(2008/08) Aug 2008

I'm using Panasonic Lumix (3rd one liao) for long time liao. thinking of changing again... but thinking of getting a SLR camera leh... now you made me wonder if i should get back Lumix, but now the model you have, waterproof and shockproof - both very useful!

wah, you remembered! Today i like got a lot of work but no mood to work... :p better get my butt going. Can you tell me is Magnolia's UHT full cream milk better milk then others? it also says made from freshmilk leh...

i just woke up from nap and so many post liao.

the step 3 mamil definitely smell better than step 2. once you open the tin, can smell the difference liao.

you tempting me to buy a new camera leh but i just got a new netbook. hubby sure complaint if i buy a new camera.
Get dslr! Borrowed my friend's one to try out....Damn shiok!!! My digicam also Lumix...hmmm...Panasonic seems to be getting a big marketshare.
HI All Mummies,
Hven been posting here for a long long long time. Din really have the luxury of time to keep track of the posts after shifting to a house of my own. Freedom comes with a price. Only have time to update one platform which is FB :)

Just wanna drop in to post on some bargains on Pampers Active Baby. Saw it in GIANT for 3 days only. Active Baby Size M, L, XL gg for a huge discount. Works out to be abt 0.30cent per piece for size L. Limited to 4 per transaction. Thought I can share with the mummies who used active baby.

Cheers, TGIF.
Halo Mommies!

Haha, ya, I only like to pack clothings and toys...so hb take out and I tell him which 1 to keep and which to throw...the gals' clothings I diligently pack myself =P

Mrs Teng,
The WTP is NICE!
Wish I can bake as well...

Hope the entire episode is over and everything will be fine for your family...understd how scary it is to think abt it.

Me also wana get a DSLR!!!

oh, so i can find UHT milk in supermarket shelves where they sell condensed milk, packet milk and juices is it? not at the diary/ chiller section? does it taste better or closer to BM?


how do u dreamfeed? maybe i shld go try too, haha.


think my MIL will flip if i ask her to let jonah mess up her house for one day. she's the very neat kind. i dun think she's too concerned that jonah can't self feed. she'd rather feed him for the rest of his life than let him mess up the house, haha.


i stopped buying the marigold high low one already coz' i realised it's not pure fresh milk but some form of milk powder/ solids. i like pura best, followed by farmhouse.
timminbuzz: i heard UHT milk is not good for growing bones... so i stick to fresh milk..

went medi-ya jus now during lunch n bought those small packet of hokkaido fresh milk, strawberry, chocolate milk and milk custard pudding for Braiden. I HOPE he likes it cos he simply hates any kind of milk... Also bought those soya milk and tofu made by them. Seems pretty fresh.. =D

Bringing up a kid is really not easy.. especially he refuse to drink milk/water or eat alot.
Hahah...thks! Actually today technically is my last day at this co. Hahah...cos they mentioned wanna extend my contract but must wait for finance dept's approval la what la, haiyo tok cock one la. Feel cheated siah. So if have, then i will go bk loh, i have other place oso wanna get me to help freelance on some jobs. Haha...actually i'm quite happy leh! haha...so now clearing up things n i take it today's my last day cos that's what it says on the contract! LOL

Yuuri / M2B
I oso want DSLR!!! haha...

Hi Cindy!
Long time no see siah! hahaha
For the pork stock I made, is mainly
Water, Pork Fillet/bone/spare ribs, Organic Soya Beans and Garlic. Soya Beans, I prefer non-GMO grains and I alway buy organic one.

I boil water in claypot, then cut the Pork fillet into a big chunk.
Wash the soya beans and drain.
Wash the garlic with skin intact

When the water starts to boil, put all the ingredients into the pot then use high heat to cook for at least 30 minutes.
Then turns to low heat to simmer with the lid to half cover the pot, simmer for another 10 minutes. The longer you let it simmer, the tastier the soup is.

Another few combination will be
- Pork Spare Ribs/ pork prime rib + Organic Soya Beans + Radish + Potatoes + White Onions
- Pork Spare Ribs/ pork prime rib + Organic Soya Beans + sweet corn + garlics
- etc

Making soya milk.
- Must have U-like soya milk blender if not any blender that can make soya milk.

Clean tap water + Soya Beans + Pandan/Screw pine leaves + Rock Sugar (i omitted this for Aisleyne)

I will soak the soya bean in clean tap water overnight to make it soft. Then drain and rinse it. Wash thoroughly the pandan / pine leaf, slit it into 2 (more flavorful) and bundle them up into knots.

To cook.
Fill the blender with about 3/4 full of beans in the centre attachment of the blender. Then using the prepared clean tap water pour it into the blender until it reaches 3/4 full of the blender's jug. Starts blending for about 1 min or less so the motor wont get too hot (for my U-Like blender). Then pour out the blended milk into the metal pot with a filter lined sift, then pour more clean water into the blender's jug, this time only about 1/3 full. Blend the soya pulp for 15 - 20 seconds. Pour out the milk and throw the pulp. Repeat the steps until all the beans are blended. Go through a newly lined sift few more time for the whole milk. (The more the milk has been sifted, the smoother the milk will be). Lastly boil the sifted milk and add in the bundled up pandan / screw pine leaves. Boil at medium heat. Once the milk starts to boil, lower the heat to low and continue to simmer for another 20 - 30 minutes until the pandan / screw pine leaves turn yellowish. To make the taste nicer, add rock sugar (but I will omitted this for kids)

tree nymph,
fresh skim milk, fresh full-cream milk, fresh HL milk, UHT milk, condense milk and evaporated milk are all milk, think just that the way they processed is different?
what i known is that skim milk and HL milk are low fat milk so will be better not to give to kid since kid need those fat to provide energy for them to ran, jump etc. Any other types of milk that is not 'fresh milk' (chilled kind), nutrients will be compromised. So i alway stick to freshmilk (less nutrient lost thru heating) and for the freshmilk to maintain its nutrient, i dun warm the milk at all and let my girl drink it while it is chilled if not germs lah.
And yah like what timm mentioned, the difference between uht and fresh milk is that uht is heated to ultra high heat (which mean much nutrient lost) as for freshmilk, it go thru some heating also if not by the time it hits to the shelves, it'll be filled with germs.
tree nymph & yuuri,

yup 6th ave one is still there. but tends to be v crowded so sometimes gotta wait abit for your food. last time when i work there will have customers stare daggers at me while waiting for their food :p

pasir panjang one has an original cook from sixth ave so hopefully taste is same. have customer feedback that some prefer food at my side. but is all subjective one la. hehe...see if any mummies free can come try. 130 pasir panjang road...shope house by the main road.

n yup, my mum is thai, thats y thai food lor
<font color="DB4C30">krex</font>
Mine was the rubberband inside break. It took the guy only like 10mins to return the pump to me. I waited outside. I think if yours is the tube loose, I think maybe longer cos change parts. Although I also have had this problem, I didn't get it fixed at the service centre cos my warranty was ald voided. Don't do what did unless u oso want your warranty voided. I opened up the pump and stuffed 2 pieces of cardboard to hold the plastic thing in place.
so give UHT or fresh milk better ?

bernice took her MMR/Chicken pox at 12 mths too

ya i give bernice the meidiya tofu too. nice
then i drink the soya bean myself
History, Rona

Haha! u're stressing up leh!
But anyway, have already done Rona's topper liao..

Today my hubby came home early cos his mood was very bad after he scratched his own car in the car park. (thanks to the car behind who high beam on broad day light!!)

Anyway, his mood lightened up after he saw the topper. Oppss! Rona, how? can I keep it for my hubby?
So does E finish his UHT milk in one go? If not, how long do you leave it out for? You heat it up first before serving or give it fridge cold? I heated the milk in a pot over stove first.

Timmin &amp; Cat
Regarding the MMR/Chix pox jab.. I see. I guess the age of bb varies from PD to PD?
<font color="#CD3278">krex</font>
Yupz, generally those low fat &amp; high calcium milk fr various brands are milk fr powder.. The ones which are really freshmilk are regular ones. Pura is one of the recommended ones, esp since it's fr OZ

Much as I say all of this, I myself dun take milk.. Less it's chocolate or soya bean *heheh*

<font color="#CD3278">MrsTeng</font>
Oh u're keeping us in suspense.. The cake topper must be really cute!

<font color="#CD3278">Huichin</font>
Wah, not bad leh.. U've got ppl all clamouring for you! You're not at work now, I hope?
It's been such a long weekend and haiz... such a bad day today.

RE: babies not drinking milk
My girl also doesn't seem to like milk any more. What I do, cos I do the last feed at night before she sleeps, is to let her drink first. Usually, she can only finish 50ml or so. Then, will stuff pacifier to let her suck to sleepy mode before I pluck it out and let her drink from the bottle. The timing must be right, I will wait till she almost asleep then I will so-call "dream-feed" her.

No choice, cos my girl is so stubborn.

RE: Self-feeding
My girl doesn't knw how to bite food, let alone self-feed. I think I better start her on this.

For Enfagrow, the scoop is bigger, hence I think if based on instruction, 4 scoops = 225ml, then 1 scoop = 55ml. But hor, if I were to tell the maid to use this scoop, I think she will be confused, so I rather I use back Friso scoop (1 scoop = 30ml) to make things simple.

Looks like your maid has issues. There are certain boundaries she cannot over-step as a hired help.

The Quran thing sounds scary. I think it's really unfortunate that such things happen. Perhaps, for the new maid, you should do a search on her bag before she steps into your house. Or rather, do it in the presence of the maid agency.

Ganbatte on the baby-making. As somebody mentioned, no menses doesn't mean you're not ovulating.

I think for that couple customer who freeloaded, what goes around comes around. I firmly believe in that. Karma has a way of working la.
But really, it's so surprising that there are such ugly Singaporeans. I thought SG was supposed to be a cultured society.
Supposedly you prop up your sleeping baby and pop the bottle in...they're supposed to have an instinctive reaction to suck. Mine sucks and wakes up immediately when he swallows....
Don't want your mil to train, then you train during the weekend lor. Just keep guiding his hand the whole day and tadah!

So how? Have you beo any DSLR model yet?

Heh I really went to buy the organic soya bean after I posted...tmr or sunday shall try making the stock. Thanks for the detailed instructions! =)

Your mum Thai ah? No wonder you so pretty lah! Hb and I only swear by Thai food in Thailand ley...but looks like we must really give E-sarn a try!

Mrs Teng,
Ooh can't wait to see your latest cake design!
Something wrong with my fb mailbox, can't reply you..yet. Try again later!

Btw, last time in my antenatal class Mrs Wong BB did mention cannot use other brands scoops cos the amount of powder per 30ml/60ml for different brands is different. She said got case of baby diarrohea or constipation because the maid used the wrong scoop!
Can babies now drink fresh milk? I haven't let bb J tried yet cos he's just starting to drink FM...Not sure will he get LS after taking Fresh milk...
Had such a bad day but well, at least seeing my girl and hearing her "talk" made me happier.

Think 2 days ago, Chevelle called me "Mama" and today, hb said he heard her call me "Mummy" twice.

I heard the 1st time but the 2nd time I didn't get to hear as I was out of sight.

haha, so at least in a way, I suppose she called me first? Although she has said "baba" randomly few times.

She has started to say "go", "wow" or "wah". And today apparently she said "bird" according to my dad.

Hope I will get to hear her say more words when I am around with her.
i read that its ok to warm up cold or chilled fresh milk, just don't boil the milk, cos boiling will destroy the nutrients. so just use small fire and keep stirring the milk.

Normally I won't give chilled drinks to babies/toddlers. for my two older kids, i found that they tend to cough more if they consume chilled drinks. I also read that its better to drink room temp or slightly warm beverages. so i also try not to give them cold or chilled drinks/water.
Mrs Teng,
Ask your hb not to fight with a one year old lah. furthermore, he has had his 1 year old birthday celebration long time back already, got to give someone else a chance mah... :p
at least your bbC can call you already. mine only can call my daughter... jiejie and my mum... mah only leh. have not heard him call me yet.

I find that bbJ is using his left hand more then his right hand. for eg, although he can use both hands to throw ball, i find that his left hand can throw the ball further and better as compared to the ball he threw from his right. could this be the first signs that he maybe a left-hander?
i also quite buzy at work leh, now thinking if i should go back to work tomorrow. very sian. i initially wanna take leave on monday, now i think i may not be able to do it liao... you very lagu huh, got q to ask you to work for them leh!

dun really understand what you're saying. so your warranty was void because u stuffed 2 pcs of cardboard to hold your pump?


i think pura and farmhouse uses fresh milk also. i drink the hi-lo version for both brands and have avoided marigold ever since.
I believe bbJ will be able to call you mama soon. Just gota be patient.

I noticed my girl also likes to use left hand more. My mum got her this mini doodle board that you can erase off and Chevelle uses her left hand to hold the pen to write on it.
Even when I put the pen in her right hand, she will still transfer to the left hand to write.

I think still early days to tell if our babies are left or right handed?
i'm not sure leh, but i think they will have a favourable hand to use. for my 2 older ones, i also noticed that they use their right hand more. though at one stage i thought maybe the gal could be a left-handed, but she naturally uses her right hand. guess we have to observe a bit longer to find out. my grandfather is a left handed and my hb's sis is also a left handed. my own sis uses both hands - i forced her to write with her right hand when she was small as i thought it was wrong to use her left hand to write.
Wow! Your sis is ambi-dexterous!

Ya, observe further.

There are certain traits/ preference which they will inherit from some family member.

Just like my girl can twist and roll her tongue. My dad today exclaimed she can do that which I already knew some time. Obviously, she didn't get that from me, cos I don't know how to do that. She got that from her daddy. haha

Looks like the 2 of us are up.

Gosh! I'm sleepy, gona sleep soon. Nites mummies!
Morning mummies

tot i'm the only one use "dream feed" method.... :D but this method only work till A 7th mths old...

Ya, bringing up a refuse to drink/eat nany baby really not easy. My colleague always complained her dotter "tam jiak" &amp; afraid she grow fat.... ai yo, when she having a child like us refuse to drink/eat anything, more stress...
Just a quick note for those who babies who drink Gain. Carrefour having promotion. S$49.20 for the big tin. I think Enfa also got promotion but I'm not sure on the price as I didn't look.
morning mommmies. =)

are u the 1 that just added me in fb?
received a request in fb, but dunno who is that. =P
<font color="#CD3278">krex</font>
I believe Magnolia's still okie too, so long as not low fat &amp; high calcium..
Btw, u're still giving Jonah EBM?

<font color="#CD3278">dongle &amp; celyn</font>
U two aren't pumping already yah? I've dropped fr 3 to 2 pumps a day for abt 1 week.. Do u think I can start dropping to 1 pump now?

Thought I am the only weird mum who can only feed my son when he is asleep till I read your posts! He is ok with solids and will wanna eat whatever we eat even after finishing his porridge.

But when it comes to milk, he will drink half first, and after he falls asleep, then he will finish his milk.

u ok? oh dear...i think u need to find yourself a good lawyer.

i have frens who are single mothers...its quite terrible...coz no hubby support...but they have very good money support from hubby so they still can afford maid and live as well as when married

so most importantly make sure u consult a lawyer on how to protect your interests before u do anything rash
Hi Mummies,

today i let baby try fresh milk (meiji) and he seem to like it ! Seem like my baby fall into the category of those who dont like formula but like fresh milk kind !

Later i will go and buy PURA milk and warm it up for him to drink. For cereal, i will still continue wit formula ... I still gave 2 cans of enfapro ....
ya ya...it's found in the section with condensed milk etc. not chilled. from wat i read, uht milk taste a lil different to fresh milk due caramelisation during the heating process. my E seems to take uht a lil better compared to the other forms of milk. but different bbs like different things, so have to trial and error.

i personally feel that fresh milk is still better than uht. altho nutrients lost during heating process is minimal with a balanced diet, but if bb takes fresh, then give fresh.

i give E his milk cold. i don't heat it up, cos i wanna get him used to taking cold milk. if we're travelling or out, i won't be able to heat up his milk for him. yesterday, he took 140ml! best performance so far! haha... i pour away the milk after an hr. i've been giving him the organic uht milk. and he prefers that to the magnolia one. expensive taste bud. argh. trying to get him used to having to drink from straw 1st, then attempt to switch milk.

Dun worry, he won't fight with Jerold..


Haven't try making any 1st month cake leh. dun know can live up to it or not?


Yeah! will be trying out something new for Jerold lor!
good leh ..ur girl can call u..i think most of the bbs here can call mummy liao...

mine..conversation goes like this
ME: call mummy
Kaer: A BAH
ME: Kaer, call mummy
Kaer: A BAH
Kaer: A BAH!
ME: call daddy
kaer: DAR....



...u still need to make sure a chunk of his salary goes towards paying wife and child support...make sure u get the lawyers to put this down in writing...or get the courts to go after him if he doesnt pay child support
