(2008/06) June 2008

Hi Ellysia and ioio, sorry for late reply. Went home after posting my message. Anyway, my girl is quite active. Kicks all the time. But she drinks a lot. I express about 500ml of BM a day, then top up with another 500-600 of FM. She won't stop fussing till she is full. Little milk monster :p

had ss issues. Baby was dehydrated, jaundiced, low blood sugar one day after we went home. Tried to breastfeed her the whole night but she was starving. Had to be re-admitted the next day. Stress...

Yest very angry at one of the mummy using the lactation room in my office. Her slot time is 5plus to 6pm. The next mummy slot is 6.15pm to 7pm. I usually take 6pm to 6.15pm cos i need tat emergency slot else will face engorgement when go back home. But the mummy over run and only give me the room at 6.15pm, end up i pump 5mins then the next mummy come. The mummy who is late still complain tat i take tat emergency slot v stressful to her and its mission impossible. but it is she who over run and cause problem to me. I also dun want tat slot cos i want to go home at 6pm knockoff time but no choice cos all the late slots are fully taken.

Very sianz bec' when i come back from ML, the room fully occupied then left only few miserable slots for me, which 1 slot is before office hours and another slot is after office hours. Then the sink they fully occupy with their stuff and i left 1 spot which no one want to take - cos its small and near to the bin. Then the cabinet also no one want to give up space, i manage to squeeze in 1 tiny space. Very sianz, these mummies buay zhi dong want.

i tink 3-4 mths down the road dunno how, cos more mummies coming back from ML then those mummies who ored bf long didn't want to give up the room. Dunno how to squeeze in.
sorry sorry, not clear. Baby had jaundice when she was born. We were discharged 3rd day after she was born. Fed her the whole night and she was crying non-stop. Re-admitted the next day. So i got scared and topped up with FM from then on. When she turned 1 month, I stopped latching her on and gave her EBM + formula. Maybe she is afraid of starving ever since. Drink like no tomorrow... that's why so fat now :p
<font color="aa00aa">just back from moo-moo....

Ellysia, ur BM wont turn yellowish? Funny. In fact i compare my BM color from 1st pump (before taking the pill) to 3rd time in the nite. The 2nd pump is the most yellowish which is few hrs after took the pill.
This morning my BM seems like back to normal. But i wanna do a test , so just pop a pill when back from moo moo, shall see the color of BM when i pump in afternoon.
Wah, your company lactation room still need slot reservation? Only one room? Luckily we had 2 lactation 2 rooms with 2 cubicle at each room. So we dont need any slot reservation. And the mummies oso quite nice. They even want to lend me their liquid wash on teh 1st day i'm back to work.</font>
<font color="blue">wah..ellysia n felicia..i envy u all leh..got lactation room somemore..i can only use meeting room..juz now moo half way got someone wanna open the door..luckily i lock from inside..hehe.. </font>
lattelover..i cut my bbs skin twice..cos she suddenly move..oso had a shock and felt so bad...:p
now i do it oni when she is so sound asleep
star and fei fei..

my boy also refuse milk, how you all counteract the problem? he will cries whenever i place the milk bottle in his mouth but he will suck if its water and not milk.. have a hard time feeding him..
Babycupid suggests placing the baby on the bouncer to feed.
For me, I let her lie on my body like those "cobra seats" eheheheh
When I let her face the front and she is drinking the milk, her eyes are on the tv, so she gets distracted from the milk and suckle happily.
I dun want her to get addicted to TV but no choice...

The teething gel really helps ar? Maybe I should try too.
But I still cant accept the fact that she will starts teething so fast. No more "bo gay" smile liao :-(

Thank you for your bday well wishes!
<font color="808080">Riz, my mil forbid me cutting my ger's nail when she's asleep. She pantang lor. So i always ended up struggling cutting my ger's nail.</font>
star.. in fact i put him on high pillow since month two as he likes to kicks and move like snake when drinking milk so i put him on high pillow and feed him.. but now is whenever the milk bottle touches his mouth..he knew it immediately and we tries switching the milk and water and he knows it and refuse to drink when it's milk.. aiyo.. having usch a hard time "playing" with him..
rizty and babycupid, thanks... i will do it when she is sleeping and will be extra careful...

some babies start teething as early as 3mths old. this is what happened to my relative's baby. baby will feel uncomfortable so must apply teething gel.
my ger is the opposite, she only wants to drink milk and reject water. when i put the teat in, she will pause n see if it is milk or water, if is water she refuse to suck.
ya lo, weird rite. I thought milk should be babies best fren.
That time MrsWrx's ger also having the same prob.

Mine used to have it too previously when she 2mths plus but it soon back to normal after 2 days.
However, this time round it is more jia lat.

My ger also hates water. She treats it as though it is her enemy.

Cant imagine, cos her mum (that's me) drinks water likes a camel.
now my bb can recognise milk too.. he will cry non stop for milk till he saw me or my maid holding the milk bottle.. den he will stop immediately..
den when u start to put the hanky below his chin he will 'kan cheong' and wanan drink immediately! cute..
tks ger...guess my ger starting liao thats y she couldn't sleep well in e afternoon..Poor bb...sometimes she can laugh and smile an dplay with us, then next moment bian chui liao...


Cool down ger..hiaz..Wat to do, its a common room lor...But those mummies shd zhi dong lor..
<font color="blue">soyabean,
which part of bkt panjang u staying in?? my bro staying in senja..i dunno if he can go there n get from u anot..</font>

i stay in senja.... u check wif ur bro and let me know...
if can, then i give u my bank details for my transfer.

sometimes feed too much bb will also cry bec' over eat. also can cry due to other reasons but mother mis-interpret as hungry.

Why dun u try to latch? cos its easier to control milk. After latching watch if bb is hungry or not. if hungry then u give some FM but stop feeding once bb dun feel like drinking.
I dun feed water.. cos BM a lot of water ored. My bb dun recognize milk bottle. he only get excited when i put him on BF cushion and reveal my neh.


at least yr meeting room is lockable, my office meeting room cannot be locked.


yes my office a lot of ladies, my co v big got around 5-6 storeys. A lot of mummies moo-ing and using the room. now currently got 6 mummies including me using.
u also in senja ah?? i think he's in blk 621..i ask him..if collect from u on wkends can anot??

no lah..i nvr latch..cos i got inverted nipples..so cant latch leh..he gets very pek chek if suck n dun hv anything lor..

where to get those hooks used for hanging bags or plastic bags etc for prams? i wanan get but nvr really find.. so ask here easier.. plain lazy.. haha..

i cut my bb b4 also, while cutting nails. afterwhich i dare not cut liao, let my hb do. so scary i see, so heart pain.


we have 1 room with 2 cubicles which are separated by curtain. but my co has around 300+ staff. I tink they really need to build another room. however, dunno when they will do so. some mummies moo for 1 year and beyond. so tats why the room not enuff space.

is it possible tat yr colour change bec' its foremilk n hindmilk difference?

the tonic is suppose to replenish ourselves.. i tink won't be pass down to BM so fast.
Oh dear...dun feel bad ya cos no choice de cos their fingers still bery tiny..I am sure she won't blame u ya =D..*pat pat on ur shoulders*

Hihi...welcome bk to work =D...1st few days is like that lor, shd feel sad to leave bb lor, give urself 1 wk and u will be used to it lliao =D..

my bb same as urs lor...drink water rather than milk, duno wat happen also..At 1st tot she hv sore throat but PD cfm her throat is ok lor..Guess this is e phase they are going through lor...Maybe teething so umcomfy, wan to be carried all e time hor..my ger start her crankness at 5+pm one, duno y..Morning she can play bery happily then suddenly bian chui..

ya lor, tink it might help lor..u try to go watsons get e gel to try lor...I also wan go buy those water type of teether cos those green ones which pigeon has is too hard for them now..

how do u know yr bb is starting to teeth??


i saw those hooks sold at bb shops like mum n babes and kiddy palace n robinsons.
haha, we have been trying to burp her, distract her, play with her, but nothing works, except a bottle of milk. Sometimes we manage to rock her to sleep but she will wake up in 10 min cos of hunger.

The first month was frustrating for both bb and me. She would latch, sleep, latch, sleep. After 2-3 hrs, she would realise that she was really hungry and start to wail and refuse to latch. Had to give her FM then. She would be so tired after that and zzz. Then we repeat again. So in the end, I thought it's better just to express and give her. At least now she can finish a meal in 20 min and sleep/play after that if she wants.

The flip side is she drinks a lot now lor. But i still use single-hole teat so she will drink slower. So funny to see her chomp away, desperate for the milk to flow quicker.

Good thing about her is that she will use her tongue to play with the teat when she is full. She won't suck after that. But don't know why her appetite is so big to begin with.

its bo piang if yr bb really like to drink a lot of milk. But if overweight is likely to lead to obsesity and other probs. At one time i try to control my bb milk intake too but unsuccessful. he also like to drink a lot and always 95 percentile.
<font color="aa00aa">babycupid, u mean the S hook, rite? I bought from my neighbourhood shop. But i advise you get those come with velcro, so u just strip it on the pram.

ellysia, our company oso quite big, but luckily total we had 4 cubicles. The room i go had about 8 mummies is sharing now. Luckily everyone chose diff timing from me. Then if happen to had more than 3 mummies at one time, some of them will just pump w/o the curtain. They're ok with it, but i dare not lor. </font>
oh oh.. i oso guess kiddy palace will have.. but tat day i jus glance thru cos rushing did not see any.. nvm.. i will go n find again.. thnx!
feifei.. yalor... can play happily then suddenly "bian zhui"... i think i got to buy the dentinox.. dunno is it because teething or not.. he only 3 months leh.. but he tries to turn and can managed to turn halfway liao..

i got no space to pump w/o curtain, cos the sink is v small also.


likely to be near those bb diaper bags area. ask the shop asst is fastest.
weekends i am usu at home, but safer to sms me in advance to check and make collection appt, in case i decide to go out at last min.
i am located at the block next to senja lrt... i will pm u my hp number..
so can deal hor? hehe... if ok, u can transfer $36 to my DBS Savings Plus 014-9-021554. lemme know when u hv done so.
me like u... inverted nipples... so bb dun latch... so i can oni rely on pumping.

u can get these hooks at those DIY/hardware shops at those HDB neighbourhood ctrs...
I also not bery sure, just guessing cos she drooling for afew wks l iao..Always uses her tongue to play in her mouth, like chewing like that lor...
<font color="aa00aa">babycupid, just now out lunch, saw that the hook was sold in those selling household hardware shop. U can try at ur neighbourhood shop. I saw selling 2pcs @ $2.50.</font>
ohh..issit.. jus those normal hooks can ar? i tot got special hook for those prams.. kekeke.. okok.. i will go find..
Ya, it's feifei..
Who says BFg is cheap.. I spent so much already, from pump to accessories to fernugreek...
I gg cruise in Nov with bb wor.
My ger also 3mths+ lor..Tink nowadays bbs are fast learners lor..My ger still duno how to flip yet lor...still training her =D...Tink u can try getting the teething gel 1st..

<font color="aa00aa">Babycupid, normal S hook oso can but very troublesome coz it tends to fall off. The one i saw is come with velcro which u can tie it to the pram handle, then it wont fall off lor.

ZuEn, wah so nice going cruise. How many days package? baby need to pay 40% of the package , rite?</font>
