(2008/06) June 2008

me ok. Just tell me how much is the postage together can liao. Tks.

soyabean: cos now when sheryl sees stray dogs n cats outside, she will stare at them for very long and sometimes she will laugh at them.. which i find so cute.. so i thot of bringing her to the zoo loh.. then can see many diff animals..

huh? 2yrs old ah? so i got to wait 1 more year...

i know he has a point so thats why in the end i oso scrapped the idea loh..
lengleng: wa! u will be at cameron highlands for 2 weeks! thats quite long.. going anywhere else other than cameron highlands?

have a good trip!
cause he's blessed with a mummy so nice & patient like you lor... hehe...
Our kids is... eat or get hungry... take it or leave it... hahaha...
where do you live?
At this age, try farms... free & easy, can leave anytime...

West, go Lim Choo Kang farm - funmart, fish, frog, etc.
East, go Pasir Ris farm - fish, dog, cat, etc.

Leng Leng
lengleng: i stay at bukit panjang.. quite close to lim chu kang!

hey.. good idea! i never thot of farms eh.. i jus think see animals then must go zoo.. hahahahaha.... must go back n tell my husband.. he sure faint.. hahahaha..
haha... dats me lah... but up to u... cos i wld prefer to bring my kids to the zoo when they are bigger and can appreciate.

oh... if do in restaurant, we wld prob do it in private room or something... then can mingle oso...

okie... will update u again when the stuff are here...
Cos all along we add to her FM de..she loves it lor.. cos I tink more texture and filling and she can drink up to 240ml...tink now hv to change pattern le..

So many flashcards, duno which one to get but I tink red dots one is good cos difficult to find outside..

Enjoy ur trip ya...

My ger also will laugh at the animals lor..funny hor..
lengleng: heehee.. i thot 2 weeks eh n i was thinking onli power mummy like u can bring 3 kids overseas for 2 weeks.. heehee..

dun worry.. u so power! sure can handle them n still have fun de..
soyabean: ok.. me suan ku eh.. i didn't think of restaurant having private room eh.. okok.. then its ok if u can mingle ard..
haha... dats me lah... but up to u... cos i wld prefer to bring my kids to the zoo when they are bigger and can appreciate.

oh... if do in restaurant, we wld prob do it in private room or something... then can mingle oso...

okie... will update u again when the stuff are here...
Thanks all!
Oh that is why, I didn't know can add water/milk, thought it will be yucky. What a stupid mum i am

Will try again for lunch, thanks ya!
lengleng: pai seh.. pai seh..

n i jus checked out farmart website.. i'm getting excited liao.. heehee.. hopefully my husband will agree to bring us there this weekend..
Soyabean, sorry me no suggestion leh.

Me intend to have mini family gathering only. Any one got freelance photographer to intro? Me thinking of taking family photo but the more pro type... but no need too pro cos my wallet not pro enough. keke
there are a few freelance photographers who advertise their packages in the Business section in this forum. u can go there and take a look. u can try Studioloft... who is managed by Maryann, who is oso a June 08 mummy.
i find her photos nice...
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">hi.. horray it's friday.. farmart.. no air con. can be quite hot at noon so do bring cap..etc.. can consider qianhu and the agri farm, hay dairy goat farm oso.. the frog one is veri veri smelly but nothing much.. go agri farm can get very fresh veg.. ;p

leng leng..i like cameron for short getaway oso.. nice weather, fresh air... plus fresh fruits and veg.. strawberry farm...etc... which hotel u stay? i am planning to go genting.. and wonder wat my sharp buttock baby will do in the coach..;p</font></font>
strawberry resort.

Hay Dairy farm not cannot feed the goat already,
under AVA's advise or something,
can only view from outside the barn,
we just went last sunday.
Good day ladies,
Wah, only 1 plus so many postings already ah? Hehe.

Got Huggies Ultra on promo or not? I got 2 packs of Pampers for nite use le, wanna buy huggies Ultra and MP Pull-ups for going out leh.

Thanks for the info. I taste the cake on e actual day first n see how. Too sweet den no cake for her.

Noisy neighbours so irritating rite? Yours are kids but mine is teenager loh. THe parents so noisy. Knock knock, drill drill, shift shift whole day long. Even 1am also doing all these things. They dun need to sleep, others need loh.

Ask u ah, den when ur baby fall asleep on ur bed liao, do u still carry him down to his own bed? I so scare she made it a habit loh.
Huggies Ultra on promotion...

$19.45 for Jumbo Pack (M/L/XL)... I just bought yesterday at NTUC...

if i'm not wrong, Cold Storage also having the same promo...

we would try to bring him back to his own bed... but usually we fell asleep faster than him in our bed... hahahahaha
if we manage to put him in his bed, he'll probably wake up in 30min or so and start to cry... sigh....
i'm afraid that she made it a habit too but apparently, it seems the case liao...
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS"> cheers got huggies promo.. last week i bought at $20.x at NTUC while having promo oso..

leng leng... oooh.. it's a nice environment..</font></font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">feifei.. i saw ur no. of post chasing up leng leng soon.. wow.. 10k+
Haha, thanks. Time to chiong diapers liao. :p I dunno if I should grab bigger size or nt leh. Scare later too big leak liao den sian liao...

Haha, I know wat u meant by e falling asleep before our babies, sometimes it happens to me also. I find it very weird leh, baby's skin seem to have a detector to tell them the bed they are sleeping on is their bed or our bed. The red light goes off when they are on their own bed man...

U so cute, go n see the no of postings. Muahaha...

Wah, 10k of postings leh. Nt easy nt easy. Keke
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">tinker.. jux happen to saw leng leng is 5 digit..then scroll down and saw fei fei posts oso 5 digit.. ha ha..

I ored have a no of flashcards at home, including those baby einstein.. my bb like them but he will chew and eat away the cupboard.. so in the end we not giving any to him now.

so i dun tink its worth buying too many flashcards. Anyway i probably spent around $100 or much more too.

Tinkerbelle and igoh,

My bb sleep in his own cot.. but during the 1.5 weeks when we painted his new bedroom door, we have to let him sleep on master bed lor.. but he is not used to our bed and keep waking up.. so end up bad sleep for both me and him. I tink in the end when he go back to his own bed he is much more happy.
I think leng leng one is becos she got do spree issit? Thats why 5 digit. Hmm, Fei fei mah, I must say she is really very active in e forum wor.

Next time I need to lookout for anything on e bp, u help me can? Cos I sometimes dun even log on pc for 1 wk one. By then some bps over liao.

Wah, u very generous leh. 100+ on flashcards. Your baby very lucky leh. My gal very poor thing cos she got a cheapo mama, make own flashcards nia. LOL.

That time I called HDB and complain that their activity is making my baby n me very restless. They said they'll investigate and get back to me. Pray hard hard my neighbours will stop.
ya lor, cos got the red dots maths flashcrads, Englist cards and mandarin cards lor...I dun hv cards at home yet and din see outside selling these so i bot lor..Find that its good cos for the maths dot, can let bb learn..As for the english words, there are many different words ..so just buy lor..cos sooner or later hv to buy de...hee

ur boy chews on it? err...I read that hor, when introducing flashcards to them, cannot let them touch e cards de...I also duno yet cos i have not tried on Charlotte...maybe she will come over to grab my cards..hee

sure lor..cos today boss not ard, so abit more free to surf BP..hehe..Nowadays i hv to study, seldom got the time to go out shopping lor..thats y buy online =)..

hv to spend this $100+ cos no time to make myself lor..If hv time, i prefer to make myself also...U bery good mummy cos willing to make hor...*Thumbs up*..
I have a friend with noisey neighbour,
complain everywhere also no use,
end up kena "double"...
Police, neighbour, town council, HBD, CCM...

Anyone have advise?
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">Good Afternoon Mummies &amp; Daddy!

Saw Huggies Promotion at NTUC yesterday, but my hands were full of grocery, so i did not grab!

$19.45 for Huggies M64 is very cheap right, the M34 used to be selling $16.50 when no promo &amp; $14 when there is promotion, so now its even cheaper!Whose baby is still using M size?mine is, dont know if i should be happy because i can save on $, because smaller size can get more diapers with the same price, or i should be worried because Jared is not putting on much weight, since after 6months, he's only 9.2kg at closed to 10 months time</font></font>
I called town council and they ask me to go hdb one leh. Tt time got this neighbour with noisy dog, i think someone in e neighbourhood complain, den stop liao. U try complaining? Sometimes some neighbour kaisi one, so they dun dare to mess with u.

On ah. Hehe... Next time got Tiger BP u let me know can? I wanna buy this Food Jar tt can double as a porridge maker. My friend told me sometimes her porridge cook nt soft enough n she rushing out, she use tt n by dinner time, the texture everything like very soft liao.

No leh, I make cos I kinda more particular with flashcards. I dun like very fanciful flashcards one, so I wanna make those simple n easy to understand ones. Somemore I nt working, n next mth Erica bday coming, budget budget... Hehe...

Leng Leng,
U know hor, my friend told me got some ppl they need the downstair neighbour to be fierce fierce one. I think my upstairs one oso one of them. Cos once they hav kids running whole day long n we tok to them nicely, they ignore us. Then on Mon, my hubby very fed up with e knocking, he went up n lash out at them, and I really mean those kinda "gangster" type of scolding like machiam wanna hit them liao, after tt they stopped for the nite. Only continue e next day but dun dare to do until 1am. So some ppl juz so deserves beating one. I dun mean to teach u bad lah, but some ppl are those "Qi Shan Pa Er", meaning bully the nice n weak but fear those evil ppl. U get wat I mean?
