(2008/06) June 2008

Mogudog reply u liao..hehe..this coming fri lor..

Dun worry ya, ur bb will recover soon..U must take care also hor...

<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">feifei,
yalor,today super quiet hor, very rarely i can catch up with the post

<blink><font color="ff0000">where are all the mummies?</font></blink></font></font>
<font color="aa00aa">I'm here! But busy cannot chat too much.

Btw, just to share.Philips staff had 25% discount for Avent products till 25 Jan 08. So if u have friends whom is working in philips, can ask them help to buy.</font>
Thanks feifei
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">zuen.. so maybe we will get to meet.. i saw a few babies ard the same age as mine.. maybe we hv met at the carpark.. park..etc b4? heee..

me oso waiting for the fisher price sales.. ;p</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa">ellysia, if i remember correctly, you bought a Philips blender, right? Whats the model nbr? How much?</font>
ohoh.. poorthing.. its ok.. she will recover soon! my boy oso on neubuliser when he is 5wks old.. super poorthing.. but 2days he recovered le..
BabyCupid, I guess baby kyan must be having a harder time back then, take it as they are building up their immunity, hehehe.
I checked my acc liao, din receive ur trf wor...U trf via POSB bank also or other bank?

Rec your payment liao, tks ya...

Actually hor, u trf $20 for both urself and ur hb can liao de..so u hv extra $10 with me. I will help u pay bizznow for the logcake and pass u bk for the balance hor..In case I forgot, please remind me ya...tks..cos now old liao, short memory at times..hee
yaya.. really bery helpless at that time.. somemore my pd wanna admit him.. aiyo.. but ended up i rented the machine back and brought him for throat and nose suction..
its bery common for young children to have bronchitis.. ya.. take it as they building up their immunity.. kekeke.. hope elyssa recovers soon!
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Mogudog,
hope that your bb will recover soon, my #1 also had bronchitis when he was about 2 yrs old i think, had to stay in hospital for few days and also on neubuliser for about 1 week after he came home</font></font>
Hi feifei, felicia just informed me that you do not know why Bon Jovi paid extra $10.00 to you.

In fact, she is helping me to pay to you first. I will return her the $10.00 when i meet her up again.
Ya lor...cos bonjovi din mention wor..hehe...Now i get the picture le...okie...tks ya..me go update my list now..keke..

Din see u log in here today wor..busy?
feifei, actually bonjovi did. she mentioned she paying for herself, hb and Venisa. Venisa is my full name. :p

I am biz with my closing today, but had been reading the thread religiously every now and then, heehee.
piyo, i have just rented the jumperoo (deluxe, not rainforest) for my boy, due to reach me this thurs. i'll feedback to u by then.

oso depends on individual bbs i think. mine doesnt like to jump n bounce, while i see other bbs who likes to do that. my boy prefers to stuff anything he sees into his mouth.
ahyo, for a moment I tot she talking abt her bb..hehe..

me going off le..chat with u all tmr, will keep u all updated on the taka sales...tata..raining here...
BabyCupid, Yuki stated she cannot arrange liao. You have to pm her privately. If you order only a few, when go gatherings I can pass to you coz she staying very near me niah.

BTW hor, its quite expensive lar. I got my supplies from my colleague when she goes back to her hometown. She will drag 10packs back here to me (cost only SGD3.00/pack or less), heeheeheee.
she jus stated resume wor..

hmm.. ar.. really?????????? yummy yummy anot?!!?!?!? sounded like so yummy leh..
<font color="aa00aa">piyo,
wat to do? i also tis am asked my maid wat is going thru her brain...LOL guess we reai sa-ma sa-ma when it comes to maid's issues.

serious huh? if so, can i tong-pang? i also keen ley on the otah. let me know. thanks!

i think veniz meant her colleague, not Yuki.
BabyCupid, ooppps, heehee, sorry. I tot its another Yuki who did a BP on crackers and staying near me (her spicy potato chips very nice one). Sorry.

Woodlands, near Fennie, Danryan leh. Felicia can also order lor, hee. Those big big muar otahs are nice.
crystal, if you want tobang my colleague's purchase, can lar, but have to see when she going back to her hometown and we arrange a place to meet lor, hee
wow.. i oso wan leh.. kekeke.. spicy potato chips!! i got lobang is spicy tapioca chips from penang oso bery yummy.. but mus ask my colleague abt it.. she always buy for us when she go back penang..
<font color="808080"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">veniz,
<font color="ff0000">OTAH</font>i like leh,where in woodlands???contact no.?</font></font>
Fennie, you go check out the BP thread link Baby Cupid posted here earlier to check and purchase from the organiser bah.
<font color="aa00aa">I loves Otah oso leh! Goin to take a look at the thread later on.

As for cracker, me got 'lubang'.! hehe...
Actually is a website supplier. Me and collegues always share share to buy it. You can take a look at www.yonghup.com</font>

tinyfeet waves!!!

sorry! i havent been reading the thread and i dunnoe about the paying thingy for the buffet!!!


can u sms me 97969466 and let me know yr account number?? will revert with my transaction reference..

sorry about it
Morning ladies..
Wow, all the talks on crackers...I also like le...anyone doing a mini BP here?hehe..

Ok, updates on the Taka Member sales...Actually nothing much, I onli concentrated at the bb section, Avent has 20% discount, on top of that if you are a taka cardholder, additional 10% lor so its bery worth it. I bot teats for 6mths and a pacifier for 6-18mths to standby...For Pigeon, no sales but if u have card, just 10% ya... Wanted to get the 330ml Avents bottles but all SOLD out...so fast hor...

wow, just nice le, was looking for u and u appear leh =)...hehe...no prob, just wondering if u dun log in then scare u might miss the updates on the gathering =D...Sms u le..tks..
Babycupid and ladies//
the Otah BP hor, the seller onli delivers if have 20boxes leh..hmm...u all want to order?I dun mind to try wor, but hv to make it fast cos today is last day of the otah BP liao...
Anyone knows how to clean the clothbooks?Cos i wanted to wash it but there are some wires connected to a battery le..Batterycase can take out but the wires can't wor..hmm...
<font color="0000ff">Priscilla,
Received your payment le...tks ya...Please PM me your contact no...tks...U coming with your helper only so $20 is enough le..the other $20 I will use it to deduct the logcake payment and balance will return you on 20th hor..Please remind me on 20th in case i forgot abt it hor...tks ya =)... </font>
<font color="ff6000">Hi Ladies,
Here is all the latest payment update. I have received all the payments from most of the mummies liao...Thank you! Now let's look forward to our xmas party on 20th!

<table border=1><tr><td>1) Feifei + Hb + Charlotte </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>2) Babycupid + bb + helper </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>3) Warrior_angel + hb + bb</TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>4) Tera + hb + bb</TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>5) Felicia + hb + 2bb </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>6) Bonjovi + hb + bb </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>7) iamsnow + bb + maid </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>8) Veniz + bb </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>9) Sandra + bb + hb + PIL + SIL </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>10) bizznow + hb + bb </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>11) crystal + hb +bb </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>12) janiviy + bb </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>13) ice + bb + 3helpers (dun include buffet, join gift exchange onli)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>14) Christina + Chloe </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>15) Angel_z + hb + bb (dun include buffet, join gift exchange onli)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>16) Mag + hb + mum + bb </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>17) MLP + bb </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>18) Priscilla + helper + bb </TD><TD>PAID - $40 </TD></TR><TR><TD>19) shycloud + bb</TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>20) Mrswrx + bb</TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>21) Mogudog + hb + bb (dun include buffet, join gift exchange onli)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>22) Ellyisa + hb + bb(NOT CONFIRM)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>23) Tinyfeet ( Esther) and baby Gwenneth.</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>24) Fei Ling + hb + bb </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>25) shern + hb + bb + helper</TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>26) Zuen + hb + bb (mayb gift exchange)</TD><TD></td></tr></table>

interested ar.. kekeke.. we can join the bp to see if anyone sengkang oso.. wink wink..

yesyes! its wednesday!!
