(2008/06) June 2008

igoh, i give Floyce half avocado... normally, will buy and wait till ripe.. at times, i'll mixed w vanilla yoghurt.. She LIKES!!

I gave Floyce raisin bread ydd night.. she can finish 1 slice.. but without the raisin.. My dog will eat the raisins and the charred edge.. haha

bleh.. i've a habit of waiting a few sec before stepping out of the lift..

the habit is cultivated since I've dogs.. and i know that Malays dislike dogs and some of the neighbour scared of dogs ... so I'll wait for a few seconds.. just in case, I dun want to offend anyone..

Thanks for the incident mentioned above.. will be more careful next time too..

I dun understand why pple are so inconsiderate to have motorcycle at the void decks or walkways.. haizz...
fei, it's difficul leh. cos normally u sure push pram out before u go out urself. but like u said, no choice lor.. since there are such dimwits out there doing such irresponsible acts.

mummies and daddies, be careful too...
warrior, ya now i oso hv to be vigilant like u. wait a few secs before gg. else, i hv to go out first then bb..
Mornin Mumz...
Any mums experiencin bb not sleepin well at nite..? tis few nites bb kp rolling here and there all over the bed b4 sleep and at times in the middle of the nite...sigh..dono wats wrong oso!!
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">ritzy.. sweat? pamper wet? i realise my boi sweat a lot even in air con, his back can still be wet.. </font></font>
For 2 nights, Cornelius work up at 2am &amp; smile at me...
Kiss me till I wake up &amp; carry him...
No cry, no fuss... just kept laughing &amp; kissing me...

Angry or laugh it off? hiazzz...
ioio...at times hot but i on the fan..she jus toss and turn...and roll all over...she use to sleep at 9pm..tis few days...strugglin ..refuse to sleep...finally knock out at 10.40pm...

i saw yr posting and realise tat i have given unripe avocado to my boy.. cos recently the ones i give is green in colour.. not brown yet. ooops.


actually can give avocado on its own. i always give on its own.. no need taste. bb tastebud different from us.

if u worried, u can let yr bb try the cake before bday.. on a normal day u just buy one slice of cake. But make sure no allergies to cake and milk lor.
Hi all, long long time din come in.

Anyway thanks to feifei, i manage to contact John from Waterise catering &amp; he was telling me May to July hot hot months so book early. So I told him, of cos lah got us June mommies to peng chang cos they're good so mus give us good good price. So remember hor, if getting them 'quote' June mommy :D
tinkerbelle, like wat ellysia suggested, shld try prior to actual day cos my nephew had choc cake on his 1st bd &amp; his face balloon up
hehe...I already booked him on 23rd May liao..hehe...Find that their food not bad, and best thing is the food good quality lor.. =)...

omg.. so yr nephew also allergy to cake?

Yah.. if i didn't know abt my bb allergy, i will also let him try beforehand.. just to make sure.
Sorry mummies, unable to join. Have a family event coming up...

June Babies 1st Bday Bash
Suggested date: 16 May (Sat)
Time: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Venue : JWT @ Eastgate

1. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn &amp; HB) - Confirm
2. Reanne (Janiviy) - Confirm
3. YuJie (Felicia, hubby, #1) - Confirm
4. Chloe (Christina) - Confirm
5. Jayden (Carol) - Confirm
6. Gwendolyn (Crystal &amp; HB) - Confirm
7. Nicole (Piyo, hubby, #1 and maid)
8. Jade (shycloud) - Confirm
9. Athanasius (Mag, hubby &amp; mum) - Confirm
10. Travis (bleh &amp; hb) - Confirm
11. Eunicia (Prisc &amp; maid) - Confirm
12. Lucius (Shern, Hb &amp; maid)- Confirm
13. Isabel (Krispy + HB)
14. Zhiyu (Bizz &amp; hb) - Confirm
15. Lucas (Tera + HB) - Confirm
16. Kai (Morr, #1 n maybe hb) - Unable to make it
17. Floyce (Jessica + HB) - Confirm
18. Vivi (Veniz + #1) - Confirm
19. Sheryl (Angel_z + HB) - Confirm
20. Tasha(mrswrx) - Confirm
21. Rui Yue(adeline + hb) - Confirm
22. YueHan (starmambo) - Confirm
23. Kyler (Bonjovi + HB) - Confirm
24. Ethan (igoh + W) – Confirm
25. Esther (esther + gwen + hb)
26. June (huggy + hb) – Confirm
27. Nicole ( Cynthia +Hb + #1) - Unable (family event)
28. Chevonn (Candy + HB) - Confirm
<font color="blue">hey ladies,
no prob..i've removed those who cant make it..so pls check if i missed out ur names or not for those who are going..

June Babies 1st Bday Bash
Suggested date: 16 May (Sat)
Time: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Venue : JWT @ Eastgate

1. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn &amp; HB) - Confirm
2. Reanne (Janiviy) - Confirm
3. YuJie (Felicia, hubby, #1) - Confirm
4. Chloe (Christina) - Confirm
5. Jayden (Carol) - Confirm
6. Gwendolyn (Crystal &amp; HB) - Confirm
7. Jade (shycloud) - Confirm
8. Athanasius (Mag, hubby &amp; mum) - Confirm
9. Travis (bleh &amp; hb) - Confirm
10. Eunicia (Prisc &amp; maid) - Confirm
11. Lucius (Shern, Hb &amp; maid)- Confirm
12. Zhiyu (Bizz &amp; hb) - Confirm
13. Lucas (Tera + HB) - Confirm
14. Floyce (Jessica + HB) - Confirm
15. Vivi (Veniz + #1) - Confirm
16. Sheryl (Angel_z + HB) - Confirm
17. Tasha(mrswrx) - Confirm
18. Rui Yue(adeline + hb) - Confirm
19. YueHan (starmambo) - Confirm
20. Kyler (Bonjovi + HB) - Confirm
21. Ethan (igoh + W) – Confirm
22. Esther (esther + gwen + hb)
23. June (huggy + hb) – Confirm
24. Chevonn (Candy + HB) - Confirm

hello mummies.. counting down to 6pm :p

hi bleh
wat an irresponsible rider!!! luckily u n bb are ok... should have taken down his bike plate number and complain him to TP cause he's not supposed to be riding at void decks
hi roxy...

that's what i thought i shd have done also lor. but it was only until i got home then i think of it. tsk!!!!
bleh... nvm ah, since i supposed u forgot to take down number in your shock, most importantly u n bb are alright and dat's all that matters....
hi mummies

FYI: i have been searching for the mosquitoes patches from japan for quite a while. finally found someone selling. previously i have gotten this as well. i think so far this is one of the cheapest and also nice pictures too. this morning, i went to get from pharmacy so xpensive - from tiger balm 10 for $7.90. and other brands also around this range.

hi mummies

anyone have recommendation where to get nice korean romper - something like this? i remember seeing a bp, selling much cheaper and more designs. but now can't find.


do pm me if you come across. thanks.
Hahaha...so many ppl asking me the same question.
Actually not really "peel" lar, me just lazy to go into the details so end up summarize it as peel lor.

I just bite a part of the skin off, to create an opening, then I squeeze the meat out for her, whatever left on my finger I will finish it off

So, it is just a tiny bit.

I know the raisin is too sweet, but without the skin actually not that sweet although still sweet. I got no choice, desperately looking for things that my ger will eat. She hates puree, cereal, porridge. She can't take food or fruits with strong smell or sourish. She hates all the Pigeon biscuits that I bought her. She was already sick of the japanese brand wang wang which I bought from ntuc fairprice.

But today so happy, found that she can take some bread and Gerger puff too. I tried the Gerber puff 2 months ago but that time she was not ready for it. Today she opened her mouth for me when I gave her subsequent pieces.
Haiz, my gal everynite wake up loh. 2 times for milk feeds den after milk sometimes dun wanna sleep talking there. So sometimes we act blur n dun look at her. At times it work, other times she needs to sleep beside us to go back to sleep. Sigh. I missed the times she slept through the nite...

Ellysia, Shern,
Ok, noted. I go buy a piece of cake n let her taste a few days before her bday.

Huh, ur nephew face balloon up. Den wat happened?

That's so scary loh. If me in shock, I also forget to scold the person liao. But if my huby beside me, he sure lash out at the guy one.

My upstairs neighbour very inconsiderate. Everyday knock knock knock. 9am move, knock furniture until 12-1am. Den my hubby cannot stand it anymore n went upstairs n lash at the fellow. Cos 2 mths liao, they been doing it everyday until they take it for granted liao.

Today some mummies taught me a new way of making their babies eat their puree. They spread the puree onto the bread n their baby eats it. U go n try n see if it works?
Mummies who're going to give BBs cakes,
be careful, once they tasted sweetness,
it may tougher to feed them regular food which is less rich in taste...
Morning ladies...

i agree lor..recently my ger can't finish her 240ml of BR +Fm...She used to be able to finish within 5mins and love it..But now recently, she will stop at 180ml, end up we hv to pour it out and feed her with spoon lor..hmm..guess its really time to give her solids for dinner liao..

NTUC is having promotion for diapers again..Time to stock up again =).

1) Petpet - 3 for $34.95
2) MP - $21.45
3) Pampers Comfort(orange) - (M) 2 for $19.65
(L) 2 for $20.95
(XL) 2 for $29.45
4)Pampers Active - (M &amp; L) 2 for $44.95
(XL) 2 for $45.95
They have Nepia brand too..
Good morning, mummies!

I mashed sweet potato and potato this morning, but it was too gluey and hard to swallow for my ger. She is still like a baby.
Can I add water to the mash potato/sweet potato? Or is there any other ways to do it properly?

U need to add a lot of water when doing sweet potatoes / potatoes. If u mix both, then u may need even more water. else its v gluey.
oh... wanted to reply ur email this morning but forgot... hehe...
if u wan the cereals, can collect from me already. the party stuff shld be in sometime next week. if u wanna wait, then we meet when the banner is here...

urgh.... i'm now looking for a venue for my girl's party.... abit late i know haha... getting desperate liao...

i will collect everything tog.. i dun need the cereals yet.. thanks!

if last min still can't find venue then can consider havin it at home? or u planning big scale party? =P heehee..

My upstairs neighbour also like to knock knock, shift this and that.. and they like to do around sleeping time and disturb my bb. i tink is their kid cos their kid can be v noisy sometimes.

Leng Leng,

My bb like sweet fruits lor..
so if my porridge is blender hor.. always have to add sweet potatoes to coax him to eat.

so good! got exciting weekend again.. but its tiring la... but it should be worth it..

i intend to bring my ger go zoo this weekend.. i thot sheryl will be excited to see diff animals.. but my husband said dun wan leh.. he said she stoo young, so she won't be able to appreciate the animals.. he said most likely go zoo, after an hour or so, she will get tired then whine then we have no choice but to go home.. so he said waste money.. sigh.. sian..
ok sure... but i think wait for the stuff to be here 1st... i wan to see how the items are like and how i will do thepostage... i will advise on the postage then. then u pay me then... can hor?

ok sure...
home? haha.. hb and i dun wan clean up... we may in the end do it in restaurant... hv a few tables wif relatives... urgh...
ellysia: eeeyer.. i hate neighbors like that, esp when they stay upstairs.. my MIL upstairs neighbor oso like yours, they got 3 kids and they are so noisy! running away, knock here n there... its very irritating at night..
hi tinkerbelle,

i've got the same problem recently... my boy will wake up in the middle of the nite and dont wanna sleep... until we put him next to us, he will then sleep... sianz...
ur hb has a point actuali... our bbs may not appreciate the animals now... i oni brgt my boy to the zoo when he was near 2yo... keke...

soyabean: haahaa.. me oso dun like to do clean up but i'm doing a small scale party, going to invite ard 20 ppl.. so might as well do at home..

at first i thot of going restaurant too but husband dun like the idea.. he said like attending wedding dinner.. he is the kind prefer walking ard to mingle with diff groups of ppl..
