(2008/08) Aug 2008

The prob is my man only like to wear jerseys...hiaz, so better dun waste my $ lah =P

Haha, so I'm not the most jia luck 1 ya =P

I just clear away all of Mae's rompers coz I those Gap and Fox home wear sets for her to wear at home...Mae's rompers also can last her very long, some are still 6-12mths 1...wonder how come more than 18m liao still can wear =P

m2b & snow74,
actually hoh, yu ze also had quite a no of clothes leh. though he is a boy, this mummy also manage to buy a lot for him. then this boy very hiao now, sometimes will want to choose his own clothes. we wear something for him liao, he will go and take another piece and ask us to change for him. he will bring the clothes to us and point to himself.
they both sleep in the same room and with the maid.
Previously, #1 and maid each has a super single bed and Kai in the playpen but it got too small for him so I upgraded him to my maid's super single bed ... poor her, she is now sleeping on those Sea Horse foldable beds (2 layers) before I get my new bedset in.

I am getting another supersingle bedframe with the pull out kind below ... can save space. Cos I can't put another super single bed inside else it will be side by side and room full of beds. Single would be too small soon for my Kai who is oredi wearing 2YOs clothes. Alot of clothes cannot wear liaoz.

Not tat i shopaholic but they outgrow too fast!

Alternatively is to put maid in the other room then let the boys sleep together ...
I am still looking for those SUPERSINGLE pull out kind ... i remembered FOUR STARS used to have it, not cheap, close to 1K i think.

Clothes. Good thing last time went to the carter sale and got the cheap tees ... so vv fast outgrown, not sim tia. hehee.

Now back to work .... cos kids slept liaoz ... busy busy.

I agree. hahaha!! I still hv a few drawers of diff sizes wor. hb already faintz liao. hahaha!!

even homewear is big big leng leng size so can wear very long. hahaha!!

think is normal for this age as they choose wat they want n dunna.

BBM also will take n point to herself n nob her head, then look at me innocently while smiling.

I still cant solve the prob on taking shoes whenever she likes esp in the playground. Dunno where she learn the habit must take off shoes then can go n play........

another thing is still the running naked without diaper at home. nw running nose still the same. wear liao will take off n hand back to me.....

u can look out for australia brand = Pipeline frame.

Super single size and lifetime warranty.

They hv double deck and pull out types. The pull out type also have 2 types. 1 is normal pull out, the other one can also 'transform' to a super single with legs.

Sometimes can see in exhibition. But dunno where is the retail outlet.

I think becoz their body length is about the same length, only legs growing more nw?

so can wear 6-12 mths clothings?

I also have n some very new & hv to keep if nt, the new ones cant get to wear them. hahaha!

I realised that for some designs, size 2 & 3 & 4, waistline the same, only the length is longer.
moo moo time for me

bbm know how to take out shorts herself? to prevent yu ze from pulling diaper off is quickly wear shorts for him. cos he doesn't really know how to take off shorts yet.

yu ze started to have the habit of taking off shoes whenever he is in the car now too. this habit started cos he got a new car seat. never teach him to take out too.

Anvelle is also still wearing bottoms of 6-12mths size. But not rompers, cannot fit liao. Must wear 18 or 24 mths.

Heehee... Gd thing Tat we bought at the Carters sale. My gal has so many new clothes, she's practically wearing something new every week!

gd idea, pull out beds. u're not considering double decker? i think these will be my 2 options in future. btw, if you let both your kids sleep together, do they disturb each other when they wake up at nite?
Morning Mummies

Enfagrow now $54.45 for 1.8kg @ NTUC.
Yes, Fox outlets selling 2 sets for $29 and Gap is I bgt from FB spree organizers at $9 per set...quite cheap!

I have been looking out for pullout bed for the gals since b4 we shifted too...havent find what we like...

Hahaha think coz the rompers material is stretchable? Dun know why Mae can still fit into those rompers...anyway, I cleared all away and she wearing separates at home now

Yalor, some sizings are rather funny...Mae is still wearing a capri from Mothercare that is meant for 6-12mths too...hahaha
Mommmies whose kids are sleeping on bed…
Will the kids roll down? Does bed rail help? I think it’s not very big and tall right? I noticed my boy is very capable of moving all around in his playpen in his sleep so I am quite skeptical about him sleeping on his own on a bed.

Do you have any recommendation for single bed? I am thinking to let him sleep on a single mattress first but I also heard that it is not advisable for kids to sleep on the floor(?) don’t know how true too. LoL on the part that you said you need to see a doc for your shopping habit! Haha

how are you? back from your europe trip?
Dun know leh but oso good lah, at least the clothings can last longer hahaha

We bgt Raine's 1st single bed from Ikea...can go take a look...if your flooring is tiles/marbles, then yes, it is not good to sleep on mattress on the floor.

quite normal for kids to fall off, so maybe gd idea to cushion it with a mattress or something? i guess after awhile they will be used to it then can take off the mattress.


wow, $9 is quite cheap. next time got BP pls "jio" me :p
hi mummies! =)
finally got time to log on liao. =P

so...can imagine what will happen to yu xi's wardrobe if even yu ze also like that liao?
ha ha....

lucky u dun have, save more $. -_-"
at least boy only buy clothings, gals got lotsa accessories de leh... =X

then u gotta pray #2 not gal, else all new design will buy in pair 1 leh...ha ha...
yu ze had been sleeping on ikea toddler's bed since dec. to date, he fall off bed 3 times. only 1 side of the bed got bed rail, the other side is empty cos i don't put it against the wall. yu ze also roll round the whole bed but will automatic roll back to safe area once he is at the very edge to almost falling.

yah loh. i just pack yu ze's clothes again and realise he got lots of home shorts when this mummy keep thinking that he don't have enough shorts to wear and keep buying for him. hahaha....

without me buying much clothes for yu xi now, her clothes are about the same qty as yu ze liao loh. if i buy then, no eyes to see liao. hahaha...
now the qn is...are u going for #3? -_-"
my hb just asked me "u need a warehouse anot?".
ha ha....2 also alot liao, think u might really need a warehouse if u thinking of #3 ya? >D
ha ha..ya, then gotta take precaution liao wor.

Oh ya, I wish all the aug 2008 mummies a very happy mothers day. =)
hi mummies,
need ur advice here. can't decide b/w 2 CC for kw. one's Pat's School House (high-end, ard $1000/mth), the other's YMCA (below HDB, very economical)... not sure whether to splurge so much for school when he's still so young..

i think depends on what u expect the school to teach and what u want your kid to learn. personally, i go for convenience, so i won't send my kid to a popular sch in the west if i'm living in the east. so long as the sch i send J to is reasonably gd, i'm confident he will learn and study well.
the rail is low one and only at 1 side. unless you put the other side without rail again the wall then won't fall loh. i put it in the middle of the room so yu ze can fall from the side without rail.
i'm going coming friday, on 14 May. coming back on 30 May. hopefully the volcano at iceland behaves itself and don't throw out any ashes so i can come back as planned. don't want to be stranded there.

The funny thing is, i;m so used to be busy with the kids and their activities on the weekends, now i'll be away for almost 3 weekends without the kids, i don't know if i will suddenly find that i've too much time on my hands or not leh... one weekend at stockholm, one weekend at amsterdam and one saturday at rotterdam and flying off on sunday...
The Pat School House has got good reputation and curriculum. But expensive. But there are good ones with reasonable fees too. I think the other thing you have to look at is the teachers, cleaniness of the compound, the environment and the convenience/transport arrangement. Don't be afraid to go the schools to check them out first.
Krex & Rona,
Thanks for ur feedback!
Looking at these CC cos they are ard 5 mins walk from my parents' place. Went to ymca alr. Not bad actually. Will go check out Pat's School House next week. Take care and have a very Happy Mother's Day!
Halo all mommies!
Wishing all a HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY!

It really depends on your budget...for me, I will choose YMCA as it is cheaper
#1 attended cc at Learning Vision the last time.

Happy 1st Month to YX!

Enjoy your Europe trip w/o the kids!
Holiday or work?

Btw, anyone planning 2nd b'day celeb for your kiddo? I'm thinking of having a simple lunch with extended family (abt 10-12 pax). Anyone can suggest a nice, quiet place for lunch? Or a kids friendly place with playground and all? Tks
<font color="0077aa">Happy Mother's Day! Hope you'll all have a nice day.</font>

Wow Celyn so fast already 1 mth. Happy 1 mth to your little girl!
cl just left around 11am+ today. 2 adults with a toddler and baby, we are like very luan liao. feeding and my pumping time are all luan luan. don't know how to manage when i'm alone with a toddler and a baby. i hardly had any drinks today cos too busy to remember it. when cl is around she always pour red date tea for me on the table. i will drink whenever i see it end up i drink lots of them.

nobody remembers that today is mother's day.
what are you doing at this hour? how come not sleeping?

moo moo again. yu ze wake up to drink milk at 2.30am, then shortly after he finished, he puke with phelgm. got to wake hubby up to clean while i bring him to yu xi's room to sleep with him. he keep tossing around and finally sleep now then i can come out to pump. supposed to pump at 3am. yu xi is still sleeping, haven't wake up to drink. hopefully, she will wake up only after i finsh pumping. so that she doesn't disturb yu ze.
hi celyn
haha..ur hb dun rem its mother's day?? my hb remembered..but also never do anything lor..just only make sure we got buy his mother dinner..some more must be thai food...i asked him what abt me?? i also mummy leh..no one asked me what food i want to eat.sigh..
take ur time with adjusting..i think in no time...ur routine will set in..and yuxi will grow very quickly liao...like yuze like that!..hhaha..

wah..how u manage? to be away from ur kids for 2 weeks?? im going away for 11 days in june as well...n am already starting to think how im going to cope with the 11 days without kaer..

morning mummies

yah, he forget despite the fact that he was the one who pass me the mother's day card that yu ze made.

i survive this morning bring yu ze and yu xi downstairs to send yu ze to take school bus. i'm so scare that yu ze will cry and refuse to let yu xi take the stroller. i put yu xi in stroller and told yu ze mummy carry him later. so i carry a 9kg+ with 1 hand and push stroller with another hand. while we were waiting, yu xi cry cos pacifier drop. yu ze very cute, he take her pacifier and try to pop into mei mei's mouth. hehe.... i hope he will be so cooperative every morning before mei mei goes to babysitter's place and eventually willing to walk on his own instead of me carrying him.

where are you going in june? school trip? hubby is going away for camp again. i'm also thinking how i can manage 2 of them myself in the evening.
