(2008/06) June 2008

Mummies interested in e kindermusik class ;-
1) Bleh
2) Warriorangel
3) Feifei
4) Huggy
5) Iamsnow
6) Aprilmum
7) soyabean (sat afternoon no good )
8) sasa(feifei's fren)

U also HK fan??Me and janiviy HK fan..hehe.. =).Wow, princess cake..shared a cake design with u..


ya lor, wan to go again and y not since its foc =)..hehe..Oh dear, ms kicked in liao?got try drinkign sprite? It works for me wor..

i ordering it from James lor...wait hor, i find the contact for u..
fei fei, just realise kinda musik trial is free now huh... I wana join in also.

fei fei, like your hello kitty cake. read up the link on aimummy, like their princess cake also. can you pm me the details & price of the cake. you getting this for your baby?

any ideas on catering?
Haha..u just add into the list lor..Bleh will arrange and let us know de.. =)..

Err...This is one of the cake aimummy did lor, i duno how my ger's cake will look like but I requested for single tier with shaped "1" cake lor..

Here is her blog,but its seems like she is fully booked for June..U might wan to write to her and ask her wor..


I am ordering from Water-rise for catering cos we ordered for our xmas party in Dec and presentation and food not bad lor, so ordering frm them lor =)...Here is their web http://www.water-rise.com/buffetfood.htm
oh ya, i got their brochure recently and find the food interesting. might consider.

Bleh, I added in my name for the kindermusik
Mummies interested in e kindermusik class ;-
1) Bleh
2) Warriorangel
3) Feifei
4) Huggy
5) Iamsnow
6) Aprilmum
7) soyabean (sat afternoon no good )
8) sasa(feifei's fren)
9) candy2110
Mummies interested in e kindermusik class ;-
1) Bleh
2) Warriorangel
3) Feifei
4) Huggy
5) Iamsnow
6) Aprilmum
7) soyabean (sat afternoon no good )
8) sasa(feifei's fren)
9) candy2110
10)Apple (feifei's fren)
11) Yan (feifei's fren fren)
wah the list is growing... max for a class is 12 kids. let me check with my fren on the dates and confirm with all in a while.
Mummies interested in e kindermusik class ;-
1) Bleh
2) Warriorangel
3) Feifei
4) Huggy
5) Iamsnow
6) Aprilmum
7) soyabean (sat afternoon no good )
8) sasa(feifei's fren)
9) candy2110
10)Apple (feifei's fren)
11) Yan (feifei's fren fren)
12) Cadi (Warrior_angel's friend)
woah feifei, i didnt know its free.... if still have slots then let me know... free can go, if need to pay, prob not
but we attended their trial class before, will they still allow us to go?

Mummies interested in e kindermusik class ;-
1) Bleh
2) Warriorangel
3) Feifei
4) Huggy
5) Iamsnow
6) Aprilmum
7) soyabean (sat afternoon no good )
8) sasa(feifei's fren)
9) candy2110
10)Apple (feifei's fren)
11) Yan (feifei's fren fren)
12) Cadi (Warrior_angel's friend)
13) roxyz ( if there's still place)
I tried the mango n tofu recipe wif my gal sometime back. I warn u first, u better taste e mango before u add in, if nt u be like me liao. The mango abit sourish n my gal rejects it. U try adding rock melon to tofu, very nice also. Keke.

My gal likes cheese, so recently I try adding cheese to her broccoli which she hates. Hah, I managed to make her finish e portion. Mayb cos the cheese taste is too strong le, cover e broccoli taste. :p

RE: Cakes. Ask u all ah, u all heard abt Pine Garden incident or nt? I tasted their cake sometime back in a relative's bday n it's very nice, but one of my friend told me abt e Pine Garden CNY goodies incident infested with ants and they refuse to refund until the case went up to stomp. U all heard before? But my hubby said cannot judge the bakery based on one incident n since their cake is nice, we should juz go ahead. If u r me, will u go for pine garden?
i also duno wor..

can we? ;p

haha...noted =)..But mango is heaty one so i still tinking..Tinking of using pear to replace mango instead =)..

Pine Garden cake bery famous lor..I din hear before wor..hmm...tink I will still go for PG..
U can try tt also. I read it somewhere can have egg yolk with tofu also. But I nv give her like tt. I usually add tofu into porridge den add in e add yolk, she takes it well. I prefer adding into porridge cos I feel tt yolk itself very dry wor.

I still sourcing ard leh. Mayb I go for taste more than design bah. Cos tt time baby shower I went for sweetest moment den in e end e swiss rolls so dry. SO lesson learnt, nv judge a cake by its looks.
My MIL makes colourful/beautiful agar agar for sale. Let me know if you need any.. No pictures to show though cos it's those home-based type..
I always add the yolk, toufu or vege to the porridge also de...

No prob...The agar agar is those big type lor, i tried b4, not bad =)..

is it those jap agaragar? or those layer kind?
dates can only be firmed up nex week as the in-charge for kindermusik can only get back by then. apologies.

in the meantime, th edates i offered are may 2 and 3. timing - late morning or early noon.

keep u all posted.
Mummies interested in e kindermusik class ;-
1) Bleh
2) Warriorangel
3) Feifei
4) Huggy
5) Iamsnow
6) Aprilmum
7) soyabean (sat afternoon no good )
8) sasa(feifei's fren)
9) candy2110
10)Apple (feifei's fren)
11) Yan (feifei's fren fren)
12) Cadi (Warrior_angel's friend)
13) roxyz ( if there's still place)
14) ndzgirl

Only 1 parent can go or 2? I dun think I can handle bringing my girl alone.
feifei, my MIL got quite a number of diff moulds... She knows how to make delicious almond jelly agar agar and also those layered agar agar..

Last time, she used to make durian agar agar. She'll mix it w durian meat, then mould them back to the durian husk.. It surprised me, cos it taste actually durian.. w/o the seed.. haha
initially wheni 1st give her, i gave her 1/4, then increase to half and now she is 10mths+ liao, I give her the whole yolk on alternate days..Egg yolks are good for them..same goes for avacado =).

tks alot for the infor =)...Good response hor..

I see..wow..clever hor...
Wah, i hear e way ur grandma durian jelly like so yummy like tt. Suddenly I craving for durian liao.

Now they can take up to 1 full yolk already ah? I kaisi mah. OKok, today onwards, she'll have half egg yolk liao.

U given cheese to your baby yet?

OKOK, I go n check later.

Warrior, Feifei,
U know hor, tt time when I went polyclinic for e assessment at 9 mths, the nurse told me to start giving her egg white, I got a big shock loh! Den I asked her I thought is 12 mths, she said 9 mths onwards can given liao. Den one of my friend told me frm 11 mths onwards, she give chawamushi to her baby, n her baby ok, no allergy. But den I kaisi so I think I'll hold on to egg white until she is one. Although tt time my mil go n give her some cake n no allergy, but I'll still hold back lah. Since if any problem, I'm e one gonna suffer. Better play safe.
Muahaha... Help me ask ur mil how to make leh. Looks very interesting leh.

Bizz Now,
So sorry, I need to pull my name out frm the bday bash cos I juz got an invitation to my friend's bday party which happens to clash with the bday bash. Paiseh paiseh, Hope I'm not upsetting the coordination on your side.

June Babies 1st Bday Bash
Suggested date: 16 May (Sat)
Time: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Venue : JWT @ Eastgate

1. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn & HB) - Confirm
2. Reanne (Janiviy) - Confirm
3. YuJie (Felicia, hubby, #1) - Confirm
4. Chloe (Christina) - Confirm
5. Jayden (Carol) - Confirm
6. Gwendolyn (Crystal & HB) - Confirm
7. Nicole (Piyo, hubby, #1 and maid)
8. Jade (shycloud) - Confirm
9. Athanasius (Mag, hubby & mum) - Confirm
10. Travis (bleh & hb) - Confirm
11. Eunicia (Prisc & maid) - Confirm
12. Lucius (Shern, Hb & maid)- Confirm
13. Isabel (Krispy + HB)
14. Zhiyu (Bizz & hb) - Confirm
15. Lucas (Tera + HB) - Confirm
16. Kai (Morr, #1 n maybe hb) - Unable to make it
17. Floyce (Jessica + HB) - Confirm
18. Vivi (Veniz + #1) - Confirm
19. Sheryl (Angel_z + HB) - Confirm
20. Tasha(mrswrx) - Confirm
21. Rui Yue(adeline + hb) - Confirm
22. YueHan (starmambo) - Confirm
23. Kyler (Bonjovi + HB) - Confirm
24. Ethan (igoh + W) – Confirm
25. Esther (esther + gwen + hb)
26. June (huggy + hb) – Confirm
27. Nicole ( Cynthia +Hb + #1) - Confirm
28. Chevonn (Candy + HB) - Confirm
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">My DH every morning will cook himself oats with sugar &amp; 1 egg, so he will take out the cooked egg yolk to give to Jared, as he has high cholestrol, Jared loves it &amp; every morning will be very excited to see my hubby holding the same blue bowl</font></font>

Pine garden is very near to my house. i have heard of the incident. I tink i also saw one customer arguing inside the shop, but dunno is it bec of this matter.

But so far, i have been eating their cakes.. so far find ok.. my colleague recently order for her daughter bday.. seems ok too.
Re: Egg

Pls be careful..

My PD told me he admitted 2 kids due to egg allergy. He said egg allergy can be quite fatal.
And egg white is to wait until 1 year old. tats is for sure cos i ask 2 docs.
Read abt u all giving cheese, egg etc. Make me feel so sad tat i can't give them to my bb cos he is allergic. Sigh, he can't even eat his own birthday cake. Come to this, I find a bit sianz to organise his party liao.

I find it really hard to avoid egg, diary and soy. Since i am breastfeeding him, have to avoid.. but sometimes i can't totally avoid them also. have to do best as i can. I have given up eating my fav ice-cream, cakes, seafood like prawns, tofu, my fav kaya toast bread, milo..

I am currently postponing the introduction of high allergic food to bb, such as corn, tomatoes, strawberries etc. Have to read up before giving any new food.
Hi, this wasn't updated with my earlier post. So sorry, but won't be able to join cos hubby involved in NDP. I can't handle bb alone.

June Babies 1st Bday Bash
Suggested date: 16 May (Sat)
Time: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Venue : JWT @ Eastgate

1. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn &amp; HB) - Confirm
2. Reanne (Janiviy) - Confirm
3. YuJie (Felicia, hubby, #1) - Confirm
4. Chloe (Christina) - Confirm
5. Jayden (Carol) - Confirm
6. Gwendolyn (Crystal &amp; HB) - Confirm
7. Nicole (Piyo, hubby, #1 and maid)
8. Jade (shycloud) - Confirm
9. Athanasius (Mag, hubby &amp; mum) - Confirm
10. Travis (bleh &amp; hb) - Confirm
11. Eunicia (Prisc &amp; maid) - Confirm
12. Lucius (Shern, Hb &amp; maid)- Confirm
13. Isabel (Krispy + HB) - Unable to make it
14. Zhiyu (Bizz &amp; hb) - Confirm
15. Lucas (Tera + HB) - Confirm
16. Kai (Morr, #1 n maybe hb) - Unable to make it
17. Floyce (Jessica + HB) - Confirm
18. Vivi (Veniz + #1) - Confirm
19. Sheryl (Angel_z + HB) - Confirm
20. Tasha(mrswrx) - Confirm
21. Rui Yue(adeline + hb) - Confirm
22. YueHan (starmambo) - Confirm
23. Kyler (Bonjovi + HB) - Confirm
24. Ethan (igoh + W) – Confirm
25. Esther (esther + gwen + hb)
26. June (huggy + hb) – Confirm
27. Nicole ( Cynthia +Hb + #1) - Confirm
28. Chevonn (Candy + HB) - Confirm
Can check wif u, apart frm lychee, wat flavor of e cake is nice?

I read abt egg allergy also, tts why i kaisi, but the polyclinic doc told me if bb nv take egg white before the MMR jab, they wun let the bb take the MMR cos MMR consist of protein n similar to egg white.

U tested ur bb tt he allergic to eggs n soy etc ah? Tt time when I saw the PD, he told me even bb allergic, we can still take/eat e food in small quantity cos we still need the nutrition. n usually the bm is harmless on e baby. u monitor ur diet den see if ur bb got any reaction?
My advise is, go buy a few different flavours to try first before deciding. Different people have different taste, their cakes are ordinary cake shop standard..as in lots of cream with artifical flavouring.

hehe..thanks for the advertisment
Hi all,
To those mummies who have ran out of what new food to give baby, just to share:
Yesterday I saw my fren feeding his son raisin and mango. Her son loves it.
I also tried giving my ger, she is willing to eat the raisin. I must peel the skin for her before feeding her. But too bad, she doesn't like mango at all. Maybe try again tomorrow.
yes, my ger has been taking th ebabygel cheese and the kiri cheese =)..
ya lor, better wait til 12mth sleh..since its juz a mth away =)..

dun be upset ya...I am sure ur boy will outgrow the allergy de cos i hv a fren whose kid also like that, then when she is older, everything ok liao..
hi mummies,

2 questions from my DW...
1) How to cook Avogado and what portion (amount) should be given?

2) How to mix the portion for brocolli and cheese? Do you steam it or cook?

Thanks for all the advises in advance...

avocado can be given as it is...no need to cook. Just scrape/marsh with fork &amp; feed. (FYI..ripe avocado are brown in colour) Normally I will give 1/2 an avocado..however..this depends whether your son likes it or not :p


How you peel the skin off the raisin??
Huh, Pine Garden uses alot of flavorings? Oh no, I didn't know abt that. Thanks for telling me that in advance, now I having second thoughts le. But den most cakes use flavorings or wat? Sorry ah, I lousy baker, dunno how to bake cake one. I still happily thinking my gal will try her bday cake on e actual day. Now dunno if it's advisable or nt? Sigh now i worried liao, cos my mil sure act smart again n feed her when I nt looking one.

Raisin so small how u peel e skin ah? Can teach me or nt? I till now dun dare to give raisin cos I find it very sweet wor.

Where to buy the ebabygel cheese ah? So far my gal only try Laughing cow and the Kiri cheese. I was looking at the kraft one but they got salt content, so I nv buy.

REN REN REN... Everytime the waiting period seems e longest esp when its days away. Haha...

Usually I'll steam 4-6 flowers of broccoli, den blend the broccoli, add in the slice of cheese when the broccoli is still steaming hot, else e cheese will not melt. Don't cook the broccoli, cos nutition content and the flavor will lose when u cook it. Hope it helps.
Morning ladies...

I also give my ger 1/2 of the avacado with either peach or pear cos avacado itself no taste wor..

How u peel off e skin?

The babygel cheese, I bot frm Cold storage wor,saw it at AMK hub NTUC also leh..but its abit more saltish than kiri lor..
hi mummies who ordered the party stuff...
the items hv arrived at vpost. i am going to make the shipping payment and send out email on the costs.

pls keep a lookout in your email.
gd morning everyone!! it's finally thursday!

tell u something, baby and i nearly got into an accident last nite. it was freaky lor. i was pushing baby in pram from my ILs hse going back home. when we reach downstairs, lift door open, and when i took 1 step out, a motorbike dash across the pathway!

i cant imagine wat will happen if i had been 2 secs earlier... i stared at the cyclist lor and he was, apparently in as much shock as i was...

thinking back, i should have walked up to him and scream my head off him. it's so dangerous lor!!!! blardy a**hole. i was just too glad at that instant that bb's fine. now that i recall the incident, my blood boils... these people are so damn irresponsible!
ahyo, so scary leh..how can the motorbike drive at void decks like that..hiaz...really very irresponsible..Heng both of u are ok..
ya man... i thought i was exceptionally cool... only until i got home and ran that scene over in my head again... blood boiling hot lor! really should scold that biker man! he didnt even apologise!

Nvm lor, just treat it as a lesson learn lor...Means hmm...next time when out of the lift, have to make sure we are e one who come out first to check out any on-coming vehicle which is not supposed to be lor...no choice, hv to be cautious liao..
