(2008/06) June 2008

i had my babe at TMC.That day TMC 's delivery room was practically full..i could hear newborns like every 15 mins..but i guess i was lucky that my delivery was fast..admitted at 12pm -6cm dilation n popped at 330pm..what abt u?at tmc?


Yes my bb nose always blocked.


Hb brought bb to PD to check yest. Checked his lungs and is fine.

To all,

Btw how much weight gain yr bb has obtain within 1st mth? Yest my bb go PD and weight show tat he is now 4.2KG. His birth weight is 3.6KG. That means he gain around 0.6KG within 2 weeks. PD mention he could be overfed thus causing indigestion.

So i try to feed him less but my breasts end up engorge and leak milk. Hiaz so i gotta pump milk out lor.. dunno wat to do with the extra milk.

since u r ored dilated at 3cm, i tink c-sect chance is rather low. Me admitted at 1.5cm dilation, still give birth natural though is long hr delivery.

how do u know that e bb nose is blocked?any symptoms to take note of?my bb seems to hv running nose n blocked nose at nite..very worried that he will get fever..bringing him to PD tomm..
I took 10-15 min to pump both side. didn't use other pump b4, so would presume it is ok.
BB wake up 2+ to 5+ last nite. lye on the bed and let him suck. He was awake from 5pm to 8pm yestersday evening, nite still so alert. Morning doze off so fast.

Eventually still need to freeze the BM if gg back to work force after maternity.

I'm using Ameda. Find it ok. bought it during Isetan sales a few months back. My frien told me Medela pump is painful and the avent spoil easily. she bought 3 sets over 6 months. She advise me to buy ameda instead. This is my first pump, so no comparison done.
Ellysia, yah, that's what my doctor said but I don't have contractions which last more than 2 hours.. the most was just contractions 20 minutes apart for 2 hours... sad. If dun have regular contractions increasing in frequency, will need to induce by next week. I don't really want induction cos it's probably more painful than normal labour. I really want to try to deliver without epidural still. And I can't afford a c-section cos don't want to wait for #2.. planned to have #2 next year... but if it is c-section, no choice but to wait out..

i can hear his nose blocked and he has to breathe through his mouth.


if gynae break yr waterbag, it can trigger contractions tat is 5mins apart.

Frankly speaking, i didn't encounter any contractions tat is 5mins apart when i go to hosp. It was 10mins apart and 2 hours duration. After gynae break my waterbag, it become 5min apart, then go to 3min apart then back to 5min apart then 3min apart.

If u ored dilated, u won't need the induce pill rite? then just put on drip and the induce liquid? if so it shd be the same liquid as the one i was put on.

Worst come to worst do consider epidural bec if u dun have strength to push out in the end then become c-sect, then even worse.. *touch wood* lah.
Hi Ellysia,

I think I may want the pill to induce still although cervix is dilated cos I don't want to start the drip yet. I don't know. have not thought about it. the drip is the one that causes unbearable contractions.. fear I may not be able to cope without epidural in such a situation. I'm not so attracted to breaking waterbag, cos if water bag broken and still no contractions 5 minutes apart, fear of infection may set in cos likely labour will be long and will need to have the drip. I want to avoid the drip.
the pill to induce is prostin.. it causes cervix to prepare for labour and may jump start labour even. I'm hoping for that to happen.

i tot the pill is more painful.
anyway me on epidural, on drip also no feeling.

Btw the breathing exercise is quite effective to relieve pain. i use it to relieve pain for 4 hrs before i ask for epidural.
<font color="blue">cactus,
i dunno the condition of my cervix leh..cos my doc nvr do any VE for me..i dun even noe if i am dilated oredi anot..he said he dun 1 2 do VE now cos he wants to avoid inducing bb..so i guess i will only noe whether i am ready oredi anot by next week lor..

i think engage liao lah..u n me same timing mah..shld be @ least engaged halfway..hehe..eh..ur hb so funny.. how can bb drop out like dat?? 3 cm dilated only lor..hehe..

<font color="blue">thks connie n mei..
noisy ah??how noisy is it?? but it's quite light rite?? i thinking of getting dat actually..cos roxyz was telling me dat her fren recommend to get ameda too..it's quite value for $$$.. </font>
Ellysia, I think pill is more painful. Maybe the drip is less painful cos you have epidural, or they started you on a low dose of the drip until you got your epidural? I don't konw.

Bizznow, actually you can ask your doctor to do VE for you cos there is no fear that your bb is not mature anymore. You must be at week 39 now right? Baby should be fully mature at week 37. Then again, sometimes, it's better not to know anything... take it as it comes. you never know, you may dilated already!
RE:Confinement Lady
Me having problem wif my CL cos she dun know how to handle newborn BB end up my ger need to admit to TMC and have all the jabs and needles and blood tests. Me so heart pain when i saw her cyring so loud and me cry the whole nite when i wif her on wed nite at TMC.
<font color="blue">cactus,
yah..going on to 39weeks this thurs.. dunno lah..since he said dun do then dun do lor..i leave it to him..juz dat now i really hate the waiting part..hehe..but i think i hvnt dilate lah..cos now i dun feel the pain as much as b4 @ the pelvic area liao leh..only a bit..n i can still walk quite fast leh..if dilate oredi shld feel the pain more n cant walk properly liao rite..</font>
bizznow, I don't think there's any difference in walking or pain after dilating leh... I only felt a difference when bb was very much engaged.
<font color="blue">cactus,
no difference meh?? i tot got difference leh..aiyoh..so fan..like dat we can nvr noe whether we dilate oredi anot unless doc examine lor..sigh.. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">bizz, my hubby tot dilation means will pop straight away. Tats why he tot if 3 cm dilation, then baby can be delivered liao.

Now, my hubby is more impatient than me in this waiting game. Coz he told me his collegues keep asking him why he still working and how come i still hvnt pop. Within a day he has to repeat the answer for few times. He said make him look like he's the one goin to give birth.</font>
I also have thouhts of stuffing her mouth or throw her out the window when her crying totally drives me up the wall.

Now her poo-poo a little greenish, my mum said she got scare thats y.

Modern vs traditional mum
sure got ideas that clash
whats wrong?

When is Dr Ang going for his holidays? Pray hard u will pop b4 that.
I must said he did a good job on the stitching of the wound.
nekowong, ya, heard that day a lot of ladies gave birth. I think I reached the delivery waiting ward at around 3.30pm. My son cried while bidding me goodbye, shouldnt have let my hb brought him there coz his crying broke my heart.

Around 4.30pm, two mummies were pushed out with babies by their sides. I gave birth at 10.33pm. But that time, also got a no of ladies in labour, so only a couple of nurses available to attend to me after my delivery.
bizznow, yah. At least for me, no difference in feeling from dilation.

Felicia, your hb is not alone in the waiting game. Mine is very anxious now..
My ger got fever (38.5) on wed evening then me ask the CL y suddenly she got fever and did not 1 2 drink her milk for tat whole day then CL say tats ok for bb 1 cos bb tends to sleep more 1. But me n hb did bring my ger to clinic at my place but the doc suggest to bring back TMC cos bb is less than 1 mth. So we end up in TMC and the PD say need to admit cos fever too high liao. And me stay wif bb in TMC. Then need to do blood test, urine test and need to draw water from her back to test the brain water cos fever too high liao. Me so heart pain until me cry throughout the nite everytime me see my bb. But lucky her bain ok but got urine infection and there's bateria on her blood so need to jab antibotics 2 times everyday. Doc did tell tat becos bb lack of fluid intake so got urine infection and her jandice suddenly went up to 19. So need to phototherpy.
hi all !! am still here not delivered yet !
i am 40 +5 days now ... still praying for natural delivery (cuz doc prefers to induce at 41 weeks)

Cactus: u are right, pill - helps to thin the cervix, while the drip (oxytocin - sp ??) makes your uterus contract to bring on labour.
My doc prefers the pill to the drip. i think it's more gradual - apparently with the pill, you can insert it in the morning and walk ard then deliver at night !
But with the drip (in my expereicne with #1) it was really very quick, within 1 hour, i cld feel MAJOR contractions !
Lucky her fever went down the 2nd day and her jandice went down also and no longer need to phototherpy on 3rd day but still on antibotics and yesterday she have oral antibotics so today can discharge so tat we can feed her antibotics at home too. And the nurse also told us tat my bb got alot of wind and ask whether did we burp her each time after meal, then the CL say she only drink abit so no burp her and she did not know how to burp her also. Me so fed up of the CL till like feeling telling her to go back home. Me also tell my hb not to bring to TMC cos me dun 1 2 see her face.
Veniz - Actually I felt the same way too...waste $$$. I was practically washing the cloth diapers once a day coz cannot tahan the urine smell lah. In the end, DH forced me to get the disposable. We buy the cheap-cheap ones.

neokwong - Welcome &amp; Congrats!

Christina - *hugs* So sorry to hear that! Sending over lots of quick healing vibes!!!

KOng - Wow...5 days overdue? Jia Yu! Hope that you will deliver naturally. Me hoping the same thing too. My #1 was 40W1D. So, hope that #2 will not want to challenge her bro...he!he!

Star - That's the older generation beliefs lah. If I am not mistaken, greenish stools is due to BM lah.

bizznow - My obgyn also do not believe it VE. He keeps saying that when the fruit is ripe and ready, it will fall off naturally..he!he!

bizznow &amp; cactus - Sending over lots of ELVs and natural delivery vibes!!!
Tks, now me taking care of my ger ger myself and the CL only do housework and cook cos me dun 1 her to take care of ger ger liao. But me know how to handle my ger ger better liao.
JP - Thanks!!!

K Ong, I really hope to go as naturally as possible so just want to keep my spirits up and trust that my body knows what it is doing. I've not had a show yet, but have been alot of mucous like discharge. not the show though cos not bloody. Really hope my contractions become more and more established. like Ellysia. I dare not hope my labour be as smooth as Soyabean's. Good thing is my bb is a good weight. 3.2kg now, and putting on just under 20gm/day. Head circumferance at 32.9cm. I'm hoping to avoid induction till week 41, like you! My doctor is more keen to induce at week 40 + 3 days although if the amniotic fluid is sufficient (doing liquor volume at week 40+ 1) I will request to induce on 30 June 08 (week 41 +1). Hb's and my joint decision. Doctor siad he will leave it entirely up to us. Actually the clinical guidelines on induction of labours (MOH issued) says to induce only if beyond 41 weeks! Not at 40 weeks + x number of days. That's if no medical issues with mother or baby lah.
Cactus - Talking about contractions, aiyoh, every nite, contractions will come. Time and time it like a silly woman...then, it stops..haiz!!!

I ever heard tat sometimes if bb poo inside and eat his own poo, need to go for emergency c-sect.

I have show for 2 days before my real contraction start. Before show i have on and off contractions for 2.5 weeks.

When my real contraction start, my hb still suspect its those false ones! He ask me to monitor. I also dun want to go hosp so soon. tats why i ren until 2hrs. But then cannot walk properly liao, so no choice go to hosp. If not i intend to ren for 4-5hrs since its 1st born mah. no need to rush down so soon.
Ellysia - I think hor this time around, I am like you. Kena contractions but nothing also. Will just wait and wait till it happens lor.
JP, sounds like me!!! How often have your contractions been? How frequent and for how long ah? So far mine only 20 minutes 1 contraction, for 2 hours. each contraction less than 1 minute.

Ellysia, yes, if bb is overdue, mature, will poo inside. if breathe in own poo or eat it down, may cause infection. But it is not a big deal, cos the risk is low, and can be cured with antibiotics given to bb after birth. But of course, there is a risk lah. That's why I'm not keen to carry bb beyond 41 weeks.. cos it's a much higher risk of bb pooing or pooing alot.
<font color="aa00aa">Star, Dr Ang on holidays since last Sat till today. Will be bak on tmr, tats why i'm goin bak to see him tmr. Funny thing is he gave me the zenmolin pills to eat saying to relax womb, but i found my contractions is lesser when i'm eating tat pills. I finished it last 2 days then this 2 days i can feel my contractions is more frequent.
Today onwards i'm goin for my squatting and tailor position again coz i know Dr Ang is coming back. haha....</font>

My induce is not a lot i tink.. i heard nurse told me tat my gynae instruct not to give more than 1 dose/jab or someting like tat.

My gynae also instruct them not to give too much epi at pushing part. I tink she ctr on my epi tats why i still can feel a lot at pushing part. In fact i wanted to add more cos me in pain cannot tahan, nurse dun allow me say gynae instruct not to put too much.. in the end to relieve pain they give me a shot of epi.

i only know my bb poo inside when waterbag is break cos got yellowish colour. But dunno if he got eat his poo or not. And my bb is born few days before term.
Felicia, if bb poo, once waterbag is ruptured, can tell cos will be greenish/blackish.

Ellysia, I will definately ask my doctor to monitor the amount given to me by drip and to check the epi level esp for the pushing stage if I really need epi. I don't mind induced labour as long as it is as close to natural labour as possible.
Hi Linda, star,
Hai think our bb do drive us crazy. I was so freak out now whenever I hear her cry really. Now raining the more I scare cos she doesnt let us tie(in her nappy) recent and we decide to release her hands out and just use something to light to press against her. But rain so heavy n thunder roar, my mum she tie her up again and she keep crying! I blow up my temper cos hardly get to rest so afternoon normally after my lunch I will try to nap while my mum is around and Waken up by her cries. Sometime I also really feel like throwing her outside... I am a bad mommy..

Alot tell me to consider use sarong BUT I wont lo. If really sarong my mil will make alot comment too and I having headache again for the rest of my days... so rather bear wit it now
JP : thanks !

JP/Cactus : am also getting irregular contractions every evening but nothing major to warrant rushing to the hospital :p

Just checked today and fluid/placenta is ok, so Gynae is still happy ...
He's "alloweing" me to go up to 42 weeks provided i come in for a scan once every 2 days.

was chatting with a midwife at his clinic, and she says if we get those backache cramnpy feeling, it means labour is just round the corner !
Some of us wont have the bloody show - as we wld be losing the mucus plus a little by little each time and it's not very obvious.

so who here is still waiting ?
Felicia, yah, Ellysia is right. cannot tell whether bb eat his poo or not even if he poo. actually, chance of bb eating or breathing in his poo is very small even if he poo-ed. Even IF he ate/breathed in his poo, doesn't mean he will have an infection. My nephew ate his poo (saw traces of poo in his mouth at birth) but he also never have any infection. Even IF have an infection, can give antibiotics to cure it. so not a big deal. alot of doctors practise defensive medicine.. they rather just stick well within the guidelines, but if you believe strongly for something, my suggestion is to do your own research, try to have it as localised as possible.. then talk to your doctor about it. At the end of the day, the final decision is yours and your hb's. Ur doctor can advice but that's all.
K Ong, your doctor is really nice to let you wait till 42 weeks!
Good for you! What's your bb's weight now? And the head circumference? My fear if I wait till 41 weeks is that my bb may be bigger than I can cope.. but so far ok still - cos 32.9cm (head circumference) and weight is 3.2kg at 39 weeks exactly. I think bb will be about 3.3kg at 40 weeks, and head circumference should be about 33.5cm at 40 weeks. Think it's still managable.
Cactus - Mine contractions often starts at nite..aiyoh. Yesterday's was really crazy. Started at 1.50am - 3.00pm. 6-7 mins apart. Wanted to wait till 3-4 mins apart before going in to TMC coz #1 is sleeping mah. But, it stopped! Sian!!!

Ellysia - Yup, its super sian! *haiz*

K Ong - Har, 42 weeks? Yup, the crampy feeling like backaches has arrived, contractions also but still NOTHING...sian man.
cactus : i haven't checked on weight and head circumference since week 38. dont think my doc is too worried abt those measurements...
sld be fine la

K Ong, I lost 1.1kg over 1 week (from week 38 to week 39) so my doctor checked on the weight of the bb. He usually takes the head circumference in the computation of the weight estaimate.

JP, sounds like your contractions are fantastic!! over 2 hours and 6 to 7 minutes apart!
Hang in there.. maybe true labour will come soon!! Do you know if your cervix is dilated?
