(2008/08) Aug 2008


I gave FM to A, she having same pattern as jonah, she'll shake her head, push away milk bottle, hit the milk bottle, cry, struggle... just dun let us feed her. I've tried spoon feed osa, same pattern again.... now use syringe feed, slightly better, at least she willing swallow some, but it'll take us 15-45mins to feed her 150ml. haiz...

I was vv worried then i read that just make sure baby drinks lots of water and give solids that are rich in calcium. What FM are you using? K refuses to open his mouth and will keep sticking his tongue out to prevent the bottle from going in. If try to spoonfeed him the milk, he will try to push the bowl out of our hand. Syringe he will spit it out with force!

My problem is K used to like milk! Everyday can take at least 600ml. Now he's taking like 300-400ml. If I try to dreamfeed him, he will get very angry and wake up. Dunno if it's just cos he doesn't like the taste of Enfagrow..think i better try another brand soon. On the otherhand, I've been drinking alot of his leftover milk, so I've been getting alot of DHA! haha

mine is frm phil but frm village. cat saw b4 say she very vain. hehe. oh, my hubby think like yrs. tt;s y till now i never change maid. hubby told her off n say left 9 more mths, y can;t she jus do her job well. to hubby, woman r all the same too. as in y get a mistress when in the end the mistress will always end up like the wife to nag....haha so he say, he is smart, never mess around as woman r all troublesome n all the same so might as well stick to one. haha


at first i tot so too but then she could tell me the details n i checked it out on web about TB n it is true lei. she never call anyone here except her sis n my bro;s maid lei so i was happy with her n her performance as she is gd in scrubbing n cleaning. there was no reason to release her yet not happy with her but it;s not like she never do her job tat;s y i have kept her for so long. give n take lor. BUT since i get to see MORE things. guest it is time to move on


i will never let her pack alone. even wen she help me i am the one packing she jus stand to help me wipe or tape the boxes


think yr bb dun like the taste of the milk. i hear pp rec pediasure for fussy drinkers. u may wanna check it out
krex78, yuuri, mel ocean,
maybe you want to change brand for them. dumax mamil is very nice smell. hubby tasted all fm that yu ze had try. he concluded that mamil is the best. call dumax for sample and try out. or i can give you all a feed to try.

oooh suddenly found my soulmate! =D Our babies are goin thru the "tantrum" stage. Yuuri, your baby like mine.. big temper. haha.. Mine is keep shaking his head (telling me he dun wan).. I'm using spoon to feed him. Now he also reject it (the spoon).. Sigh. It really makes me fustrated cos i think im not providing him with the adequate nutrients he needed. I TRY to breastfeed him now more lor...no choice. At least he still love his mommy's milk. So i guess i really gotta start eating healthy.

celynlee: I got enfapro,pediasure,isomil(soy) and he "likes" pediasure "best".. haa..
good loh. at least, got a brand he likes. i haven't try pediasure cos its so ex. he had mamil, enfa, friso, similac, nan. yu ze ok with all but don't really like nan.
Can we do a suvery

1) How many times a day is your baby drinking and how much is he/she drinking on average?

2) Where does he/she drink from? (milk bottle/sippy cup/straw cup/baby cup)

3) What FM are you giving?

4) Still latch-on? How many times?
celynlee: oh not everytime he likes. He waste ALOT of milk until i feel so heartpain.. I think he wasted few tins of milk powder liao..
I feel heartpain that Braiden can CHOOSE n REJECT milk powder wheras those poorer families cant even afford to buy a milk powder.
Sometimes i feel so angry with Braiden... I slapped him thigh for being so 'naughty'
i see.

Can we do a suvery

celynlee's yu ze
1) How many times a day is your baby drinking and how much is he/she drinking on average?
morning - 220ml, afternoon 120ml X 1-3 times, night - 220ml

2) Where does he/she drink from? (milk bottle/sippy cup/straw cup/baby cup)
milk bottle

3) What FM are you giving?
now - mamil

4) Still latch-on? How many times?
evie also waste alot of milk. i always make 210ml. morning she will almost finish. other times can finish 100-150ml very good liao. if not 40-50ml, then the rest will throw loh. so wasted, but wat to do. guess its quite normal if many other mummies also experiencing the same thing.

even w solid food is also v difficult to feed. must have lots of entertainment for her. n now she keeps wanting to feed herself, even if its porridge. she will fuss n fuss until we give her the bowl then she will dig her hand inside n try to feed herself the grains of rice. v v messy! i have a 'no mess mat' but the mess still can land outside the mat lor. wear bib her whole body still will get dirty esp if she in fussy mood. rice will fall onto the high chair, then she squirm n move around n squash the bits of food w her butt n all stuck to her clothes! wah piang!

my bro bbs are total opposite, v easy to feed one! just bring food to the mouth n will auto open. n will eat all finish n want more! when i try to feed evie...his bbs will come over n open the mouth saying 'ahhhh'...wah lau. end up i feed them cos evie totally not interested. sometimes i wonder if i dont feed her will she eventually get hungry n actually want to eat?? anyone try this b4?
A now still on enfapro, next week will switch to enfagrow & pediasure.

A problem is she refuse to open her mouth & suck... dun think is FM's brand fault. this gal never like milk since she was born, 3rd mths she oleli knew how to reject milk. Feeding her like War III like tat lo...

Dumex mamil smell good & easy to accept by most bb? may be can try, hope A will accept... will ask sample from dumex, dun want waste money again!

Can we do a suvery
Mel_ocean's Allivier
1) How many times a day is your baby drinking and how much is he/she drinking on average?
7.30am- 160ml, 2.30pm 160ml, 9pm - 160ml

2) Where does he/she drink from? (milk bottle/sippy cup/straw cup/baby cup)
Syringe - rare

3) What FM are you giving?
now - enfapro

4) Still latch-on? How many times?

My sis bbs same like ur bro bb, luv milk so much, not enuf will ask more... mine opposite, u dun feed her, think she'll be the world most happiest bb.... my gal best record 10hrs w/o milk...
dun dare not to feed her.
Ok! I better go and get pediasure already...I keep imagining his bones cracking cos never take enough calcium.

At least Braiden takes mummy's milk and you still have supply right?

Can we do a suvery

Yuuri's Kes
1) How many times a day is your baby drinking and how much is he/she drinking on average?
morning - 160ml, afternoon 0->120ml, night - 0->90ml

2) Where does he/she drink from? (milk bottle/sippy cup/straw cup/baby cup)
milk bottle

3) What FM are you giving?

4) Still latch-on? How many times?
mel: woah not bad eh..On syringe still can managed to drink that much. Not bad already! =D

Yuuri: Ya i dont know how much milk i "left" but i think he mostly sucks for comfort. Grrr.. But not bad already lah Kes.. Braiden sometimes only take 50ml per day!! I am soooo going to work on this situation!

Just hope all goes well for Eli!

Stick to the 4 days rule, can't you dun want any allergic that may make feeding a problem. He needs to put on weight and to build up his immune system also. But what ever it is, dun rush. Take it easy..


The egg yolk french toast pretty easy.. As I dun wan them to eat sweet or salty stuff. I din't add any sugar or salt.

Add about 1 1/2 tbsp margarine with egg yolk and beat slightly.. Margarine will be a bit lumpy but it's ok.

Heat a frying pan at very low heat. Smear a wholemeal or white bread with the mixture on both size and slightly toast on both size until slightly brown and egg looks cook. Dun overdo it cos it will be too heaty for baby's throat.
Haha! another cake posting on Shint behalf.

First time making a Winnie the Pooh cake, din expect it to turn out like that

just brought E for his mmr/chix pox jab today. he's 9.8kg. shld b ok lah hor? i'm just concerned in calcium intake. makes me not want to wean also. sianz.

he outrightly rejects fm. like feeding him poison. he most willing with uht. but also must fight lah.
im writing from katong shopping centre after sending back my maid. She used bleach to wash bb clothes n bb kena 5 to 6 pimples spot popped out on her body! I aledi told her cannot use other than bb detergent n she say she know but stain cannot come out! N when i ask her whether she will use bleach to wash her bb clothes n she shake her head!
im writing from katong shopping centre after sending back my maid. She used bleach to wash bb clothes n bb kena 5 to 6 pimples spot popped out on her body! I aledi told her cannot use other than bb detergent n she say she know but stain cannot come out! N when i ask her whether she will use bleach to wash her bb clothes n she shake her head!
<font color="DB4C30">krex</font>,
I find the Ameda service centre very unfriendly too, and their place is also very ulu. Depending on what needs to be fixed, I think if you tell them you need it back urgently, and if it's a small problem, and if the sole (I think) service man is around, he can fix it on the spot.

<font color="DB4C30">LTS</font>,
I've used Shalom movers a few times. Very pro.
nini, jac never like milk since 8 weeks after she gotten colic ve been dream feedibng her till recently

Can we do a suvery

Rata's Jac
1) How many times a day is your baby drinking and how much is he/she drinking on average?
morning - 250ml, afternoon 130ml, night - 250ml

2) Where does he/she drink from? (milk bottle/sippy cup/straw cup/baby cup)

3) What FM are you giving?
Rata's brand (BM)

4) Still latch-on? How many times?
no all ebm / fbm
timminbuzz: Braiden lost weight..now only 9.6kg
I think i must be like you...continue to breastfeed since he still love it. haha :p DO u eat alot of nutritious food to boost ur milk supply?

dongle: oh my gosh..bleach is so strong chemical!!

Rata:hahha u so funny lah Rata's cow milk brand!lol! But Jac so cooperative let u use spoon feed her?? Braiden shakes his head violently very insistent NO... grrrr
I got this from Dumex today

You’ll soon be celebrating your baby’s first birthday I bet you can’t believe how much they have grown up in a year! Even though they are more robust now making sure that your toddler gets a healthy, balanced diet will be an ongoing challenge. Milk remains an important part of their diet and, at a year old, it’s recommended that your toddler has at least 350ml of milk a day.
u dream feed her, can use spoon?

Can we do a suvery

1) How many times a day is your baby drinking and how much is he/she drinking on average?
morning - 120ml, afternoon 120ml, night - 120ml

2) Where does he/she drink from? (milk bottle/sippy cup/straw cup/baby cup)
milk bottle

3) What FM are you giving?

4) Still latch-on? How many times?
nini, i on carton for her to watch if i m at hm. so far she is ok think she juz dun like milk bottles

ruixuan, u didnt change ur survey header lei. still as 'rata's jac' I dream feed her till 11mths then swap to spoon
Mrs Teng
Whoa...ur cake really looks grrrrreat! hehe...

Can we do a suvery

Hui Chin's Falisha
1) How many times a day is your baby drinking and how much is he/she drinking on average?
morning - 150ml, afternoon 150ml, night - 160-180ml

2) Where does he/she drink from? (milk bottle/sippy cup/straw cup/baby cup)
milk bottle

3) What FM are you giving?
Nan Pro 3

4) Still latch-on? How many times?
Nope, none of the above.

Sighs...today kena wait again...i wanna go home! Still at work! Arghhhh
<font color="#CD3278">rona</font>
heheh, u must be absolutely delighted!! Dream come true yah??

<font color="#CD3278">LTS</font>
Somehow I feel ur helper has crossed the line.. I think it's okie to feel close to the employer, but w/o the respect is quite bad..

<font color="#CD3278">yuuri,krex &amp;mel</font>
Oh gdness.. I thought I was underfeeding my ger! She's taking abt 160ml in the morn, and abt 130ml for the next 2 feeds before 1 last latch on feed at night... Hmm

Maybe krex is right, intro calcium in other forms.. Be it cheese or sthg else..

yuuri, DHA is gd for u.. hahah

<font color="#CD3278">NiNi</font>
No lah, dun slap Braiden for being notty.. Sometimes I wish Ashley can express herself so tt I understand why she's so lao gai..
Maybe stick to his 'fave' Pediasure &amp; more latch on.. Hopefully tt way he still gets his calcium needs

<font color="#CD3278">timmin</font>
Wah, E shi huo u know.. Mummy's milk is the best!!

<font color="#CD3278">Huichin</font>
huh? Again at work till so late.. Oh man, you kena orh bah kak oredi?
NiNi's survey:

hisstory's Ashley
1) How many times a day is your baby drinking and how much is he/she drinking on average?
morning - 160ml, Afternoon - 130ml, Late Aftnn - 130ml, Night - Latch on

2) Where does he/she drink from? (milk bottle/sippy cup/straw cup/baby cup)
Milk bottle

3) What FM are you giving?
Not introduced at the moment

4) Still latch-on? How many times?
Once a day. Weekends, three times
Brie's Isaac
1) How many times a day is your baby drinking and how much is he/she drinking on average?
morning - 170ml BM, Late morning - 170ml FM, Late Aftnn - 170ml BM, Night - 170ml FM

2) Where does he/she drink from? (milk bottle/sippy cup/straw cup/baby cup)
Milk bottle

3) What FM are you giving?
Enfagrow &amp; Gain IQ

4) Still latch-on? How many times?

Seems like quite a lot of milk hor. Isaac doesn't like solids as much, so I'm happy he's at least taking milk. But then again, I'm not saying that the milk feeds are easy. He struggles a lot. It's a pain feeding him. I'm surprised I haven't developed hypertension from feeding him yet.
SIghs...ya lohs! Long time ago aredy orrr bak kak liao...sianz. I really feel very bad siah..this new place...duno how long i can dong. Falisha having 6th teeth i oso recently then discovered. She walking ard the house i oso only get to see abit in the morning b4 i go work. Sighs.
Nini's survey:-

mulberry's Jasmine
1) How many times a day is your baby drinking and how much is he/she drinking on average?
morning - latch on, Late morning - latch on, Late Aftnn - latch on, Night - 200ml EBM or sometimes FM

2) Where does he/she drink from? (milk bottle/sippy cup/straw cup/baby cup)
Milk bottle

3) What FM are you giving?

4) Still latch-on? How many times?
Yes. 3 times.

I'm also worried whether she's getting enough milk coz i latch on most times. Am planning to wean the late morning feed to FM.

i feel scared when i look at the pitcher. the sight is still in my mind. my mom say mayb she thinks by drinking her saliva we will listen to her...... i dun wanna think too much liao la. jus wait for 1 more mth before sending her back
re: maid
after sending my maid back to agency... our 7 month old car broke down in the middle of the road... i had to take a cab back while HB call car mechanic for help... after all the trouble, HB reached home &amp; told me he found a "black magic" left by our maid in our car... so scary!!! while checking her belongings, i found a jacket which i did not see when she came into my house... i asked her what is that thing which is a black mass of thing, it looks like a 3cm by 2cm piece of black colour plasticine &amp; she said it's for prayer to protect herself so that men will not go near her... i really din expect her to plant that in the seat belt clasp of my car!!! can any mummy help me to ask their maid what is it? i will ask my neighbour's maid too &amp; may consider reporting to the police if it's really black magic... damn pissed off now!!!
still up?

how, still at work?

yah man... living my dreams. just paid for some balloons, got some small toys to weigh down the balloons - so these will be the 'goody bag' for the kids liao.

my hb just came back from states, got restock on REESE'S!

oh my gosh

was just watching A BABY STORY on discovery home and health..watched a water birth....Looked like the most painful thing on earth....i almost forgot how Terrrible my labour was..until i saw that water birth...and then after that all the post natal depression....brrrr

alamak....still have to go through another 9 months of labour and giving birth again! sigh my period has dissappeared again..dunno how to conceive again leh.....third month trying now
