is ard to take care of the kid.


i dun think he rems it now but i suppose since we started holding his hand back then, it's hard to break out of the habit right now. hopefully we can wean him off hand holding soon.
Between me and hb, the gals prefer me too but they won't stick to me...#1 sure will follow hb to do their stuff but Mae won't...but as she loves being in the water so much, she has to choose between sitting w me by the pool or go inside the pool w hb...hahaha, guess she doesn't have a choice =P

When #1 was young, she doesn't want to follow hb too but it gets better as she grows older so dun despair k? Nynn &amp; Zynn will follow hb next time 1!

You got your bag already?
<font color="#CD3278">M2b</font>
nope, not yet, i hope

Going to EU in June for hols.. So hope I get a gd haul. Now I'm in a dilemma
cook noodle is the fastest loh. i don't like left over food so would rather go out and tabao.

not easy but can. i wake up at 6am to pump. 620am, wash up, change and get ready to prepare yu ze for school. 650am, if he still haven't wake up. will take out his pacifier and put his bottle inside his mouth. guide his hand to hold the bottle and he will drink in his sleep. then i change diaper and shorts at the same time. once he finished his milk, he is awake liao. then will change his t-shirt for him. 7.05am, go out of the house with baby in stroller and yu ze.

in between in the afternoon, prepare dinner's food. cook soup first then rice at 5pm. when yu ze reach home at 540pm, start to steam fish or fry vege. by 6pm, dinner is ready to serve.

when i start work, i will have to prepare all ingredients the day before. morning, put everything for soup to cook first while i prepare. before go out, then transfer the pot of soup to thermal cooker. evening, coming back start cooking rice and other dishes. latest by 615pm, dinner is ready too.

wow u sound like a super mum! i dun think J can drink milk and change diaper at the same time, haha. already, it's a struggle to get him to drink milk and i've given up getting him to hold his own bottle. since he only drinks precious milk once in the morning, we do everything to make sure he drinks his milk
U gg EU for holidays in June? With Ashley too?
My coll is gg with hb and his 4yo boy in June too so I tompang a bag too...still havent decide on the bag to get yet =P

You really plan well! I can only rely on my mom for home-cooked food...TG for my mom!
krex78 &amp; m2b,
when there is no one that can help you, we just have to depend on ourselves for everything loh. need to plan and try to work things out loh.

actually, i'm pretty surprise that he is still able to drink in his sleep loh. he had been drinking in his sleep since a baby especially for those night feed. maybe his body is well train for it liao bah. hahah....

sometimes i do wish to get some help from my mum or fil but knowing that i get more upset with their help. i rather do it myself and suffer.
wah..good hor..which part of europe u going? family holiday? so nice..sigh..now seems to be a good time to buy ur bag..rate quite good
Being able to drink while sleeping is one thing...being able to hold his own bottle to drink while sleeping is POWER!!!
hahah.... maybe cos sometimes he will have 1 pacifier in his mouth and another in his hand to 'play' with it. as long as i put the teats in his mouth liao and place his hand on the bottle, he will auto hold it to drink. he is already in that '半梦半醒' stage liao so can lah.
<font color="#CD3278">celyn</font>
Wld you be sending Yu Xi to bb sitter before you return to work?

<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
Yupz, with Ashley in tow.. Want to give my parents a break. Which bags are you considering?

<font color="#CD3278">YLN</font>
We're going to London &amp; Paris, and if we can to southern France, probably Nice. Thought of this trip to return to Ashley's 'place of production' *muaahahah*
Joking! I really do love London alot.. And with the currency being weak, it just adds icing to the cake *hee*
..u must be so looking forward to the trip..ur hb very nice ..
..bring u to such nice places..i think mine will only think of places like Genting lor...sigh..dun even need to think he if he will buy me a bag lor..
morning mummies

yu xi is screaming away while i pump this morning. not due to hunger cos just feed her about 1 hour ago. cos i'm pumping i can't attend to her, hubby actually wake up ask me to stop pump and see her. why can't he handle her like he used to handle yu ze. don't understand. anyway, he is going to wake up soon too, just about 15-20 mins earlier to handle her will die meh? keep coming to me and ask if she is hungry and i already told him no cos 1 hour ago just feed.
<font color="#CD3278">celyn</font>
I feel so xin tong for you leh.. Not easy to handle a bb &amp; a really young toddler. Gd thing YZ is at CC for the bulk of the day.. So when your hb is away maybe get some time for yourself by dropping Yu Xi at bbsitter k?

*hugs* Maybe hb forgotten tt he can help, Yu Ze quite independent and easy by this time *hugs*

<font color="#CD3278">YLN</font>
Actually my hb also wanted to go coz before Ashley turns 2, the tix price are so much cheaper.. hahah..
Nvm, you can tompang ppl who are going.. At ur US trip, do you have time to pamper yourself?? hee
yah good thing is that yu ze is in cc loh and he actually enjoy going to cc. can't imagine if he don't like cc and i have to drag him to cc in the morning, it will be worse. today, he walk on his own to wait for school bus. maybe cos i give him 2 biscuits to eat so he didn't ask me to carry. hahaha...

he always think that i'm at home will get to rest. he forgets that i have to pump every 3 hours, feed baby, prepare lunch, prepare dinner, bathe baby and myself, wash and sterilise bottles time actually pass by very fast. must try to clear as much things as possible before yu ze come back so that i can spend time with him.

my timing for yesterday:
12.15am - up to pump
12.30am - done with pump but baby is up, warm milk.
12.45am - she finished milk
12.50am - back to sleep after washing and put in steriliser
3.45am - pump again
4am - back to sleep after washing and put in steriliser
4.30am - up to warm milk and feed.
4.50am - back to sleep
6am - pump again

after 6am, can't sleep liao cos need to wash up, prepare yu ze to go cc. so my day starts as early as 6am. where is my sleep throughout the night.

same here, going for hol in jun/ jul before J turns 2. child fare after that is soooo ex! but then again, dunno if J can tahan a few hrs on the plane sitting on our laps :p

ashley was conceived in france? we had planned to conceive during our UK trip in 2007, but didn't strike...cycle went haywire due to the long hours of travelling. we only struck jackpot the next mth when we were back in sin, haha. so, our son is "made in singapore" lor.
So envious! I also wanna go Europe! But don't dare to bring K for long flight yet.

Haiz..keep telling hb must bring K for hol again before he turns 2. Then he tell me K turn 2, not human already ah? No need to go holiday ah?
Yeah, maid sleeps in living room till we come up wif some other arrangement - no clue how yet cos her snoring will juz disturb everyone if partitioned a room for her in our only other alternative. She oso understand that our living room got more privacy than any other part of this tiny house after isaac goes to bed. We all hiding inside the room to keep the hse quiet so isaac sleeps. Hey btw, isaac was 'made in france' too :p

Krex, Yurri,
Oh dear, u juz reminded me abt the 2yr child fare thing. There's oni 2mths plus left! I nvr even think abt it!
i also dunno how much i can 'pamper' myself during the trip..cuz got to look after all the wealthy prince and princess..quite stressed lor...see how lor..now very busy making sure all precautions in terms of safety taken into account...
Wah, yr schedule is amazing. I will go mad if i'm doing it all alone. U're scaring me. V peifu u. Jia u!
