(2008/06) June 2008

Me, me, me...
I just came back from wedding dinner. Didnt pump for 7 hrs, my breasts were so full. I woke up at 4am this morning and havent slept since. I m so tired.. Haiz..

Good morning mommies

Fennie, I got mine from First Few Years 3 years back, I must have got the particular stock that leaks. When did u get urs? I thought that the Avent Liners not in production anymore?
hehe. I was struggling to keep awake too. Cannot dun pump leh. Nehs gg to burst liao. I was dozing off in front of the computer with the pumps attached to my nehs. -.o"

Re: TV
My ger is wtaching TV!!! She's goes quiet immediately when placed in front of the TV. I switched on cartoon for her and she started "talking". Faint.. We didnt want her to watch TV so young, but she's exposed to it at my mum's place liao.
i was having probs wif avent as well. out of 5 bags i used, 2 or 3 were leaking. damn frustrating... cos BM is so precious. i still had 5 unopened/sealed boxes. i sold them away cheap.
now i'm using playtex liners, so much cheaper and better quality than avent. let me know if u need any cos i still hv some boxes.
ladies, need to visit an old topic again.

i started to give ebm to bb during wkend day time. but this time round, he refused to drink and keep aiming at my nehs.

i haven't go n buy NUK bottles yet. anybody had this problem and solve it with NUK bottles?
last time wkend used to latch him but he will end up drink 1 side then stop. I feel he never drink full full...so gotta latch very often...tiring. somemore when i pump both sides usually get 100ml only. so now give him 140ml can tahan for 3-4hrs. but must ask helper to give. veri mafan... my hb is working on wkends so bo pian must ask helper to feed.
roooller, jenny, you both subscribed huh? I watched the free viewing of this channel last year, even my then 3 yr old son loves it, he always ask me where is babytv.

But the thing is, baby will not be at home daytime, and only evening then she will be back with us, but she sleeps at around 9pm, thus dunno worth to subscribe or not.
baby Tv mine stop crying when she watch jacky wu show. Then i switch to baby tv then she started wailing non stop. My mum then switch back to jacky wu show and she kept quiet immediately. Wah!!! i almost faint lo!
haha veniz...

sure wouldnt be watching every now and then...moreover got so many channels....bb cant be the only one watching....haha if not later have to wear spectacles

then my hubby wanna watch his soccer...my inlaw watch other programmes...

but tot good to have so that at times when at home, it can keep him occupied and at least can learn something

rather than just doing nothing....

it's additional $4 per channel exclude gst.
Hi all, wah so many posts since last Mon. How's everyone?

Haven't got the time to log in cos busy wif exam/assignments & viewings, now finally finished reading all postings.

Leng2, wah your son powerful leh & his hair so nice. Aiyoh if u look at my son, his hair still as pathetic as b4, if Cornelius can donate some to Athanasius, that will b the best. I bringing my son for 2nd dose of 6in1/pnemococcal/rotavirus this Thur so will get to measure his weight/height again. I think will b ard that weight also cos I suspect he "big bone structure" like me lor.
JTS wif all mummies, I've bought these 2 toys BN fr a mummy in Sengkang for $50 & I find it to b quite interesting. My boy likes the spinning ball better altho it's for 6mths cos he likes to use his fist to hit the ball & the songs r very lively.



BTW, this mummy got very gd lobang cos if I had bought these 2 items in S'pore, it would have cost me close to S$90. The ball costs 49.90 & the worm costs 30plus.

She emailed me last Mon saying that she has some Vtech toys selling cheap also. Farm going for 33, Phone is 28.



If any1 is interested, u can email her & c if she has anymore stocks. [email protected]
Hi all!

Didnt managed to log in as I am having problem with my internet, using M1's usb modem, according to M1, they are having an islandwide expansion of their network, therefore may affect my connection, eventhough modem shows connected, IE and firefox cannot find server, and I called M1, and they gave me waiver of this month's subscription fee.


yes, now in Singapore i think only can get avent milk bags from www.newmaternity.com located at IMM, they must have taken their stocks from the US, so far, my friend and me have bought it early this year, just before I gave birth, and have no problem at all, not 1 leak so far, my friend have finished the whole box of 100bags, and not 1 bag leak, i used about 25pcs til now, so far so good
Hi MLP, where u stay ah? I have an NUK bottle which I bought in JB cos got offer but haven't use. It's 250ml & blue color wif silicon teat(clear type). I can sell it to u if u want, u can SMS/call me @ 90073277. I stay at Kaki Bukit. I also have some disposable NUK teats which I can give u if u want to try c if your boy can use NUK teats b4 u buy the bottle. ^_^
Hi Fennie, how have u been? BTW, saw fr your post u working fr home so I'm curious, what u working as har? Haven't got the chance to ask u when I last met u.
Hi Mag,

I am a draughtsperson, use softwares to draw on pc, interior drawings, working with hb, thats why can have the privilege to work from home, because I told him either have to work from home, or bring pump to work, so he also think working from home is better, I can also keep an eye on my #1, if not, helper cannot handle him, as he wont listen to helper

wanted to ask you how much you bought the neck float at hua xia the other time?or is it a package for tub n float?saw a BP selling neck float for $19.90
OIC, so gd for u to b at home. The float was together wif tub. Hwa Xia sell the float is $30 & $50(they said 2 diff quality so diff price but to me no diff leh). The float they gave me was the $30 one but the one they used on my son during his swim was the $50 one.
Morning ladies.

I am always so much more tired on Monday than other days. My bb apped me of my energy... Haha.
do try to avoid using or find alternatives,
steroids will "age" the skin.

shave, SHAVE!!!

Hey, u stay at Kaki Bukit where??

sleep thru? Good leh!!

Monday blues?
morning ladies...

dun worry too much abt wt & ht...so long healthy can liao! rem tat time i also very kan chiong tat my gal drinks very little and irregular too...but from her weight she seems to be drinking ok lor...so im not so worried now.

ya...cos everytime i latch her on she dun seem to be able to empty my breast fully one..so wonder whether she got enuff anot or just lazy to suck further.

my hair starts to drop liao...sad!

Star, Han Han diff from other babies huh? Hee, maybe she likes Jacky Wu's wacky shows bah. BTW, happy belated birthday!

Roooller, we used to sleep before 9pm, but with two kids and houseworks, plus some dillydally, we sleep around 9-9.30pm.

Jenny, i know we do not on babytv for babies everytime, but then, every evenings when we are back home is already 7 - 8plus, weekends my son occupies the whole tv in morning.

Felicia, when do you need to collect your tubings? You ordered 1pair of tubings from Roxy rite? Do let me know so I can go and get your desitin creamy before hand.
Morning ladies!!!

hi Mag, i stay near u...i stay at upper paya lebar. will sms u on the NUK bottle. =) Btw, was just thinking long time nvr see u in forum then here u are!

RE: Hair drop
my hair starting to drop also liao....

Zuen, isn't that great!!! bb sleeping thru. =)
<font color="aa00aa">Veniz, yup! Only one pair of tubing.
I think i can only meet up on early Oct liao, coz now very very busy with works coz my one of the collegue left and this month is our quarter end closing. I'll let you know again by end of the month, ok? Thanks ah!</font>
Felicia, your #2 very cute leh? hmm, a bit different look from #1 right?

How come all your gals so fair one? Mine like still dark dark skin leh. Maybe due to the kopi I had consumed? Even bon jovi's sunny looking son already turn fair looking Kyler liao, haiz, mine still so blackie.
er...ladies, anyone here stop BF already, period came back, then after 2 cycle no menses? Mine 3rd cycle is late....normal or not huh? coz pre-preg, my menses super on the dot kind...
morning gals...
i overslept my night pump yest and oni woke up at 4am to pump... so i had to hv my 1st office pump earlier and managed to get 310ml... and oso going out for meeting in a short while.

ur gal v pretty! she's very sweet looking.

u r not alone. my gal oso pretty tanned. darker than my #1. my #1 is a boy and he is very fair... both of them shld switch skins... haha...

sigh... my ger having the signs of unease at unfamilar places already. yest nite we went to my grandpa's house for dinner and she was wailing away...

mummies with an older child...
wats ur kiddo watching on tv nowadays? my #1 is now soooo crazy over Ben 10.... he even has the ben 10 omnitrix watch now...
who is meeting up this Wed at HV ar?

Sorry, kind of busy, almost forgot abt it. heng I suddenly remember...

Meeting @ HV 17/9/08, 12.15pm

1) iamsnow
2) Soybean
3) Shern

Who else? is it MLP? Pardon me for my bad memory.
Vote: Phoa &amp; Sushi Tei. Which one u prefer?

I have Shern's no liao. I will reply u with my HP no later. Soyabean, i just pm u my no.
Morning mommies

Fennie, thanks, been IMM yesterday to get 3 packs of milk liners. The quality is better

Soyabean, I will check the liner first before using, otherwise 'sim tia' heart pain if bm leaks out. Your playtex liners can be used together with the Avent nurser?
What my 3 year old watches: Barney,Tom &amp; Jerry, Carebear. Used to be very crazy over Barney, hes go thro' phases where he is crazy over Barney - he has lots of the dvds
morning mummies...

one stupid Q.. does baby need to wear swimwear at the swimming pool.. thinking of bringing my BB for a swim..
Stranger anxiety: My baby is showing signs of this, he cried yesterday when at my brother's place and when my brother carry him, he take a look at my brother and wail very very loud. But reach home and put him on his on baby cot, he baby talk and coo very sweetly.
Soyabean, shake hands. My elder boy also very fair. Yesterday I was just telling him that meimei very dark. Then he himself very fair leh, not like meimei. When I suggest change their skins, he ran away.

My son hor, love the Japanese fighting character shows (justisriser, Sazer-X, Mask-rider, Ultraman &amp; Power Rangers) best. Then followed by Ben 10 (he conned his grandpa into buying the $50.00 hand wrist), transformers and Teen titans. Can't stand him lor, watch the action shows have to stand on sofa pretend he is fighting invisible bad pple. Already tried to stop him from watching but unable to. 'Shake head'.
