(2008/06) June 2008

<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">Tinkerbelle,
Hi*5!Have to save $, and i like Huggies Ultra, because i find it worth the money, its one of the most expensive diaper, but it is very lasting, can put it on for many many hours, and still will not soak the outside, some other brand, will feel wet after too long a time.

So now i will bring Ultra when i go out with baby &amp; use Drypers at home, finishing the big bags i bought before my baby was born, i already stocked up L size fitti in my store room, last year when they had the $60/carton promotion, so no need to buy for some time</font></font>

<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">my boi oso small size but i let him wear L throughout leh.. aiya..sld let him try M initially..now then switch back is kind of weird ;(

I am more or less settled for outing and nite diaper to be huggies ultra..but i cant find a good and cheap one for day use..

nepia.. only soak a portion and dun spread so ended up like beancurd..

petpet.. sometimes will leak..

pampers.. the elastic plastic edge leave red marks..

any other recommendation? fitti?
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">ioio,
i find drypers ok, just that the tape is super loud when changing diaper.what about other series of Huggies?</font></font>

my upstairs neighbour is an Indian. Downstairs neighbour is Malay.
I dun want to antognize them lor, moreoever different race harder to tok.

he has eaten the flashcards, and some are like half eaten etc. horrible. the edges are whiteish lor.. even books he also chew on.

ya, my bb also using petpet, sometimes it really leak when bb poo poo.
Now start using drypers, so far so good too.
thinking buying pull up pants for out door, any recommands?
Hi ellysia,

ya, talk about neighbours, i also hate my current neighbour now, as like everyday got celebration, so noisy loh. And their kids always bounce the ball along the corridor, so noisy.
Lucky we moving out soon... hai..
Good morning all.
Morning all.

tks =).

I know which food jar u talkign abt cos i hv one lor, its really good..Last time when I used it to bring porridge to office for lunch. In the morning, i would wash e rice, then pour into the food jar, then pour boiling water over it and cover it..then by 12.30pm, i hv nice soft porridge le =).

My ger has been using Petpet during day time, sometimes the MP value pants, then nite time will be MP XL size lor...She started using XL size since she was 9mths =)... I went to stock up petpet, MP and the MP pants at NTUC yest =).
Good Morning all

ioio, I use Fitti, good to use throughout the nite.
shinely, I use MP pullup, when going out or toilet training. My older boy used to like MP pullup cos of the TV advert. Power of advertisement....

fennie, *hi-5* Jaret onli 8.2kg at 9mth, dun worri too much...as long as they are healthy
i weight my ger yest and she is 12kg.
Went to sembawang shopping centre yest with my fren for the splash park. Her 18mth boy loves to play there. Wow, the water is so fun! But i chicken out, just watch the boi boi play.
Because must be prepared to get wet from top to toe. My fren wear bikini top inside her tshirt but i didn't. so better not expose myself.
Good afternoon ladies,

just now went campass point cs, wanna look for cheeiors but can't find it at the rack of those cereal coners lol, so sad, wanna go try again next time.
Hi all,
I'll be away from 20-24 April,
do email me if you need my replay on anything.

PS: Pls help feed, bath &amp; play with my pet @PS, Annie, many thanks.
Morning ladies!!

Zuen: No wonder long time never see u here le.. Jia you!

Nss: Very rare to see u here on monday morning! =)
Morning angel_z
yeah I seldom come in during weekday.
Have the school term started? How's lil' Sheryl?

ZuEn, It is always mad week at work too cos my colleague was loaned out for 4 months. He was actually hinting for upward movement but got laterally moved out to cover someone on ML. haiz...
good morning to all!

for the kindermusik free trial at Fajar Shopping Centre, there will be 2 slots on May 2 as the response is so overwhelming. Please do take note that a minimum requirement of 6 kids is needed for a class to start. (please add on to the list):

May 2
A) 9.30 - 10.30am
1. Bleh

B) 11.00 - 12.00pm
hihi mummies,

looking for starmambo! wanna ask her abt her bibs! anyone has her contact? I emailed but no reply...mabbe she doesnt check dat mail?
Gd morning.. again it's a tired and super duper HOT wkend..

Was back in Muar to visit my relatives.. was glad that Floyce was able to adapt the (2.5hr) car ride and the new environment. She was well-liked by all my relatives..

The weather was so hot that I'd given her cold water bath (direct from the tap). She was taking it well..
Had given her cold water bath for the past 2 days.. 3 baths per day.. she sweating even sleeping in air-con room..

Yea yea.. another new achievement for me..

getting back to work now..
kindermusik free trial at Fajar Shopping Centre, minimum requirement of 6 kids is needed for a class to start. (please add on to the list):

May 2
A) 9.30 - 10.30am
1. Bleh

B) 11.00 - 12.00pm
1. Warrior_angel
maomi, yes of cos.... just include ur name in the sessions above. be noted that each class needs at least 6 kids, else, the class will not be opened.
kindermusik free trial at Fajar Shopping Centre, minimum requirement of 6 kids is needed for a class to start. (please add on to the list):

May 2
A) 9.30 - 10.30am
1. Bleh

B) 11.00 - 12.00pm
1. Warrior_angel
2. Maomi
kindermusik free trial at Fajar Shopping Centre, minimum requirement of 6 kids is needed for a class to start. (please add on to the list):

May 2
A) 9.30 - 10.30am
1. Bleh
2. Iamsnow
3. iamsnow's fren

B) 11.00 - 12.00pm
1. Warrior_angel
2. Maomi
3. Feifei
hi fennie
Dun worry abt bb weight.. isaiah is only 8.4kg at 11 mths, tink he's the lightest bb here.. most impt is they are growing normal, motor skills etc all ok can le
Im using petpet been using it since he was a baby.. so far so good

hi ellysia
isaiah also chews on his flashcards, books n watever he can lay his hands on, we give up already :p

h feifei
where is fajar shopping centre.. i want to go too but that day got gynae appt, duno can change away or not...
kindermusik free trial at Fajar Shopping Centre, minimum requirement of 6 kids is needed for a class to start. (please add on to the list):

May 2
A) 9.30 - 10.30am
1. Bleh
2. Iamsnow
3. iamsnow's fren
4. mrswrx

B) 11.00 - 12.00pm
1. Warrior_angel
2. Maomi
3. Feifei
kindermusik free trial at Fajar Shopping Centre, minimum requirement of 6 kids is needed for a class to start. (please add on to the list):

May 2
A) 9.30 - 10.30am
1. Bleh
2. Iamsnow
3. iamsnow's fren

B) 11.00 - 12.00pm
1. Warrior_angel
2. Maomi
3. Feifei
4. Shinely
kindermusik free trial at Fajar Shopping Centre, minimum requirement of 6 kids is needed for a class to start. (please add on to the list):

May 2
A) 9.30 - 10.30am
1. Bleh
2. Iamsnow
3. iamsnow's fren
4. mrswrx

B) 11.00 - 12.00pm
1. Warrior_angel
2. Maomi
3. Feifei
4. Shinely
5. Apple(feifei fren)
kindermusik free trial at Fajar Shopping Centre, minimum requirement of 6 kids is needed for a class to start. (please add on to the list):

May 2
A) 9.30 - 10.30am
1. Bleh
2. Iamsnow
3. iamsnow's fren
4. mrswrx

B) 11.00 - 12.00pm
1. Warrior_angel
2. Maomi
3. Feifei
4. Shinely
5. Apple(feifei fren)
kindermusik free trial at Fajar Shopping Centre, minimum requirement of 6 kids is needed for a class to start. (please add on to the list):

May 2
A) 9.30 - 10.30am
1. Bleh
2. Iamsnow
3. iamsnow's fren
4. mrswrx

B) 11.00 - 12.00pm
1. Warrior_angel
2. Maomi
3. Feifei
4. Shinely
5. Apple(feifei fren)
6. ndzgirl
kindermusik free trial at Fajar Shopping Centre, minimum requirement of 6 kids is needed for a class to start. (please add on to the list):

May 2
A) 9.30 - 10.30am
1. Bleh
2. Iamsnow
3. iamsnow's fren
4. mrswrx

B) 11.00 - 12.00pm
1. Warrior_angel
2. Maomi
3. Feifei
4. Shinely
5. Apple(feifei's fren)
6. ndzgirl
7. sasa (feifei's fren)
8. Yan (feifei's fren)
kindermusik free trial at Fajar Shopping Centre, minimum requirement of 6 kids is needed for a class to start. (please add on to the list):

May 2
A) 9.30 - 10.30am
1. Bleh
2. Iamsnow
3. iamsnow's fren
4. mrswrx

B) 11.00 - 12.00pm
1. Warrior_angel
2. Maomi
3. Feifei
4. Shinely
5. Apple(feifei's fren)
6. ndzgirl
7. sasa (feifei's fren)
8. huggy

hi all,

About the bday bash. May I know is there any specific theme and do we need to dress our baby accordingly?
