(2008/08) Aug 2008

oh, u are bk liao ah. =)

now zynn can mix mandarin, english, and bahasa in 1 sentence.... -_-"
speaking words from a mixture of languages to form a sentence, only she can understand.
yes back. But had sore throat and its so painful that i can't sleep for the past few nites! i finally can't take it and went to see the doc and the doc gave me antibiotics. very sian. maid also down, we both got from the kids. but she is worst off then me, she has got the chills and the fever too.

wow! that in an art - to speak so many languages in 1 sentence! ;P

but you are right lah, maybe you have to tell her to speak in one sentence in one language.
oh oh...ur turn....i just finished my antibiotic yesterday, but still coughing. =(
u too tired?
take care, and drink more water.

that shows that she is confused liao leh, cannot differentiate between diff langs ya? -_-"
if you think on the other hand, it shows that she understands and can use the languages well!

yah lor. my #1 got it from his class. His form teacher also got it about the same time he caught the virus and told me that about 10 kids were absent from her class since 2 weeks ago (the kids rotate among themselves to fall sick). and there were a couple of days when there were only 20 kids in the class.
spreading till so serious liao ah? -_-"
ya....dr told me i'm being spread by others also, not heaty kinda cough and sore throat....think we kena the same virus.
then u gotta take the antibiotic hor, cos the pain got more serious when i tried to heal myself w/o taking the antibiotic...ended up no voice...ha ha...
Halo Mommies!
So happy today is Friday and I'm taking off on Mon as both gals dun hv classes on...thinking what to do with both of them

Co-sleeping - Thank god, both gals sleep in their own room man! I only let #1 come over if hb is not ard...hahaha, Mommy needs companion instead =P

Rona & Snow,
Get well soon ya...seem many people down with sore throat and cough...

Can I check with you all - when your kid took the MMR or MMRV, any side effects?

Mine went for the MMRV jab on 21 april. He is feeling irritated all the time till NOW! sticky and not his usual cheerful self. No fever though but his some skin allergy - some rashes here and there.
i'm better now too, thanks to the antibiotic. Now maid is having it real bad. My MIL's maid also caught it liao. I will need to bring both to see the doc tomorrow - mine for follow up cos she still has fever on and off while the other one for medication. This virus is really strong and contagious.


Stay healthy everyone!
mmr is the last jab is it? yu ze took all his neccessary jab up to 18 months liao and was given a 'cert' for it. he got no side effect at all. just like normal for him.

mine had no side effects. maybe your kid is irritated coz' he was sick (or caught a virus from you/ your maid?)

do u know where i can get decent diaper bags? i bought all of mine from kidz cottage but they don't seem to have a lot of variety at their website now. i'm looking for one that is big and spacious, which i can use for holiday. my current jeep one a bit worn already...
Kai hasn't taken his 18 month jab cos he had been down with cough and flu since he started CC. Until now, he is still having cough and runny nose .... haven't recovered though he had oredi had 1 course of antibiotics.

Me like almost forgot abt his jab oredi ... ooops. Better keep tab on it.
celyn, Yuuri, Krex, Snow,
Positive ... Sec 1 .. though she had expressed intention to move back to her own room, the brother is still in the parents' room.
The parents seemed ok with it though. I can't imagine not having my own time! Now even if they cough or sneeze from the other room, I'd also jump from my bed. Imagine them in my room .... i sure cannot sleep if they make a sound - get too worried.

ya lor, vv fierce. I was so upset then and wrote a long complain mail to the teacher and the principal. The teacher had to talk to me and pacify me .. hahha.

Dinner at home
Does your kiddo have problem eating at home ah?
Now Kai eats his meals in CC and when he comes back, he refuses to eat his dinner.
He'd want to eat bread .... dunno why .. having a headache.
He can go without dinner till his milk time at 8+ to 9pm.
Even if he does eat, he'd eat only barely a few mouthful.
However, in school, he can guai guai eat everything and alot some more ..how ah?
We tried to talk to him but he vv stubborn, cried vv hard and look away some more when we tried to discipline him.
He kept saying dun wan when we told him to eat his dinner. Later he went to kitchen and pointed to the bread and said bread, bread.
I din wan to give in so he din have dinner today ... only had his milk.

What pple always say is to be firm ... but he vv stubborn ... dun eat he oso dun care.
sometimes, yu ze also don't want his dinner or eat very little. anyway, i just leave it to him to decide if he wants to eat. i believe he won't starve himself. maybe the gap is a bit too near to have dinner that's why he is not hungry during dinner. i think cc give teabreak at 3.30pm. we have dinner at 6pm then his milk at 8pm.
its not the 18mth jab leh, have not had that yet too. only the MMRV now, cos i've not been vigilant to bring him for his injection. Anyhow, i think i will bring him to see the doc tomorrow. siong, he may have gotten the virus, TOO!

I think you have to check what time is his meal time at the CC.
morning mummies.

ha ha...u are normal lah, think i'll do something similar if its my gals that kena bitten. =P

when zynn saw me after work, she also prefer to play with me rather than eat leh. =)

mmr jab so far no problem observed.
think u better bring him go see pd, might really gotten the virus...at least not so worry after getting professional advise ya?
take care.

no prob with meals for my boy, prob coz' he hasn't been to CC. maybe the food at CC is nicer so he's more picky with food? i've read menus from CC and they sound very yummy. if they're giving drinks like milo, i'm pretty sure the kids won't want plain water at home. also understand that when there are birthday parties, the goody bags have chocolates, sweets, etc. all these snacks can cause loss of appetite.
Halo Mommies!

Glad all mommies have recovered!

Yday I was packing the gals' wardrobe and I wana faint liao...they are like mommies, so many clothes yet kept wearing those few...hahaha

i bought jasons bb sunblock from BP but discovered another one which smells quite gd from nature republic at 313. my current one is buds which i think is not carried in singapore anymore. love the smell of it!
I use California Citronella Sunblock. 2-in-1. Blocks out sun and prevent mozzies and bugs. But it's rather thick so may look white when applied. But I use it on my face for a couple of weeks and quite like the smell and no sticky feeling.

wah, i think u're a california baby fan man! where's the cheapest place to get this brand of pdts?
My boy is still sleeping in his playpen.. Should I upgrade him to a bed soon? was just telling hub few days back that his legs like cannot stretch straight if his head is in the mid level .

Wow, Zynn can speak bahasa?

get well soon for mommies who are down.
no problem. =)
both my gals skin very sensitive, if they use liao no problem then normally should be ok de lah.
so far, their skin still not orh orh.
its not so ex, and easily available...hee hee...
u plan to bring sl to where?

agree with u, mummynana really like california bb brand...hee hee...

i must thx to my maid lor...sometime when i dun understand what zynn is trying to say, my maid will giggle and ans in bahasa. -_-"
so, its bahasa.
sama sama....shh.....ha ha...
thats the wonderful thing about having gals ya? >D
dun worry lah, they will outgrow fast and u can shop some more again. =X
snow74 & m2b,
i haven't really shop for yu xi and i already feel that she got lots of clothes loh. can't imagine when i start leh.

u mean the playpen that can serve as a bed when u put mattress is it? J also sleeps on that during weekends when he's in our room. on weekdays, he has his own spacious cot. i think he will outgrow the playpen by abt 2 plus. he seems rather tall in it now :p at this age, i think u can consider getting him a junior bed. i'm thinking of converting the cot to junior bed as well coz' i realise he was able to climb down from my rather high double bed in my master bedroom the other day.
should upgrade the bed slowly liao, cos it wun be a fast transistion...hee hee...

dun worry, u will join the "keep buying gal's cloths club" very fast....ha ha...welcome u 1st.
but try to control abit lah, cos u will ended up find that some clothing haven wear n its already outsized.
mizzyz, krex,
i had already converted Kai to a super single bed liaoz. With those bed rails ... #1 oso using that.

I din even wan to consider single bed cos
1. Single bed, I cannot sit on the bed with them to read
2. Cannot lie down to pretend to sleep after I finish reading and am vv tired oredi
3. No need to buy so many bedsheets, waterproof covers, etc.
4. Can use for a long long time.

I converted for a month or so liao and it's better than playpen (where Kai used to sleep in) .. cos it's not hot. Playpen's airflow not too good.

Now he's vv comfortable and happy, breathes better I noticed.

But he still roll around alot (360 degrees)and sometimes afraid he will fall off the bed ... hahhaa. I think the rolling was becos the playpen was too small and he kept knocking here and there and he keeps shifting. Habit liao.

Btw, my #1 oso upgraded from playpen to super single bed. He din use the baby cot for long either ... too big. But he only went to super single bed when he was 2+. Kai faster ... enjoy more space.

do your 2 boys sleep together in the same room, double decker? my house don't have a lot of space coz' my maid currently sleeps with my son. hers is sofa bed so only open up at night. i think if i have #2, will consider double bed liao. most likely #1 will want to go on top, heehee.

do u put anything on the bottom to cushion the fall? wondering whether to put mattress or just let J fall and learn :p
Halo Mommies!

The prob is I have some of #1 clothes that I packed to be used by Mae...but I still keep on buying for Mae so in the end, she is not wearing the passed down clothes from #1 at all! My goodness!!! The clothes are taking up a lot of space...plus got new 1s still in the plastic wrapping...I really buay tahan myself at times...hahaha

You have a gal now so welcome to the club...gals have so many nice and pretty stuff!

Shd get your boy a single bed liao
u are normal lah...hee hee...
think only those home wear u keep n pass down bah, go gai gai 1 dun bother liao lah. =P

when i went dig their wardrobe last wk, found that #1 still got "outstanding" clothings also.
hopefully i can remember to let zynn wear. =X
Hahaha, I opp, I donated #1's home wear to salvation army whereas I kept the gai gai clothes for Mae...prob is Mae has too many gai gai clothes and she only wears on weekends
Think I shopaholic and need to go for treatment liao! Hb saw their wardrobe also speechless...think the gals have more clothes than hb leh...tsk tsk hahaha
then buy some for the man also, he benefited from it and wun say anything liao lor...hee hee...
u still ok lah, at least u go for gd lobangsss.
i have a friend, always close both eye and just buy anything she likes...that kind really need to go see dr liao, cos lost the fun of shopping ya?
ha ha...


i think J's wardrobe is quite pathetic coz' he has less than 10 pairs of t-shirt and shorts. he now has abt 3 long pants/ jeans. the rest of the clothes saving for when he's older. trying to get him to wear his outdoor clothes more often so he gets max. usage :p my SIL must think he has very little clothes coz' she's always buying clothes for J! as for home clothes, i bought mothercare romper 12-18 mths. he has been wearing since he was 1 yr old! i think that one can easily last till he's 2! i've absolutely no complaints abt his clothes coz' i think he wears them enough for it to be worth the $$$
