(2008/08) Aug 2008

Falisha has become a pretty gal aledi... cayla still look like baby... has Falisha started walking yet? the sandals look very pretty, where you got it? i wanted to buy cayla a pair of sandals but ended up buying her a combi prewalker shoes from taka fair last weekend... when i showed it to my mum, she said the shoes' material seems too hard to let her learn to walk

Shint, Hisstory, YLN, Aurora & Happy mummy,
Happy Teachers Day!!! Enjoy your cool cool day today...

is it too early to buy shoes when bb has not walked? i haven't thought about buying any for jonah coz' he hasn't started walking but then again, sale is a good time to buy his first pair of shoes leh, heh heh. is the taka fair still on? till when?
hahaa...cayla is oso pretty babe leh! haha...oh yes she has started walking and is forever walking from the living room to the bedrooms and of course to her favourite place - the kitchen!

Oh i got the sandals from the children's place.com during one of the sprees. Heh...yea for a start cannot use too hard or heavy shoes cos very hard for them to walk comfortably.

Oh hisstory is oso laoshi ah?? hhehee..
me oso planned since last Sat to bring the kids to Fidgets actually but was raining heavily and then I heard that it was vv crowded .. i called and the person told me it is crowded. ... so din go anywhere.
Mrs Teng,
Thanks for your recipe ... will ask her to do so.

your gal so good .. my boy ah drink non-stop. He will always act so poor thing and say .. "Mommy, I am sooooo hungry .... can I have milk?" even right after he had a 330ml bottle.
Now i oso dunno how to diaper train him at nite cos he drinks so much! He can sleep even though the diaper leaks, t-shirt wet, pants wet . .he still sleeping like a LOG. Faintz ..

Worst, nowadays he dun wan to wear diaper before he sleeps and says "Mama, I can control myself" - I have to wear it for him after he falls asleep, that is if I dun fall asleep before him or forget to put it.
ya, must get down to doing it ... i read before that once they hit 5kg, then can go without milk at nite .. haha, Kai oredi more than double that ...
To all the Lao Shi ... Happy Lao Shi Jie ...
U all got get gifts of flowers? mugs? pens? hahah.
I am sure the parents of the kids would have bought/made gifts on this special day ...
What are gifts u consider nice? *cos need to know what to buy in future ma ;)

For my kind of "Lao Shi" ... we dun receive gifts one ....
<font color="ff0000">HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY!!!!</font>

<font color="0000ff">shint,</font>
I bought esprit sling bag, towel, umbrella and deodorant spray for my son's teachers (everything in 1 shop, ha!). Other teachers which not in his class one I bought a roll of chocolate rocher for each of them. All quite boring gift rite, me lazy lad ma.

If I have the skill like Mrs Teng, Jen. YLN etc, I will make cookies for the teachers, involve my kids as well.

<font color="0000ff">Hui Chin,</font>
Falisha sooo pretty and sweet!!!
fidgits is SUPER crowded. kids so rowdy. maids only interested in talking.. I left after 15mins play. Bernice was in the little tikes coupe car my maid pushing then this angmo girl about 3yo came over just open the door and squeeze herself in.. goodness.. then another angmo girl snatched bernice's ball from her hand. All these while their maids happily chatting away. I dont think i'll go back there again.. dont like it.
Happy teachers' day to hisstory, happy mummy, yLN, Aurora !!!
did I miss anybody ??

hb's on leave today... Didnt know this til morn when we woke up :p

Long time didnt see Falisha's pics... She has grown to such a cute gal oredi uh..... ?

good ur arm is getting better....

Aug bash's photo CD
I also havent have mine and no news also.. Roiv busy ? Anybody has the photographer contact ?
<font color="#CD3278">Ling</font>
Happy anniversary!!

<font color="#CD3278">Shint</font>
heheh, i can't speak for the rest.. But i think most teachers appreciate a personalised card. Not too keen on pressies, myself.. Food's okie though

*jia you* on training Kai

<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
Wah, very sian to have change of plans leh.. I always want to go jalan-jalan.. heheh

Jus the other day, we had to go out at 11+, this dear ger decided to continue sleeping even after the time we were supposed to. We thought by carrying her &amp; getting out of the house, she wld stir.. To our amazement, she continued to sleep in my arms as we made our way to the destination.. aiyoh
Cocomo/Ling ling
Hahaa...thks thks. Getting nottier leh she..lol

Re: Travelling on flight with Baby Stroller
Can anyone share with me on this? We're going to KL by flight but this is our 1st time taking flight with stroller, izzit must hand carry? Can bring in?
has ashley been resisting her arvo naps? it has been more difficult to get E to take his arvo naps. &amp; i'm wondering if he's kinda transitioning out of his 2 naps.

hi mummies...
i've got $3 off vouchers for mamil gold stage 2-4. anyone wants them?
you can bring up the stroller, they will keep for you once you reach the waiting room to board the plane or inside the plane. if you wanna check in, its also not a problem. so its up to you.

oh dear! Fidgets so crowded today? most prob today will be crowded everywhere cos all the kids are on holiday. next week will be worst i think. we didn't go gogo too in the end, i'm bit lazy and really don't feel well. i'm letting #1 go to the outdoor adventure at bedok reservoir next tuesday. and if i take leave, maybe will bring the kids to polliwogs then.

how's your anniversary? how do you celebrate? Next week is also my wedding anniversary liao...
teacher's day gift huh? i super lazy, bot M&amp;S cookies for my gal's childcare centre. quite a few teachers there so thought just buy something for all of them to share. for my son's kindy, only precious moments mugs. asked him to write a note to attach to the mugs. simple gifts lah. i actually wanna make strawberry jam myself, but first my gal fell sick, then i fell sick so really not in the right state to make the jam lor... i still wanna get something for their zoophonics and berries teachers. have not gotten anything yet. :p

Aug Baby Bash Pics
Think the photographer is Roiv's friend or something? from her contact. maybe we drop a line to Roiv's email address?
too late to take preventive medicine... bad liao.

you brought bbK for a trip right? where huh? thinking of going on a trip end of this month. wanna go sydney very much but not confident of taking the 8hour flight with all three kids!
Sambuccus can take at the start of flu...but guess the best thing is to still drink loads of water and rest rest rest!

Yup brought K to Bkk when he was 7mths...thinking of going for another trip in Nov or Dec. But can't decide on Australia (which part) or Taiwan.
You can push the stroller all the way until the entrance to the flight den the flight attendant will take over to check it in. But when u arrive at ur destination, you have to collect from the baggage claim section with the rest of your luggages. U may want to use a bb carrier/ sling if you hv one.
Yuuri/Tree nymph/MummyNana
AH so can bring in..okok. Definitely need to bring along...cos i scared Falisha will be tired from shopping or wanna sleep etc, we cannot carry her like tt liao. Haha...she oso cannot fit into her baby carrier liao...she at 7mths old i stop using liao. Thks!
aug baby bash cd:
i just receive the cd. you all should be receiving it soon.


huichin &amp;yuuri,
you all planning for holiday? i also want leh but hubby say just go sentosa. no more chop passport overseas trip till yu ze is older. sigh....
Baby Bash Photos
I've given roiv a call today and she said she will call the photographer to ask him to hurry up. I heard that some mommies had received the first batch though .... who received it already ah? can let us know?

Wonder if he individually select the pics for each baby or everything put into 1 DVD lor. If it's only the baby's pics then will surely take a long time. Anyway, she said she will call him again.

I told her we all enquiring about the pictures here liao
i received liao. its photos of all babies. he resized all photos so maybe take longer time. so we get a set of original size and a set of resized photos.
I din go in the end either cos heard all the various places crowded. I forgot that it's a holiday. Some more raining .. so end up at home play bubbles with the kids ... quite fun oso

rona, history,
me oso dun like to buy presents ... i prefer to make something if can involve my son better still. In the end I printed a card for the teachers with his photo in it ... so at least more meaningful lor ... but i also bought a disney soft toy with a flower on it from ToyRus (i think quite nice) ... cos i got no time to make anything.

U know ah, I last minute (after midnite) then try to print the card and cannot find the printer cable. Found it in the morning and later found that I did not have ink! faint. Finally I got it printed in time

Ya lor, I can't bake ... maybe can start learning .. that is if I can get my Oven fixed .. it broke down recently.

oh.. was wondering who send me a CD rom without writting down who is the sender. So curious tot its a sex tape! :p ah...btw its a BLANK disc lor. can someone help me to inform the photographer n re-send to me again.. Like that i tan dio one BLANK disc.
ok, I let roiv know lor. Actually YLN oso chased roiv to inform the photographer liao ... so paiseh la ... furthermore she is now vv busy, that's why she din even come online she said. This photographer dun quite understand that pple likes to have the pics fast, furthermore so long liao. haha, no wonder we all like dphoto ... cos can get pics immediately, that's what I really like - no waiting time.
Shint: Ya see the disc smooth smooth 1.. very obvious he didnt copied thru. haha.. I like to get my things done fast too.. Quite a long wait liao actually. I hope during this wait, he did some photoshop for us hor. Like remove the wrinkles, pump up the skin, lighten the skintone etc. HAHAHHAHAHAH
hahah.... be careful, virus virus.... :p

ya ya. like to get the photos fast fast. cos my yu ze is always not in the group, hardly any pic of him. i think less than 10 or 5. hahaha.....
dun worry, next time u bring YuZe out, I'll take alot more for him ok?
I oso realised that he din really take some babies so I asked him specifically to take. It was only until the end.
Shint: i noticed too.. a few times is YLN ask me to remember to ask the photographer take ur pic hor.. haha.. :p Maybe so many bbs that day he freeze.
You have to decide if you want cold or hot weather liao. Taiwan can be quite cold and windy in Dec, whereby Australia is very hot during summer time (28C to 35C but dryer than Spore).
Yah...the thing is, we can't decide which weather we'd prefer. Scared Aus too hot and Tw too cold for the little one :p
yuuri, we also thinking of going for a trip to either aust, nz or taiwan, etc. but dunno if we can handle Jac oversea. somemore still bfing her. Which part of aust u looking at. mayb we can go together keekee. But date also a problem coz got many wedding dinner this yr end (5 in total) so diff to find a period which we r free also.
morning mommies. =)
oh, u ladies received the photo le ah?
must call photographer to take then he take har?
then die liao lor, i only get him to take 1 photo nia....gua gua....i dun even noe who is the photographer on that day, cos too many man running around holding camera that look so pro.

yes, actually even if u use 486 system to cut an OS cd also take u less than an hr. =X
if a burning process failed, most commercial s/w appls should be able to prompt error msg...should not be getting blank cd lah.
think dun disturb roiv ya?
she is kind enough to help us coordinate, problem lies on that photographer bah...?

hee hee....actually hor, i prefer zynn to be in the sleeping mode when i'm out.
unless its going to some kiddo play gym, else its easier to eat and shop whe they are sleeping rite? >D
morning mommies
some received the bash pic liao?
can someone pm me the PG cntact number cos i have not received the pic or disc...
<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
hahah.. Tt's also true. But I know I can hardly expect tt fr Ashley when we are out.. The only time she slept when we gaigai are during her 1st mth &amp; in Tokyo (too cold, so she hibernated)

<font color="#CD3278">Shint</font>
Dun worry.. Teachers appreciate all the same, late also okie
i haven receive mine also, think they said will send by batch rite?

ha ha....true lor, this stage we can only cross our fingers that they dun come down and run about hen we are out ya? =P
Halo Mommies!
Yday on leave as my mom got medical checkuphave to bring both gals with me to SGH coz nobody ard to take care of themend up nurses kept giving the gals biscuits to eat

Yes, indeed when Mae sleeps, we have our own time! For me, it is either make clips or play FB games or read heehee

For teachers day, I ordered handmade crochet brooches for Raines teachershope they like it

Dongle &amp; Krex,
Mae wore shoes even before she started walkingnow she is walking abit unassisted

Hahaha, your boy so cheeky! My coll who has a boy coming 6yo in Dec also very diff to toilet train for night as he sleeps like a log so Mommy has to drag him to toiletalthough #1 likes to sleep but she is still ok when we woke her up to pee at night (during toilet-training days)
When we brgt Raine to Seoul during winter when she is less than 2yo, she also hibernated until we told she in coma...coz she is always sleeping...hahaha
I was thinking of self-drive in Perth...go to all the farms. You?

Hisstory, M2B,
Really ah? Kids will hibernate in the cold?? haha...then maybe I should go Taiwan instead!
<font color="#CD3278">yuuri</font>
I think so lah.. heheh, but Keston sleeps so well &amp; easily, u dun have to worry

Taiwan is very nice! going F&amp;E?

<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
I always wonder how u mommies have time for FB games.. I super tired to play games, only surf net .. hee

So scary hor? Ashley always naps for 30min, so when she sleeps for more than tt, it's hurray!

<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
Agree! Now they keep wanting to come down to 'walk'.. Sianz
