(2008/06) June 2008

ya man.. i oso tried few times.. find it so messy and bb like so uncomfy.. so gave up till now.. the sling lying there exihibiting liao.. lol..

hmm.. i oso tinknig of buying the bb monitor.. kept in out to check on him.. bery tiring.. kekeke.. hw much ar?
lattelover, bb too small cannot give too much & must rub on the tongue or else they will choke. 1st time i give also dun know, i just pour on the spoon & pour straight into his mth then kena scolded by my mum. She was the one who taught me how to feed cos she said I practically grew up wif Jing Feng San. Haha....
jing feng san.. my CL gave my baby "bao ying dan" when my BB vomit milk and got frightened using a spoon and mix with water letting my BB swallow and he cried badly..

I uses cotton bu and rub the jing feng san on his tongue and so far he never cry and enjoy it so much..
babycupid, shycloud, mine is helper trying to be ge khiang so she try to impress us by telling us bb's habits then very funny if ask how was the bb tdy then mil will say good but helper will say cry...cos they see at diff timing. luckily pil's only tok but dun force their methods on us cos my hb will complain & i will show black face. think ultimately it's safety 1st

sharon, my bb drinks his milk lying down cos if carried & he feels uncomfortable he will start crying & takes longer to finish

RN, tru lor, momies very good at picking hehe

my boy has been able to sleep better after I gave him Jing Feng San continuously for 1wk. My boy very jialat when I finished my confinement, we stay top flr & super near to Paya Lebar airport so that time training for NDP, always got planes fly here fly there whole day until my son cannot sleep, if sleep also kena woken up by the planes then he'll start screaming & crying, 1st time still got green poo next day. Then after NDP, i thot no more planes liao, then came RSAF airshow, wah piang can u imagine my frustration that time, i was cursing & swearing everyday(not in front of bb lah). Then last wk our area repairing rooftop so alot of drilling/banging/scraping super noisy also, again cannot sleep well that's y i decided to give him JFS everyday. Now off & on still got planes & the drilling/hacking in other blocks(also can hear very clearly) but my bb now able to sleep better during the day. Today record liao, he slept fr 1.30pm until now still haven't wake up. Normally now he can nap 2hrs straight during daytime.
ioio, i just bought bao ying dan fr EYS also. My mum's fren said it's gd for bbs who r teething so I'm going to give when he finishes this bottle of JFS.

MLP, abt the mercury part which your MIL/BIL said I believe it's nothing to worry abt cos if high content, our govt sure ban one. U know lah, our govt very particular abt Chinese medicine wan.
yes babycupid

i agree with u. cos i have friends children also same thing....i remember one was telling me, still got to let bb breathe fresh oxygen....think $10/hr...charge by the hospital...alamak...

nowadays bb seems very fragile....everything need to be warded
Hi Mag, i also encountered the airplane noise...esp Sat NDP rehearsal. but not bad as urs. thanks for sharing.... will monitor bb and see his condition....
if bb got alot of phelgm hor.. the best solution is to do throat suction.. if not it might flow to the lungs..
i read alot on ways to get rid of phelgm.. i tried 'hou zao san' a chinese powder.. but cant really helps mayb my boy too much phelgm..
so ended up i went for throat suction..
ur boy alot of phlegm?
aiya sama sama here lor...super loud lor esp the fighter planes fly past...super irritating and disturbing
hi babycupid, i think so....dont know what is consider a lot

but he will cough once awhile to clear his throat...

that time i did mention to the pd, he say it's normal.

maybe i try hou zao san first and see.
if cough once awhile is ok.. if the cough worsen dden better to clear his throat lor..
since pd said normal den shld be fine..
aiya sama sama here lor...super loud lor esp the fighter planes fly past...super irritating and disturbing
babycupid, u measure ur boy's foot as well. if not the socks cannot last long

jenny, my boy coughs to clear throat as well. if got a lot of phelgm, u can hear from breathing as well
okok.. tonite i go measure his foot. kekeke..

yes, like wat shern said.. if lots of phelgm u can hear frm breathing.. will haf the choking noise.. bery irritating one.. kekeke..
fei fei... rub on bb's mouth will do.. i normally use cotton bub.. i think jing feng ba bao san better.. can reduce phlegm..
Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt.

I would like to give away a pack of Pampers Comfort Size M (6-11kg). I bought it for my baby when she was 6+kg but she had already outgrown it. Only used about 3-4 pieces out of a pack of 58.

The cutting is small, so I reckon it will fit babies about 4-5kg instead.

Very sayang to throw away so would like to give it away to anyone interested. Self collect only at Bugis MRT station lunch time on week days.

Pls PM me if interested.
Ya feifei, can just rub on the gums. I normally use my pinkie finger cos i scared if use cotton bud, some cotton may come out(kiasu lah).

The EYS bao ying dan consists of 6 tubes. 1 tube can split into 3 times for use. Tell the person it's for bb & they will stick an additional dosage indication(below 4mths/4mths to 1 yr/1 to 2 yrs/4 to 10yrs) on it cos the one they printed on the box is for 1yr & above.
useful anot ar? was thinking of getting the flash cards...someone recommend tat its gd for the bb brain development...
oops...caught by u :p

see lah u made me spend again!!! haizz...save money on milk powder but spend on sprees lolz...
mummies.. saw from the mom website that we are entitled to 3 days child care leave this leave..

Why is the pro-rated Childcare Leave from 17 August 08 to 31 December 08 set at 3 days?

It is calculated based on the number of months employers are required to grant the extended Childcare Leave in the first year of implementation. The period between 17 August 08 and 31 December 08 is about 5 months. Therefore the 3 days of pro-rated Childcare Leave is derived using the formula:
(5 months/12 months) x the full 6 days of extended Childcare Leave, rounded up to 3 days.
I heard that flash card is good lor. haha. saw ur post already. I find that this BP is better cause previously have 1 BP on flashcard which I nearly purchase. Lucky haven transfer $ else i regret.
<font color="0077aa">ellysia, confirmed the GNC multivitamin really make my BM yellowish. Coz my afternoon BM turn yellowish just like yesterday.</font>

I have a tin of Enfalac A+ (Green packaging) for sale at $30.

Expiry: Mar 2010
Country of Manufature: Netherlands
Collection at YEW Tee, Queenstown or alexandra Technopark

Pm me if u are interested.
my boy foot tink is 9cm leh.. lol.. i roughly measure only.. if it can wear up to 15cm i dun mind to buy.. kekeke.. r u able to check with the seller?
Hi gers,
Moo, mooing..

Infant is at 25% of adult's price if I rem correctly, not 40% leh.

Re: Milk intake
My girl only drinking 120ml at 17th week wor. Every 2+ hours.

Re: Drooling
My bb drool big time leh. End up, her top is always wet. We resort to putting a bib constantly. -.o"
<font color="ff6000">Morning!

ZuEn,25% only har? Then maybe can consider. Your package was via travel agency or direct with the cruise company?</font>
Morning ladies...

tks for the advise =D...

Tks tks..U getting the flashcards?

Recently my ger also hv some phelgm lor, PD gave some phelgm clearing med, after taking she is better liao =D...But hor, duno y, everyday 5+pm, she will get cranky and wants to be carried to sleep lor..Yest just taught her how to hold the teether and put into her mouth...So cute lor..hee..

morning ya..hiaz...My ger reduced her intake of milk to 130ml, sometimes 150ml these few days..duno wat happen...This amt can last her 5hrs leh..seems like her appetite no good..PD ask us to monitor lor..

Tink ur ger also going to start teething liao..
Morning gers..

I rem it to be 25% wor. They dun eat, or use their entertainment, 25% considered as alot liao... I bought from travel agency. Buy from cruise company cheaper meh?

My ger has always been drinking very little. But she drinks very frequently, say 2+ hourly...
She drool so much leh. We are constantly helping her to wipe. Then she suck her fingers somemore.. Everywhere oso got her saliva.
<font color="aa00aa">Morning feifei/ ZuEn!

ZuEn, not sure which is cheaper but maybe the 40% i saw was because it was a buy one free one package. Maybe will get hubby to check with travel agency. Really lor 25% is a lot but better than 40%. </font>
morning mummies
I need some advise. yesterday afternoon my bb eyes grow 'ba ziam' today still the same. do u all think I should bring her see doctor get medi to apply on or just leave it?
hehe..tink most of our bbs here loved to suck their fingers lor, somemore hv sounds de..hee...

Huh, ba ziam so young? hmm..is it something whitish at the corner of her eye?

Can't wait for my ger 1st bday so can buy these balloons for her =D>

feifei, maybe dirty causes that. is at her lower eye lip swollen then can see like little pimple pop out. no purse yet. I suspect dirty cause she touch hair, eat fingers then rub her eyes. most likely I bring her to pd. no heart to go work anyway.
