(2008/08) Aug 2008

wow..Mrs Teng, the mickey mouse cake u made is very nice leh...U can open a bakery shop

Thumbs up for u!

Good that they can sleep long long right? then the brain can grow well ;)
Kai will sleep ard 8+ and wake up ard 1+am and 6am. Quite siong ... for my maid ... haha. The interval max is 5 hours ba.
How we wish he'd sleep the night through. It's a blessing u know ;) Even my #1 sometimes oso wake up to wan to drink milk. People is "Money not enough", for him, it's "Milk not enough".

Does your #1 still drink milk at nite? before bed and in the wee hours of the mornig?
Both my sons are super milk junkies.
Yesterday I fed Kai those porridge (the HK style gluey kind) and he seems to like it. Keep opening his mouth for it. I found it too salty .... how ah? maybe my maid cooking not nice so he dun like to eat solids?

I need a tasty recipe for him manz..... Mrs Teng, help

desitin and mustela diaper cream same rating leh. i can't find gaia in the list. how did u know it was gd?

Tell your maid to soak the rice for one hour before cooking, like that will have gluey texture. Tell maid must stir the porridge once in a while during the cooking process.

Taste wise, if can Kai is not allergic to scallop, buy those small dried scallop (about size of 5 cents coin) to cook with porridge. Some even put dried oysters. Ikan bilis powder is another alternative.

Use pork or chicken stock to make the porridge.

The rest is up to you liao. want add chicken, fish slice or pork also can.
Mrs Teng,
Thanks for sharing. My porridge never ever became gluey like the HK style congee tat my Cantonese in-laws cook. My hb always joke tat it is becoz I am teochew so cook teochew porridge style, can see the grains. lolx.
As for the fondant, do I just take out from the box and start moulding? And wat abt the colours if I want to have some variations? Thanks =)
pai seh....just now uploading pics into fb and system very slow, so went mia awhile. =P

both zynn and me really enjoy ourself on sat also, thx to all her little friends and their mommies. =)

just managed to finish uploading some pics too, tag most of u liao.

zynn can, she slept from 3.45pm till 5pm when we reach home.
we thought she wakes up liao, but who noe she continue to sleep the moment she touch her cot from 5.05pm till 6.30pm when her jie jie reached home.
wake up play awhile with her sis, there she goes again....8pm till next day 6am. -_-"
Yes yes, when they sleep, we can have our "Me" time...very impt

#1 drinks milk at 8.30pm and brushes her teeth...no more milk until breakfast before school...now she drinks twice a day...

Guess to both my gals, sleep is more impt than food.
Rona, Vanilla, Cocomo, Pinky

Thanks for the compliments... still got a long way to go..


you probably need to add a bid of corn starch or icing sugar to rub to the right consistency ie. not too sticky before you can roll out.

As for coloring, you need to use icing color gel to blend in... can't use the liquid type cos it'll melt the fondant..
mrs teng,

will porridge still taste nice w/o stock? right now, the porridge that my maid cooks doesn't look very appetizing. she will just cut the meat and veg up, then steam the meat and rice (with water) together, followed by the veg. then she stirs everything up together to make porridge. sometimes she will grind it further if it's too solid.

i'm thinking of making porridge over the stove instead. my kind of porridge is the kind where i boil the rice with water until it looks watery, then throw in the meat. if there's veg, then i suppose the veg goes in first. it's been a LONG time since i cooked this kind of porridge. i usually just make the plain porridge and fry a few side dishes. so i guess that makes my porridge teochew style? heh heh.

C & C also like teochew style porridge now.. so I use plain porridge also.. But my wolberry chicken got the sauce extracts, so I'll use it to add some taste to it.

in addition, I'll steam cod fish, pumpkin and spinach as side dishes for them.
General blast out to Aug bash mummies:

wats e update with the photographer for the bash?? when do we get to see the pics?

or forgive me if i missed out some posting regarding this

pls update me if i missed something somewhere
HI Mummies,
Thanks for all Birthday wishes.

Mrs Teng,
You have really done a very nice cake for Denzel and everyone loves it. My guests didnt allowed me to cut my cake. Cos its such a lovely cake. Thanks for your effort.

HappyMummy, Is Adel better??? Take care yah.

Celyn, Is your arms better?
thanks. yah, better now. finally can touch my head with my left arm but still can't bend fully. but its so much better compare to last time.
aiyo...how's ur blocked ducts? managed to clear it?

gaia is not in the site cos it's australian. but ingredients wise...it's similar to california baby.
Ahahaa...Ruixuan MIL
I just happen to snap snap snap two weeks back, then when i was looking thru the photos, i realise she had her thumbs up, so i made it into an ad! hahaa...
any mummies know where i can get electric pump (to pump those ball pit kind of toy). we bought a bicycle pump but can't pump up the toy.
My girl also doesn't seem to want to eat much nowadays. She will keep shouting and screaming until we cannot stand it and let her be. Or after she has finished screaming and shouting, she will settle down and start to eat but still the appetite has dropped.

Not sure if it helps but according to the book What to Expect - The Toddler Years, the kids will know when they are hungry enough to eat. They will eat more during growth spurts? For me I will substitute with milk or cheese if I know she's not eating much.
I can so empathise with you. My girl's max sleep interval seems to be only 5 hrs. Can faint liao. So my maid also has a tough time.

Zynn can sleep so long after Sat trial? My girl slept 2 hrs in the afternoon max. So envy, Zynn can sleep through the night, my girl still cannot and somemore if I take out the pacifier she will eh eh after some time.

Long time no see! how are u? last time u posted, u were busy and staying up late in office to clear work. Falisha has grown up so pretty!
nite nite mommies

couldnt post for sometimes oredi... login got many pages 2 read up now done
will b getting busier since my mum has gone back to indo...

to bb that I MISS Happy Birthday !!!

Gosh !! wanna post so many things but feel very sleepy liao... bb N refuse to sleep at her normal time.. been trying 2 entertaining her n pacifying ended she slept at 10,30 only

tomorrow my wedding anniversary...let whether i can logn again 2mrw...........
you got blocked ducts? hi-five...
my #2 fell sick last tuesday and i tried to drag pump time to 10 hours and don't drain my breast completely yesterday. and now i got block ducts - on both side of my breast!! just now i pump strawberry milk out even from the left breast. jia lat... Anyway, i'm also sick liao, 2 days MC. must have gotten it from my #2...
<font color="#CD3278">huichin</font>
bb Falisha's so pretty!! I love her eyes!

<font color="#CD3278">timmin &amp; rona</font>
I can feel the vein (or is that it?) tt's swollen.. A little pain as I press on it, but i try to massage it &amp; it still doesn't intend to clear. Wld it be a problem ah?
I prob be latching Ashley on tmrw, for 1 feed &amp; then pumping sessions of coz.. Hopefully it goes away soon, it's abt a no. of days liao

<font color="#CD3278">Shint</font>
If you dare try, train Kai to go w/o milk during the night.. By this age, they ought not to need to wake for milk, esp if his daytime milk intake is gd
But like u said, he's not really into solids.. So he's not full? See if u're willing to let him go cold turkey or continually offer him the pacifier to get him distracted

<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
It's so nice tt Mae can sleep so much &amp; early, then u &amp; hb get time to urself.. But by the time u get back hm fr work, also limited time available to play with her hor??

<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
Quite shiok right? But then it means if there are plans to go out, all down the drain liao

<font color="#CD3278">YLN, aurora &amp; happy mummy</font>
<font color="0000ff">Happy teachers day! You deserve a gd break today </font>
shiok huh, got special delivery! how's your arm? my throat hurts like there's a rough-edged stone scratching the raw flesh on the neck.

To all the Teachers:
Happy Teachers Day!
Not bad ah...you got filial hubby and son!

Oncoming flu ah? Take sambuccus!

Falisha v cute!
rona &amp; yuuri,
hahah.... this is called training. i make hubby bring yu ze out to buy breakfast for me when he was about 3 months old. so since then he will bring yu ze along to buy breakfast. hahah... very shiok.

my arm is better liao. at least now no problem in carrying yu ze but i still try to minimise carrying him.
Morning, mommies!
Happy teachers' day!

Falisha looks so grown up! And such a pretty gal. No wonder so early got engaged liao. lolx =)

Almondz/ valnsw,
How I wish my daughter can eat less. She hs one leh. Tot it was becoz she is drinking too little milk (120ml) so give her more. But she doesn't want.

Ur hb n Yu Ze are so sweet. My hb will leave Anvelle at hm if he's gng to get bfast.

Drink more water. I had the same feeling for nearly 2 weeks. Sore throat ok liao but still coughing a little. Was so afraid tat Anvelle gets it but luckily (touch wood) her immunity is better than mine!
morning mommies. =)
happy teacher's day to all the great teachers here.

we are all waiting also, for 4wks.... =P

diff bb diff sleeping habit 1 lah, think ur gal's more like my #1. =X
my #1 can jump till 11pm+, sian sian then still can tell me she cannot sleep till the last drop of energy....ha ha....

ya lor, thats why gotta be mentally prepared that not eveything will go by plan. =(

great ad! i'm convinced! did u use photoshop for that? i shld start making my own too :p

mrs teng,

yest got my MIL to steam rice, fish and carrots for jonah. he seemed to like it. so i think we won't be giving him porridge everyday. when you steam chicken, fish, pumpkin, spinach for C&amp;C, do you mash it up or give it to them in pieces? we tried feeding jonah bento style on sat evening - beef slices (we used shabu shabu beef but it turned out quite dry), broccoli florets and potato (in cubes). he took quite a while to eat and lost interest halfway. i think the food has to be those soft soft kind, else quite difficult to feed. have you tried frying your food yet? i'm wondering whether to fry the beef with butter next time. can C&amp;C eat peas whole?
Celyn/Mrs Teng/YLN/Val/M2B/treenymph/hisstory/Yuuri/MummyNana/krex
Hahaha..thks all! She is one cheeky one nowadays :p

Oh hahaa...the nightmare at the super jialat place is over! Maybe i shld take it as blessing in disguise? Haha...cos i was supposed to freelance one mth, and then they told me wanna extend me, then in the end say 'oh we need to wait for finance to approve again 1st' so i was like wth? But in the end i got offered a freelance job at my old work place, so i took it instead! I've never felt so much happier when i knew that i was never going to that hell-of-a-place! LOL

Haha...yea i used Photoshop to create that ad. The speech bubble, i created in Illustrator then i bring over.
me too leh, on mc from work but need to look after the kids at home! #2 is still coughing and now the little boy also starting to cough. i'm on Augmentin now, same antibiotics as my #2. going to rain again... else i'm thinking of bringing my #1 to gogobambini.

Normally, I'll steam the roots in slices, florets in pieces, fish in slices. So it's faster to cook. I'll put all in a metal plate and steam with a little water. Once steamed, I'll pour the steamed water into a bowl (that's where all the extract goes) , this will be their "so-call" soup. Den will chopped the roots and veggie separately. Easier to chop also , but no need so small pieces. If you see one of my earlier post some time ago.. you'll see a pic of what I did.

For chicken thigh and drumstick, I shimmer in water and half a tsp soy sauce for about 20 mins. Den chopped finely before serving.

For beef, you can slice it thinly and marinate with 2 or 3 drops of soy sauce.. add a tsp of water n 1/4 tsp corn starch. This will soften the beef... After 15 mins, use 1 tbsp of canola or olive oil.. RUB into the beef slices (coating the beef slices) and pan- fry the slices on medium heat on a non-stick pan. No need to add oil into the pan already. Sizzle both side and it'll be ready to cook. Dun over cook lor..
Thank you valnsw. Today she rejects breakfast and lunch again. In the end, she didn't eat for lunch. I feel really bad, nowadays everything i cook is wasted. i don't even feel like cooking anymore. and the strange thing is she doesn't seem to be hungry at all from last night till now.

mrs teng,

tks for sharing. i'm wondering whether to start using soya sauce for cooking or not. so far, we've been giving him plain food (steam w/o marinating or sauce). the only reason why i thought of using butter to fry the beef is coz' it's a dairy product and it has a bit of fat :p
