(2008/08) Aug 2008


if price is not a concern, i think japan might be better. both countries u will also face diff with language but jap food easier to adapt to. korean food is spicy so maybe can't find suitable fd for kid + grandma. plus if u need to get bb food, u know u can always rely on pigeon, haha.
ha ha...understand.
now most important is for u to rest more, other planning can wait lah. =)

what i mean is near + cheap place also hb wun go de lor. =P
why ur hb dun like batam + bintan?
Tats wat I think too. I would rather spend more on the adults' fare now and go while Anvelle is only charged at $500+ than wait till she is older and I would need to pay almost an adult's fare to bring her.

It's ok la. My hb only brought me to Genting once in so many years. No honeymoon. The trips to Phuket and Hatyai were all family trips wif my side of the family and it's compulsory attendance lor.
Hee hee... Just go and makan loh. No special room/deco/menu. But I intend to bring helium balloons though, and birthday hat/goodies for the kids!
Since only 10+ pax, let them order whatever they like lah..
I might be going to Genting soon too ... hubby wants to bring the kids there but i dun like the travelling.

I may try to go somewhere else .... but see how cos i have limited period i can take leave ... only later the year is better
very upset. my net book spoilt liao. lucky got office laptop at home can temp used.

i think it must be yu ze who accidentally step on it to cause the screen to crack. not sure if real crack cos when i on it, seems like got crack line on the screen but when touch don't have. super upset. don't know to be angry with him or myself. i was pretending to sleep, he walk around my room and don't know what he do to the net book which i always put on the floor now so that i can surf net when i pump. when he finally sleep or when i wake up, the net book is gone liao.

hope i don't have to spend much $$ servicing it.

hope your netbook can be repaired. maybe next time keep it away from yu ze. J managed to pluck the keys of my old laptop even with my supervision. now we're very strict abt him touching items in our study, esp the laptop and printer.
i really hope so. sigh.... this net book had been on the floor for the longest time loh. really don't know who to blame now. i'm just super upset and no mood now.

can u switch on the netbook?

Sometimes after a while, it might work. seems to be one of the function for netbook. u can try.

still under warranty?

luckily u hv office laptop to use.




u shld go.

it's a famous n popular place for Japanese during winter as Okinawa dun hv winter. Plus..... the food n music is good!! Some of the famous artists ( actually alot of recent ones) are from there.

Greetings from Stockholm!

its 9.34pm here and the sun is finally going to set. It has been up since 3am - so the sun has been working over time liao!

my friend who works here in stockholm has been travelling around the region and been to some of the outlet in milan, florence etc and she had made some very good buys! A Gucci bag cos only euro200??!! and the design is still selling in the stores! so you have good luck while you are in Paris! i transit in Amsterdam airport enroute here and saw that Furla is selling around euros 250, Chloe's range, seen by Chloe is around euros 400. Longchamp foldable bag is abour euros 60+ depending on the size. very cheap... don't know why they are retailing in singapore for such high price...
morning mommies. =)

dun think yu ze is the culprit lah, our toddler is not as heavy as can cause crack on laptop monitor screen lor...it will normally be cracked easily when left a pen or something inside while trying to close it, or throw it on the floor. -_-"
cheer up! i remember u have more than 1 laptop ya?

ya...u trying to tempt us to buy bags is it? >D
don't know why yesterday so suay leh. first net book spoilt right then office laptop also got problem. a series of 'g' just appear as i'm trying to type. going to send back to office for the IT person to check. i didn't on office laptop for 1 week and it becomes like that. sigh.....

i'm using my old laptop now. the other laptop was pass to fil for him to use. so this old one better not died too. i will be super miserable if it die before i can service the net book. going to bring the net book to service later. waiting for them to open, call and check before i go down. sigh......

the screen spoilt cos i put the mouse on the keyboard and close the cover partially. yu ze step on it to cause the crack.
so its both our fault.
then think ur it personnel jst need to "clean up" ur os, dun worry. =)

oic..at least u still have a laptop to use, cheer up okie?
repair, yes.....but if they suggested replacing the screen, u weight it urself lah....hee hee.... =P

no wonder lah, i was still thinking how yu ze crack the screen by stepping on it.
the problem with laptop is u can only cover it when it shut down properly, thats why sometime when i cannot wait i'll also leave the mouse inside and put it aside 1st de lor.
dun blame urself lah, its normal for u to do that.

u been to club med kabira? tell me more!!! glad i've made the right choice


actually, if can't wait for comp to shut down, can put on sleep mode. then when start up won't take so long also.
Snow74, can you believe it? All 3 pc are spoilt. My old one also died. Really what is happening. What am i going to do today? Then to replace the screen cost 295 before gst, mad right? I only pay 599 for it then leh. I rather buy a new one loh. Now posting through my hp.
exactly, if din wait for it to shut down completely it will go into a deep sleep mode only.
eh...office laptop i dun mind lah, but at home like that do very waste electricity de leh...ha ha... =P

ai yo!
lucky u still have ur hp... =(
thats why i suggest u consider 1st, personally i dun think its worth to replace a netbook's screen.
the cost price of it make it so ex ya?
yes, for me i'll buy a new 1 also, current netbook's config are running higher but price still affordable.
that netbook can still be use rite? u only need to pump the output to another stand alone monitor? at least u wun lost the data u saved inside. =)
Halo Mommies!
Ydy coy had an event at Suntec so was working till almost 7pm...tired out...
#1 went IL's pl on Sat nite whereas Mae was with hb...he brgt her for Mac bkfast then jalan awhile at Suntec b4 gg to my IL's pl too...despite spending so much time together w daddy, when Mae sees me at 7pm, she still want me to push her stroller instead of daddy...real funny lor...

Real shiok man! Enjoy your shopping there!

My hb cannot go as he is having course in the 2nd week of June...we confirmed gg Sunway Lagoon from 12-14 June! I will be gg with my 2 sisters and their families so I have extra hands to help

Dun be upset ya? I will oso get a new 1 rather than repair since the price diff is not too big...
that is too chiam for me liao. wait till i ask hubby or office IT to help. anyway, hubby call back just now after receiving my sms. he will go take fil's one for me first before we buy a new one.

you know what the service people say if no warranty there is a labour charge of $70 before GST. which mean, i'm going to pay near $400+/- to change. he think i siao loh.
<font color="#CD3278">celyn</font>
Aiyoh, so ma fan tt all the 3 units are down.. Eeeks, good thing u can use ur FIL's unit
Buy new one.. More wu hua
My colleague was saying tt the Asus netbook had BF had needed a change in motherboard and they insisted he bought a motherboard on his own. So troublesome.. So he bought &amp; got them to repair, and when he wanted to claim it, they dilly dally &amp; attribute tt he failed to bring some document down so cannot pick up.. *faint*

<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
The PM (smaller) Trevi is 1090 Euros.. Tempting hor?
wah..damn suay hor...buy new one more worth it now...we just recently bought a toshiba laptop for $899 only...now is a good time to buy laptops or netbooks...

i c...ur driving in?
In tat case, definitely more worth it to get a new one!

Ya, really tempting lor, my best friend was also tempting me last Sat =P I told her, it will be BEST if its SGD1090 =P haha

No, we are taking coach there instead...hopefully Mae gives me an easy time =P
i mean if only the display is dead, ur netbook can still be use. =)
just that u need to use a cable to output the display to another desktop's monitor, then at least u did not lost all the data u keep in ur netbook...no worries.
had my no.2 man yue yest...so pissed off. right from the beginning i dont want to celebrate, or at most just a small one. i already told PIL abt that, tell them just invite closer relatives can liao. their response, invite one must invite all! id rather dont invite all lor, but they insist must have. end up FIL said have 60+ relatives coming! 60+ leh!! then still have to include hb friends n my side. my side including family AND friends less than 20. hb side only family already 60+.

b4 we knew there was goin to be so many ppl, hb already suggested we have a poolside bbq n top up with some finger foods n salad can liao. suddenly tell me got close to 100 ppl coming, where got enough food. i was complaining to my mum so many ppl, so ley-chey etc, n she volunteered to settle the rest of the food. (we run food business, so we can do our own catering) i feel so bad to my mum, she prepare n bring over all the food n warmers, everything set up nicely...then she gotta rush n leave to work while hb side family come eat n enjoy.

my mum ordered 6 roast ducks, supplier is somewhere in ubi so asked PIL to collect on the way to our place. when they came over to our place w the ducks, u know what they ask! they ask what is the ducks for?? for the shop har? i had to control myself from answering, No, its for the 1 million guests u invited! so duh lor.

guess what food they brought over to 'help'... agar-agar and fishballs! MIL made 100 cups of agar agar n filled up my whole fridge.

this no.2 im more busy, i had no time to make personalised favors like i did for evie so i ordered cakes from gobi. i thought is quite nice n cute. PIL keep chasing us, ask us if we got order cakes, what type of cakes, enough cakes or not etc. i told them yes we ordered already, i described it, tell them is 6 small pcs of cake in a box, quite nice one. FIL response is, har...small small cakes? n added that MIL will buy cake vouchers just in case. whatever! u wanna give vouchers then u give la.

then last evening, i was rushing to get emma dressed n fed cos need to bring her down soon. n i had to pump too. i was holding my pump, taking a bottle of ebm to warm up, rushing the maid to dress emma, n MIL was following me around bugging me to cut a pc of emmas hair. asking me to find scissors and ang pao (to keep the hair) while i was doing so many things. wah piang! must cut right at that moment meh! cannot wait till later when more free?

all this while hb is downstairs helping my mum to set up n prepare fire for bbq. my hb also quite duh lor, the bbq pit so big, he make the fire so small in the center. when i saw, i was like huh? so small can meh, he say can can, he already add alot of charcoal. i left it to him. our party started at 5pm, almost 6 pm no bbq food ready yet. i see my hb fanning the fire n my maid turning the food for the past hour. i cannot ta han, i go over tell him to take out the grill n i took the whole bag of charcoal n emptied it into the pit to make the fire bigger. my friend came over to help ( can u imagine, of the 60+ relatives he has there, end up is my friend who offered to help) n soon the fire was ok n the bbq food started to come out.

by this time, most ppl full already, lucky my mum made alot of food. so end up i have so much uncooked bbq food.

there was really alot of food left, so ppl started ta-baoing. im glad they did cos i wldnt know what to do w so much food anyway, but they really cleaned out everything man! i even saw someone bring out their own metal container to pack the food. the round stainless steel type! wah..no comments.

end of the night,..after everyone left n food all gone, PIL ask me if my mother coming back to clear the dirty stainless steel food warmers! so angry!! after everything, u still have the cheek to expect my mother to come back to clear your mess!? i told hb to bring the warmers back to the shop himself, he say he will bring back tmr, just keep in car first. so they had to wash the warmers first.(cannot dirty dirty put in car mah)...so they started washing the trays n stuff at the bbq side wash area. i just took the presents n went upstairs to rest, nvr bother to help. i already so tired preparing all the stuff for them. actually i could have asked my maid to go down to help them but i just keep quite n let her stay upstairs.

end of the night, i told my hb im nvr goin to hold anything in my place again. kids birthdays or whatever, if PIL want they hold it in their place n do everything themselves. u know what he say, he agree w me, say is v tiring, but added that if we had catered from outside it would have been much easier!
of course i agree, but if my family biz is food, how can my mum agree to cater from outside? actually i did suggest to just cater from outside for the additonal food, but she refused say nvrmind she will do.

went to bed still pissed off, 5 secs after i can hear my hb snoring already.

in addition to all the mess, it started to rain! lucky got some shelter, but generally the wet weather just made things worse.
wah..on coach..ok...how long is the trip? i dun dare bring kaer on coach cuz i know she will disturb the rest of the passengers..
now the teacher in sch also said..she has never encountered such a naughty girl like kaer..usually the naughty ones are the boys..but kaer is very very naughty and bad tempered..
..so..i dun even dare to think of long haul flights ...
<font color="#CD3278">YLN</font>
Did the tr cite examples of Kaer being naughty? Then it might be easier for you to address also?

<font color="#CD3278">gayle</font>
*hugs* sounds like a really rough day.. Do hope you still had some time to catch up with your friends..
How's Evie doing with meimei?

i can feel your pain. my ILs also wanted big celeb for J's man yue - first grandson mah. we didn't want any celeb. so i told my hb to let her plan everything. guests all from her side and she booked restaurant and arranged everything swee swee. i just had to turn up with my son. i only had a simple dinner at my house for my family. such a world of a difference!
understand how tired and pissed off u are, but since everything is over le u try to rest more 1st ya? =)
running party at home is never easy lor.
Teacher say she keep pushing or hitting other kids when they get in her way or want to share with her toys..or if someone does something she 不爽, she will hit someone lor..i also dun no how to rectify this cuz at home with me...she dun do that ..teacher also scared of her...she goes around bullying other kids...sigh..i scare when parents teacher meeting time, i sure dunno what to say also...
Understd your frustration, it is indeed not easy to satisfy everyone...you rest well and cool down since everything is over k?

I also dun know how long is the journey leh...think shd be 3-4hrs?! =P Need to check w my sis man! Nvm, Mae's fav ah yee and uncle are gg w us so will throw her to them to entertain if I buay tahan =P My #1 very easy 1 so I no worries! Last time havent 1yo bring to Brisbane, she slept throughout the flight...haha, I dun dare to comment on Mae yet
finally, i got fil's laptop to use liao. hubby told me my 6 years old laptop is actually working but cos of the age, it has lost its mobility and become a desktop. its working fine as long as i don't move it around and leave it on the table. that explain why i keep getting error mistake when i try to use it when i pump. :p

hugs. having such a big party is not easy. try to rest more now. having a baby and toddler around is not easy, try to rest whenever you can.

m2b &amp; yln,
yah, going to buy a new one loh.

now laptop very cheap....pc connect at funan centre doing trade in...get $100 off...so even cheaper...go take a look...i bought a laptop for only $499...
morning mummies. =)

if kaer already like to use physical force, then try not to use physical punishment to rectify hor.
that will only teach her more on using physical force...
but normally they dun born to be a bully, she watch too much taiwan fighting show ah? -_-"

hee hee...now u have a laptop to use liao, not so pek chek already ya? =P
Morning mummies, been Mia since my bb#2! busy busy!

Now bb turning 2yo soon! How time flies. Wanna ask you kind souls to share how you handle temper tantrums w your little toddler ESP if you've a maid who sides w bb? Headache la. I discipline her and bb would run to her and ignore me for at least a day. I still need to tend to my 8mth old bf-ing boy.
i dun beat or threaten to beat her at home cuz she dun behave like a bully at home..at home , at most is she will just roll on the floor or scream..but i just ignore her lor...so, i dunno how to fix this bullying in school leh...

now i try the time out method..and it is quite useful...like if she misbehave at home..i put her at one corner for 2 min..let her cry n cry..then she will cool down ..n after 2 min..she will come running to me to sayang her...so, i feel this is quite good..i think will have to check with the school how they discipline her in sch...
i'll discipline the maid 1st, let my gals noe she unable to shield them...fierce hor? =P
normally i'll carry my gal to a rm to "teach" her, no one is to come in...not even my mum...hee hee...
i also wish to project a gentle mummy image infront of my gals, but someone just need to be the bad one. =(

she knew u are the person that will discipline her so she dun dare to misbehave infront of u? =)

time out is very gd, but need to find out the root cause also ya?

when u try time out, does she stay in the corner that u put her in? and do u do it at your MIL's place or only at your own home? i find it difficult to discipline at my IL's place coz' J's grandparents always come to his rescue!!!


i try not to let my kid get too close to the maid. so far, he has no emotional attachment to her yet (thankfully). but i guess if u discipline maid, u would talk in a different tone right? more adult language and less shouting/ beating? another way would be to do it in the kitchen where the kid is out of bounds and get dad to bring kid to a room or something, away from the conversation.
I would like to do that too but my girl turned into a bad mood monster when she throws her tantrums! Not to speak abt time out corner, sometimes she gets so upset she hits agst floor or wall! But my younger boy wants my attention while I discipline my girl so it's hard nt to allow maid to either come close to my girl or boy! I've timed my girl before. Her yelling can last almost 45 min. That's really long for her age! What stamina she has.
that was my original idea not to let them get too emotionally close but can't help it since I need maid to be in my plc when I run errands n do my stuff! Possible to undo?

at least u gals can still use time out method, my gals will not stay at the same spot for even 5secs...ha ha...no matter where. =P

i saw 2 kids similar to what u described, very difficult to control... =(
assign ur maid away to do other housework, then try to ignore till she cool down?
that is what the parents did, and all this behaviour slowly outgrow when they go into pre-schooler stage lor.
