(2008/08) Aug 2008


dun worry, jonah hasn't walked his first step yet. he's going to be 13 months this week and still no sign of wanting to walk. hopefully he will try by 14 months
my only consolation...no need to spend money on shoes yet, haha.

<font color="#CD3278">Good morning mommies</font>

<font color="#CD3278">Shint</font>
Kai's so cute.. heheh, lots of showers of blessings for you yah?

I think it's true, #2 gotta gain ur attention, but I'm sure u love him no less than #1

<font color="#CD3278">ms apple</font>
Wow!! Incidentally, how much time u dedicate to pump per session.. I can only spend 20min max..

But on the otherhand, I'm using this week to call it a day.. Hit my target &amp; I'm quite tired liao..

<font color="#CD3278">krex</font>
Jonah takes well to cheese? I think tofu is a gd option for calcium.. Healthy too. When he's bigger, i think he wld love milk again...
snow74 &amp; rona,
yah. very shiok. hahaha.... i just wake up. i have been very tired recently, don't know why.

no problem. sometimes i also like that.

nini &amp; mel ocean,
yu ze likes to throw his toys to make sound on the floor. i stay at top floor leh, so we always tell him. one fine day, sure will get complaint from downstairs.
Snow, Mel,
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I'm at work... heheeee... little jerold was crying away when i left this morning...

yah man, I also must agree i'm very lucky.

I picked the cake up myself, so i put the cake on the passenger side's floor, placed it nearer to the gear box and then adjust the seat so the cake is secured at 3 sides. then since my bag is heavy and big too, i placed the bag next to the cake on the empty space on the floor too. Hence the cake didn't topple. Else i think I will cry!
nini, Mel,
mine also make a lot of noise leh. No need to throw things on the floor, just need my #2 to jump can liao. its like elephant jumping you know, my parent's downstairs neighbours complaint until give up... :p heheheee, we aer bad neighbours leh. but we always try to restrain her from jumping leh. hard to control an active 3-yo...

i mash tofu with avocado and chicken. if not, then with sweet potato and chicken. the last time i tried steam tofu with egg he didn't really like it that much...think it was quite dry. maybe i'll try again if i can find the recipe for chawamushi, heh heh.


yah he likes his cheese very much. when he does not drink milk, we'll give him one cube of president cheese spread. not sure whether i shld give him 2 or 3 cubes coz' cheese is high in sodium. so far, i haven't really added up to see if he's getting enough calcium but hopefully, his distaste for milk won't impair his growth &amp; dvpt. yest we made milk popsicles for him but no chance to give him yet. see how desperate we are, haha.
Me oso keep telling A not to doing this as our downstair's neighbour v fierce, but A bo chap me still throwing things. One fine day.... our neighbour finally made noise.... haiz
you only spend 20 mins pumping huh??!! i need at least 45mins to clear the breast?? somemore recently the left breast drainage is bad, so it takes more time to drain that side. right side usually quite fast. But if i didn't drain completely, it gets full pretty quickly, then i cannot drag to 8 hours to pump.
try not to give sweet potatoes for dinner cos sweet potatoes will cause wind in the tummy and might be uncomfortable for the baby as he will be sleeping.

C &amp; C has not tried rock melon yet. Shouldn't be a problem to give Eli but not too much lor.

My gals very sensitive now, can not anyhow eat things want. This dun like that dun like. Haizzz... so stressed up.


Buy him another small cake today and use the teddy bear topper lor.
Morning, mommies.
Haven't logged on since Thurs. So much to catch up! My colleague MSN-ed me and asked me y I look so stressed. Actually I am reading the forum postings...Lolx. I muz hv looked very convincing in my "look busy" stance.

Here's my reply to Nini's survey:-

MummyNana's Anvelle

1) How many times a day is your baby drinking and how much is he/she drinking on average?
Morning - latch on, 120-150ml per FM Feed, Night - 120ml before bed n Latch on when she wakes up in the nite.

2) Where does he/she drink from? (milk bottle/sippy cup/straw cup/baby cup)
Milk bottle

3) What FM are you giving?
Similac. Will switch to Mamil Gold coz I bought 4 tins at the previous promo (haha... Kiasu Mama)

4) Still latch-on? How many times?
Yes. 2 times.

Still reading post for friday........

wah, you ppl very garang with yu ze leh. my MIL will never allow that, haha. i've yet to train jonah to eat on his own, sigh.
hahah.... i'm a heck care mummy, everything also can try. last time, we feed him. yesterday, he wants to be part of it. so let him loh. he even try to hold the durian up but realise it will painful so he let go. he try many times till he give up. haha...

he eats half way then start playing with it.

i also feel like trying. but prob not durians. think i better master cheerios or biscuits first...not so messy and i won't cry if he throws it around the whole floor, haha.
even biscuits, he will also take some and throw all over the floor with some. so i think it has got nothing to do with the kind of food.
re: stop breastfeed ...

is there any trick to it? im down to 2 pumps per day, am still pumping abt 200ml each time. how to stop arhh?

I used abt 25mins to pump and abt 5mins to further drain the breasts

my elder girl love tofu too. It's a good source of calcium. I steam it with any white fish placed on top with slices of ginger and some garlic and spring onion and then alittle bit of sesame oil spreading. For the time being I still omit flavouring (like soya sauce). As for the younger girl I will steam tofu with minced pork in pork stock with carrot and french bean/long bean
My gal calls me daddy! Everything that is edible is "neh neh", and dun wan is "mai" (taught by my teochew granny)

the desitin is at gd pricing. I hv added it to my fav links. Thanks for the intro! cheapest i hv bought in S'pore is $22 for 2 tubes at TMC.

Mrs Teng,
Ur cakes look so beautiful. So sad that you are not available on Anvelle's bday. This silly mum has yet to confirm a cake for Anvelle's big day! headache la...

Yu Ze looks really grown up. hamdsome lil' boy!
Oh yes... forgot about sam's car seat question... I am using the Ferrari Teko, can detach the top portion to become a booster in future. Heard tat Taka's having bb fair this month. Maybe you can go take a look.
Halo Mommies!

I'm fine with 1 bottle or 2...you let me know k? If no spree, I will try out the "goat" brand moisturiser sold next to GUG at United Sq
That 1 also very nice smell heehee

YZ is a handsome boy! Enjoying his durian

Yday I played FB games till 12mn and woke up today at 6am, surprisingly not tired leh...heehee
For my elder girl, i stop breastfeeding by gradually decrease pumping session and amount (at fix timing for best result). I dont empty the breasts completely each time. For example if I drained the breast, it yield 100ml for each side then for 1 week I stop pumping once I get 80ml of milk for each side. Then continue for another week, once get 60ml of milk then stop pumping. Then 40ml to 20ml to 10ml to 5 ml then stop. Doing this in same pattern TILL YOU GET NOTHING. So to stop breastfeeding, it take sometime. I dont advise fast way in stopping or a dastically reduce of pumping amount, cause it will cause the shape of the breast to change. Dont like the idea to use medicine to stop too.
this is my way lah, not sure the others.
YuZe getting so handsome manz ... Suai Ger.

alot of showers .. haha .. his salivia non-stop dripping still. I think dun have many babies who drool so much like him. My #1 oso lots of KOU SHUI.
<font color="#CD3278">Shint</font>
hahah.. So Kai has many teeth?
I know of a pair of twins whose mum got them to wear bibs for the most of the day coz they drool so much.. And they are going to be 2yo oredi

<font color="#CD3278">krex</font>
I still havent ventured into cheese proper, coz like ur fear, the sodium content. She had a bit of my baked rice the other day but i think mozzarella has lower sodium content?

<font color="#CD3278">rona</font>
I can't afford to pump for 45min.. I personally feel 30min is gd, 2 let downs.. But i can only afford 20min coz must wash up after tt

Oh yah, I dun even get engorgement, just feeling full tt's all.. It's a sign to drop the pumps

<font color="#CD3278">ms apple</font>
U're quite discipline &amp; fortunate, i must add.. My sessions are not exactly fixed timing, but within the same hour. Can't be helped, coz of the nature of my work

Oh i didn't know tt if u drop the pumps too drastically it wld cause the breasts to be out of shape.. Tt's interesting! Am also not inclined to use medication.. But if I cannot tahan liao, then i might resort to tt.. Go back to the gynae for this?

<font color="#CD3278">celyn</font>
heheh, the boy sure likes durian! Can help advertise for the ur place u bought from.. heheh
Hi Mummies

So many posts to catch up on.. Luckily I got my lunch hour to catch up on posts : )

Ya having the party outside definately beats having it at home.. at home still need to clean up. Luckily my maid and my mum's maid stayed to clean up so ok la..
Hopefully can go to FB to see some fotos of zynn soon.. heh, yr hubby more private person so maybe thats why dun like such things.. my hb also the same..

Ya so farnie lah she, somemore D dun want ppl to hold her hand somemore. over the weekend, she took about 8-10 steps then she will chuckle, and walk very fast towards me and drop in my arms.. drama queen.

Yr episode with hubby is so farnie!
bet you must have felt so good.. D still hhven started "talking" still the usual baby babble. today she waved bye bye vigouously to me and hubby but no sound come out one... :|

How you intro FM liao?
With fasting month here, my supply really dipped quite a bit. I think soon i may drop to 1 pump a day.

Gosh that is so scary. ya I think maybe you get someone to bless the house. My maid is indon and it is common that they may resort to such stuff so that time when she first come we really checked her belongings very thoroughly.. I also dunno if she up to any tricks but I always tell her she is muslim she cannot resort to black magic cos it is very sinful and against the religion. Hopefully she take me seriously.

waa yuze getting more and more yan dao
He got eyes that can "dian" ppl...

Mrs teng
Yr skills getting better and better !
Very pretty cakes you made

Yes I am so guilty of paying less attention to #2 also. Sometimes I feel pitiful for darwisyah cos come to second child you abit more bo chap but teh good thing is that you also more "relaxed".. I started feeding her "rubbish" earlier than her brother hehe! This weekend she already conquered some ice cream, chocs and french fries...let her taste taste abit.

Nini's survey:-

Medusa's Darwisyah

1) How many times a day is your baby drinking and how much is he/she drinking on average?
150-180ml 4 times a day. Latch on in middle of the nite. ( she still wakes up for comfort sucking)

2) Where does he/she drink from? (milk bottle/sippy cup/straw cup/baby cup)
Milk bottle

3) What FM are you giving?
Gain IQ.

4) Still latch-on? How many times?
Yes. 1-2 times at night. 3-4 times on weekends
haha i use the word "out of shape", sound seems to be a bit scary hor. what i mean is that the shape wont be nice as before, will be more saggy and ba. I don't know how true is that lah, but is my company's gynaes told me one, drastically stop breastfeeding is the same as taking medicine to stop. My own gynea didnt said anything on this so I just take it as they said lor. But Mrs Wong BB from Thomas parentcraft, she told me to stop breastfeeding, we should gradually decrease it. So I just do as she said lor. Yah can get the medicine from gynae.
Thanks for the birthday wishes!

fasting month - your supply dropped due to fasting huh? I think maybe i should cut down on food also, then i can gradually cut to 2 pumps aday. my maid is going on home leave for 3+ weeks just before Raya, so i reckon i will be very busy with the kids and may not have so much time to pump. bbJ only sleeps like half an hour per nap and he takes only 2 naps a day.
Hisstory, msapple,
i took medication for both #1 and #2. breast really shrank leh. until very jialat. so i'm not incline to use the medication this time round. I will use msapple's method and cut my food intake too... dunno can cut food intake or not, i'm very greedy one leh...
that's quite a good yield for pumping 3 times a day

we wrote to MOM requesting to assist us to get a 3rd maid in our name, pending the transfer of the 1st 2 maids... maybe it's due to our tiles, it gets really sticky very fast &amp; with our dog, need to sweep &amp; mop the living room at least twice a day...

agree... they faster they finish, the more they need to do ma... i made my bed in 5 minutes for the past 2 days.. the maid usually take at least 30minutes

a lot of oldies say it's true, my mum said i started walking at 14 months and my life is so much better than my brother who started walking before he turns one... my HB has got the best life, started walking at 18months!!!

same, cayla also walked a few steps then she clapped her hands &amp; giggle &amp; looked very excited &amp; happy...

your yield really champion... haven heard anything like this before... somemore you so slim lei... have to take more supplements ok?

reli? my Hb went to a mosque &amp; ask them &amp; they say to leave the amulet with them &amp; they will deal with it...

re: talking
cayla still saying the same words like papa, mama, bird, dog, duck etc.. recently will say nan nan for milk... kekek...&amp; no when she reject something... Im still continuing to give her soy milk for another week cos recently she will laugh out loud when she see us making milk &amp; will cry even after her 240ml... i thought soy milk taste yucky?

last saturday we went to see a showflat &amp; one of the sales asked my MIL whether is cayla 2 years old aledi... cayla looked at her &amp; using her finger pointed to her one... the sales staff was so amused....
system very very slow....haiz...dunno what happen.

lucky for u lor, still got 2 maids to help clean up. =)
i uploaded some photos in fb le, u can go in and view?
ya lor, i'm just looking for camera that day only and he told me "dun show off" liao. =P

yu ze really handsome boy, think his gf q nos must be very long ya?
ha ha....
my this round werent yield as much as when I breastfeeding my elder girl last time, now more lazy + not much time to pump milk (my elder girl, throughout the breastfeeding, the breastmilk amount can hit up to 1.3litres per day till my girl start 3 meals per day then i reduce the amount. And when I reduce my pumping session to 2 times, I still can get 800ml per day, when to 1 time per day, i still get 600ml per days.).
yah all along have been drinking breastfeeding milk and supplement, I also worry I'm too skinny, my girl cant get much nutrients. All maybe my girl took away all my nutrient so that's why i am so skinny like ying yang bu liang like that. haha.
hi rona - thanks for ur tip...think will skip sweet potatoes for a while cos organey -- i think E is tinted yellowish now. Happy bday to Jerold! Big boy...1 yr old already!

Thanks Mrs teng - ya i understand, E can be fussy too so i usually give him tested food that he likes.

Hi celynlee - yu ze so cute..durian prince ..the way he devour the durian makes me want buy 1 now and eat!
what camera? why dont show off?

which DSLR did you try? my hands really getting itchy. hb said to get it for my birthday - NEXT YEAR!!! biang!
bo lah, photos lah. =)
i dun really understand also, diff between venus &amp; mars. =P

u like food yet can stay so slim, really pei fu leh.
Ya fasting will cause my supply to drop cos cannot drink water the whole day.. Not sure if cut down food will affect but I know that the milk pumped out seems "thinner" than the usual.. maybe not enough fats in the diet haha

Ya actually that is the reason why I decide to stop bfeeding after 1 year cos I feel the things I eat so unhealthy then scared D will not get the best of the milk.. But I am not Skinny lor.. haha! Somemore I love to eat junkfood.
Yeah I agree the boobs will change shape one.. after bfeeding my #1 i also think it reduced in size.. so sad, already so small to begin with..

Ok sure sure later got chance i go in and see see : )

But of cos not all indon maids will resort to such things la.. only a handful of the blacksheep. Maybe they just want to "protect" themselves as well but of cos as employers we will be uncomfortable.
hhahah.... not end of season liao leh. not so good liao. the durian seller told us the next batch will have to wait till oct.

he got no queue lah. he is so ah beng. hahah.... i think all mummies want their daughter to siam him leh.
got chance?
u not in office meh?
hee hee... =X

bo lah, guys cannot too gentle 1 lah.
too gentle then no q ah....ha ha....

ur bb so cute..everything can eat also neh neh..heehee...

Hi 5 concert
i finally bought the tickets to go watch hi5 with kaer...damn ex for 1hr show..but if kaer enjoy ..then still ok..

now she know how to pull my hand and hi 5 with her..cuz she loves the tune...so i always go..1,2,3,4...(then she quickly look for my hand) and do hi5...heeheee..
