(2008/06) June 2008

if low resolution softcopy might not be nice when printed out.. so if high resolution will be charged i guess..

My hb jsut now tell me that we go for the photoshoot when Charlotte is 1yrs old lor, more fun and can take more shots cos she can crawl, stand liao, more cute leh... =(..

I not sure wor..maybe u email David to ask him?

Nice hor..ya, hv to develop our own but if u pay $80, can get the photos bk in a CD..
<font color="aa00aa">feifei,
cnf tat for gift exchng on 20th is oni $10 limit or can exceed? cos i having some trouble keeping to the limit ley. like not a lot of choice lor....

btw, i can help u collect yur stuff at raffles plc mrt stnt but can it be done during either lunch time or after wk @ 6pm instead if 6.30PM?</font>
My hb also telling me the same things. ha..ha.. wait till My boy Cedrik 1 years old. So got to hold back first. He says Cedrik's hair very little now.
Sure, no prob de...My gift also exceed $10 le cos $10 abit limited lor =D..

I check with the seller and let u know whether can collect during lunchtime hor..tks ya..Cityhall or Raffles place more suitable for u?

ya lor, how come men tink like that de?? We wan to capture our bb's moments when they are young lor, so far, i haven capture a single shot of my ger smiling le..hiaz..Dun even hv family photo yet cos always forgot to take de...hee
I'm lazy mum, always my hubby and maid to in charge for photo shot my boy. Till now i didn't develope any photos of my boy yet. All save in softcopy only.
<font color="aa00aa">feifei,
much better if can exceed.

tomolo will be my last day at raffles plc b4 i fly off liao. so if the seller ok, give me her contact # so i can call her if i cant find her. 6pm or 12.20pm would be good.

txs for the link on the bibs, check thru but not as nice as those offered by maomi. regret didnt get more from her then.</font>
hehe...We will put on the gifts together, number them, then we draw the numbers, and then match the number against the numbered gift =)..

i also nv develop any photos lor, all in my laptop =)..

tks ger...Now i waiting for the seller to reply..If I din sms u by today hor, its okie lor..mayb i hv to arrange with her other ways liao..hiaz...so difficult to meet up lor...

I see..hmm..or mayb u can email maomi?
Crystal, I exceeded the $10.00 limit by a few dollars. Got the gift which is very versatile. Anyone can use it, but mainly, it is supposed to be used for baby's benefit. Only a handful know what I have got. I dun mind having the gift being picked by myself too.
<font color="aa00aa">Oh...Crystal, u are flying off this Fri? So when you want to collect your thing? This Friday i wont be around till next Monday.
Or i can asked hubby help to pass to your PIL or maid tomolo afternoon coz he's not working.</font>
sharing time..

Does ur bb's still like tat at times? (cock eye)


He loves to stick out his tongue now!
Feiling, wahhh, Christmas Eve take also very memorable lei.

feifei, ya ya, I can imagine a bunch of men at a corner grumbling, hehehe.
Foto-U Promo

The Studio Portraits Promotion Package @$120.00 which includes:
Studio session of 60 minutes
Max 5 persons
All captured images in web friendly format (low resolution softcopy) for selection, will be send via email on the same or next day.
5 pieces of original high resolution digital images in CD.
3 pieces of 8R enlargement prints including touchup version of high resolution of softcopy images
Weekday sessions only (Monday to Friday, not including holiday).
Open to members of SingaporeMotherhood.com
saw this frm thread april 2008


Let's c how's our bb's development:

Nine Teeth
1. Ethan (champion )

Seven Teeth
1. Tristan

Six Teeth
2. Raphael (Choc)

Five Teeth
1. Zhiyan

Four Teeth
1. Calamari's Kayla
2. Valerie (littleprincesses)
3. Kayden (XiaoZhu)

Three Teeth
1. Li Wen

Two Teeth
1. Ernest
2. Charis
3. Dominic
4. Vonn
5. Noah
6. Ivan
7. Tiffany
8. Eshin
9. Elijah Jerome (jasminechenx)
10. Xavier
11. Matty
12. Byron (scubababe)

Wating for Tooth Fairy to Visit (Bogeh Club)
1. Alaric
2. Kaylen
3. Dana
4. Davien
5. Bryan
6. Adel
7. Jaspire's Kayla
8. Julian
9. Charmaine
10. Ashton
11. EnEn (Cloudme)
12. Desiree ( vyn_leen)
13. Javier(Hoon)
14. Chevelle (cheesycake)
15. Gideon (strawberries)
so cute! ...btw after you shave his hair your boy looks have changed...last time his eyes bigger...or maybe the hair makes his eyes look bigger...whahaha...
my girl will also cock eye sometimes....
April mummies thread, right?...april mummies very onz one...they are feeding their child Childlife Colostrum...cod liver oil...Neobiotics etc. I just order from online..see feed liao good or not..coz i never bf...so better pump up her immune system.
BBcupid, kyan so cute! My boy also likes to stick out his little tongue these days. hehe...
I nvr really see if my boy cock eye...haha...must go n check.
u shaved him?wow, so fast his hair grow..me still hestating whether to shave my ger anot..hiaz..

Tink most of our bbs here all belong to the bo gei club..hehe...except for some bbs i tink...hee..

hi ya...

my ger likes to do like ham baobao face now lor, then go boo all the drools out...
aiyo.. i oso tink his eyes getting smaller.. my mum said cos he bloated so eyes smaller.. wait for him to shrink den will change again..
haha.. wonder when the cock eye will be gone..

no cock eye is good! mine occassionally still cock.. kekeke

yup.. i shaved him 3 wks back.. nw grow long long liao..
Your's boy so cute...my boy also like to stick up his little tongue. He don't like pacifier and whatever stuffs he took will just put inside his mouth. He also keep sucking his own hand and arm too. headache!
to mix apple puree with cereal.. wat are the steps?

cereal mix wif water 1st den add puree?

or cereal mix wif puree no water needed?
<font color="aa00aa">felicia,
is today ok wif u? as usual - 6.35 / 6.40pm under your void deck? i call u once i m there? sorry slip my mind cos in a mad mad rush tis wk to get things reai &amp; also to spend as much time as i can wif my ger. seem my time wif her like so short lor...</font>
<font color="0000ff">Recently this website keep going down. I only manage to see this forum now.

Heard from my MIL that bb is taking more brown rice cereal liao. He didn't poo on Monday but yest finally got poo.

I just bot a thermos food jar from Robinsons just now. $66 inclusive of a tote bag. They have promotion, $59 for another food jar and is a bigger one. But i dun want so big food jar cos i dun tink my kitchen got any more space with the blender, steriliser, warmer etc.


I ordered healthytimes cereal from healthytimes dealer in sg. It is same price. but order below $80 need $5 delivery charge. At first i want to order to $80 but my hb said want to try out cereal first, so dun want to order so many paks. But i am lazy to find the cereal cos not all NTUC/coldstorage sell. only selected places.

Btw, u can see the website for the supermarket tat sold this brand. </font>
The foto shot frm foto-u, i am also interested. Anyway foto U is my ROM and wedding photographer co. My photographer is Benjamin. Not bad, their quality.
i dunno want to take foto-u or another studio.

I feed baby cereal twice a day. I started with half a tablespoon. Then increase by little bit for next feed. slowly increase bit by bit.

First 2 feeds i make it very runny/watery. Then when my bb show better swallowing then i make it more solid. Got 1 time too solid then he make a lot of noises after eating, i quickly feed him milk to let it go down.
icic.. my boy ok wif thick cereal liao.. watery one he spit out.. kekeke.. but so far now only feed once daily.. like tat nd to tell my maid to increase to twice daily..
wkend let him try out brown rice.. kekeke..
Hi! Mummies:

May i check? I feed my son's 3 scoops of the frisocream is it too much? i used those Nestle Nan's FM scoop. When yours says tablespoon is it those we use for drink soup? thanks.
i oso hw much is alot.. for me i started off with jus 1 teaspoon den 1 half den 2 den 2half den 3 den so forth.. nw i wanna change to scoop oso.. shall try it this fri see..
i guess diff bb oso diff intake amt.. as long he can finish i tink shld be ok.. if halfway he turns his head away or so.. den dun feed lor..
I asked my maid feed him puree in the morning, then afternoon feed him frisocream rice cereal. He seem like enjoyed it very much. Nowadays he don't really like to drink milk.
I feeding my girl 5scoops...using Friso milk scoop. 1 tbsp is not the chinese soup spoon..you might wanna get those measuring spoon if you wanna be extact.

mine is twice a day....however she seems to dislike Frisocrem now...she prefer HT brown rice..have to change about to make food interesting for her..last sunday she has marsh potatoes + peas..fed her about 5 tbsp...still asking for more..yesterday apple + pear puree..hiaz..really not easy being a mum...must keng the brain..


thick cereal easier to feed, watery one harder. maybe cos mine is brown rice cereal, harder to swallow.

Me didn't measure after 2 feed.. later i just agar agar pour out and prepare.

Btw, we can mix apples puree with instant cereal?
