(2008/06) June 2008

<font color="aa00aa">veniz/ soyabean. thsk for the compliment. U know, still got ppl ask if me if she's a boy. *peng*
Btw, coffee no effect on bb skin lah coz i had been drinking lot of coffee when preggie oso. But in fact, my #1 is fairer than my #2 leh. Dont worry , ur baby will grow fairer over times.

Riz, yup. Power of breastmilk! hehe...</font>
menses may go haywire for few months.

yah, need at least swim diaper,
do rem to check if the pool is warm,
if too cold, BB may be too cold to even cry out!
<font color="aa00aa">hi morning everyone! another wet Monday, at least in town.

a qn. any estimate date when we prob be able to get our bb's sunglasses? cant wait to put it on for my ger ley.

yur #2 so adorable. wan pinch pinch her arms...kekekeke...</font>

my Jared also very tan, my sister said i drank too much coffee when preggie time, any idea if its true?my mil added, her daughter drank alot bean curd dessert, thats why her children both very fair and good skin, sigh.....

my 8yr old #1 loves watching cartoon, he loves going to my parents place bcos got cartoon network, at home, he loves to play online pc games
oops...lolz type too fast..paiseh leh. btw u still visit dr koh for anything? i was thinking of getting the DHA..or maybe get fr outside?
thanks nss and leng leng? what about tops? i am actually thinking of getting life thermal swimwear leh.. but like nobody buying from the forum thus i am thinking whether to get.. ha ha.. btw.. i think hard to bathe bb after swim rite as daddy cannot come in.. oso dunno where to put him..
Rizty, you can use olive oil (or vegetable oil) massage on the scalp for 5-10 minutes, then wash away with your bb shampoo. That's wat i did last week to clear my bb's cradle cap. Alternatively, you can get the cradle cap shampoo, but i have not tried that. Hope this helps.
Morning ladies!!!

I've checked, sushi tei no reservations accepted, pho hoa does...??

Yest so drama, my boy was wailing on/off from church to wisma to taka, inbetwn i had to go isetan to enquire bout expired voucher while he was crying, hb told me pple kept staring...humph like i care...tot he hungry so sat at one of the benches in ngee ann to feed but he dun wan...tot he poop so wen taka bb rm, yeah bingo, changed diaper....but still wailing so tried feeding again but dun wan leh....wen into bf rm &amp; shove my neh down his throat...tot maybe it's cos i jus changed to pigeon std teat + gerber bottles...now i realise maybe i cant feed him by bottle...
Lengleng: thanks. u r the only one who hasn't suggested to me to go test...hahaha...was worried coz 1st 2 cycles were regular...then this 3rd one still not here...anyway being super kiasi, i tested just now...negative...heng ah...
nss, yes, I mean not that I proud or wat, but my son is really a charmer, he knows what to say to different pple, once he knows them. Also, his teacher told me that when he is noti, she wants to scold him, but unable to coz he has the very innocent look. But hor, like that I very difficult to teach him. Hey, I this sat will be going to my mum's house, you can go lot 1 with your two bosses? If can, we can arrange to go for our spoken desserts at MOF with our both set of bosses.

Fennie, please lar, tell your mil that the bean curd thing not true one. Coz when with #1, I ate and drink bean curd stuff, always vomit within mins, he came out very fair. Then with this #2, although I drank more coffee, I drank more soyabean milk and eat barley beancurd skin with gingko than #1 time, and yet gal turns out darker. MIL's words you just listen can liao. In fact, I find boy tan is good lor, coz ever have fair skin male friends unable to turn tan as they want.

ioio, for boys hor, best you get those 1pc life thermal swimwear, can keep them warm. (those padded ones) General department stores do sell them.
ioio, ya. OG discounted items always quite worth buying. Only that I seldom go there coz always brand it as 'auntie store'. But hor, now I becoming auntie too, so will go there when there is sale (my uncle hb just went there to get a pair of Doc Martin shoes at a very good price).
veniz... ya ya.. I always call OG - Old Girl.. ha ha but yup their bb items quite worth buying when there's sales..
thanks for your sharing, and consolation, my hb say tall, dark and handsome good what!

did you enquire with new maternity if their stocks come from the US?I do saw in forum there are alot of bad feedbacks about avent milk liners,but personally i dont like their via cups, i find the caps not good, if twist too much, it will pop open again.

I thought you bought the lansinoh milk bags from kittybride?used up already?

In fact if i finish my bags, i may get the blue eggs, $6 for 25 bags, cheaper than lansinoh, but looks similar, cos got zipper, and self standing
I dun suffer from Monday blues, but midweek blues. ;p I am just too tired. Sleep deprivation. -.o"

My hair loss seems to be lesser liao. Last month was super jia lat.

Yes &amp; no. Cos she will be super hungry in the morning. It is terrible to have a hungry &amp; angry baby in the car. I dreamfeed her at 5am this morning. Hehe.

You so funny. But I tink I will faint too if I preggy now. ;p
no worries abt sushi tei... if u all wan, i can reach there and "book" table first... keke... i'm abt 5 mins walk from there oni... hehe....

eh... how u inspect the bag b4 using? :p the playtex liner works the same way as the avent nurser i believe... here is more info: http://www.playtexstore.com/cgi-bin/item/PLA05459
if u wanna try it out, let me know...
i can sell u a box or two...

felicia, fennie...
hehe...yes i believe wat we drink during preggie has no effect! my mum said she drank alot of milk when she was expecting me, but i turned out to be so dark... haha...

my boy oso arh... now always pretending to press the watch and turn into "Four Arms", "Cannonbolt" etc... sometimes when we scold him, he will point the watch at us and mumble mumble... when he does this, sure kena beaten one lor... haha...
if u know of any of such BPs, lemme know oso... hehe... cos i wanna buy for my ger. her booties are all getting TIGHT! we still let her wear booties cos we're afraid she will get cold...
soyabean, what about socks?

any mummies wear cap for baby at nite? my boy refuse to.. but i heard it's important to wear cap to protect them from cold and bb wearing cap will be stronger in future...
Leng2, I staying at Jalan Tenaga opp Kaki Bt's Techlink. I'll b shaving my boy next mth when he's 4mths.

Hi Shycloud, I'm currently at home most of the time so if u want to meet up, just sms/call me @ 90073277.

Last nite b4 I slept at 4.30, i tried to feed my boy while he was still in LalaLand, actually he suck slower as compared to waiting for him to cry for milk. He slept until 8.30 this morning.

Fennie, if my boy can b darker abit then ho say liao cos i find he's too fair for boy, like gal gal.

Felicia, I got same problem as u. My boy so fair &amp; features so "sze boon", ppl always thot he's gal gal even tho wearing blue. I answer until I quite sianz...
ioio, i actually want to wear cap cos scared he cold(hair quantity too pathetic) but my boy perspire easily &amp; we dun sleep wif aircon, only fan so decided not to let him wear. Now he only wears long/short sleeve top &amp; long pants to sleep. No mittens/booties.

Any babies here sucking fingers like "mad" har? My boy can rotate to suck all 5 fingers on both hands leh, quite er xin man. He happy happy suck thumb, then index &amp; middle finger together, then ring finger wif little pinkie, after that he'll switch to other hand. I still hesitating want to give pacifier or not but I know they suck is for sense of security so I try to let it b leh. Any opinions from mummies here?
MLP, ya i so long didn't come in &amp; missed so many posts. Too busy wif exams/assignments/viewings &amp; of cos servicing my little boss Athan.
thanks for your sharing, and consolation, my hb say tall, dark and handsome good what!

did you enquire with new maternity if their stocks come from the US?I do saw in forum there are alot of bad feedbacks about avent milk liners,but personally i dont like their via cups, i find the caps not good, if twist too much, it will pop open again.

I thought you bought the lansinoh milk bags from kittybride?used up already?

In fact if i finish my bags, i may get the blue eggs, $6 for 25 bags, cheaper than lansinoh, but looks similar, cos got zipper, and self standing
thanks for your sharing, and consolation, my hb say tall, dark and handsome good what!

did you enquire with new maternity if their stocks come from the US?I do saw in forum there are alot of bad feedbacks about avent milk liners,but personally i dont like their via cups, i find the caps not good, if twist too much, it will pop open again.

I thought you bought the lansinoh milk bags from kittybride?used up already?

In fact if i finish my bags, i may get the blue eggs, $6 for 25 bags, cheaper than lansinoh, but looks similar, cos got zipper, and self standing
haizz im looking for the BP also lor..the booties i have are more for newborns so my girl outgrow it liao..

i usually let my gal wear cap when outside but once home will take it off. the front tip of the head (like diamond-shape) is still soft so must wear to protect lor esp nowadays weather siao siao.

mag kline,
we staying so near lor..K lah onz ar..i jio u for lunch sometime next wk (will be on leave) u must come out hor.

my gal also suck her fingers too! we try to give her pacifier though cos i know can wean her off easily when she gets older (she dun like to suck pacifier anyway). their hands will always be there and available so may be diff to wean off. IMHO
mag kline, ha ha.. my boy will try to fit his whole fist into his mouth, same same.. i always ask him "do you feel dirty?" as he like touching head, pulling hairs..etc then suck his fist. I do give him pacifier at times, but sometime he will still suck his fist as think it tastes better.. *faint*
shycloud.. my infant cap always come out.. think my boys got too much hair or he got big head.. ha ha...

any mummy know where to check weight percentile? my boy only 6.3kg at week 14 leh... is he underweight?

i told organizer my bb 3 months old, she suggested 9-15cm, you may want to ask her again based on your bb's feet length?
<font color="aa00aa">soyabean, last time my mom said when she's preggie with me, she drink the black chicken soup, tats why maybe i'm dark. But then when i'm preggie with my #1, i drink lot of black chicken soup oso, but she turn out to be fair leh. So conclusion, wat we eat during preggie wont affect our baby skin color lor.</font>
Felicia, *faint*, black chicken = dark skin? Cannot be lar, coz both preggies I drank lots of black chicken soup leh.

Soyabean, my son made those fighting patterns, when I took the Mr blue cane out to use on him, initially he was afraid, now, he is challenging us to hit him with the cane. Getting from bad to worst. Mid-Autumm, he asked for 3 lanterns from his grandpa (my FIL) he also buy all for him, my sil told him she is buying gameboy for him, let me see that, I will confiscate from him, be it she pays one or not, coz she also bui zhi tong person.
Star, Christina called me to inform me that she will transfer you the Gap spree payment either mid week or end of this week. Reason being Chloe was admited into KKH for some small operation last Thurs. But over weekends she got fever due to virus infection, thus now in hospital under observation. She told me to inform you that she is sorry for this very late payment but will contact you once everything is well with her Chloe.
soyabean, i check the sealing at both side, can see whether got seal properly. If the liners are not sealed properly, it will leak. I am gg to try out lansinoh bag cos find that self sealing is easier than using clips or rubberband.

Fennie, have not use the 1 box of lansinoh yet, bought it bcos fed-up with the Avent liners. If you are getting blue eggs bag with the free delivery, can help me get some too? I can go collect from you at Woodsland.
thanks for the link... i wonder wat size shld i get for my ger leh... cos the issue is not with the length of her feet, but more of the size of her thigh... the booties she was wearing were getting tight there... always leaving red marks.... a ger with fat legs... sigh...

aiyo... more $ spent on BP... i jus bgt from 2 BPs yest... i think i will get this... http://www.flickr.com/photos/30295215@N05/2839318624/in/set-72157607172521954/ cos most value for $$ :p
magkline, my boy also suck thumb. Pull out, he will cry. Sometimes suck so hard that can even hear the sucking in the living room. My elder boy also used to suck thumb. Pacifier mission unsuccessful.

hi ladies, me 1st day back @ work..super sian..miss my bb so much..

can i ask ah...those using ameda pumps hor..did u all try wif battery huh?? i tried using 6 AA batteries but it doesnt work leh..can anyone tell me where can i send it for service huh?? it's still under warranty now i tink.. i bought it in june 08..
