(2008/06) June 2008

hi fellow mummies. Am new here. Have a baby girl, 3months 1 week. She is very overweight. 7.5-8kg, 64 cm. She was born 3.1 kg. Have been putting on 1.5kg per month. Don't know how to slow down her weight gain
aiyo, jenny and shycloud, why like that.... in fact hor, i think 1 or two mummies here call me veinz leh, I am veniz lor, hee, feel like the 'veins' in legs if someone call me veniz.

bizznow, yaya, zhi yu nice. Anyway, there will not be anychance for me to look for masters to name any future babies' names for me, close shop liao.
Ellysia, I just went back to my EPO for past wk cos green light given by Gynae. He said won't really affect BM, told me to go ahead but 1 capsule/day cos mine's 1000mg/capsule.
Hi gers,
I moo moo-ing. Have to work late again tonight. By the time I go home, I think my bb sleeps liao. Sob, sob..

Nothing stays on my bb head for long. We bought her a pretty sunhat, until now, wears 3x niah.
r biy not underweight lah. My ger is 6.3kg at 17+ weeks. PD says 50 percentile leh.

Mag kline,
My bb sucks finger too. Then her kou shui everywhere. She's starting to drool very badly too. We are contemplating placing a bid permanently round her neck. Sucking fingers + drooling.. super messy, then rashes start appearing. We dun stop her, but will try to wipe when possible. Somemore she dun like when we wipe her.

I tink I am one of them. ;p Sorrie, sorrie, cock eyed. ;p

Re: batteries for ameda pump
How long can the batteries last huh?
<font color="aa00aa">ladies, anyone taking GNC multivitamin? Does your BM become yellowish? The saleslady only told me my urine will become yellow, but i forgot to ask about BM.
Today 1st day taking GNC multivit, then my BM become yellowish. The color very obvious coz my 1st pump at office is before i took the pill. And the 2nd pump is after, so i can easily spot the color diff. Bit scary leh.</font>
BB grows in length very fast,
I bought those 2 pcs swimming costume for my girl last time.

Bath, u can bath BB while carrying him, (while you are in swimming costume)
then dry &amp; change him before you go bath yourself.

For a start, 10-15mins of swim in enough,
make sure pool is warm enough,
also BB needs milk after bathing.
u r most welcome,
but do try to use contreceptives from now.

when our BB sleeps thru, life will be better.

Hey, my mom stays at Blk 116 Bedok Reservior Road,
next to the temple.

Easier to stop finger-sucking than pacifier, my opinion...
<font color="0000ff">Any mummies here using medela mini electric plus pump? How is it? Thinking to get a 2nd dual pump for office use. Too tired carrying my PIS everyday liao.</font>
<font color="ff6000">Morning ZuEn!
Btw, does u remember who is the mummy whom is oso an early bird during we were preggie tat time?</font>
Morning ladies...

I was on childcare leave yest, my get kept crying and wants to be carried, haiz..bery cranky...We suspect she teething even though it seems abit too early for her cos she onli coming to 4mths...But shes drooling and kept on using her tongue to play in her mouth. Wat makes us worried is her milk intake reduced..used to drink 180ml every 4hrs, now onli 110ml every 5hrs...So we tot her throat is sore or wat, somemore she has some rashes on her hand and leg..Brought her to see PD, PD say nothing wrong leh...Doesn't seems like teething, her throat okm rashes is normal, stools normal etc..Hiaz..

Zuen, aiya, its ok lar, coz I know when typing time, you may typed too fast and state the wrong spelling of my nick.

Felicia, the other early mummy should be feifei lar. She is always tat early at work. I saw you asking this seller who is selling the medela dual pump rite (Mnsmms or something)? So how is it, you going to get from her the pump? I was interested too, but everyone tells me not to spend anymore liao, coz I only planning to give EBM to gal till end of dec.
<font color="119911">feifei, just now i was thinking is you, but cannot confirm. hehe....

Veniz, i'm still looking for best deal. I plan to BF for a year if can, tats why thinking to get a pump to put in office. Really cannot bear the banging in MRT liao.
But i'm still considering lah coz really invest a lot just for BM purposes.</font>
morning everyone!

babycupid, think can get 9-15cm, my boy's feet bout 6-7cm

felicia, oic...blue egg has 25pc/box. tat time i had to discard 3pks of 180 - 200mls cos of leakage from seal, so sim tia...

my boy sucks both his hands &amp; have pacifier as well...if wean off sure headache...

My ger also refuses milk. She start puasa now...
She will cry everytime we place the milk bottle in her mouth. then now my new method of feeding her is place her on my body with her back lying on my chest n feed her
seems to work for now...
u order ok? i ok wif any design.. kekeke.. btw.. i haven trfs the california baby products to u leh.. i trfs all together wif the socks one ok.. paisay ar..

kekeke.. mayb u try to feed him when lying on bouncer.. my boy nw likes to being feed on bouncer lor.. he will cry when carry to feed..
morning girls...

btw, i have 2 bottles of GNC fenugreek unopened and sealed to sell. i hv been keeping it in case i need it. but no need already... cos even if now ss starts dipping, i will not use it anymore and jus let it be.

Each bottle bgt at $20.65 (had 30% discount). I'm willing to let it go at $18. Expiry is 2011.
Bingo =D..

heehee..wow, BF 1yr?bery good leh, jiayou ya..

ya lor, tink their gums are painful leh...PD gave me the teething gel, "Destinox", this can be bought from pharamacy lor, cheaper..u might wan go buy a tube..

u mean now when u feed her, she is facing outside?
u ok?DUn be upset ya, u have already done your best...I also hv some milk tea left, now no milk, just kept on drinking lor..
<font color="0077aa">shern, yalor, sure feel sim tia when need to throw the BM away.
In fact i plan 2 order the lansinoh from amazon this week, but very very busy and no time to do the spree. Plus i had asked my collegue help to buy the boots milkbag from BKK. So maybe there's no need buy anymore lansinoh. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">feifei, my initial plan is 6mths but then i bought a deep freezer liao, so aiming for a year now. Hopefully can succeed lah, coz quite stressful when start working liao.

Dentinox teething gel is quite good. Last time when my #1 is teething i oso use it on her. After apply, she can sleep more well.</font>
haha... no la... me no upset... my ss is still doing ok... jus that i wanna sell off the fenugreek already... cos already 3 mths plus liao... hehe... my target is 6 mths lor...
babycupid, no prob, all paying only wen the stock is in. i'll order later

felicia, jia you! i'm also hoping to bf for a year, see how it goes. but i can't seem to be able to stock 1pkt/ day. it's always sufficient for next day or jus a bit extra. per week maybe can freeze 2-3pkts only...but still have 20pkts from ML. planning trip in nov w/o bb so hoping can stock at least 40pkts...but wen over there not planning to freeze the bm cos too troublesome...c how lah, havent really decided...
jiayou ya... Hope my ger is ok lor...That time ur #1, she started teething at which mth?

scared me, tot u upset....u also jiayou k...Me stopped pumping at 3mths+ liao..
Mornin Mumz...
Felicia.. wah u MS is so good its a waste to stop bfd so soon ler...i tink everiones hopin to hv tat amt of BM leh ..i tot 1 yr is good..for me BM oso low..everytime pump oni hv abt 100ml..but still refuse to gif up ..heheh
all bfing mummies,
its already bery gd to bf til nw.. unlike me.. bf not even a mth.. no milk.. but i hope to be like you ladies for my #2.. ;)

okok.. thnx thnx.. when u stay ar?
morning ladies

ok so 00146...i order liao.

no lah im working but i will be on leave 1 of the days next wk.
<font color="aa00aa">shern, is not easy when go travelling lor. My hubby was thinking to go for a short trip as well. After much thinking maybe only cruise is the best choice, coz easier to handle baby plus i can expressed on schedule.
But we realised even baby oso need to pay 40% of adult fee, seems not worth leh. So, shall see how it goes.

Feifei, if remember correctly, my #1 start hvin the symptom around 4mths when she keep drooling. Then we spot her 1st tooth (whitish on gum), tats when she's almost 6mths. From 4mths onwards, she had problem in sleeping, maybe feel irritated or wat lah. When we found dentinox and apply on her, she can sleep well lor.</font>

thanks... i will jiayou... i hv already made it this far... hehe...

u wan BM or not? i can spare u some frozen packets... keke... =P dats cos i hv no more space in freezer to store anymore already. and i freeze abt 2-3 packets a day. i hv even resorted to start mixing my elder boy's FM with some BM...
<font color="blue">morn ladies...

i also taking the gnc multivit leh..the yellow colour will go away if u drink more water and eat fish i think..dat's wat happen to me lah..mine went away when i increase my water and fish intake.. i taking 2 pills plus 2 gnc fish oil in the morn.. how many u taking??

@ least u pump each time got 100ml..i only hv 60ml at most ok..sometimes will go up to 80-100ml.. but still persist.. die die wanna hang on until abt 6mths.. hehe..

i dun mind buying the fenugreek from u..how to collect from u huh???</font>
i stay in bukit panjang... i work at buona vista near holland v... if u wan, can self collect. if not, i can mail it to you... i will wrap until very nice and safe... keke... and no need to pay for postage.
<font color="0077aa">babycupid, dont feel bad about bfing. During my #1, i only manage bf for 2 weeks nia. And now #2, i had lot of ss, so plan to bf longer. So no worry ok!

Riz, tat day was telling my hubby that lot of june mummies were trying hard to bf despite ss not much. And my ss is good, so i must perserve for a year. My determination was coming from all the mummies here de!

bizz, i'm taking one pill only. Ok will drink more water from now on.</font>
bizznow, at times realli feel like giving up..but lookin at te 'wonders' of BM..then decided to continue..me oso start work liao..oni can pump 4hrly.(hope my boss won make noise,,cos i kp goin MIA to pump) :p .no choice one day can oni gif bb 2-3 feeds of BM..and supp wit FM lor..
me oso same..die oso wanto at least try 6mths..


My BM did not become yellow after taking the pill. But urine is yellow, however my urine has been yellow usually. I took only 1 pill cos the pill has iron n causing constipation so i only take 1 pill.
