(2008/08) Aug 2008

No, #2 made in Singapore. Keke

That's what everyone telling me too when I get anxiety attacks. I really v peifu you and other mums that can do it alone lor. Isaac got a classmate that has 2 younger brothers. So that makes 3 boys and they are only taken care of by their mum. Everytime I see her, I hear the superman theme song in my mind lor.

my colleagues keep telling me to get a maid and say i won't be able to handle 2 kids. but once i go back to work, there will be no one at home liao. can't leave baby with maid alone right? hubby and me at work, yu ze at cc and i will be sending baby to babysitter, then leave the maid at home alone also doesn't make sense. so i guess for these few years we just have to suffer a bit and do our best loh.
u caN get the maid to look after yuxi, then dun have to send to bbsitter? plus the maid can help u with chores n cooking..so much easier....the the amount u pay bbsitter, u can get maid n look after bb n do housework n cook...sorry..just my opinion..:p
celyn/ YLN,

i guess it depends how much u trust the maid. if my MIL wasn't avail to take care of J, my 2nd option would be bb sitter and not maid. after all my exp with maids, i generally dun trust them to look after kids. i only use maid to help with household chores. taking care of kid is done by us or my MIL. so i guess in celyn's case, if she prefers bb sitter, then maid is quite redundant. better off getting PT maid who can help with chores on weekends.
hi mommies,

anyone knows where i can get crayola colour wonder drawing books? the blank page ones. robinsons doesn't have stock anymore
i remember you saying mae sleeps a lot when she was a baby right? yu xi hoh had been sleeping almost the whole day leh. didn't wake up for milk for 6 hours stretch till i buay tahan and go and disturb her to wake up. even that, she didn't wake up till i carry her up and feed her milk. shortly after milk, she fall asleep again. i wake her up for the subsequent feed again and then she drinks in her sleep leh. she had been sleeping like 12 hours stretch liao from this morning till now with the 2 feed at 4pm and 7pm that i woke her up. she wasn't like that when confinement lady is around leh. she still wake up quite regularly at 3-4 hour kind. should i be worried that she sleep so much?
i have survive the first night with yu ze and yu xi alone without hubby. maybe cos yu xi was sleeping all the while when yu ze is home so its easy to manage.
<font color="#CD3278">celyn</font>
You're most likely right.. Ur hb may think u've time to rest at home coz he might be using Yu Ze as a benchmark, given the ease of handling him now.. He may have forgotten abt back then..
Your schedule looks so tiring.. But do rest as &amp; when Yu Xi naps too k?

<font color="#CD3278">YLN</font>
How many kiddos are u bringing ah? Your kids are a tougher bunch to handle given the fact tt their parents are going to be more particular.. Eeeks!!

<font color="#CD3278">krex</font>
Where are you thinking of heading to? I think you &amp; hb wld have lots of fond memories of this trip, esp since J is soooo cute now!

heheh.. Ashley's made in London

<font color="#CD3278">brie</font>
Yesyes, i rem Isaac was made in France.. so sweet leh!
Take a short trip somewhere? You're in ur 2nd trimester yah? Anymore morning sickness, otherwise do go for a trip &amp; spend lots more time with Isaac before bb #2 arrives

LOL.. Superman theme song!

<font color="#CD3278">yuuri</font>
I will let you know if I survive a long flight with a VERY active toddler.. Going to arm myself with the portable DVD player. If I think tt might not work, I'm going to resort to drastic measures - Safe sleeping pills to knock Ashley out

Alamak, not tt K not human lah.. But fares are way cheaper leh
M2B, thanks!
My sis and I have gotten the place for at YMCA for my nephew and kw. Tink it's better than Pat's School House for PG &amp; N. Will prob consider Pat's for Kindergarten bah... when kw is slightly "more matured", else really waste $$$.. :p

I'm planning to celebrate kw's 2nd birthday on 1st Aug (Sun) @ SK Brewbakers.
Will be inviting extended family of ard 10pax also! Hee hee..
i try to nap but not every time is successful loh. hehehe.... especially morning seems to pass super fast. it will be good to be able to nap in the afternoon for 1 hour or 2.

u take care!!

Maybe when confinement lady ard, she disturb her every 3-4 hours? I know some bb sleep alot one.

oh........ some ppl never understand, tot in house whole day alot of free time. u shld rest n sleep when u can, if nt 2 to handle n u need to pump. nt easy.

no leh. don't think confinement lady disturb her. anyway, she woke up for milk at 12 and had been crying on and off. then yu ze came over to sleep with me but keep tossing around. i'm disturb by the 2 of them till now. hardly sleep from 1am.
wah...ur hb very hard working leh..still give tuition....i after work damn nua liao..dun want to teach or see any students man...!

i bringing 15 students.not that many lucky..mainly quite mature and ok students...heng lor..but still cuz going states...so have to take more precaution lor...
he started tuition cos he got high maintainence in laws ($1.2k/month) to look after loh. give up yearly tour due to children, quite poor thing.
Good Morning Mommies!

It is indeed not ez to handle 2 kids especially YZ is still young too…try to rest as often as you can k? Luckily, YZ is attending full-day cc, at least you have a “breather” in the morning and afternoon…once you get YX into a routine, it will get better and better…meantime, hang on k? If really buay tahan, can bring to your bbsitter say 2 days a week so you can have the rest? Jiayou!

Regarding YX sleeping too much, if her weight is ok, I will just leave her to sleep rather than waking her up for milk…but if she is small, PD will recommend that bb be wake up regularly at 3-4hrs interval to feed…Yes, Mae slept a lot during bb time and we just let her be…hahaha

Your hb really GOOD! So next time you angry w him, must think of his good points ya? =)

So NICE! I was telling hb that we can only think of gg Europe again when we are old and the gals are big liao…so sad…

I’m looking at LV as I heard the price diff is the biggest…still deciding on getting the leather 1 in Hampstead in Damien Canvas or the Elegie in in Fusain…what you think hah? =P

Hb said his coll jio us to go Aussie in Dec on F&amp;E…hopefully it materializes though…

Hope you have time to pamper yourself during your US trip ya! =P

I saw a lady w 6 kids on Sat! She is really SUPER! Hahaha

Glad you have settled KW’s playgroup arrangement! I dun have so much $ to spend on Mae’s playgroup so she goes to Edufarm for 2hrs daily at $175/mth =P Expenses go up with 2 kids plus #1 has lotsa enrichment classess…will withdraw some as she is gg P1 next year liao and later next year, will be Mae’s turn to start enrichment classes *faint*

me going club med japan then stopover for abt 2 days in taiwan. sounds like a short trip but far enough for me to be satisfied


that's a gd idea...why didn't i think of that? how much u paying? do they have pte room or u just book a few tables? is restaurant going to do any deco, etc.?

so far, i've been looking at dining places ard rochester and dempsey but all very pricey.
all the iconic shopping places that you are visiting! have a great shopping haul! my friend is going in june too. which airline are u taking?

you still need to eat nutritious food coz u just gave birth leh..dont overwork yourself ok? i remember having some dizzy spells when i was stil breastfeeding. take care!

hope your aussie trip wil materialize and also your LV bag! haha..
<font color="#CD3278">missysz</font>
I hope to have a great haul too.. But I really must buy only 2 bags. Less my hb suddenly feels very wealthy to give me 1 other bag *wink*
Taking SQ, coz my colleague told me of a gd deal some 1 mth ago.. Hb also prefers SQ for long haul flights

<font color="#CD3278">krex</font>
Japan has Club Med ah? Didn't even know tt.. I like Japan a lot too! Thinking of the gd food *yumz*

<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
Hampstead more classy, imho
But Elegie is gd if you think u want a more handsfree option. By Dec, Mae wld be so much easier to handle.. The girls are so going to have so much fun, OZ is really child friendly.. But must loan their cars seat when renting the car, mandatory

<font color="#CD3278">YLN</font>
It wld be fun! Must think of it tt way.. Hope no one suffers from short fuses esp with the silly thorough customs, can spend 1 hour there!!!

How long is the trip?

<font color="#CD3278">celyn</font>
Maybe afternoon u take a gd nap k? I'm afraid as per what missysz says, u might get dizzy spells leh
missysz &amp; hisstory,
yah. already got it sometimes during confinement liao. will try to nap. already took 1 hour this morning cos too tired. told yu xi to nap too and she just wake up. hahaha...

yah, japan has 2 club meds. they were having promo for the one i'm going so decided to go there lor. it's my first trip to both countries...too bad can't really spend a lot of time touring. we're taking it slow and easy coz' of the kid :p
No, I'm still in my 1st tri, 11wks only and I'm still having morning sickness etc. I'd like to go for a trip, but in my state of mind now - I can't even get myself out of the bedroom, I dun think I can plan to fly anywhere. Hopefully I'll pick myself up soon.

Maybe after the 3rd kid, the mums become super by default as the level of difficulty doesn't increase exponentially anymore.. or by then, they've become numb to the chaos. Haha. But I never want to find out. My goodness 6 kids? How do you find a table at restaurants? And keep them all together?

it's possible. every sat evening i have dinner with my extended and we always have to arrange for round table of 10 :p long also possible lah, but more difficult to converse, haha.
Thanks! I hope so too =P

My hb oso prefer to travel via SQ...guess he supports Spore brands haha

I also think Hampstead is more classy...been to the boutique to look at both liao...actually Hampstead can place on shoulder too...still indecisive hiaz...

So what bags will you be getting?

U get dizzy spells? Then must really eat and rest more ya?

The family w 6 kids, I didnt see any helper with them too! So the mommy really super leh! hahaha I also never want to find out! My coll w 5 boys told me she rather come to work then weekends coz she has to handle 5 boys and a helper on Sat and Sun...hahaha
hello mommies....just drop by to say hello only...ha ha...just came back from a summit, rushing a report later... =(

u aiming to have 3 kids ah? -_-"

eat several small meals. =)
jia you! you have to try to sleep a bit more in the afternoon if you are not getting enough sleep at night. later on, you can try to slowly adjust Yu Xi's timing so that she can sleep longer at night. Now you are pumping every 3 hours? have you tried to latch her? would it be easier for you if you latch her? i stretched to 4 hours after 6 weeks. then when i started work after 18 weeks, i stretched to 5-6 hourly. You must try to rest more whenever possible... I know its hard, i've been there and done that, but must still try.

jia you!
i got 3 kids leh, want to join me? maybe lor, cos you get less anxious the more kids you have, you learn to relax, learn to let go, learn to close BOTH eyes and even the ears, so even if the kids scream the house down, you can still chit chat on the phone. heheheee...

but when i disclipine the kids, all three will line up one row. and all three will have to stand and not move. Like in the army?
ok, i'm supposed to fly off tomorrow nite... i still have not packed yet, have not changed money yet too... i just took out my boots - bought in UK like quite some time back and found that the leather inside has started to integrate!!! the leather dropped bit by bit!!! gosh!!!

now i regretted not taking the boots out earlier, at least i can still go robinson to enjoy the sale and get something. now i need to go buy shoes too tomorrow and i'm working tomorrow...
will knock off earlier cos i need to be at the airport around 8pm. ok, i better start packing now.
i try to nap loh but also dare not nap too much. i'm going back to work pretty soon loh, either mid june or end june. if nap too much in the afternoon, when i'm back at work i will die loh.

hopefully by this hour, you had already pack bah. have a nice trip.
Morning mummies

i think i just cursed myself the last time i mention that hb will only think of going to genting for holiday..we really going to Genting in June!..arrghh..should have said some place like bali or phuket!.hmmph...
<font color="#CD3278">krex</font>
Go slow is the way.. The kiddos have a mind of their own liao!! heehee! Where's the Club Med in Japan?

<font color="#CD3278">brie</font>
Gambatte!! 2 more weeks k? Hopefully your appetite &amp; energy level resumes. Gd thing Isaac is quite guai leh.. Find sthg to distract yourself from the discomfort k

<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
Yupz, I've seen some ppl carrying Hampstead on shoulder too
I think I'm too much a tote or hobo person

Me ah? Think shd go with my holy grail - Trevi. I wanted to get in 2007, but i thought too expensive.. Piang, the prices are not looking back lor. Now must get coz of the favourable exchange rates ;)

<font color="#CD3278">YLN</font>
You cannot request to go elsewhere ah?
Good Morning Mommies!

Good that u can eat and not put on weight so EAT!

I'm thinking to bring the gals to Sunway Lagoon with my sister and family in June too...now that Mae is bigger, hb not joining, I'm also confident to handle two! My colls said I very bad to abandon hb =P

I'm also a hobo and tote person...I love Trevi too! How much is it estimated huh? Maybe ask hb to top up again =P I saw my best fren holding 1 when we met up some time back and I drooled...hahaha
request? sigh...if i request..then he will complain must spend more $..blahblah...then will make it sound like i spend thrift...keep spending money n go out..want to spare my ears from his nagging...just chin chai lor then ..sigh..

wah..u very good hor..can handle two kiddoes
...ur hb y dun want to go??

kabira...some god-forsaken town in japan, haha. supposed to have very gd beaches, so hopefully can get J to like sand!
Hi all mums,
I am a very very silent visitor of this thread..mainly 'cause I hardly get time to log in..I am mother of twins and I take care of them all by myself..so hardly get time for anething else..the reason i'm here rite now is 4 an advice..i'm looking for a christian playgroup in AMK(i stay in AMK ave 10)...so hoping ne of u have info on a christian playgroup(am new to AMK)..
snow, rona,
No No, pregnant 2 times is more than I can take liao.

Rona, you're super too!! Have a good trip!!

Re: Holidays
We are thinking of going to either Japan or Korea in early Sep, before Anvelle turns 2 and needs to pay almost the same price as an adult. Any suggestions which is better? We have a 70+ granny and Anvelle gng wif us. Price diff is abt 700 per adult.
