(2008/06) June 2008

Cactus - My obgyn do not do VE. He is a naturalist (that' what we call him lah)....he loves to say ~ Let nature do her work!!!

My workplace super family-unfriendly de. Simi facilities ma bo. I am still wondering if I need to express in the toilet. -.o" There is a microwave in teh pantry, but not noce to use it to sterlise my pumps lah. So I think the pill will be the easiest.

6 months!!?? I was hoping tp squeeze back into my pre-preggy workclothes. Looks like no hope liao. Another reason to shop. ;p I still have 5kgs to go. I am hoping to go back exervising next week. Next week is my 6th week after delivery. Must wait 3 months?

My bb was super cranky last night and I barely have 4 hours of interrupted sleep. She too can suckle for > 1 hour then cry for milk 1 hr later. This morning, I really feel like giving up breastfeeding. Haha. I am still trying my best. I hope to tahan until I go back to work. You tried your best liao.

Re: Sleeping at breast + frequent feeding
When I have that trouble, I will feed my bb EBM. She dun have problem of nipple confusion, so I can easily switch her back to latching. It is easier and lesser effort to feed via bottle, so she tend to drink more and demand feeding at longer interval. Bbs who are pre-matured or have jaundice tend to sleep at the breast. If really the case, no point forcing them to latch on. Very taxing on the mummies. Hehe.
Jia you, jia you. I had that tot (of throwing my bb out of the window) a week ago too. I was so tired and was breastfeeding her. She will suckle until she fall asleep. The moment I unlatch her to burp her, she will wake up and start getting cranky. This went on for over 1+ hr and I felt so fustrated. I was so worried over that tot that I have. I tot I am gg into depression. Didnt dare to tell hb until later the next day. Hb very worried too and kept telling me to wake him up if I cannot handle. ;p Now I ok liao. Will still get fustrated when I am very tired and she's cranky + keep demanding feeds. But no more such horrible tots. Jia you. Can your hb help? At least muct give you morale support.
Same like u, I try to nap at noon. But I just fell asleep for 15mins, she will start crying again. I try to put her in sarong (w/o shaking her. I am desperate. I am a believer of all things now and will try everything) but she lie in there for 1min and start screaming again.
If I just let her cry, she will cry till no more voice and like about to lose her breath.

If only the moment they are born, they can talk.

My back really aching from all the carrying around.
That day I so cant handle my bb who cried from 1.30am till 5+am. I was so stress and tired. Later in the noon, I suddenly broke down as I felt so lonely. I really thought I was on the verge of depression.

My HB got so scared that I will really go ga-ga. Heng after talking it out makes me feel better lo.
ladies, shag man after coming home for 1 day nia...

think my massage lady go fly kite liao.
any recommendations? Wld like to start my massage asap.

HI Cynthia, star and zu en,

I have the urge too to throw bb out of window too. After every feed, he will doze off but when i put him back to bed, he will cry again and demand for carrying. Even if i carry he will still cry sometimes. I cannot tahan and will scold him.

Me not taking up my massage.. cos me ored slim down through bf. if u want i can recommend u to her? mine is auntie su.

u may want to try sadiah..i'm hving a session w her this fri..she just called me and told me that she has a free slot tomm at 12pm..call her if u r interested.97724579
Hi cynthia/star/ ellysia
haha... Mine does that esp at NITE!! i can bring him to the room at 10pm, feed him and he doesnt sleep till 12+ 1 am. Thats is from a boy who can sleep anywhere anyhow right after milk in the day time ok? Wow lau.
My poor elder end up not sleeping too.
Btw, how much milk are your babies drinking? My boy is at 120mls now wor...

Cynthia, i am worst lor, cos he is #2, i kind of got immune to his crying. Last time my #1, cry little already i heart pain, now ah? hahaha.... cry cry lor.
My gynae say if BF, 99% will not get pregnant unless we stop. Originally, I plan for #2 next year, look like need to have a change due to BF.
Do u intend to BF?

I thot BM poo is yellowish?

Do we have to sterilise the pump? I usually sterilise once and use hot water to wash before each use. My company don have much facility.
are all jaundice babies like that?falling asleep after latching on for abt 5-10mins?my baby just wont wake up after that to continue (no matter what i do to disturb him)...he is definitely not getting enough milk ...and seems like the latching also got problem...always taking in e nipple portion only..(could it be because he is too used to my bottle feed for express milk?)..Hiaz stress like dunno wat.....
Connie, yup. I plan to BF but plan to build up milk supply up to 6 months' supply then stop by pumping excessively beyond bb's demand, including night pumps. I'm working part time in the afternoons after bb is born after my ML ends.. so should be able to wake up every 2 or 3 hourly at night to feed bb directly and express too. My boss has given me green light to express in office too, so that's a done deal. It's true that we won't get pregnant if we BF but only if we BF exclusively. This means, BF-ing or expressing at least once every 4 hourly or feeding bb upon demend with no supplementation of fluids of FM. I plan to rest for 3 months after delivery, then try for #2 immediately.. so have to work hard to build up milk supply within 3 months, then from 4th month onwards, taper off the supply but still maintain enough milk for bb up to 6 months.
Christina, so sad to hear about your dd. My CL also Indo Chinese, but so far so good lor, only that she does not know how to cook french toast and only speaks hokkien which I speak only 50% of it. But good think is hb is good in hokkien and if I need to tell her anything, just show her, demo or point with some duck chicken language.

Cynthia, dun think of throwing your darling out ok. Babies cant talk we also have to ren. My gal if cannot sleep in night, will pretend to look for milk by opening mouth face left and right coz she wants pple to carry. In the end, CL brings her to me, I let her suckle to sleep then put her back in her cot.

Linda, my gal sleeps 11.30pm every night. But she will still wake up a while before sleep again.

Zuen, it depends on individual on the sliming down part. I am sure we will still have flabs tummy and will have to work hard on those rolls.

JP, yesterday threw lots of '$$' away leh. My gal urine a lot, so threw diaper away, then halfway feeding, she poo again. Threw again. After that, wake up, poo while sleeping, aiyo, like never stop like that, sianz. AT least yours is cheap brand, my hb and mil insist on pampers, although not I buy but I hardpain about it.

Mine is the worst i tink. Mine will cry from 3am to 9am, need to carry around.

I dunno how much milk my boy is drinking cos i latch most of the time. He used to drink 90ml FM at hosp so we still try to stick to the same amt. However yest PD says his weight gain is a bit high so me tinking to reduce his milk amt. however dun give him milk he also will be cranky.. so tough


at least yrs suckle will sleep. mine suckle liao pretend to sleep then once put down on cot will wake up and cry. Then he will search for nipple, then put him to breast again he will suck until sleep but once put back to cot he will wake up again.. this cycle will repeat again n again until he is so tired he will concuss to sleep. by then we adults ored half dead.

Mine also will poo, then cry to change. change then poo again. so our pampers also used up v fast. me also use pampers.
Zu En,

I also have some fats can't reduce despite BF. I dun tink i can squeeze back to pre-pregnancy clothes cos my hips size has expand. So likely have to spend some money to revamp wardrobe when ML is going to end. I haven't have the time to go through my wardrobe yet cos previously i have keep away some work clothes for my pregnancy clothes, now have to do the reverse.
Mean u will convert to part time after 3 months of maternity? Where do u pump in the office? I guess I will need to do it in the toilet. Haven't told my boss abt the pumping issue, sure not happy lor. Do you buy an additional fridge to store the BM?

Heard pamper is good in absorbert. Send my hubby to buy but he kept asking wat brand. end up bought mammy poko. Show him the packing, then he say did see on the shelf. Mammy poko is softer than pamper. Don know good or not.
Hi mummies,

Can understand the "torture" of bf.. (suckle then sleep, etc)

I know it's gd, but it's too tiring, I "gave up" in the sense that I do not latch and I'll only pump as and well I like - not limited to schedule (used to pump every 3 hrs for 15mins for both sides). I do not have much milk. 2 weeks liao, only abt 70-80ml each pump.

My baby has been taking Similac and had not poo for 2 days, any advise?
Ellysia, aiyo, if he awake in middle of the night, your mum and you take turns to carry him isit?

Connie, I think mamypoko also not bad. Now they have a new range lor. BTW, when discharged from hospital, those free gift packages do have drypers, huggies ultra and I am not sure but maybe one mamypoko? Good to try those diapers also.
<font color="aa00aa">Riz, u'll be there at 1pm? I tot the clinic close at 12.30pm?
I'm going at 12noon. Maybe got chance to meet leh. U shld be able to recognise me, since u saw my pix before. hehe....</font>
Hi verniz,
1130pm ok lor, every night i must "fight" with my son. Strange he sleeps well in the day despite noises, lights &amp; such. My elder could sleep thru the night at 5th mth. I think this noti boy difficult liao.

Hi ellysia
3am - 9am??! That's pure torture!! So u have to carry him? Have u got a sarong sling? it might help, then u also can sleep but sitting up lah...better than no sleep.

For me, i let him sleep beside me and stuff him his pacifier to let him sleep. sometimes woerk, sometimes not. He also likes to hold on to my finger when he trying to sleep.

90 ml from hospital? Thats quite a lot. Mine was only 60ml. only after 1 week, then 80ml. But i wonder if 120ml is too much for a going to be 3 weeks baby leh. Dun remember my girl drinking that much this young.

I only managed to squeeze into my bigger pants &amp; skirts. Hopefully when my ML is finished, i can fit back into old clothes, else waste $$. I weigh last night, 53kg, 6kg more to go leh.

Hi jessica
Me too fnd supply dropping, now can pump when i feel full which is like 5hrs? Never mind lah. Selfish-ly, i was glad too, cos very busy pumping 3hrly, feeding, bathing 2 kids. Also canot imagine going out with leaking boobs and engorgement.
Both my kids are on similac (elder one on Gain IQ now). He doesnt poo daily. Ever tried never poo for 2 days. If your baby doesnt show signsof discomfort shld be ok. Try putting Ru Yi oil and diluting his milk. that 2 days, i mixed 1 1/4 scoop for 90ml of water.

Mamy poko is good in absorbency too. But ex. now i use drypers for day n huggies ultra/comfort for night, can last till day time, so i dun change him unless he poos. but the huggies cutting kind of big leh, sometimes, my boy wakes with his diapers below his butt.
My massage lady is from Indonesia. They actually have a shop but will send the massage lady to your house. You can contact them at 62522881. The charges are $580 for 7 sessions, each session is 90min.

I bought the handsfree at the Expo fair but cannot rem if it is from mumsfairy. Hey same, i also find the binder was more bearable today. Myabe cos stomach really got smaller?? hehe.

Ok, better call FFY and get the receipt re-issued. Have u checked the instruction manual last page?? Mine was stapled there. I believe they can base on the date they issue the card to you?

Mine leaked a bit only cos I pumped just before the massage. Maybe u can do that so as not to waste it.

K Ong,
Hey hey, still playing the waiting game huh? Jia you! It'll be your turn!
HI ladies, thanks for the information on massage ladies! My SIL is helping me to contact her massage lady. Will see how it goes!

My breasts r engorged n baby doesn't seem to get enuf milk. giving him FM + whatever I pump out every 3hrs.

Gosh! It's pretty stressful... I just have to hang in there till my MS comes in.
Hi mommies,
I am also in the waiting game, but how come you guys already experience contraction on and off, but me nothing at all ler??? In week 39 now already.
Only sometimes at night feel BB pushing downward, a bit painful, that is all. Sometimes if got pain also not a repetitive one.

Hi Tera,
Thanks for sharing!

it has been a long time since i log in. btw, it's 3wks since i have given birth...now everything is more in place, and ready for my baby first month celebration.

btw, my massage lady is really good. i got her 5 consecutive days from my second week and i am getting her to come this week as well cos i really need a good massage.

if anyone is keen can contact her, but she is very busy.

only $32 per 1hr session, and pay only on the fifth session.

so far very good. she also do slimming one. which i am now asking her to do for me. $35 per session.

anyone interested can contact her, mona 90260085.

the only thing is that you need to follow her timing cos her schedule really packed.
but really worthwhile.
Veniz and Linda,

My mum will carry him throughout whole nite. she will attempt to put him to sleep if he appear to be asleep, sometimes successful sometimes not. tats why if my mum went back home (weekend she need to go back sometimes to settle stuff), i will be in trouble.

I didn't carry him to sleep on my bed, cos my bed also quite dirty now tat i didn't have time to wash linen etc, dun want bb to catch dirt esp now his face got rashes ored.

Just now he make himself so tired tat he sleep from 4pm to 10pm without asking for feed. end up i have to pump my milk out and its so engorge tat i can pump 100ml just within 5mins. I didn't pump all milk out cos want to keep in case need to latch later.
I think we can start a DESPERATE MOTHERS club hehehe

When I admit my bb into hospital last week, the doctor calculate the amt of milk she should consume based on her current weight. He insist that I should let her finish the amt no matter what. At that point she is drinking approx 60ml of milk based on 2.8kg.
taken from Yahoo on the amt of milk a baby should take in a day.


intake is dependent on the infants weight, normally a 6 week old will eat 2-4oz in a sitting or nurse every 1.5-3 hours round the clock
as long as your baby is still not being fed anything except formula or breastmilk, gaining weight and having wet diapers he is well fed
these are the ounce guidelines based on weight (the amount of calories a day needed for growth)
Pounds/ kg /oz
4.5 / 2 / 11
6 / 2.7 / 15
8 / 3.6 / 19
10 / 4.5 / 24
12 / 5.5 / 30
To estimate energy requirements and recommended formula intake for an individual infant:

* Obtain infant's weight in kg. If measurement is taken in pounds, convert ounces to a decimal value of a pound (each ounce is .0625 of a pound) and multiply by .454.
* Multiply weight in kg by 108 kcal/kg to get estimate of total energy needs.
* Divide by 20 to get number of ounces

also please note that the amount of food given and also the type will have no effect on how long or well your baby sleeps.
giving rice cereal or other food before six months old will do nothing for your baby except deprive him of the calories he needs (he can't yet digest solids).

yr bb drink too little, my bb drink too much. according to PD recent check, his wt gain too much so suspect overfed. But i latch v hard to determine the amt. and i am lazy to pump and feed by bottle. so now i limit my latch time.

Me saw my princess liao. She is 3.415kg. So choon..her bro was 3.425kg.

Contractions started at abt 4plus. Me thought another trial run...so, still playing wz #1. Ehen the pain got worse, in tears. Called DH to come back. Packed #1's baby bag, took a shower and went to TMC.

Arrived at TMC within 30 mins. Checked in at 5.45pm according to the Sister. Changed and checked VE - dilated 5cm liao. Epidural administered only. No time to pangsai either. OBGYN came within 20mins. Checked VE again - 8cm dilated. By 7plus, Sister and OBGYN asked to push. Baby facing up (the most difficult position, it seemed) but OBGYN said I can do it..no need to use other equipments. So, push lor. Princess came out with a loud cry and eyes wide open after 8 pushes. Both baby and mummy are a-OK.

Sister asked me to BF baby immediately and heng ah...successful. Now am in the room, can't sleep, DH and #1 is staying with me.

So glad its over.

That's my story lah...

Take care and nite!
Talking about massage lady, mine is also very good. Her name is Nor and her HP is 90048804. For her, each session which is 2 hours @ $60. So, it depends on how many sessions you want. Recommended 5 for post natal. She is always packed.
Hi all,
I fell a large gust of water,
not sure if I just broke my water bag or,
if it's just mucus plug,
I should be heading for KKH when day breaks,
wish me luck!!!

My bb gal also drink about that amount when i just bring her back she was about 2.7kg plus

Think she drank for about 1 week plus... now sometimes she drink 80ml to 100ml depending on how long she wake ups for milk...

She also cannot drink a lot lor... she will vomit out one lor... she is already 2weeks old liao...

For mi i never check if she how much she should drink... as long as she poo poo and wee wee and gain weight i ok liao...

Leng Leng
JIA YOU............
I not too sure if can keep warmed BM leh... can try asking www.breastfeeding.org.sg (i think so), if website not avail try google...

They can ans your question...

Normally i thought any unconsumed BM should be poured away... Me already immune liao... haha...
Mornin Mumz..

Hi Felicia...for post natal checks usualli oni done in the mornin till noon..the nurse gaf me 1.05pm...but i jus realise i nd to go to my son's childcare tomorow at sembawang..so i change the checkup to tomorow lor..if i go see Dr Ang today i don hv anyone to look after my small one...i don trust my maid !!!was tinkg i can mt u at the clinic..but maybe cant liao..heheh...maybe will get to mt u in khatib next time... :p
i don seem to be able to upload my kids pic in here ..however i hv uploaded in the motherhood yahoo site...for viewing...
meanwhile u kp smiling and Jia you orh...
<font color="aa00aa">JP, so your princess was born in which date? I seems cannot found the date on ur post.Hehe....
Btw, congratulations!

Leng Leng,
In hospital liao?
Wow, now left few June mummies is still struggling. Oh...no.... i might be the last one to pop. *sob*

Riz, still tot can met u up today. Nvr mind, still got chance to met each since we lived so near.</font>

yes.. seems like left few june mummies onli. i wil be goin to gynae again tml mornin. most prob wil be induce tml or sat mornin @ WK38+.
