(2008/06) June 2008

yup, my the 3rd child...LOL...mayb i didn't update myself on the new babybonus scheme....dats y i thought how come co can get the 3mths reimbursement....

Morning Ladies!

hope you are feeling better already, weather siow siow, please take care, drink more fluid

Flashcards, I will be using a box i bought for my #1 when he was about 3, so that means 5 yrs ago, still very new, cos never really use it on #1, will use for #2, I also bought this series of DVDs for baby from 3 months, call, My Baby Can Read, got it from TANGS, saw it selling at isetan as well, they also come in VCDs version

Bought my Jared for 5-in-1 yesterday at 3 months, his weight has gone from 3.325kg at birth, to 6.8kg yesterday, so he has put on slightly more than 1 kg a month, on a average.He was very brave, didnt cry when PD injected him

He got fever late last night, now he seems ok, smiling when i talk to him.

think the 3 month ML claim thing is for the 3rd month, government will credit into your company bank account for your 3rd month salary which your company already paid you,not the new scheme i think.
kekeke.. i duno my boy hw heavy nw.. last weighed when he 2mth old is 5.8kgs.. but nwadays i find him bery heavy... kekeke..
heavier n heavier..
So fast? My ger oso noe how to pull out/ spit out, den start to make cranky noises.

Not yet, I havent finished using my ML, still have 6 days left.
i chk with the BP owner...the postage is cheaper if mailed out individually. cos package will still be split into 2 (due to weight restrictions) unless we can arrange for courier but i reckon courier charges be cheap.

i suggest tat we order on our own...k?
ND's girl..me still drinkg the papaya soup..
i buy the green papaya and boil wif fish bones.(threadfin fish bone)..i use slow cooker..then add abit of wolfberries,red dates lor..
Fennie, thanks, I am fine now. I think our weather has been very funny this year. See, today so hot and humid, other days will be rainy.

Gals, I just got back from our makan trip. Was nice meeting Soyabean (I have met the other mummies before).
Rizty, for your soup, isit you put everything in your slowcooker in morning the evening you come back then drink? Coz if it is like that i can also try, so that at night I can get to drink this papaya fish soup or other soups.
trfs the $ and replied ur msg wif my address..
My mum bought it fr Metro & she told me NTUC AMK Hub also got sell. Maybe u can c if other NTUC got sell. I personally tried to use it last wk & it's super convenient. I set 2hrs high power & voila it was ready to drink.

This is how it looks like. 2 litres is gd enuff cos after putting all ingredients & fill it full wif water, i'm able to get 3 bowls of the soup.
Mag, I have one, but dunno if its toyomi or not leh. Also can set normal or high temp. Hey, how are you gal, hope you are well, dun get stressed out with studies and taking care of your Anthan (did I get his name correct?).

Soyabean, you missed out my name leh, coz I late huh???

i missed out many gathering too.. so far only met jesslyn, feifei, jenny, lengleng, star, nss, mag kline, janvivy.. i tink tats all..
Hi Veniz, now abit more relax that's y can keep posting here. next wk start again cos got to prepare for final exams soon. hehe.. u put 1 more "n", he's Athan.
Hey Veniz I ask u hor the gathering at your place, what is Fiona's nick here har? The pretty mummy wif the Baby Bjorn carrier? I dun seem to c her nick here leh.
Soyabean, I was also sleepy leh (rem I said twice that I want to get coffee from coffeebean?). First thing I did after I come in to post, I went to make a cup of my nescafe to drink, thus I am awake now, haha. Lucky Mgr still not back yet, and my director wont mind me going out even for a slight longer. Haiz, if MLP never tell her team leader she on the way back and can get the pastry from that bakery shop, I will be munching the bread/pastry liao.

Mag, okok, noted Athan's name. I wanted to call my #2 Ethan when I thought she was a boy. but turn out she is a gal, haha, so there goes my Ethan. About Fiona, I think she is in May/July thread. Coz her EDD suppose to be on either of the months mentioned, but she gave birth in June. She is a friend of Piyo, thus Piyo asked if she can join us at our gathering, I said can, and she popped by. You have facebook with me as your friend? can check out under my friend list, her name is there.
Dunno wheres Janiviy leh. Piyo just started work, so cannot access forum coz co blocks it.

Christina's gal in hospital for small surgery and monitoring of bateria infection, so no time come in, even though she free, she seldom pop buy as I think her co also blocks this forum bah.

As for mogudog, think also started work liao, just saw her post last few days leh, only 1 or two niah.

Who else you missing? I can check for you. For Mrswrx, she in KL, end week then come back.

Priscilla's co also blocks this forum.
ND's gal, if u dun want fish bone can put pork ribs too.

My mum taught me to put abt 5-6pcs of Pork Ribs, 10pcs of small dried scallops, 8pcs of red dates, 2 tablespoons of wolfberries & 1 small half ripe papaya(skinned & sliced). I throw everything into my 2litres slow cooker for 2hrs on high heat, keep warm for 1hr then can drink already, no need to add any seasoning.
wah veinz.. u r bery well informed hor! informative~ i tink u r the most suitable to be our thread chairperson! lol
veniz, oh ya still got pris. aiyoh memory bad liao. Thanks for update.

i actually liked the name Ethan but cos I wanted to name my boi after a saint so decided wif Athanasius, short form can call Athan lor.

btw, wat happened to Christina's Chloe har?
BTW ... wanna complain abt something drastic happened over the weekend

My fridge broke down, the compression suddenly STOP ! I didn't notice it at first until I go open the fridge and feel like not cold. Then I quickly take out all my EBM from the freezer, store at my neighbour's freezer. Those that I cannot save, coz already start to thaw, I throw it away coz no choice. Total I throw away about 30+ packets
So depressed !

I think MLP spill about 100+ml, no need to cry.
Mine 30 over packets, scream also no use, now can only work harder to pump more to fill in the supply back. So depressed !
BabyCupid, no lar, I kaypo mah, so I know lor. See lar, since preggie want to meet you till now still never seen you before leh.

I now come back from just now lunch with the mummies at HV, after the good meal, got strength to be 'ah long - loanshark' liao, chasing customer to pay up overdued payments, haha, power from my beef noodles.
haha... i dun find the wasants from Provence that fantastic... i find them so-so oni... so i dunno wats the rave abt them. :p and yes... dun buy oso good... if not eat eat eat... haha... eh.. i oso jus went to make a cup of kopi... cant stand it already.
