(2008/06) June 2008

Ha ha... Can add mine? Qyan...no tooth yet... Drooling like mad.. Mummy buying and changing bib like mad oso... Hee...

Zuen.. I think I saw ur bb b4... As some look familiar lor..

I wanna ask you....how you mix Friso 1 & 2? For example I am feeding 5 scoops of friso 1 now..so how to mix Friso 2? Is it 4 scoop F1 & 1 scoop F2?then how you slowly increase...over a period of how long?
**anyone else know???**
<font color="aa00aa">Let's c how's our bb's development:

Two Teeth
1. Yuzhe (Ellysia)
2. Kyler (Bonjovi)
3. Lucas (Tera)
4. Gwendolyn (Crystal)
5. Travis (Bleh)

Waiting for Tooth Fairy to Visit (Bogeh Club)
1. Kyan (BabyCupid)
2. Reanne (Janiviy)
3. Vivienne (Veniz)
4. Qianying (iamsnow)
5. Jared (Fennie77)
6. Cedrik (Feiling)
7. Elyssa (Mogudog)
8. Zhi Yu (bizznow)
9. Jade (shycloud)
10.YuJie (Felicia)
11.Qyan (ioio)</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Ladies, so upset now coz i joined a BP , and the supplier missed out one of my items. Then i wrote to organiser to ask for updates and she told me she was pissed off with the supplier as well, coz he keep delaying in sending out. So after waiting for 2 weeks plus from the 1st email from organiser about my item is not ship out, i email organiser again and telling her if her supplier still didnt send out my item, just cancel the order and ask for refund.
Then you know what the organiser reply me? She actually sound rude saying the supplier send out the item yest and ask me how to refund? And i were to pay for the admin fee if ask for refund. Am i wrong to ask for refund as in the 1st place the supplier missed out my item and delay in sending out? I was thinking to pressurised the supplier if he still din send out, tats why suggest for refund but nvr expect to rec' such email from organiser. *sigh*</font>
Let's c how's our bb's development:

Two Teeth
1. Yuzhe (Ellysia)
2. Kyler (Bonjovi)
3. Lucas (Tera)
4. Gwendolyn (Crystal)
5. Travis (Bleh)

Waiting for Tooth Fairy to Visit (Bogeh Club)
1. Kyan (BabyCupid)
2. Reanne (Janiviy)
3. Vivienne (Veniz)
4. Qianying (iamsnow)
5. Jared (Fennie77)
6. Cedrik (Feiling)
7. Elyssa (Mogudog)
8. Zhi Yu (bizznow)
9. Jade (shycloud)
10.YuJie (Felicia)
11.Qyan (ioio)
12. Jayden (MLP)
Let's c how's our bb's development:

Two Teeth
1. Yuzhe (Ellysia)
2. Kyler (Bonjovi)
3. Lucas (Tera)
4. Gwendolyn (Crystal)
5. Travis (Bleh)

Waiting for Tooth Fairy to Visit (Bogeh Club)
1. Kyan (BabyCupid)
2. Reanne (Janiviy)
3. Vivienne (Veniz)
4. Qianying (iamsnow)
5. Jared (Fennie77)
6. Cedrik (Feiling)
7. Elyssa (Mogudog)
8. Zhi Yu (bizznow)
9. Jade (shycloud)
10.YuJie (Felicia)
11.Qyan (ioio)
12. Jayden (MLP)
13.Andrea (rizty)
xin mi is the new crop they call it wor..u can go provision shop, ask for the rice for cooking porridge, they know de..

yes, i hv started mixing friso 1 and friso 2 leh..My ger drinking 4scopes of Friso 1 + 3scopes of BR now. I gave her 3scopes of Friso 1 and 1 scope of friso 2 lor...Will give her this until end of this week, then next week change to 2scope friso 1 and 2 scope of friso 2, then mayb 3-4days later, change to 1 scope friso 1 and 3 scopes of friso 2...

Cos my ger turning 7mths in 3wks time, so like that slowly incease just nice liao le..

Hv u started mixing?

For the 1st time of puree, i give separately lor...then slowly add to cereal and BR..

hehe...but duno if my ger gets cranky aft that lor..Haiz, let me go ask hb lor cos duno y he always not keen to let bb go swimming leh..say see the float at their neck so xinku*faintz*..

ahyo, how come the seller so rude the...but hor, she like contricdicting leh...one moment say supplier nv send out, next moment say supplier send out yest..hmm...Wonder who is this seller?can give hints so that i or other ladies must be careful with such sellers?
Let's c how's our bb's development:

Two Teeth
1. Yuzhe (Ellysia)
2. Kyler (Bonjovi)
3. Lucas (Tera)
4. Gwendolyn (Crystal)
5. Travis (Bleh)

Waiting for Tooth Fairy to Visit (Bogeh Club)
1. Kyan (BabyCupid)
2. Reanne (Janiviy)
3. Vivienne (Veniz)
4. Qianying (iamsnow)
5. Jared (Fennie77)
6. Cedrik (Feiling)
7. Elyssa (Mogudog)
8. Zhi Yu (bizznow)
9. Jade (shycloud)
10.YuJie (Felicia)
11.Qyan (ioio)
12. Jayden (MLP)
13.Andrea (rizty)
14. Charlotte (feifei)
Let's c how's our bb's development:

Two Teeth
1. Yuzhe (Ellysia)
2. Kyler (Bonjovi)
3. Lucas (Tera)
4. Gwendolyn (Crystal)
5. Travis (Bleh)

Waiting for Tooth Fairy to Visit (Bogeh Club)
1. Kyan (BabyCupid)
2. Reanne (Janiviy)
3. Vivienne (Veniz)
4. Qianying (iamsnow)
5. Jared (Fennie77)
6. Cedrik (Feiling)
7. Elyssa (Mogudog)
8. Zhi Yu (bizznow)
9. Jade (shycloud)
10.YuJie (Felicia)
11.Qyan (ioio)
12. Jayden (MLP)
13.Andrea (rizty)
14. Charlotte (feifei)
15. Rex (jn80jn)
Thanks for the infor..I have not mix yet...however my PD already given the green light to mix since I have been telling her how difficult to feed her nowadays...she told me Friso 2 sweeter...thus bb will like....hopefully...(keeping my finger..toes crossed)
Let's c how's our bb's development:

Two Teeth
1. Yuzhe (Ellysia)
2. Kyler (Bonjovi)
3. Lucas (Tera)
4. Gwendolyn (Crystal)
5. Travis (Bleh)

Waiting for Tooth Fairy to Visit (Bogeh Club)
1. Kyan (BabyCupid)
2. Reanne (Janiviy)
3. Vivienne (Veniz)
4. Qianying (iamsnow)
5. Jared (Fennie77)
6. Cedrik (Feiling)
7. Elyssa (Mogudog)
8. Zhi Yu (bizznow)
9. Jade (shycloud)
10.YuJie (Felicia)
11.Qyan (ioio)
12. Jayden (MLP)
13.Andrea (rizty)
14. Charlotte (feifei)
15. Rex (jn80jn)
16.Gwenneth (tinyfeet/esther)

actually, i din even ve the chance to see! she always stick out her tongue when i wanna see her lower gums
Let's c how's our bb's development:

Two Teeth
1. Yuzhe (Ellysia)
2. Kyler (Bonjovi)
3. Lucas (Tera)
4. Gwendolyn (Crystal)
5. Travis (Bleh)

Waiting for Tooth Fairy to Visit (Bogeh Club)
1. Kyan (BabyCupid)
2. Reanne (Janiviy)
3. Vivienne (Veniz)
4. Qianying (iamsnow)
5. Jared (Fennie77)
6. Cedrik (Feiling)
7. Elyssa (Mogudog)
8. Zhi Yu (bizznow)
9. Jade (shycloud)
10.YuJie (Felicia)
11.Qyan (ioio)
12. Jayden (MLP)
13.Andrea (rizty)
14. Charlotte (feifei)
15. Rex (jn80jn)
16.Gwenneth (tinyfeet/esther)
17. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn)
i'm joining u in the charts...

Let's c how's our bb's development:

Two Teeth
1. Yuzhe (Ellysia)
2. Kyler (Bonjovi)
3. Lucas (Tera)
4. Gwendolyn (Crystal)
5. Travis (Bleh)

Waiting for Tooth Fairy to Visit (Bogeh Club)
1. Kyan (BabyCupid)
2. Reanne (Janiviy)
3. Vivienne (Veniz)
4. Qianying (iamsnow)
5. Jared (Fennie77)
6. Cedrik (Feiling)
7. Elyssa (Mogudog)
8. Zhi Yu (bizznow)
9. Jade (shycloud)
10.YuJie (Felicia)
11.Qyan (ioio)
12. Jayden (MLP)
13.Andrea (rizty)
14. Charlotte (feifei)
15. Rex (jn80jn)
16.Gwenneth (tinyfeet/esther)
17. Lil ZuEn (ZuEn)
18. Evelyn (soyabean)
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!

feifei, so far i'm the one email to ask status, she nvr pro-actively update me lor. She always said will update me when supplier send out but nvr lor. Then i nvr complain oso coz i know she's busy handling BP mah. Then in her thread i ever saw some mummies complaining about the cloths was torn when they rec' and she nvr reply in the thread. So i assume she use email as a way of communication bah.
Not sure why i'm so 'suay'. Remember not long ago, i posted here about my missing blouse and then next day the organiser said she got the parcel return back to her and ask me to top up for postage. She said she'll post the next nite but hor nvr lor. Then i email her she said she din post coz no transport out and will post the next day. If still no rec' today, tats mean she din post out again. *sigh*
So far i nvr encounter such situation lor, but this 2 cases was buying my own clothing and this is the 1st time i join BP to get my own thing lor. Buy my girls cloths oso nvr had any problem, so i think i really 'suay'.

Sorry hor, early morning oredy grumbling. hehe...</font>
MOrning ladies...

friso 2 sweeter huh? Cos now i find that my ger dun like plain milk lor, she likes milk with BR...so now when we go out, hv to put the BR in a flask liao lor..


u giving ur ger friso 2 liao huh?
*saynag*..sometimes hor, we try to be understanding to sellers but hor, sometimes they just take for granted leh..So far, i onli bot once from my fren's BP for my own clothings so everything was ok...

I tot u already rec the other parcel liao..hiaz...if today still din rec, hv to email the seller again hor? sianz hor..

by the way, Taka Gucci is having sales also, 30% +10% if u have Taka card..Some of my frenz bot some bags there, cheap lor..
btw, yd i tried to find HT brown rice in Sunplaza ntuc.. sold out.. temp out of stock! for all HT products.. so POPULAR?~?!?
go xmas shopping hor? ;p..U tried bringing him out alone yet?

Ya lor, suddenly like HT cereal so "hot" leh..hehe..Or u wan let ur boy try the New Moon BR?I givning my ger this now..
morning ladies!

u moving your ger to friso 2? i already changed to similac step 2 when she turned 6 mths. haha....

u were at sunplaza NTUC yesterday? I was there also. looking for heinz rice cereal. went to a few places to get it. only manged to get at sunplaza. ya, HT no more cereal liao. i saw the section empty! haha.....
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies, saw in another thread about J&amp;J Top to Toe wash is going to increase the pricing. The mummy said she tell the lady in the J&amp;J warehouse sale tat they are selling more ex than NTUC. And the lady told her they're goin to increase the retail price soon. So, is time to stock up now. NTUC is hvin promo at $5.45 per bottel.</font>
cos hor, friso 2 is from 7mths onwards so now mixing 1 and 2 for her lor =)...

I saw alot of Heniz rice cereal at SK ntuc and kiddy palace wor...tink HT really no more le...really so good huh?hee
yes lor.. i went there.. kekeke.. ohh heinz.. heinz bery easy to find lol.. kekekke..

i changing my boy to stage 2 this wkend.. btw my current stage 1 powder left mayb half.. enuff anot? or mus get another stage1 ? i scare too much leh..
ya, heniz very easy to get. but dunno for watever reasons, sold out at a few places yesterday. sigh. told my maid to tell me at least one week in advance. dun tell me the day before that it's finishing!

i switch my ger straight to step 2 immediately coz my maid never listen to instruction to mix. at first my ger could not ger used. drink only a little bit. but later ok liao. now drink as per normal.
i tink will gif my boy to try the samples from PD lor.. nestle brown rice.. if ok mayb i will jus give nestle.. HT so difficult to get.. zzz..
after disc u tink gucci wallet or pouches $40 can get? cos i am doin some gift exchange wif my grp of frends.. budget is $40.. we koe who we get for.. so wonder if after the disc can get $40 stuff bo?
err...good question cos I din go to the sales wor so duno leh..hmm..somemore its long Q there lor...Mayb can get those simple keypouches? Or can get something frm Braun Buffel?
so excited. tom FP sale. hee hee.... who's going during lunch other than feifei. maybe will meet some of u there....
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i have try bringing my boy out aloen wor.. no chance yet.. i tink shld be ok wor.. cos he quite easy to handle.. jus mayb might haf too much things to carry.. if nearby short distance no nd milk i tink easy..
Ya switched to Friso 2 yday when friso comfort finishes. Never mix, jumped str into friso 2. I ask my mum, she said bb willing to drink leh. My bb preemie, so greedy. Or maybe take after her mummy, so greedy.. Haha.
the similac nutritionist advised me to change slowly.. cos she said stage2 is high in iron, high in duno wat.. so bb body cannot have sudden increase of those nutrients.. so mus mix slowly..
ya lor,s ee l iao also sian unless u are super Gucci type lor =)..

wat time will u be at the FP sales?? tmr my need to chope chope lor cos lunchtime onli 1hr, will ask hb to ear fast fast..hehe...But u be prepared coswill be hot and dusty..

hehe...true lor, i also worried too many things to carry..i dun like stroller, bery mafan..i like carrier but now she big liao, cannot put in carrier =)..
ya, the person from abbott also told me the same thing. but i bo pian. coz my maid 'ge kiang' loh. if u can, try to mix. i always believe in gradual change rather than sudden change.

not sure leh, coz my colleague got meeting in the morning. see wat time she finish meeting, then we go..... think shld be around 12+ bah. i guess tom i will wear capri pants and t-shirt to work. haha!!!

hehe =)...

Oh yes, almost forgot, Warrior_angel was asking me if anyone can tompang she, her hb and her bb to Sandra's hse on 20th lor.She is staying at Woodlands, near to CWP..If can, please liaise with her ya...tks =D...
