(2008/06) June 2008

mine also suck thumb lor..he likes to do dat when he wants to sleep..then sometimes sleep halfway he will suck also..suck until super loud.. now he starts to put his other fingers in also leh..wah lau..

how did u rid ur elder boy of sucking thumb then? cos my #1 never did that... and now my ger can suck and eat her drumstick like crazy...
nss, good, but hor, the timing around 1pm? Or we discuss again. I will bring my two bosses there, unless my bigger boss is tired then I leave him at mum's house to sleep.
Soyabean, he got hand foot mouth that time, so forced to quit, lol.
Bizz, soyabean, my colleagues said her mum applied the tiger balm to the thumbs to make her quit sucking. Dont think I want to use that, probably try something edible but smelly if my baby still addicted to thumb sucking next time.
nss, wah..tiger balm cannot lah..my hb suggest putting chilli lor..siao 1..later bb eat liao sick then more jia lat..
im using Ameda with batteries..so far working good leh. issit the batteries not powerful? im using rechargeable batts so on and off will recharge cos pump will drain off the batts very easily.
nss, sure, no probs. if it rains, then we bring forward to 27th. If 27th still rains, then we will rearrange again. Coz my biggest boss outstation from this friday evening, so I can have free time to go cck stayover.

Bizznow, my aunt used to put chilli on the pacifier, but that was when her gal was 3 yrs old. Hey, btw, did you managed to name your son Zhi Xuan? I did not bring my gal's bazhi to calculate her name as discussed with you last time
<font color="aa00aa">nss / fennie, i heard my collegue said blue eggs bag leaked leh. I had been using lansinoh all this while, so far only 1 bag leak coz i kiasu, fill up to 250ml.</font>
Re: big booties

u can get Pigeon brand/tollyjoy brand, they have bigger ones. I bot at kiddy palace.

Re: putting hands in mouth

my bb also like to does tat, touch head and pull hair then put in mouth.


to check weight percentile, look at health booklet last few pages. Got those graph to show which percentile.
ellysia... tks.. i refer to that but i am quite poor at graph and the lines like very close so hard to identify..

bizznow, it is so tough to part with BB rite? I experienced that 2 weeks ago..
last weekend let my bb try out the baby floor gym, he keep squealing while kicking legs and hands. see him have fun playing me also feel happy.
onz! u reply the organiser?

eeks... yeah... tiger balm? a bit "chek ark" leh...
i heard from a friend that her friend apply fish paste to the nehs to wean her 2 year old kid from breastfeeding.
Felicia, Lansinoh can fill up to 250ml?? Can check up your colleague how blue egg liners leak per box? Cannot be as bad as the Avent Liners that I got bah...
nss, felicia, fennie, i've tried blue egg, it leaked wen i fill it with 180ml-220ml &amp; tried to freeze it flat. as for lansinoh, it hasdouble seal &amp; i can fill it up to 250ml w/o problem

anyone wan to get anything from benefit???

boy socks to share anyone??
there's a spree organised on babymall. there is sales at babymall. and the spree organiser has additional 20%. very worth it.
yeah!! babycupid, tk u hehe at least ur boy got socks to wear all the time, mine only 1 pair but the bootees i have still can fit...where u stay? u order or i order? which set? i'm not keen on the ankle length cos later disappear if worn wif shoes, how bout u? design wise i anything
hmm.. yaya..i have socks handed down by my frend.. kekeke.. ya me too not keen on the ankle length.. design wise i oso anything.. do u have the site where i can see the design?
me staying sengkang.. working in yishun.. u?
usually i opt for normal. but must ask u first mah in case u want otherwise. ;p

seems like quite gd buy...u see lah...make me so gian liao!
i used brand new duracell batteries leh..cannot be not powerful enough mah..

no lah..didnt manage to name him zhi xuan.. the master said not suitable..so we name him zhi yu instead.. which sounds nice too..

yah lor..cant bear to part with him leh..
maybe u try re-arranging the batts again? if not u may prob need to give the distributor a call to chk whether its spoilt anot?
hehe... NP... btw, when the stock come, i will let u choose the pairs u wan then will see how to get my share from u... u dun hv to worry abt leaving the not-so-nice ones for me... cos i reali dun mind lor... the socks will mostly be for wearing at home and at night.
<font color="aa00aa">nss/ shern, tat time my collegue mentioned she was using her 1st box of blue egg and got 2 bags leak. I'm not sure how many pcs in one box lah.
As for lansinoh, the one i mentioned i filled up 250ml leak maybe due to expansion during freezing. I think i sealed it too tight no space for expansion when freeze, tats why the bag 'burst'. I only realised when i thaw it. And there's some bags i oso store up to 250ml, and is ok, no leak lah.</font>
i hv a few pairs of baby shoes which i let her wear when we go out... so no issue... anyway i saw the socks, they all look nice... hehe...
i did re-arrange the batts leh..but still dun work lor..u hv the distributor's no?? i bought mine from TMC..so i dunno wat no leh..
bizznow, the master is the one from wayonnet? I asked my hb if wantto find name for gal or not, but he likes KaiXuan, so we go for it.

I find Zhi Yu nice, more manly and scholar than Zhi Xuan, dun you think so?
hi bizznow,

i have never tried using the battery for ameda pump. but i know the servicing is at somewhere near yio chu kang...where's there's lots of factory etc....i need to go too cos i drop by pump...

waiting for my hubby to send me there...
Aiyo...busy day. no time to come in earlier.

RE: HV lunchie
soyabean, how come my name disappear liao? hee... count me in. my mobile 98556093. can sms me ur contact? iamsnow n shern, pls sms me so i can save ur number also. i will be there ard 11.40am like tat.

Shycloud, i also stay quite near u. =)
I only bought dr koh's fish oil once. find the dha thing abit low. i have been taking gnc goldminds for the past 1 months plus liao. 1 bottle got 60capsules for abt $72/bottle. 1 day take 1 capsule. recommended by the gnc staff when she's preggy/lactating.
thks ah..i called them liao..they asked me to bring down to check..

i will be bringing my pump there to check during lunch hour sometimes this week cos it's quite near my office..

i also leh..i got tears in my eyes when i left the house.. so sad hor.. my hb said like tis oredi cant take it then wat's gonna happen when i go brisbane next mth.. sigh..i really dunno man..super sad..
the socks OOS liao...how? 00145 or 00146?

i jio mag kline for lunch somehow next wk u free? but u working rite? i also tot tat prolacta DHA also low..i ordered nordic naturals prenatal DHA thru spree...now waiting for it to arrive. heard reviews not too bad but think abit ex.
