(2008/08) Aug 2008

morning mummies

kitchen set seems fun. hubby will never let me buy big toys. he say no place to set up and put. lucky yu ze got the grand coupe car and rocking horse to play at babysitter's place. her house got more toys than us.
the grand coupe is a good buy. I got for my godson for his first bday and he played till 3-4yr old. But hb say no space. Think Xmas I try my luck again and ask him. Haha.
hmmm...i tink maybe i've always put E on a routine and he doesn't get boobs other than milk time. so maybe that's y easier to cut now.

and yay!!! D's so clever! can sign!!!

E can't seem to call 'mama' or 'dada' leh. but he says 'go', 'car', 'come' and 'no'. wierd huh?

yay!!!!!! ur ashley very gd leh!! only need 1 try!!
yes...i find stopping BF is so daunting leh. i'm so afraid of engorgement and/or blocked ducts.
hello mommies.
no more kite flying today, cos both gals taking nap....zynn had been napping since 3.45pm, haven wake up. *gua gua*

never see gerber today, i ended up never buy anything today....if not happy happy go shopping, think dun need to make an effort there lah.

think its a 2 wks fair, can't remember its actual date but taka website has it. =)
gaia is buy any 3 items, can buy their body lotion @ $3.
not soothing lotion hor, is that normal body lotion that is not so thick.

yln, shint, valnsw, ruixuan, dongle
nice meeting u mommies this morning in the gymboree trial, too bad i'm in a rush ya? =)
Yay!! It's wonderful that Ash has taken to FM so quickly.. and no drama!! Very good girl!
What FM did you give?

Oh! 'Hungry' is a good sign to teach too!! Hee.. so cute. Continue to sign with him and help him with the sign and soon enough, they'll be doing it

Today we taught him 'cracker' and he sort of did it but did not quite get it right. Haha.. very funny. He must be thinking.. "aiyo.. want to eat and drink.. so mah fun one!" Haha..

E is so clever.. can say so many words already!!


OH DEAR!! WHAT ABSOLUTE HORROR!! This is terrible. It's tragic that we are only finding out about this ONE YEAR later!! Sigh.. sigh.. sigh..

WEST COAST PARK has some kind of KITE FESTIVAL today & tomo. quite a nice sight...very lovely to see all the kites in the sky. evie enjoyed looking up at them. but parking is horrid, so either go early or take public transport. or can illegally park la...many cars did too so was quite jammed the whole area.

i think is quite worth the trip
<font color="#CD3278">Wendy &amp; Timmin</font>
Veryvery thankful that she didn't reject the FM.. Otherwise I gotta be boob slave too!!!

Me kena abit of blocked duct oredi.. Even though I still latched her on today, not cleared
I smelt her milk after i made it for her aftnn feed, i nearly puked, I can't stand the smell *eeew*

Wendy: She's taking Friso 2.. heheh

<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
Gd weather to sleep in huh? Still intend to go tmrw?

I went Ion today.. It's massive &amp; messy! At least i think I need more time to get used to the place to navigate my way ard. A lot of escalators, so tt's gd but the escalators aren't in the usual arrangement, some places need to look ard to find the escalators to take one to the next level

<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
I was looking at Ashley this morn &amp; commented to my hb.. She's no longer the little baby, but not yet a toddler either. But nonetheless, very cute &amp; super cheeky!

wat did the gals do ytd? so super tired ar?


or weather too good?

have raining heavily suddenly in the afternoon.
Thanks for helping to look out for the Gerbers items. Think of I have to go in search of it soon. Bb wash left wif half bottle nia.

Re: Siggn Language
How do u teach them sign language?
Hi all,

i have 2 tins of Gain IQ 3(400g) sample pack to give away.

My baby do not take this brand anymore so i don't want it to juz lie on my table till expiry.
Expiry date: May 2012.

Anybody interested, pls PM me.
Mummies, here's the collage:


these are the photos i have received. let me know i have missed out anyone?? or any changes required.

will be forwarding a copy of bigger pixel to the mummies...
hello mommies. =)
nice weather ya?

yesterday cos both gals woke up early, so by late afternoon both cannot tahan le.
zynn worse, attended 2 classes...ha ha...

today raining leh, + my usual family day so abit difficult lah.
if i dun go my mum house for dinner, she will give me that kinda very sad face 1. =(

agreed with u regarding orchard ion, the building design abit hk style.
nothing very special, just those usual shops adopting diff selling concept lor.

yesterday this mummy slightly more aggressive lah, brought zynn to 2 classes...ha ha....
but that gymboree trial class is complimentary 1 anyway. =P
afternoon go seoul gdn celebrate maid's bday, both my gals eat till very happy...sounds abit sua gu hor?

i dun think here got rain yesterday leh, only now i wash my blanket then rain non-stop...ha ha....
very suay rite?
bo bian, pass few wks go bday parties and never wash lor. =X

the collage is very very nice, thx for ur effort.
Gd afternoon, mummies.

The weather's so gd to sleep in today. Heehee... This guilty mummy here slept till 1 today. Can you believe it? Hb took care of Velle n didn;t wake me up for once. So shiok. Haven't had such a luxury since Velle popped out!

Von, I will email you Anvelle's pic later. Gotta get my ext drive out. Cooking porridge now...
Thanks alot for collage, when you are done, I will definitely print it out and display it =)

Adel's temp still hovering up and down. Now no more fever, but whole body very icy. Doc say normal to cry, cause he could be having bodyache or even headache, just like adults. Sigh....what kind I feed him now so that he can get well faster ?
Haha.. so if you had tasted FM like I did.. you'd prob gag too!!

First you need to know some basic signs which you can get off the Net. Search youtube for BABY SIGNING and there are a few videos to check out. This one particular baby Fireese (might have misspelt her name) is quite the sign language queen!

Then whenever you use these basic words like 'PLEASE', sign for baby to see. You might have to guide baby's hand too to let them know what the action is. Then just keep reinforcing

Have fun!
MummyNana: how i envy you! i dont think i can have this kind of luxury anymore ever since Braiden was born! hahaha!

Happy_mummy: Hope Adel get well soon! Got try massage for him?

Alamak.. For the past 2 weeks, Braiden have been having diarrohea or watery stools often. He used to poo once or twice a day. Now is like 3-4 times and the poo is watery, sometimes like LS like that. Other than that, he's fine.. Eats well sleep well, active. Should i stil bring to the PD for a check? I dont know if he's teething thou he keeps chewing his fingers n drooling alot! And he's tummy is like a little drum.. like balloon like that. I have to ask the malay massuer n to come massage him every week... I tried put ginger oil or ru yi you on him every his bath, but he's still so bloated leh!!
Morning, mommies! It's the start of the work week again...

This is the 1st time my hb let me sleep on. Usually he will wake me up saying Velle wans to suck neh neh and juz leave me to take care of her.

I agree wif Mel_ocean. tink u shld bring Braiden to the PD if the LS continues, esp if his poo poo is watery. U won't want him to get dehydrated. And dun give him food tat will coz wind in the stomach. Dunno if Fei Zai Water will help. It is supposed to dispel wind.

Mrs Teng,
U hv got great hands n ideas for cakes. Maybe you shld really open a bakery. I was at Phoon Huat over the weekend and saw the readymade fondants. May I know if this are ready for use/eating? I thought of trying to decorate some of the cupcakes my mum makes for the kids on weekends.

Thanks! Sure! the Wilton Ready to use fondant can be eaten...
But a little to sweet.. so usually will not encourage guess to eat all. Kids will definitely love to eat it but adults got to control the intake.
morning mummies

so tired.. hb down with high fever, whole nite was "fussing". then bernice was super spoilt last nite scream and scream refuse to sleep. i think cos last week my aunt was staying with us and her bedtime schedule was all upside down cos went out till quite late.. I am super tired. Then this morning had to send hb back to East Shore cos his fever still almost 40degrees. And as usual, just as we going to leave the house, his fever went down to 37. I told him better go else afternoon I no time to bring him :p He was like so poor thing, last nite tell me "can you sayang me please" I told him "can after your princess sleep, pls take a Q number" haha. So last nite I had to pacify 2 babies.
Thanks for the link. According to the website, J&amp;J's rating not bad, their shampoo and body wash is between 4-5 ratings...
Mrs Teng,
You cake queen ah ... getting better and better each time. Everyone who saw the cake for Kai oso very impressed. I said, "Wait till u see the other cakes she created" ... u really so good ah.
Mrs Teng,
yah man, you are getting better and better liao!!! Beautiful cake!

Happy belated birthday to Denzel! Cake is so Beautiful!
it was really enjoyable on Saturday .... it's fun to have the kiddos gather together.

I had upload the pics in FB, can go check it out ;)

Thanks for doing the collage.

nice collage! maybe shld put the bb's names coz' i can't recognise half the faces there :p


how to teach signing? i think the only word jonah knows is "ball", coz' that's his fav toy! yest he managed to say "pear" and "cheese" when we were feeding him. but he would only say AFTER we put the food in his mouth...smart kid!
<font color="#CD3278">Wendy</font>
hahah, to begin with I can't tahan milk.. And FM is really stinky! I wonder why bb are such milk junkies.. kekeke

<font color="#CD3278">Cat</font>
heheh, man can be really vulnerable and manja when they want to yah? Hope Bernice sleeps better today too

<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
Wow, 2 classes in a day.. No wonder so tired! Btw, if she wake late aftnn close to evening, can she still sleep early?
Good Morning Mommies!
Will like to wish all teachers here "Happy Teachers' Day" in advance!

Thats really nice! Thanks for your effort!

Yup, our bbs are still in the cute stage...but once grow older no longer cute liao so treasure this stage =P

Happy Mommy,
Is Adel better?

Is Braiden ok?

Hope your hb gets well soon!
Hi Mummies, I have some questions about weaning and solids, wonder if you could help? My girl just turned 1 year early this month. Around her 1 year birthday, she started rejecting solids. She used to be able to eat a bit every meal, but now she just pushes food out or keeps food in her mouth. I think she is not interested in food. It has been going on for one month, and it doesn't look it will end soon.

Do you come across this problem before or have any suggestions?

I have looked at her gum, but I don't think she is teething, so I thought maybe it's a problem with drinking too much breast milk. I tried to let her drink less, but as I am a stay-at-home mother and my parents can't help much, she has access to me any time. May I know how do the breastfeeding mothers here establish a schedule?

I am getting so stressed every meal. She can't go on like this until she grows up, right?
hi cat
i think its T81, seletar west farmway 5...if u r refering to the animal resort..

i brough kaer to Qian hu fish farm ...n she was squealing in delight!..thats a good place to go too!
